My interview with St. John


66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
United States
Marital Status
Ross; "You are the great eagle in the book of Revelation, your own book, correct?"

John; "correct, and correct."

Ross; "Was this really you that came to see me in the ten-minute daydream in 2016 on Patriot's Day?"

John; "I could tell you didn't know who I was at the time, but yes."

Ross; "Do you remember what I asked?"

John; "You told me that, if the woman on the radio was correct, you would have to go back in time and do these things that brought you here today", "and I replied, "You were correct and that if you were going to go about doing it that way to let go and let God act first"."

Ross; "Is what happened on November 8th of 2016 the act of God you've foretold to me?"

John; "Yes."

Ross; "You know John, if I were to be the author of the most intrinsic verse in God's word, the most predominant, the most, "Important" verse in the entire Bible every Christian lives and dies by, you surely by all of God's people would know that verse by heart, right?"

John; "For God so loved the world, that he gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, Amen."

Ross; "Amen."

Ross; "Heartwarming"; "Tell me something", "You and I had something in common at one time, my story was garbage, why you like it so much?"

John; "420 shades of violet?" "Oh, about that,"

John; "You know, even though the story was complete blasphemy, I noticed what you did in the end there. I felt awful, so I had to do something."

Ross; "I could tell something had to be done," "What happened in 2014?"

John; "Yeah; I noticed the inconsistencies, the others were willing to act out of command, until I noticed the trouble starting over in Russia, apparently your curse was real, you don't even want to know how lucky you were."

Ross; "I notice you feel as if you know something you're not willing to tell me; all of these time travelers had to have told you something, secrets?" "Spoiler alert!"

John; "let's keep it to code okay."

John; "Why do you listen to that AWOLNATION garbage? The previous song was really good."

Ross; "John, you want to know the truth about my story, my passions, and our said competition?"

Ross; "I never intended to use Him to further my agenda; I hear something on topic and used it to my advantage, and I should have looked before I jumped, reading your version of my story would have solved things sooner. It was never about that."

John; "go on."

Ross; "Ever since fifth grade, I've had these strange demonic feelings. Every morning, and the radio. Eleventh grade came that fateful tenth night with that beast. I took them all out; he never let the others near me. I wasn't the same after that moment, but why God would let what that thing do what he did that morning would haunt me for a very long time, even though I'm sure I'm not the only one."

Ross; "Thanks to you he's gone now", "That number John?"

John; "I see now why this day makes you feel that way, brother", "The Demon's visage didn't bother you that night, how did he manage to null this feeling?"

Ross; "I only know one being who could answer that."

Ross; "Last year I made a promise to you; I asked you to share the story about the seeds, because the tomato plant on the patio reminded me of it, I didn't even mind if it wasn't your own story. I told you I'd buy a new Bible if you could prove to me you were better than him."

John; "Your preacher's sermon was about the seeds that Sunday, and yes, you kept your word to me, and God rewarded you for your discernment of me."

John; "I can tell you've gone far in the last three years."

Ross; "Where did these strange visions come from John? It's been a year now and I've never been able to explain them."

John; "You mean the auras? Those could be part of your gift from the Great Spirit, you keep saying you see them at church the most."

John; "You're an empath brother; you know, I really do want to tell you but that would just ruin the story for you, you have everything you need."

Ross; "Tell me more about little sister, she played with me last week. This old woman knows so much about me, and I'm not even allowed to know her name."

Ross; "I know she panics a lot."

John; "She's just fine, you have so much to lose and she's glad you've found enlightenment."

John; "I've read your documentary; you know, the only reason this diagram worked for you is because it was given to you by the great spirit, you're currently the only one who understands it enough to live by it.", "You need to keep meditating like this."

Ross; "Last year I went looking for the security video footage of the event that happened three years ago at Walmart, was that you in the store?" "I saw a portrait of you on Google and the guy I saw in the store reminded me a lot of the guy I saw in the painting."

Ross; "I rewrote my poem just for him."

John; "I noticed; thanks for paying attention to that detail. My future self, more than likely."

Ross; "I've seemed to have learned a lot from you in the last three years. I want to ask, what is your take is on 1984?"

John; "I'm assuming you were born in 1984, correct?"

Ross; "You get the idea, right?"

Ross; "I was willing to adopt the great St. John as a brother, but then you told me it wasn't necessary."

John; "I did technically say that didn't I?"

Ross; "Big brother, 1984."

Ross; "After I got your message in the jeep, I wrote a three-page read, in my writing I say, "My passions were written into the deserts of south-central America. There is a hummingbird, an orca, the alien. but then there was also an eagle?"

John; "From the future maybe?"

Ross; "I know the hummingbird, I know the orca, the eagle was rather extra in this group, it seemed as if I didn't actually have a passion for the eagle but the eag--

"John; "Look; I'm not going to say it's imposable we become the best of friends on the other side. It's been 2000 years now and still; but think for a moment, we're still ahead of the curb, and all the information you see here only proves a positive outcome."