long hair...a bad thing?

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Sep 17, 2005
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MbiaJc said:
Nope! As long as a man does not have long hair his head is not covered. Also as long as a woman has long hair her head is covered. That is the plain and simple word of God.
You need to forget your doctrine of men and study the scriptures for yourself.
And no we do not all go outside of the bible for our interpretation. It took me a long time to forget my doctrine of men and study the bible (not what someone wrote about it) letting the Holy Spirit be the interpreter. It takes a lot of practice if one has as much doctrine of men in them as I did. But thanks be to God I have about got rid of it all.

so as long as my hair doesnt go past my waist im fine.... ok that will work
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Sep 17, 2005
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arunma said:
To be honest, I understand the Bible to tell us that women should veil themselves in church, and that men should not cover their heads in church. It seems to me that explanations about "cultural differences" are vain attempts to deny the words of God. Indeed, I've also heard the explanation that a woman's headcovering is her husband (where did this come from, and what about unmarried women?). We could just as well say that prohibitions against adultry and homosexuality should be understood in a cultural context.

Now, no women in my church veil themselves during services. In fact, some women also have short hair. Do I think that they are "less Christian" for doing so? Of course not. I am resigned to the fact that almost no church today obeys the Biblical command regarding hair. And of all the church problems that Paul corrected in 1 Corinthians, if this is the only command that we aren't following, I think we're still doing pretty well (at least no one gets drunk during the Lord's Supper). I make no attempt to change church practice.

That said, let us not try to misinterpret the words of God. It says that men should not cover themselves, and that women should. Why deny this?

though im not sure thats right.... if you really believe that to be true then why are you saying that you know this but since your doing pretty well then its ok not too. Shouldnt every thing God says be followed even if your already doing a "good job".
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Flaming Calvinist
Apr 29, 2004
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ArchangelGabriel said:
though im not sure thats right.... if you really believe that to be true then why are you saying that you know this but since your doing pretty well then its ok not too. Shouldnt every thing God says be followed even if your already doing a "good job".

Yes, but what can I do? Tell every church in America that they are wrong? For my part, I don't grow woman's-length hair. But I cannot impose this view on anyone else.
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Senior Member
Aug 24, 2005
Danfrey said:
1 Cor 11
14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?
Oh. Yeah. And Paul was a Jew's Jew.

I wonder if anyone has studied the history of this question. Did the early church fathers press this issue? Was there ever a controversy in the church until the last hundred years regarding this?
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