MIxing occult/new age with christianity

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Aug 26, 2003
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There are some of you out there I am concerned for.. some who haunt this forum and think its ok to be a christian new ager or a christian witch as I used to think of myself. It is not. It is disgusting and an abomination to the Lord and he says witches feet dwell in the very depths of hell.

in the bible there was a woman named Jezebel who was very "religious" and did the very same thing.. bringing in her false prophets to lie and soothe her and not speak the true word of God and she would have the true prophets destroyed.

I am seeing a manifestation of that very same spirit on this board the last few months and I am worried for those who are being controlled by it.. being prideful and thinking your relationship and beliefs of the Lord are above being called into question. None of us are so spiritual and above reproof our walk or beliefs or prophecies are above being questioned.

There is good news though..when you repent from practicing false doctorine and renounce the occult and get deliverance then God can use you for what he has been waiting to use you for.. For example I used to be clairvoyant and was a medium.. now I have been through major deliverance and teachings and listening to the Word and to the Holy spirit and I prophesy like God intended for me to...
If anyone is getting angry at me or feels kind of sickly reading this and wants to be free contact me. I will interceed until you are ok?
There are all sorts of ways to tell if someone has been controlling you with emotional witchcraft.. I have been studying jezebel for a long time and I have noticed she likes to hook onto prophets God wants and their gift is twisted and perverted and she whispers lies in their ear and feeds off their rejection..So the person inside the demon which surrounds them like an iron maiden.. inside the person is spiritual jello.. haha been there done that, gotten the demons. I was possessed with jezebel for at least a yr or so of my life and when I was set free it was the greatest day of my life. I hope those of you who have been in confusion read this and have your eyes opened..
Right now in jesus name I wage a war against the lying jezebel spirit I bind it up and ask you lord to remove the scales from their eyes and the lies from their ears. amen

(disclaimer no names have been named.. its not a hatecrime to hate the demons and sin and not the person and this was written within all the rules)


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Oct 18, 2003
I'm certain that you're aware of the problem with your message - most people won't believe you.We live in the final age of the church,the age of apostasy during which time the churches are being taken over by fake christians and their false teachings.As I was typing those words a good example just came into my mind.Just a few days ago one of our political leaders had the audacity to announce,"freedom is a gift from God"Unfortunately he was talking about political freedom which he believes we should kill and slaughter for.The only freedoms Jesus talked about were the freedom of love,the freedom of forgiveness,the freedom of living with the Holy Spirit and the freedom granted through salvation.Political freedom is a concept totally alien to Christianity.In these last days before the period of tribulation kicks in,more and more perversion will work its way into the church and of course this and other prayer boards.In fact some weeks ago I filed charges of blasphemy against one of the moderators.What alot of Christians don't realize is that there is an ever-intensifying spiritual battle occuring on earth.So the social approval of moral abominations such as homosexuality and multiple marriages for instance,are something we can expect to see alot more of in some churches.Even worse,we need to be on the alert for false prophets who claim to represent God while all the time they are speaking for Satan.It is just this type of perversion that the rapture is being prepard to take care of.So it's a good news/bad news scenerio.The moral sickness in Christianity is one of the signs of Jesus' soon return.OH JESUS HAVE MERCY ON US.GOD FORGIVE US.
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Dec 30, 2003
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Talking about witchcraft and stuff, I've often wondered about witchcraft inside of the church! Yes, that's right! I've experienced some stuff at certain charismatic gatherings, which really makes me think, there's witchcraft going on in the church and witchcraft within the church is more threatening to the Body of Christ than pagan new age witchcraft! I'm not talking about pagans infiltrating the church by purpose, but either christians using the gifts of the Spirit in the flesh--hatred, bitterness in their lives, etc, and because in the flesh, allowing unclean spirits to unknowingly operate in them, or those who are 'religious' but aren't really saved. It bothers me, because the Word of God says to judge prophets, teachers, etc by the fruit! What are the fruit? The fruit of the Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfullness, gentleness, self control (Gal 5:22) I've experienced abusive flaky use of the prophetic, etc. I was told I would get sick and die and go to hell in this fellowship I use to be a part of--if I ever left them! There's even a counterfit tongues!! Yes! That's right! When I was 5 yrs old, my mom, who wasn't saved, but went up for prayer at a Christ for the Nations service, received a demonic tongue--it would take a long time to tell it, but one night when I was in bed at that age, an accident happened involving a candle in my room--all at the same time my mom was 'praying' uncontrollable(she wasn't in control of her 'tongues') It really scared me and made me think God hated me and wanted me dead--in reality it was satan telling me a lie and wanted to kill me because he knew I would probably be a threat to his kingdom. It was a candle of a pilgrim that my mom had put in my window and it was lit. I somehow felt creeped out by it(you know, Salem witchhunts, 'stern' puritan religion, etc), well, I wanted to get rid of the candle, because I felt it was connectedto my mom's 'praying' and had an accident with it, it fell to the floor and the carpet went up in flames! Then just as the flames burned, they smoldered out(a miracle of God?!!! Someone I told this story to, told me that often carpet back in the 70's were dangerous and would go up in flames big time!) After leaving the spiritual abusive fellowship I was a part of a few years ago, I've thought back to when I was 5, and it made me think, I got those same feelings(that God hated me and wanted to kill me) in that abusive fellowship--even in certain gatherings I've gone to, I felt 'unsafe'. I've learned that I need to test the spirits--judge prophecy, for example, the prophecy that I was given by the abusive fellowship, the woman who gave it to me, was working out of outburst of anger and bitterness. I thank Abba that He gave me the grace to realize that, and to leave. Lara
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ANE Social Science Researcher
Aug 25, 2003
Toronto, Ontario
Abba = Hebrew for Father

Ah yes, I forgot to say. I've noticed as well some relativistic philosophy creep into the church. I do what I can though, in proving that particular philosophy inconsistent with actual reality.

But this still holds true, regardless, unless God removes the deception: people believe precisely what they want to believe.

A former pastor I talk to makes this comment about some churches: "Churches have gone from soul-saving to entertainment. It's not even good entertainment, and that's what people are complaining about."

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Dec 30, 2003
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No, no, I'm not saying being charismatic is witchcraft, I'm saying that a christian with the gifts can misuse the gifts if He or she is in bitterness, or is in the flesh (read Galatians 5:19-23), then they can misuse the gifts and it will turn into witchcraft. Also, another scripture says "rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft"

ABBA--is Daddy in Aramaic! Read Romans 8:15! For you have not receive a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have receive a spirit of adoption as sons(and daughters!) by which we cry out "Abba! Father!"

Children in Israel today (I've been over to Israel and learned some Hebrew )still call their dads, Abba!
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Aug 26, 2003
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That is very true cherokee..
I was a victim of charismatic witchcraft.. they were telling me false prophecies like who I might marry.. and who to stay away from and raising me up to be a minister there when i was just sixteen. Then the minister who was a jezebel in the other sense (control freak) was majorly jealous and went to my parents and lied and said I was thinking of leaving the religion and all this other stuff I had no idea about until this year my father exploded onto me about events four yrs of which I had no knowledge. Charismatic witchcraft twists pastors and people.. like for instance they were always calling down "revival" when it was SO obvious the filthy twisted mess they were involved in. I am sorry you had to go through that cherokee.. I pray and worry so much that im fake like them but God keeps assuring me Im not. plus I had to deal with the stigma of having all these fake charismatics doing literal witchcraft against me praying for me to fall, or be sick or given over to my demons..
But alot of us are not like that.. I would never give a false prophecy because I have so much disreguard for prophets who use the fleshly emotions to control people.. my dad had such a witchcraft hold on my for three yrs my mind-IE my intellect was on vacation and one day I was praying and I said I dont CARE WHAT HE SAYS ANYMORE .. im married and a grown woman. and I felt this breaking on my spirit and suddenly i could speak in french and german againa dn I could do math and write in foreign languages and think of book references and so on.. for three yrs i was like anna nicole smith.. (insert brains here) As soon as I was praying that day God gave me total deliverance of my mind..
i went to my dads one day a few months ago for prayer for my healing and deliverance..instead of doing what a good minister should and praying and delivering me.. he said "you have hurt this family beyond repair blah blah, your evil, God wont forgive you, your gonna kill your stepmother and I believe you have earned your sickness and I dont care what happens to you with it" ;tada charismatic witchcraft.
and my family still tries to manipulate me but Im stronger praise him.. I pray you are set free from any pains you got from that wicked place.
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God's sparrow
Dec 27, 2003

Yes Praise God, Jesus is bigger. I too worry about witchcraft etc in the church, theres so much deception that binds people up. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't experienced it. The majority of churches I have been to are okay but I went to one for 18 months that I still wonder about and that was 7 years ago - it was so destructive to my mind. Anyway the good news is God was so gentle in bringing me back from all that deception!! I wouldn't be sane today if it wasn't for Him!! He is bigger!

I'm still not sure what to do about this kind of thing in the church. I have found a relatively good church now, no church is perfect but this one has controls in place which seem wise to me to keep the people relatively safe.
It is Bible believing and Bible preaching so its grounded.
Where would we be without God aye
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The problem with this mindset is that it calls into question everyone. People read this and wonder "Is he talking about me and what I believe? Does he think I am a 'charismatic witch'?"
Unless you have something to offer that is edifying to the reader, or that specifically exhorts them on to better things, then your concept is really an open ended one that only serves to depress and cause doubts.
Just get specific.
What are you talking about?
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I am not discussing charismatic witchcraft somebody else brought it up.
I am discussing these so called modern christians who believe in jesus, the kabbalah, tarot, dream catchers, horoscopes...past lives, believing there are ghosts instead of what they really are-demons.. madam cleo... This is not a modern concept.. mixing jesus with blasphemy goes all the way back to Jezebel and well before her but she is the most famous for her tribes of false prophets. I am talking about those with the spiritual beliefs of nowadays who are trying to call themselves christians who think a cocktail of spirituality is okay to mix with christianity..
This worries me as I see my own grandmother mixing bibles with new age books I promptly throw away and dream catchers near scriptures .. I brought it up because its considered the new hip thing to do to be a christian witch.
What I meant by the "spirit whispering in your ear" are the ones who are like a combo of the witch of endor and a pharisee.. for instance they get really angry and defensive if you question their motives or spiritual experiences.. my family is famous for it.. Usually if you think you are untouchable with your prophetic words or are mixing occult with Jesus its a jezebel spirit.. thats the point im trying to make... trying to set anyone who reads this and gets angry about my words free.. if they see a need to be.
Im not blaming anyone on here persay I see the spirits all over the place nowadays and feel God is pushing me to say something.
The people here in charismatic forum are a real blessing and most are very holy spirit knowledgable.
Plus god is showing me that if your heart is so set on being righteous for him that you have a worry about ever entering into charismatic witchcraft on someone or prophesying out of you're flesh chances are you wont.
Im not fighting with anyone didy.. I wrote this to raise awareness because I was set free of a witchcraft one myself not too many yrs ago that I "inherited" from my mother and I have a genuine desire to see people freed of it.
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Dec 30, 2003
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I think seeking and growing close and abiding in Christ is the answer(John 15:4-8). Scripture tells us to test the spirits, because many false prophets come into the world I John 4:1-3. Thinking about it, when I was in that abusive fellowship, it was as if Christ was put on the backburner---as if what He did at the Cross was not enough. Another scripture also comes to mind, Matt 7:13-23--especially verse 22-23 which says Many will say to Me on that day, "LORD, LORD, did we not prophesy in your Name, and in Your Name, cast out demons, and in Your Name, performed many miracles, and then He will declare to them, I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness." But if we are wondering if we are part of that false group, it's good to search our hearts, and turn to HIM. Remembering John 6:37 is a good thing: All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to ME, I will certainly not cast out". If we are searching our hearts, then it's a good chance we wont be a part of that false group--willing to let Him purify us thru the refining fire. Any bitterness and unforgivness to depart. One of first things I did when I left that fellowship was to forgive and release the ones who cursed me. I realize also, that they were, 1)younger spiritually in the Lord and 2)that they probably had issues from leaving a church in their past. Hurt people hurt people. Also, I realized, I should have left when I felt uneasy in the first place. I remember one of first days I was at their house, and I felt a churning in my stomach. They claimed it was because I needed deliverence and that I was led there for deliverence. Yes, I knew I needed deliverence, but I found out later, the LORD's plans were different from theirs. I went thru deliverence after leaving that place! Lara
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On my sister Lottedah's words, it makes me think of my mom, who I mentioned in my first post, who 'cursed' me unknowingly thru satanic tongues. Here was my mom, who didn't know the Lord, wasn't saved, but had interest in religion(thinking she was a christian because she was confirmed in the Episcopal church when 13),, she dabbled in astrology, smoked pot, etc and went down to receive the Holy Spirit at a Christ for the Nations service. But the person who led her to speak in tongues, wasn't sensitive to the Spirit to realize she didn't know the Lord yet, that she needed to receive Christ first. She got a false spirit instead. How many others like her is there? And in the Church!!!
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I just realize something, there's a lady I met when I first came to the town I live in now. I guess she is what Lottedah has described, because when I met her, it really puzzled me--she claimed to be a christian(and she attends a certain church here in town) and I went over to her house(I wanted to see her house because it used to be Grandpa Jones' house)--I shared some things to her, and I was thinking she was a spirit-filled Believer, but then she started talking about reincarnation, and that she helped a spirit of a little boy to cross over to the 'other side', etc. I went, "UH OH!" I was glad to leave that place! The last few times I've seen her, she's given me some really dirty looks. I later also, learned that there's a lot of witches around here(I live in a small town in the Ozarks). There's suppose to be a lady witch that has 50 students over in a small town 15 miles from here! I really hadn't been familiar with Wiccans, etc so it's sort of a struggle for me here. I don't feel safe at this one church--because there's some people that remind me of the people in the abusive fellowship,, then, many of the other churches are stuck in tradition, Spirit not welcomed, etc. Lara
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