• With the events that occured on July 13th, 2024, a reminder that posts wishing that the attempt was successful will not be tolerated. Regardless of political affiliation, at no point is any type of post wishing death on someone is allowed and will be actioned appropriately by CF Staff.


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Aug 10, 2006
Rock Hill, SC
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When we believe in Jesus Christ to be Lord and Savior of our lives, this isn’t just about having all of our sins forgiven so that we can escape hell and so that we can go to heaven when we die, even though many people are presenting the gospel in that light alone. This is about being delivered, by the grace of God, out of our lives of living in slavery to sin, so that we can now, by God’s power, live holy lives pleasing to God in walks of obedience to his New Covenant commands, no longer as slaves to sin.

But that is not the end of it all, and neither is the promise that, for us who remain faithful to the Lord, that one day our Lord is going to return and he is going to take us to be with him for eternity. There is a whole life to be lived for the Lord from the time we initially believe in him until he takes us home to be with him for eternity, which for some of us could be many, many years. And so this is about what happens between the time we initially believe in Jesus and the time he takes us home to be with him.

For now we are to walk in holiness and in righteousness in obedience to our Lord, and we are to do what the Lord says to do, but in his strength and wisdom, and not in our own. And he has a plan and a purpose for each one of us who believes in him, and he will show us what that is if we seek his face and if we desire to know and to do his will. But this will also mean that we will face persecution and rejection, and we will go through trials and tribulations, but through it all the Lord will be our strength. Amen!

Mighty in Power

An Original Work / June 17, 2019

Jesus, our Savior, reigneth forever;
Mighty in power, His name we honor.
He’s our refuge from all evil.
God our righteous, He’s our fill.
He satisfies us with all His blessings.
We magnify Him. Our praise to Him sing.

Glory and honor, praise to the Father,
Perfect in wisdom, He is our vision.
He delivered us from all sin
So, in Christ, we’d be forgiven.
He purifies us. His love will guide us.
He is beside us, holy and righteous.

Our Holy Spirit, comfort in sorrow,
Strength in our weakness, hope for tomorrow.
He gives courage to be bold in
Witnessing for Jesus Christ.
He teaches all things about our Savior.
New life in Jesus, we found His favor.