Law of Attraction or "The Secret"

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From what I know, it's really 'airy-fairy' kinda stuff. All fluff, and nothing solid behind it. They use buddhist & Christian scripture to back it up, but its basically just twisted faith.

They throw thoughts 'out into the universe', where the thoughts attract positive energy. It then goes back to the person and somehow manifests itself into reality. Most of it is just for material possession however.

Its sweeping the globe, and attracting the middle-class in large numbers. Oprah even supports it!
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From what I know, it's really 'airy-fairy' kinda stuff. All fluff, and nothing solid behind it. They use buddhist & Christian scripture to back it up, but its basically just twisted faith.

They throw thoughts 'out into the universe', where the thoughts attract positive energy. It then goes back to the person and somehow manifests itself into reality. Most of it is just for material possession however.

Its sweeping the globe, and attracting the middle-class in large numbers. Oprah even supports it!

It sounds like a perversion of truth, with some truth twisted and mangled into a lie. Our words do matter, and if we line them up with the Word, can bring manifest results for God's glory. So it sounds like what is going on is another of Satan's counterfeits of power God has given us who are in Messiah.
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I've heard it's Biblical principals BUT without God. Some sinners tithe knowing they're going to be blessed.
This is what I've heard. Someone told me that it is very similar to what Brother Hagin teaches about confession. I know nothing about the book though. There are sinners who successfully use biblical principles more so than some of the religious.
Religion and tradition tells their people they can't have what they say. Baloney and rubbish. Sinners know better than that.
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Jul 12, 2005
I've heard it's Biblical principals BUT without God. Some sinners tithe knowing they're going to be blessed.

That's exactly what it is. Biblical principles without God. Anything that teaches biblical principles but removes teaching about a relationship with Jesus is a work of the anti-christ spirit. And it's sad to say that a lot of Christians are even caught up in this trick of the enemy.
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That's exactly what it is. Biblical principles without God. Anything that teaches biblical principles but removes teaching about a relationship with Jesus is a work of the anti-christ spirit.
I disagree. Most successful corporations use these principles and ARE Christians. The anti-Christ will not have ultimate power and will NOT defeat the victorious Church. We will rule and reign in these latter days.
And it's sad to say that a lot of Christians are even caught up in this trick of the enemy.
Word of Faith has been acussed of being the 'wealth and health' folks and the 'blab it and grab it' folks because we believe we can have what we say.(I don't see the WoF icon in your user name.) The world is finding out these principles work and their wealth will help bring in the end time harvest before the rapture of the church. The spirit of anti-christ and the devil is under the Church's feet. His power in the last days has been exagerrated by religion and tradition. The devil wants to keep the whole world sick and poor and then drag them to his hell. The church, as it exists, is unable to fund the end time harvest. If the wicked are grabbing hold of the so called 'blab it and grab it' principles and becoming wealthy, so be it. Sometimes the children of darkness have more sense than the children of light. If you can't say Amen, say OH ME!!:tutu:
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Stacie Jaye
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This stuff is not cool. They are Christian principles, in some ways, but without Jesus. This does not work. It will lead people to hell, (feeling good about themselves, and maybe even rich.

Here are some quotes I got from their page last feb when I first heard about them.

* (not how much you can earn, but how much you want to receive).
* Fall in love with money.
* (most people do not love money, because they don't have enough of it).
* Visualize and imagine yourself spending all the money you want, as though you have it already.
* Speak, act and think from the mindset of being wealthy now.
* (eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as "I can't afford it", "It is too expensive".
* Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second.
* Be grateful for the money you have. Appreciate it as you touch it.
* Make lists of all the things you will buy with an abundance of money.
* Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.
* Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money, and that it comes to you effortlessly.
* Appreciate all the riches around you, including the riches of others. Look for wealth wherever you go, and appreciate it.
* Be certain that money is coming to you.
* Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.
* Remind yourself everyday that you are a money magnet, and ask yourself often during the day, am I attracting money now or pushing it away with my thoughts.
* Always, always pay yourself first from your wage, then pay your creditors.
* (in that single act, you are telling the Universe that you are worthy and deserving of more).
* Repeat over and over every day, "I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily".
* Write out a check to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it in your wallet. Look at it often.
* Do whatever it takes to feel good. The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets. Be happy now!
* Love yourself!

Wealth is a mindset.
Money is literally attracted to you or
repelled from you. It's all about how you think.


You can completely transform any relationship,
no matter what it's like right now.

Every single relationship you have is a reflection of how you feel inside about you. You are a magnet attracting to you all things, via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings. Every relationship you have and every interaction with every person, is a reflection of your own thoughts and feelings in that very moment.

To transform every single relationship you have in your life:

* Relationships Fall in love with YOU!
(you must love yourself deeply).
* Make lists of hundreds and hundreds of wonderful things about you. Keep adding to it every day.
* Know that you are perfect.
(do not think any negative thoughts about you).
* Know that you are worthy and deserving of anything and everything you could possibly want in your life.
* Focus on the wonderful things in every person. Look for only those things.
* Do not blame or criticize anybody, ever.
* Set an intention that you are going to see the best in everything and everyone.
* Make your happiness the number one thing in your life.
(Happiness is an inside job.)
* Free yourself of the responsibility of trying to make other people happy
(respect and love them enough to allow them to take care of their own happiness).
* Get your attention off those things in others that don't make you feel good.
* Appreciate and love yourself in every moment you can.
* Do not expect others to behave in a way you want, so you will be happy. Release yourself forevermore and know that you alone control your happiness and it is a choice, no matter what anyone else is doing.
* Love and respect yourself completely.
* Know that you are PERFECT right now.

I paid the five dollars to watch the Movie.. but couldn't handle five minutes of it. It became very obvious very quickly that they were using some of the same things that Copeland says, but without first being saved and then being led by the Holy Spirit.

It is like the world wants to say, 'it works for them, it will work for us.'
But that is only true as long as believers do not pray, find God's will, and then by obeying His directions, take the land they are assigned to.

These are my thought.
But the quotes are all theirs.

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Jul 12, 2005
I disagree. Most successful corporations use these principles and ARE Christians. The anti-Christ will not have ultimate power and will NOT defeat the victorious Church. We will rule and reign in these latter days. Word of Faith has been acussed of being the 'wealth and health' folks and the 'blab it and grab it' folks because we believe we can have what we say.(I don't see the WoF icon in your user name.) The world is finding out these principles work and their wealth will help bring in the end time harvest before the rapture of the church. The spirit of anti-christ and the devil is under the Church's feet. His power in the last days has been exagerrated by religion and tradition. The devil wants to keep the whole world sick and poor and then drag them to his hell. The church, as it exists, is unable to fund the end time harvest. If the wicked are grabbing hold of the so called 'blab it and grab it' principles and becoming wealthy, so be it. Sometimes the children of darkness have more sense than the children of light. If you can't say Amen, say OH ME!!:tutu:

You disagree and you are entitled to that.

Again I say that anything that teaches biblical principles without first teaching about Jesus, is operating in a spirit of the anti-christ. It teaches how to get the rewards without the relationship. That's not of God.

Yes the Kingdom of God will rule and reign in the latters days. Nowhere did I say or suggest that we wouldn't. Facts are facts and the anti-christ spirit is deceiving plenty of God's people. However in the end Truth will prevail.

When did I say anything about WOF? :scratch: Okay, you don't see a WOF icon in my username and again I ask when did I make any reference to suggest that anything I said in regards to christians being caught in the trick of the enemy was in reference to WOF?

And why are you assuming that the trick I was refering to was obtaining wealth? When I said they are teaching biblical principles without the relationship with God.

I was simply saying that some Christians don't even recognize the fact that the relationship with Jesus has been removed in these teachings and as Christians we should be able to discern that.

Not that I need to explain myself, but just for the record, I have no problem with WOF or the message of God's prosperity. God wants us to have the best of both worlds. We get wealthy in spirit first, and as our character develops and matures the financial prosperity comes, for it's the last (least important) segment of wealth. God get's our heart, soul and spirit right first so when the money comes, He can trust us with it.

I'll tell you what the Spirit shared with me a few weeks ago: when we pursue purpose, money will pursue us.

Within the vision, there is His provision.

God Bless!
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You disagree and you are entitled to that.

Again I say that anything that teaches biblical principles without first teaching about Jesus, is operating in a spirit of the anti-christ. It teaches how to get the rewards without the relationship. That's not of God.
I agree the relationship is of upmost importance, however, I don't know if the teaching of biblical principles is necessarily the spirit of anti-christ... sounds much too illuminatti, conspiracy theory oriented to me.:doh: The Law of Sowing and Reaping or positive confession works for everyone just as the Law of Gravity works for everyone. Most people just tap into it.

Yes the Kingdom of God will rule and reign in the latters days. Nowhere did I say or suggest that we wouldn't. Facts are facts and the anti-christ spirit is deceiving plenty of God's people. However in the end Truth will prevail.
I guess it's all about perspective. I see the wicked giving their wealth to the church, I see mass conversions, healings, miracles... the latter rain... the triumphant, glorious church... the great awakening, not the great mistakening. I see all these things happening on the streets, not in the church's awesome!:clap:

When did I say anything about WOF? :scratch: Okay, you don't see a WOF icon in my username and again I ask when did I make any reference to suggest that anything I said in regards to christians being caught in the trick of the enemy was in reference to WOF?
The book mentioned in the OP, I've heard, uses some WoF priniciples. Why would the enemy want anyone to prosper? The enemy unusally wants to deceive the church with a poverty order to humble them.;)

And why are you assuming that the trick I was refering to was obtaining wealth? When I said they are teaching biblical principles without the relationship with God.
Corporations use the principles of this book in order to create success and wealth. That's what the book is about.
I was simply saying that some Christians don't even recognize the fact that the relationship with Jesus has been removed in these teachings and as Christians we should be able to discern that.
I'm sure that's obvious to Christians, but I don't see the connection with the anti-christ. Why be in business and fail to prosper? Do you want to learn to be a failure or a for a failed business or a successful business? Sounds like a no brainer.:D
Not that I need to explain myself, but just for the record, I have no problem with WOF or the message of God's prosperity. God wants us to have the best of both worlds. We get wealthy in spirit first, and as our character develops and matures the financial prosperity comes, for it's the last (least important) segment of wealth. God get's our heart, soul and spirit right first so when the money comes, He can trust us with it.
Not necessarily, I've seen baby Christians get a hold of positive confession and the law of sowing and reaping and turn their financial situation around. Spiritual maturity is not necessarily a prerequisite. The same holds true for healings and miracles or any other promise of God...all that's required is child-like faith. "Seasoned" Christians are sometimes the hardest to receive.

I'll tell you what the Spirit shared with me a few weeks ago: when we pursue purpose, money will pursue us.
Agreeing here!

Within the vision, there is His provision.
I would say within the Word and the principles of sowing and reaping, positive confession, etc. there is provision.:thumbsup:
God Bless!
God Bless you too!:)
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There is only one Way to true prosperity, and that is being a covenant child of God through Messiah. All of the earthly riches in the world cannot compare to the eternal weight of glory we receive in Messiah.

So, it is the work of the anti-messiah spirit in the world when the masses of the world are being told any message that includes or suggests "you don't need Messiah."

Matthew 16:24-26 MKJV Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. (25) For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever desires to lose his life for My sake shall find it. (26) For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Only the people of God will have true prosperity, without sorrow. The rich of the world have earthly wealth but with much sorrow. In the covenant we can prosper in every area of life, without that added sorrow.

Proverbs 10:22 KJVR The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

The pursuit of riches of earth however does lead to sorrow. And destruction. It is a trap and snare for the carnal man, who will search for happiness in great wealth but cannot find it. True contentment is only had in Messiah, being made a new creature, and given a new heart.

The devil will use good things to tempt people. He doesn't just use sickness, poverty, and such things. He will use earthly riches to tempt people to follow another way without Messiah - he even tried this in tempting Jesus. It is false that he only makes people poor. He has made many rich in this earth who are wicked, to ensnare them with uncertain riches and keep them from turning to God.

We should not be pursuing earthly riches. We should be pursuing our purpose for God in the earth, and let the riches we need and abundance be added - according to his promise to us. The eternal inheritance is much greater than the little trinkets on this earth that we call "riches" now. But, we accept those (unlike many Christians), because we need the wealth to establish the covenant in the earth and do the ministry of the Gospel of the Kingdom. For this, we accept and receive the turn over of the wealth into our hands.

The worldly who are wealthy and pursuing uncertain riches will continue to be deeply miserable even if they won't admit it. Until that God-sized void is filled.

That said, I'm sure the book teaches some true principles of creation, mixed with some lies to mislead people. Specifically it sounds like the book leads people to make Mammon their master. Which is one of the works of anti-messiah. But, I say, let them prosper in earthly terms and store up all that wealth FOR US. So it will be turned over when we need it! Hallelujah!
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Jul 12, 2005
There is only one Way to true prosperity, and that is being a covenant child of God through Messiah. All of the earthly riches in the world cannot compare to the eternal weight of glory we receive in Messiah.

So, it is the work of the anti-messiah spirit in the world when the masses of the world are being told any message that includes or suggests "you don't need Messiah."

Matthew 16:24-26 MKJV Then Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. (25) For whoever desires to save his life shall lose it, and whoever desires to lose his life for My sake shall find it. (26) For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Only the people of God will have true prosperity, without sorrow. The rich of the world have earthly wealth but with much sorrow. In the covenant we can prosper in every area of life, without that added sorrow.

Proverbs 10:22 KJVR The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.

The pursuit of riches of earth however does lead to sorrow. And destruction. It is a trap and snare for the carnal man, who will search for happiness in great wealth but cannot find it. True contentment is only had in Messiah, being made a new creature, and given a new heart.

The devil will use good things to tempt people. He doesn't just use sickness, poverty, and such things. He will use earthly riches to tempt people to follow another way without Messiah - he even tried this in tempting Jesus. It is false that he only makes people poor. He has made many rich in this earth who are wicked, to ensnare them with uncertain riches and keep them from turning to God.

We should not be pursuing earthly riches. We should be pursuing our purpose for God in the earth, and let the riches we need and abundance be added - according to his promise to us. The eternal inheritance is much greater than the little trinkets on this earth that we call "riches" now. But, we accept those (unlike many Christians), because we need the wealth to establish the covenant in the earth and do the ministry of the Gospel of the Kingdom. For this, we accept and receive the turn over of the wealth into our hands.

The worldly who are wealthy and pursuing uncertain riches will continue to be deeply miserable even if they won't admit it. Until that God-sized void is filled.

That said, I'm sure the book teaches some true principles of creation, mixed with some lies to mislead people. Specifically it sounds like the book leads people to make Mammon their master. Which is one of the works of anti-messiah. But, I say, let them prosper in earthly terms and store up all that wealth FOR US. So it will be turned over when we need it! Hallelujah!

Thank you , thank you, thank you!

You typed what was in me and expressed it so well.

Deborah72, please take David's response as if it were mine.

I do see your viewpoint and understand what you are saying. However just like you said our perspectives are different. I'm seeing how we wrestle not with flesh and blood and I'm seeing the souls that are being decieved and being pulled out of relationship with the Father and I feel the grieving of the Holy Spirit. Too me the more important issue is the issue of the souls. I'm seeing the purpose that I was created for and operating in my work to fulfill the work He has called me to do. I'm seeing how it's God's desire that none perish. I'm seeing how God doesn't want us to celebrate the destruction of the wicked but for us to pray and intercede that there eyes be opened to the Truth. The promise of us receiving the wealth of the wicked is God's word and that will not return back to Him void. So my focus is one of a warfare one and for me I can't just not speak the truth in regards to a deception that is teaching people how to get the rewards of God's principles without having a relationship with Him. As David said, when God blesses us He adds no sorrow with it. A person can be unsaved, financially wealthy, have a great family, be a good person, treat people right but in the end be lost.

The anti-christ, doesn't just want us dead, he wants us dead separated from Christ and he will use any means necessary to do just that.
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The anti-christ, doesn't just want us dead, he wants us dead separated from Christ and he will use any means necessary to do just that.
I completey understand what you are saying and mostly agree with you, however, I don't agree with this great emphasis on the anti-christ and the "one world system". I believe the anti-christ will only dominate a portion of Europe (see Hilton Sutton's teaching on the anti-christ) and the whole "one world system" is rubbish. WoF is somewhat split on this issue. Also, Bro Hagin and many WoFers believe the transference of wealth from the wicked will occur during the millenial reign (see Bro. Hagin's book "The Midas Touch"). WoFers are also split on this issue. :sigh:

Personally, I believe the huge emphasis on the dominance of the anti-christ is mostly bunk and baloney. The enemy is defeated! Period.
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Personally, I believe the huge emphasis on the dominance of the anti-christ is mostly bunk and baloney. The enemy is defeated! Period.

So how come the enemy is more active in the church than Christians are in the world? Satan took dominion from man, but will get his comeuppance when Jesus comes back for us.

If you read the Word, there is always an 'underdog' theme:
-When Moses chased down tens of thousands of men with a handful of warriors.
-The 12 disciples turned the world upside down.

A little bit of God can expel a lot of the Devil :)

So, currently it looks like the church is in dire straits, and it is. But God is starting to move!
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So how come the enemy is more active in the church than Christians are in the world? Satan took dominion from man, but will get his comeuppance when Jesus comes back for us.

If you read the Word, there is always an 'underdog' theme:
-When Moses chased down tens of thousands of men with a handful of warriors.
-The 12 disciples turned the world upside down.

A little bit of God can expel a lot of the Devil :)

So, currently it looks like the church is in dire straits, and it is. But God is starting to move!

Yes, there is a remnant that overcomes. Let us be overcomers.
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So how come the enemy is more active in the church than Christians are in the world?
I don't see the enemy being active in the church. Jesus is the head of the church and the church is victorious.
Satan took dominion from man, but will get his comeuppance when Jesus comes back for us.
The dominion was taken from Adam in the garden, but Jesus won it back at Calvary. The whole world has been reconciled and redeemed from the curse, that's the good news of the gospel, the world is reconciled to Christ, if they receive and believe.
If you read the Word, there is always an 'underdog' theme:
-When Moses chased down tens of thousands of men with a handful of warriors.
-The 12 disciples turned the world upside down.
Jesus was our "underdog" and now we rule and reign with Him.
A little bit of God can expel a lot of the Devil :)
It did and now the devil is under our feet.
So, currently it looks like the church is in dire straits, and it is. But God is starting to move!
Huh?!:scratch: The church has been on the move and the devil is in dire straits.;)
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I don't see the enemy being active in the church. Jesus is the head of the church and the church is victorious.The dominion was taken from Adam in the garden, but Jesus won it back at Calvary. The whole world has been reconciled and redeemed from the curse, that's the good news of the gospel, the world is reconciled to Christ, if they receive and believe.
Jesus was our "underdog" and now we rule and reign with Him.

It did and now the devil is under our feet.
Huh?!:scratch: The church has been on the move and the devil is in dire straits.;)

I'm sure we all agree with your points. Understand, when we say "church" or "churches" we sometimes mean the establishments, not the one true church of born again believers who are born into the Kingdom of God.

It is the difference between "church" people and KINGDOM people. Not everyone in the churches, in fact, the minority in the churches, are Kingdom people and being made overcomers. Not because Father's will is to leave the rest out, but because the rest LEAVE THEMSELVES OUT - as you said - they don't receive it.

Well, we can't force them to.

So, we are agreeing, but you are answering comments about the non-receptive persons as if they are about the true Kingdom church of all saints baptized into Messiah (1 Cor 12).

Now, knowing those in the world being led astray in various ways, including through such godless teachings as this thread is about, what should we who are overcoming do? We should be good priests interceding on their behalf.

Then, what about the churchianity people who aren't receiving but are being led astray by various deceptions? We who are being called and receiving to overcome, should be good priests and intercede on their behalf also.

We know the devil has no power to stop this mighty moving Army of the Lord, if we will receive of our empowerment and go forward in our God-given authority, as kings and priests on the earth.

Speaking truthfully about what is going on in the earth, however, is not a bad faith confession. We don't deny earthly reality and act like there is no problem. We acknowledge the problem and speak to it and against it, as we fight it. Just like the mountain in Mark 11:23 - we speak to it and exercise our faith to cause change in the earth.

So, we acknowledge this new teaching going throughout the earth is not of God, though Satan takes truths of the Word of God and twists it into his perverted lies to lead people astray to serve mammon. Now that we know there is a problem, we can speak against it by faith, and cause it to be cast into the sea. We can war thus against the enemy doing the evil work, using the sword we've been given.
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