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John 1:51 and Hosea 12:13-14:9


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Jan 21, 2006
San Salvador
El Salvador
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JOHN 1:51

Then He said; “I assure you; You will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the 'Son of Man'. What is this “ascending and descending” mean? Could this have a meaning? Well, all things, activities, and actions have meanings.

One way we might look at this is that all angels are at the disposition of our Messiah. They serve Him day and night, they are also in our service, and that is why we each have “guardian angels”. The angels going up the ladder might be because they are receiving instructions from Yeshua, the ones going down might be carrying out the instructions, (just an idea)

Mystery solved, YESHUA is the ladder!!!

HOSEA 12:13-14:9

The prophet condemns Israel for “forsaking the LORD” Israel was led out of Egypt by a prophet (Moshe) and tended to, provided for by YHVH, yet Israel forsake the LORD chasing after false gods, going into idolatry. Now the LORD will punish, and his wrath will fall upon his people. Yet YHVH still loves his people, yet will exact punishment, and judgment, like a father, will punish and judge a disobedient son or daughter. Can we expect anything less from Adonai? If we abandon our LORD and live like a lost person, loving the desires of the lost world and the flesh, can we expect anything less than judgment from HIM who set us free from sin?

YHVH makes some interesting and important statements: 13:4,5 "I am YHVH thy God, from the Land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me. "I did know thee in the wilderness, in the land of great drought."

The Israelites were exposed to many false Egyptian deities in the 400 years they were in Egypt, yet YHVH is stating that HE was also there in Egypt with them. He was present with them even though He didn't reveal himself until the time of Moses. Then, the "battle of the gods" ensued. He more than proved himself. All were false gods, HE, the Only GOD.

He was also with them in the wilderness (BaMidbar) Yet they had HIS WORD (D'bar) and His presence, and He tested them. There is little or no water during a drought, and many believers live their spiritual lives as if in a drought, the "Water of the WORD" is drunk now and then, even though it is plentiful.

13:14 "I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death" What powerful prophetic words that were spoken to Hosea, God's prophet. Yeshua's death and resurrection were the ransom from the power of the grave and the redemption from death. He was raised from the dead so that we too will be raised unto Salvation and eternal life with HIM. Those who reject the gift of salvation will suffer eternal death in the Lake of Fire.

Yet there is hope. In Chapter 14 starts with; “Shuvah Israel ad YHVH Eloheikha” (Return Israel unto the LORD thy God…” There is always hope while we have the breath of life. The word “Ad” or “Ed” have the same Hebrew consonant, “Ayin Dalet” It can also mean “Witness" Those two letters could symbolize "The Eye is at the Door" Yeshua describes himself as "The Door" (John 10:9) He is watching you, so HE is a witness.

Adonai witnesses our waywardness as well as our “return” to Him. There is sin and there is also repentance, this is what he wanted His people to do, and this is what He wants US to do, since we are all part of His people.

Shavua Tov (Have a blessed week)
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whatisthebaytreeknown4? What's debate reknown for?
Jan 18, 2012
The big island of hawaii 19.5 in the ring of fire
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Proverbs 30:4-6
____Who has Ascended up into heaven, or Descended?
____Who has gathered the Rûakh Wind/Spirit in his Fists [a pair of Sealed Hands/Manuals]?
____Who has bound the Waters [the peoples of the nations and the multitude of languages] in a garment?
____Who has established all the ends of the earth?
____What is his Name, and what is his Son’s Name, if thou can דע Ascertain and Declare?
____Every Amertelowah ‘Word of Aloah’ is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
____Add you not unto his words, lest he reprove you, and you be found a liar.

Revelation 19:12 & 13
____and he has a Name that is Written, that No Man Knew, but he himself.
____And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his Name is called Amertelowah The Word of Aloah.

Jeremiah 10:13
____When he utters his Voice, there is a multitude of Waters in the שמים Atmosphere, and he causes the Vapors to Ascend from the ends of the earth; he makes lightnings with rain, and brings forth the Rûakh Wind/Spirit out of his storehouse.

Revelation 17:15
____And he said unto me, The Waters which you have seen where the harlot sits, are the people of the nations and the multitude of their tongues.
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