Letting Go Poem


Active Member
Feb 6, 2002
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Hi all,
I just wanted to share a poem I wrote
3 months ago with you guys.

At that time, my thoughts were VERY
preoccupied with a certain someone.

Somehow I felt that he was the one God
had chosen for me. But now I don't think so.
I have begun the process of letting him go
and filling that 'void' in my life with God.
It feels so good to do that and to admit
to God that He is all I need.

Lately I've been thinkin
Of meeting the one
Who will love me
Despite my weaknesses
Just like You, Lord

I've been reading
Advice on the Internet
Seeking wisdom from
Those around me
Even strangers on the net

I've been thinking
Of one special man
Often wondering
If I made the right choices
Or just made mistakes

I know Lord You are
The one I ought to seek
The one who knows
Who I will be with
And the time for that

But, my heart doesn't know
My flesh doesn't either
So God help me
Listen with my spirit

The love of a human being
Can never satisfy
Singles have problems
Couples have theirs
And the married too

It's all about You, Lord
Seeking You, Loving You
And through that
Finding the woman
You want me to be

When I meet that man, Lord
He and I will seek You, love You
And help each other
To grow into the man and woman
You want us to be

So I'm going to start now
Knowing You and Loving You
And through that
Know myself, Love myself
And when the time comes

I'll be ready, Lord.
In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
--Proverbs 16:9