Jesus Christ Did Pre-Exist, but He also Began. Only the Father Has No Beginning (moved)


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Agreed. I am the light of the world... however, in the mind where thought is instantaneous it means so much more and to write it here turns this into a book.

forever and relates to timeline another relates to when time stops. AKA alpha & omega Alpha = forever,,,,, timestop,,,,, Omega and ever

To debate is folly ^_^, how about consider this...
For me, Matthew 16:18 negated organized religion. Because this is the crux of where God went individual God gives universal translation under love , however, because of what the eyes have seen(life experience/individuality all these are same in the mind yet to write them here turns this into book) translation differs in the mind of discovering what Spirit we are of Luke 9:54-56. You being in sequester (in assumption and the baptism has visited you) this is good for you implement above Matt verse and no gate of hell can prevail (person, church or religion) for Proverbs 3:5 coupled to Matthew 22:37 is weird to those that can not hear. A lot of people think Controversial Theology derives from, crazy, when in actuality most here have already done the religious cycle of gaining training in the Word and finds religion boxes that which can not be boxed ...Thought Hebrews 4:12. where God speaks in that tiny whisper drowned out by peoples talking/preaching.

For your mind keep it opened in this area (it goes deeper than that), as God departs wisdom in His time. James 1:5 & James 3:17. With these, know in this format this vessel comes in meekness and in suggestive mode yet can be misconstrued in this harsh appearing format. If I could, we would be engaging with drinks and munchies and we could perceive each others nature that what is said here is not ,You Better, but consider in prayer with God and discern the Spirit of what you see in these words. 1-John 4:1

For me, knowledge is ever expanding and God given today, yet , I came up southern Baptist and training was in this arena, yet, in this very arena I was by myself (No God in me) for this type of religion feeds guilt and light does not reside there. So , like you, the Trinity is well known and it is a bridge to higher knowledge :oldthumbsup: ,for most though, yes, we get stuck there for some its Gods will for translations sake, others seek a preacher, church and ignore sequester and training in Gods wisdom where love is paramount to all and perception changes that enables us to look at anothers religion and not judge it but ask in all meekness how did we come to this understanding? For me, a lot of pain had to be endured as my mind was in judgment to the very id. It took a three year sequester to implement Romans 12:2 to my core thinking process to change it to a mind of forgiveness. When one is stuck in knowledge alone or church, religion , preacher where trust goes to these firstly (as I was) we are not vessels to Spirit. Not to the act of doing these things but putting trust to these things before God. Thus the doorway to God given knowledge has no way to open . That is not directed to anyone yet everyone , test the Spirit of those words. Gate of hell is even a preacher if we put trust in him/her before God (not advocating don't go to church just don't trust these firstly). Thus, I see your judgment on the trinity yet look at it through a different lens of judgment. Its not the trinity itself but the church, religion that survives on it and never tells a congregate it is a bridge to higher understanding. In learning what Spirit we are the trinity is for translation, on the way back to oneness (Spirit Realized, for God imparted it :clap: to the individual in terms we can understand in a mind that can translate many values at once ) where self and light are the same. Hope something brings LIFE to the fellow reader out there :amen:. John 5:39-40.

Do you believe in the doctrine of the trinity?
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LImited Understanding
Oct 3, 2013
Do you believe in the doctrine of the trinity?

:wave: cgavira,
How to put this :scratch:. For me, it was a stepping stone when I was in confusion of Spirit and I guess the only scripture I can quote for this time in my life is John 5:39. At this time, yes, I believed in the trinity as separate but as the verse quoted, I was by myself searching scripture . By myself is in relation to John 5:40. I had plenty of people and loud voices to tell me "religiously correct" translations to scripture but no John 5:40 . That is said so one thing can be understood, time is flowing and a person can change in that time. Today, in praying and sequester, as I read scripture with no loudness around so that meek whisper can be heard the trinity is one and so are we. Luke 9:54-56. concentration on 55. That talks of Spirit and our confusion , right? For me , as stated in my first post trinity is a stepping stone when one "Realizes Spirit". AKA the baptism. There is a trip back for those that hear.

My translation and anothers will always differ for our eyes have seen difference. However, one recognizes the fruits for it looks like ... Galatians 5:22 (The final outcome of Spirit realized). People are drawn to this type of person and they will ask, why? :clap: Be ready brother :oldthumbsup:.
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:wave: cgavira,
How to put this :scratch:. For me, it was a stepping stone when I was in confusion of Spirit and I guess the only scripture I can quote for this time in my life is John 5:39. At this time, yes, I believed in the trinity as separate but as the verse quoted, I was by myself searching scripture . By myself is in relation to John 5:40. I had plenty of people and loud voices to tell me "religiously correct" translations to scripture but no John 5:40 . That is said so one thing can be understood, time is flowing and a person can change in that time. Today, in praying and sequester, as I read scripture with no loudness around so that meek whisper can be heard the trinity is one and so are we. Luke 9:54-56. concentration on 55. That talks of Spirit and our confusion , right? For me , as stated in my first post trinity is a stepping stone when one "Realizes Spirit". AKA the baptism. There is a trip back for those that hear.

My translation and anothers will always differ for our eyes have seen difference. However, one recognizes the fruits for it looks like ... Galatians 5:22 (The final outcome of Spirit realized). People are drawn to this type of person and they will ask, why? :clap: Be ready brother :oldthumbsup:.

Here is some food for thought. I do not deny the existence of the three that the "trinity" speaks of, there is the Father, there is the Son, and there is the Holy Spirit, and each does different things. The problem with the doctrine of the trinity is that it takes away from the oneness that also comes with those that are born of God. They also become one with the Father, and one with the Son, through the Holy Spirit. So its not really a trinity, its a family. Another problem with the trinity is that it takes away from the glory of the Father as the only one that has never begun. The Father has created both his son and his spirit, but he himself has never begun, the doctrine of the trinity teaches that neither of the three has ever begun and its just simply not true. The Father is way higher and beyond anything that exists and nothing could even contain him. It is beyond our comprehension. The other problem with the trinity is that it has created a false baptism in the name of the "trinity", and we were instructed to baptize in one name only. So this other baptism is rooted in disobedience to God. So at some point, as much as trinitarians will argue their points and what they've been taught their whole lives, they have to choose one of the two baptisms, and deny the other, and also choose one of the two doctrines, and deny the other. This is a big separating point between those that are true and those that are false, amongst various other teachings, but this being a big one.
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LImited Understanding
Oct 3, 2013
Here is some food for thought. I do not deny the existence of the three that the "trinity" speaks of, there is the Father, there is the Son, and there is the Holy Spirit, and each does different things. The problem with the doctrine of the trinity is that it takes away from the oneness that also comes with those that are born of God. They also become one with the Father, and one with the Son, through the Holy Spirit. So its not really a trinity, its a family. Another problem with the trinity is that it takes away from the glory of the Father as the only one that has never begun. The Father has created both his son and his spirit, but he himself has never begun, the doctrine of the trinity teaches that neither of the three has ever begun and its just simply not true. The Father is way higher and beyond anything that exists and nothing could even contain him. It is beyond our comprehension. The other problem with the trinity is that it has created a false baptism in the name of the "trinity", and we were instructed to baptize in one name only. So this other baptism is rooted in disobedience to God. So at some point, as much as trinitarians will argue their points and what they've been taught their whole lives, they have to choose one of the two baptisms, and deny the other, and also choose one of the two doctrines, and deny the other. This is a big separating point between those that are true and those that are false, amongst various other teachings, but this being a big one.

Interesting concept :oldthumbsup:, and loaded with truth. What one is taught one does. This society teaches group mind theologies and for a lot of people it looks like this... My mom, dad,preacher would never steer me wrong . Most do not understand sequester. Long term at that. This society has too many distractions and a lot of people get caught up in them . I did for decades so know I talk of self lol.

Something for you to consider in conceptual thinking and praying on these next words in 1 John 4:1... What is a son? It is deeper than just a boy. Let there be light ,,, Is the first physical consciousness ever that stems from God which makes it a son for it is a product of God. Further concept, notice darkness is never judged only the light....Good. For me, there was never "acceptance of darkness" which in picture format is judgment . God never judged it but I did in sheer arrogance where God in His silence of it .... "I" labeled it as evil . The sheer gal of me, lol. That one realization rocked my foundation (all that I was taught "religiously correct that does judge either self but usually another') to the core. Thus sequester to revamp my very ID in the Father for the teacher.

Your on a roll brother :oldthumbsup: as you scream it from the rooftops ^_^ and this is GOOD. I see all your different threads here alone. This one stood out for two reasons. The title & it was moved. I usually do not respond for matters of God and the individual, are for, God and the individual. Yet , it is seen you are on the return trip to oneness so I nudge but do pray upon what you read hear from FTS for truth. Physical truth will very as I reiterate your eyes see different from mine. But recognition of fruit in all things spiritual for it all stems from agape. In picture it looks like... 1-Corinthians 13:4-7 to give one the ability to see from anothers perspective pray to remove self from lashing out at what is read and try to understand them in their wrongness. I see your righteous anger in various posts ^_^ and I get ya brother. I too, did the same until anger was lost.

Today I just nudge in conceptual "consider this" format. But stress, pray over these words with the final Authority God. For me, these two are one Luke 14:26 Matthew 22:37 and although Luke talks of hate it is just levels of love in what comes first. One trusts a church or God first,:clap:
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I think that God and Heaven move in different times than the Earth and of Man. Therefore Jesus's creation is not implicit on time or place seeing as he is of God and only his body is of Earth.

Move in different times?
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LImited Understanding
Oct 3, 2013
Expansion of this sentence in #124 ... "Further concept, notice darkness is never judged only the light....Good". Thus your title as truth. Lets expand it to us.

The complexities of the patterns that are found in the bible are the patterns that exist in all things which is why we can see in this fashion, because we ourselves consist of these patterns that behave as absolutes but are not absolute. We see these things in ourselves, as it is these same truths we see without us, they are the same truth, they are relational, or in bible language the son of man is the son of God. Moses saw this in himself. The symbolism of this dualism begins when God said let there be light wherein God calling it good, makes darkness evil by default (WE alone, put that default in, God never judged it, just us) . It is the pattern of the two sons symbolic of the one inheritance God is to us being divided to us by our own reasoning, wherein we oppose ourselves. Thought understand, it is not divided, it is God. We in arrogance made the default of darkness for God was silent = duality/Us. The first son is light which is that which proceeded from God. Luke:9:55 = Light too. Thus, starts the journey to oneness. Me being bias of religions for religion broke this mind for decades . As one delves into the Word, silence, God and prayer it opens the next level of understanding. There is a journey back when one loses a mind of judgment ( = silence of mind and mouth to not judge the darkness/sin God never did) to forgiveness and no gate of hell will prevail . Thus, speech, thought & actions from mankind furthers the son analogy that in confusion of duality (Luke 9:55) ones soul goes to the void/hell or languishes in the light/heaven = choice.
Pray over those words above for truth. Reference verses are Genesis 1:2-4
As God made no judgment on the darkness did not Jesus tell the lady at the well "Neither do I condemn you".... :scratch: :clap: ^_^.
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Supreme Ruler of Universe
Mar 13, 2014
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First and foremost, the pre-existence of Jesus in the beginning does not imply that he has always existed, although it is true that he did pre-exist. The scriptures are very clear in this. How this is possible is miraculous. But just as God is able to resurrect a body and place the mind of someone that has been deceased in it, so is he able to place the the same mind that spoke the world into existence into a new earthly body. Before the Word began speaking things into existence, the earth and the water already existed, as it is said,

[1] In the beginning God made the heaven and the earth. [2] But the earth was unseen and unready, and darkness was upon the abyss, and spirit of God bore upon the water. [3] And God said, Let there be light! And there was light.
(Genesis 1:1-3 [ABP])

Notice how "the earth was unseen and unready". The earth was ALREADY THERE BEFORE the Word began speaking things into existence! And not just the earth, but the water as well. How is this possible if the Word hasn't started speaking yet? Its because it was THE FATHER that established the foundation FIRST, and THEN the Word began speaking other things into existence. What did the Word do exactly? It brought into existence things that FILLED the earth and the heaven. The Father ESTABLISHED THE EARTH, the Word FILLED IT. So where was Jesus actually present in the Genesis account? Its in THE SPEECH, such as "let there be light", that is why he is CALLED THE WORD, BECAUSE HE IS THE SPEECH OF GOD. "WORD" in the Greek means speech, talking. And as a CONSEQUENCE OF THE SPEECH UTTERED BY JESUS CHRIST, DID THINGS COME INTO EXISTENCE. So the Father first brought forth the heaven and the earth into existence, and then Jesus began speaking to bring things IN IT into existence. Going further Colossians we even read,

[15] who is the image of the unseen God, first-born of all creation; [16] for in him were created the whole, the things in the heavens, and the things upon the earth -- the visible and the unseen; whether thrones, whether lordships, whether sovereignties, whether authorities; the whole through him and in him have been created.
(Colossians 1:15-16 [ABP])

Here we read that in the Word was created "the whole" (Greek word "pas"), which means "all", all what? The THINGS in the heavens, and the THINGS upon the earth. Colossians even goes further and says, "the visible and the unseen; whether thrones, whether lordships, whether sovereignties, whether authorities". The Word created all these THINGS that FILLED the heaven and the earth. And its because of this, that the Word is also mentioned in this scripture as the "first-born of all creation", because Jesus, the Word, was created FIRST, THEN AFTERWARDS HE SPOKE ALL OTHER LIVING BEING INTO EXISTENCE, ANGELS, MAN, ANIMALS.... ALL LIVING THINGS. Why is this of great significance? Because it demonstrates two actions, the Father creating a foundation, and then the Word creating THINGS upon that foundation. As it is even written,

God in wisdom founded the earth; and he prepared the heavens in intelligence. (Proverbs 3:19 [ABP])

It was the Father who FOUNDED the earth, and PREPARED the heaven. Also we read,

the one laying the foundation for the earth in its stability (it shall not lean into the eon of the eon); (Psalms 104:5 [ABP])

The Father laid the foundation of the earth. Also we read,

Where were you in my laying the foundation for the earth? And report to me! if you should have knowledge of understanding. (Job 38:4 [ABP])

Again, the Father laid the foundation of the earth. Taking this further, we have just established that the heaven and earth were not created by the speech (Word) of God, but rather, it was the Father that created it himself. Everything that was ON THE EARTH was created by the speech. So now what we have here is a conclusion that the Father did create certain things first, BEFORE the speech began uttering things to FILL IT and bring ORDER to it. What did the Father first create to lay his foundation? He created and prepared the heaven. He laid the foundation of the earth. He created water that existed as a part of the earth. He created his spirit, or rather air (Air and spirit are synonymous throughout scripture) that bore upon the water, and he created words (or rather, he created the Word, to speak THINGS into existence that FILL the heaven and earth). Now, these things existed in the very beginning before the speech began uttering, therefore it is not indicative that they have always existed, but rather, that they were created by the Father when he laid the foundation of the earth and prepared the heaven.

And aside from what the Father created himself, we also have affirmation that the Word created too,

[1] In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and [*4*God *3*was *1*the *2*word]. [2] This one was in the beginning with God. [3] All through him existed, and apart from him existed not even one thing which exists.
(John 1:1-3 [ABP])

Notice how it says, "All through him existed". This isn't talking about the heaven and earth as you might think, otherwise it would contradict other scripture, it is talking about everything ON the earth. As you even read further,

[*2*in *3*the *4*world *1*He was], and the world by him existed, and the world [*2*him *3*not *1*knew]. (John 1:10 [ABP])

The "world" is everything that is created ON the earth, living things, kingdoms, animals, etc.The world is not the earth, but rather the world is ON the earth. Notice how it even says that the world knew him not. Its not saying, the earth didn't know him, its saying the people of the world didn't know him. We see this clear usage of the word "world" in other instances,

[15] Do not love the world, nor the things in the world! If anyone should love the world, [*5*is not *1*the *2*love *3*of the *4*father] in him; [16] for every thing in the world– the desire of the flesh, and the desire of the eyes, and the ostentatiousness of existence, is not of the father, but [*2*of *3*the *4*world *1*is].
(I John 2:15-16 [ABP])

Jesus is not saying don't love the earth, he's saying don't love the "world", meaning the current world that exists on the earth. The Greek word for "world" is kosmos. It connotes the "world" upon the earth as it is clear in various other usages. Here is another instance,

If the world detests you, know that [*2*me *3*first *4*before you *1*it detested]! (John 15:18 [ABP])

Here also, its not talking about the earth. The earth doesn't detest Jesus Christ, but rather, it is the world, or rather, the PEOPLE of the world. So again, the word "world" conveys the things that are currently UPON the earth. It also conveys a way of life in the current world by the people of the current world. It is also evil.

Going further, Jesus also affirmed himself to be I AM. In saying this, he wasn't affirming that he has always existed as the Father does, but rather, that he is self sustaining, as the Father is,

For as the father has life in himself, so he gave also to the son [*2*life *1*to have] in himself; (John 5:26 [ABP])

Notice how it is the Father that GIVES the son to have life in himself. And also, Jesus also says that the Father is greater than he is,

You heard that I said to you, I go away, and I come to you. If you loved me, you would have rejoiced that I said, I go to the father, for my father [*2*greater than *3*me *1*is]. (John 14:28 [ABP])

Taking things further, this scripture is also of importance,

For thus God loved the world, so that [*4*son *2*his *3*only born *1*he gave], that every one trusting in him, should not perish, but should have [*2*life *1*eternal]. (John 3:16 [ABP])

Notice the use of only born son. Why is he the only born son? Because he is the ONLY being that has EVER been created DIRECTLY by the FATHER, and THEN, ALL OTHER LIFE CAME FORTH FROM THE SON. Does A SON EXIST BEFORE HIS FATHER? NO. THEREFORE, THE FATHER EXISTED FIRST, THEN EXISTED THE SON. And since we know the Father has no beginning, therefore the SON BEGAN.

Going further, some might say, well if Jesus Christ was created, then how can he be God? And also, how can a creature also be a creator? There is one thing that is apparent in the way God creates certain things, he creates things that image himself, in one example we have,

Then God said, "Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground." (Genesis 1:26)

What is an image? It is something that reflects something else. It is something lesser that reflects something greater. In this case, man was made in the image of God. Man, being lesser, reflects God, who is greater. What else does God do? He gives dominion to what he creates,

And [*2*blessed *3*them *1*God], saying, Grow and multiply, and fill the earth, and dominate it! And control the fishes of the sea, and the winged creatures of the heaven, and all the cattle, and all of the earth, and all of the reptiles of the ones crawling upon the earth! (Genesis 1:28 [ABP])

So we see two things indicated here. GOD CREATES IMAGE OF HIMESELF. GOD GIVES IMAGE OF HIMSELF DOMINION. We see another example here of God giving dominion to AN IMAGE HE CREATED,

And having come forward, Jesus spoke to them, saying, [*3*was given *4*to me *1*All *2*authority] in heaven and upon earth. (Matthew 28:18 [ABP])


Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet. (Exodus 7:1)

Notice how God said he made Moses as God to Pharaoh! Moses was acting AS AN IMAGE OF GOD TO PHAROAH. And in ACTING AS AN IMAGE OF GOD what did Moses do? He brought forth the plagues of Egypt showing the power of God. He was ACTING AS God to Pharoah because God made him so, and THROUGH MOSES God brought forth his power and wonders. The same with Jesus Christ in God creating a higher image of himself than Moses. He created for himself his VERY EXACT IMAGE AS AN IMAGE THAT CREATES, and THROUGH THIS IMAGE, WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST, HE CREATED THE "WORLD" INTO EXISTENCE. And because of this, is he God, BUT OF GREATER POWER THAN MOSES. We see the usage of Jesus Christ as an image here in this same passage I quoted before,

who is the image of the unseen God, first-born of all creation; (Colossians 1:15 [ABP])

He is EXACT IMAGE because just AS THE FATHER CREATED, SO DID THE SON CREATE AS WELL. Jesus Christ is a LESSER creator than the Father, but REFLECTS the very nature of the Father AS CREATOR.

So up to this point, we have concluded several things. That the Father brought forth the heaven and the earth into existence, which included the Son, and that the Son then spoke the THINGS THAT EXIST IN HEAVEN AND ON THE EARTH INTO EXISTENCE.

I have read through most of this thread and I have to say you are definitely off in left field on this one. It totally goes against the Nicene Creed and Orthodox Trinitarian Theology. It was well established when the church developed the Christology of Jesus being both fully divine and fully human that he was not created. The Trinity has always existed three in one. There is no hierarchy within the Trinity - such as the Father is first, Son second, Holy Spirit third. The Trinity acts as one, so when the Father acted and the Spirit acted for creation the Son was there also acting on creation. When the Son hung on the cross to bring redemption the Father and the Spirit was there also.

You have taken quite a few scriptures from various places in the bible and pieced parts of them together to make your point. This is doing eisegesis - putting one's own interpretation into the text, not exegesis - critical explanation or interpretation from the text.

What you are pro-porting would fall into the category of clear heresy of the Trinity.
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I have read through most of this thread and I have to say you are definitely off in left field on this one. It totally goes against the Nicene Creed and Orthodox Trinitarian Theology. It was well established when the church developed the Christology of Jesus being both fully divine and fully human that he was not created. The Trinity has always existed three in one. There is no hierarchy within the Trinity - such as the Father is first, Son second, Holy Spirit third. The Trinity acts as one, so when the Father acted and the Spirit acted for creation the Son was there also acting on creation. When the Son hung on the cross to bring redemption the Father and the Spirit was there also.

You have taken quite a few scriptures from various places in the bible and pieced parts of them together to make your point. This is doing eisegesis - putting one's own interpretation into the text, not exegesis - critical explanation or interpretation from the text.

What you are pro-porting would fall into the category of clear heresy of the Trinity.

Of course it is, I am not a proponent of the teaching of the Trinity as it undermines the true nature of God of bringing forth a son that is his exact representation and image in creation, and that through him he has created and has engendered other sons of God who are born of holy spirit, and that the divinity of God is just not limited to what the doctrine of the trinity teaches, but the divinity of God is imparted to those born of the spirit as well, so therefore it is not a trinity, but a family of God.
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Supreme Ruler of Universe
Mar 13, 2014
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Of course it is, I am not a proponent of the teaching of the Trinity as it undermines the true nature of God of bringing forth a son that is his exact representation and image in creation, and that through him he has created and has engendered other sons of God who are born of holy spirit, and that the divinity of God is just not limited to what the doctrine of the trinity teaches, but the divinity of God is imparted to those born of the spirit as well, so therefore it is not a trinity, but a family of God.

I am unaware of any scripture passage that says divinity is imparted to others - that being human beings. Are you a Mormon because you're sounding a lot like Mormon Theology.

I would say you do not understand the Orthodox Trinitarian Theology. The Trinitarian Theology does not say that it is the end all of describing who God is. As God is transcendent above all we can think or perceive. Trinitarian Theology simply says this is how God has revealed the divine to us - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I don't see how it undermines the nature of God. As again the Trinitarian Theology does not have a son being brought forth from anything. Trinitarian Theology teaches The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have always existed as one. You however keep saying the son is brought forth. This is not Trinitarian Theology this is some personal idea you have.
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I am unaware of any scripture passage that says divinity is imparted to others - that being human beings. Are you a Mormon because you're sounding a lot like Mormon Theology.

I would say you do not understand the Orthodox Trinitarian Theology. The Trinitarian Theology does not say that it is the end all of describing who God is. As God is transcendent above all we can think or perceive. Trinitarian Theology simply says this is how God has revealed the divine to us - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I don't see how it undermines the nature of God. As again the Trinitarian Theology does not have a son being brought forth from anything. Trinitarian Theology teaches The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have always existed as one. You however keep saying the son is brought forth. This is not Trinitarian Theology this is some personal idea you have.

It stands to reason that if anyone receives the Holy Spirit that they are in fact imparted with the divinity of God, because the Holy Spirit is itself divine. Your body becomes a holy temple of God. And it is said to also cause a person to become a son of God,

For as many as are led in spirit of God, these are sons of God.(Romans 8:14 [ABP])

Is a son of God not divine? And it also causes a person to stop sinning, if someone truly has the spirit of God,

Anyone engendered of God, does not commit sin, for his seed abides in him; and he is not able to sin, because he has been engendered by God. (1 John 3:9 [ABP])

And it also comes with power,

And Paul having put hands upon them, the holy spirit came upon them, both speaking languages and prophesying. (Acts 19:6 [ABP])

And signs to these believing shall follow closely; in my name they shall cast out demons; new languages they shall speak; (Mark 16:17 [ABP])

Not many people have the Holy Spirit, especially here in America, because of the wickedness in the churches of this country, but these scriptures remain true regardless of the corruption that exists here, lack of power, and lack of sound teaching.

I do not claim to be Mormon. I am merely just a student of scripture and believer in Jesus Christ.
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Supreme Ruler of Universe
Mar 13, 2014
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It stands to reason that if anyone receives the Holy Spirit that they are in fact imparted with the divinity of God, because the Holy Spirit is itself divine. Your body becomes a holy temple of God. And it is said to also cause a person to become a son of God,

For as many as are led in spirit of God, these are sons of God.(Romans 8:14 [ABP])

Is a son of God not divine? And it also causes a person to stop sinning, if someone truly has the spirit of God,

Anyone engendered of God, does not commit sin, for his seed abides in him; and he is not able to sin, because he has been engendered by God. (1 John 3:9 [ABP])

And it also comes with power,

And Paul having put hands upon them, the holy spirit came upon them, both speaking languages and prophesying. (Acts 19:6 [ABP])

And signs to these believing shall follow closely; in my name they shall cast out demons; new languages they shall speak; (Mark 16:17 [ABP])

Not many people have the Holy Spirit, especially here in America, because of the wickedness in the churches of this country, but these scriptures remain true regardless of the corruption that exists here, lack of power, and lack of sound teaching.

I do not claim to be Mormon. I am merely just a student of scripture and believer in Jesus Christ.

There you just did it. You are not developing a theology from scripture. You are just making a conclusion and then finding scripture passages, taking them out of context, that sound like they support your already predisposed conclusion.

Also you are using only one translation the Apostolic Bible Polyglot which was done by only one person Charles VanderPool. I am not saying that it is a false translation or anything like that. But when only one person does a translation usually their biases come out in the translation. Also he is limiting the use of only a few variant manuscripts and not all of them in doing his translation. Which although I have not studied that translation would imply a bias being used in the translation. I would stress caution in claiming a doctrine from just one english translation - even if they do show a concordance and lexical numbering system. I personally would go straight to the source materials using the LXX itself, the Hebrew and Chaldian manuscripts for the Old Testament and a good Greek New Testament that has footnotes with the variants such as Nestle-Alan's Novum Testamentum Graece.

Romans 8:14 does not equate divinity upon us, simply that we are adopted into the family of God. This is not becoming divine. This passage is in a discourse on how God gives us eternal life through Christ and the Spirit. Actually chapter 8 is displaying the Trinity that you are rejecting. In the paragraph before the one you quote we see all three parts of the Trinity in action.

But you are not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you. (Romans 8:9-11 NRSV)

Note all three parts of the Trinity are mentioned and/or implied. The Spirit is mentioned first, The Son second, and finally the Father is implied as "he who raised Christ from the dead". Also important in this passage is the statement, "...he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you." This passage here contradicts what you are saying - that since the Spirit dwells in us we become divine. But here clearly Paul is saying we are mortal and our body is dead because of sin. This is not the language describing someone who has divinity.

1 John 3:9 I would say you are reading into it again. In 1 John chapter 3 John is discussing about love for brothers and sisters in Christ. He is establishing that if we do fail to love others then we do not abide in Christ, that we are not really followers of Christ. "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are." (1 John 3:1a NRSV) Again the references in this chapter of us being children and sons of God are referring to the family of God as we are adopted and our sinful nature is cleansed from us through Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. It is not saying we are divine. There is no mention of us being divine in these passages.

As for the other two passages you are quoting they are only referring to the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are distributed throughout the church for the ministry. They are not mentioning anything about human beings becoming divine.

I hold to my first contention. You are doing eisegesis not exegesis. I also would say you have not really gained a full understanding of the Trinity and how it imparts grace to everyone.
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There you just did it. You are not developing a theology from scripture. You are just making a conclusion and then finding scripture passages, taking them out of context, that sound like they support your already predisposed conclusion.

Also you are using only one translation the Apostolic Bible Polyglot which was done by only one person Charles VanderPool. I am not saying that it is a false translation or anything like that. But when only one person does a translation usually their biases come out in the translation. Also he is limiting the use of only a few variant manuscripts and not all of them in doing his translation. Which although I have not studied that translation would imply a bias being used in the translation. I would stress caution in claiming a doctrine from just one english translation - even if they do show a concordance and lexical numbering system. I personally would go straight to the source materials using the LXX itself, the Hebrew and Chaldian manuscripts for the Old Testament and a good Greek New Testament that has footnotes with the variants such as Nestle-Alan's Novum Testamentum Graece.

Romans 8:14 does not equate divinity upon us, simply that we are adopted into the family of God. This is not becoming divine. This passage is in a discourse on how God gives us eternal life through Christ and the Spirit. Actually chapter 8 is displaying the Trinity that you are rejecting. In the paragraph before the one you quote we see all three parts of the Trinity in action.

But you are not in the flesh; you are in the Spirit, since the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you. (Romans 8:9-11 NRSV)

Note all three parts of the Trinity are mentioned and/or implied. The Spirit is mentioned first, The Son second, and finally the Father is implied as "he who raised Christ from the dead". Also important in this passage is the statement, "...he who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also through his Spirit that dwells in you." This passage here contradicts what you are saying - that since the Spirit dwells in us we become divine. But here clearly Paul is saying we are mortal and our body is dead because of sin. This is not the language describing someone who has divinity.

1 John 3:9 I would say you are reading into it again. In 1 John chapter 3 John is discussing about love for brothers and sisters in Christ. He is establishing that if we do fail to love others then we do not abide in Christ, that we are not really followers of Christ. "See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are." (1 John 3:1a NRSV) Again the references in this chapter of us being children and sons of God are referring to the family of God as we are adopted and our sinful nature is cleansed from us through Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. It is not saying we are divine. There is no mention of us being divine in these passages.

As for the other two passages you are quoting they are only referring to the gifts of the Holy Spirit that are distributed throughout the church for the ministry. They are not mentioning anything about human beings becoming divine.

I hold to my first contention. You are doing eisegesis not exegesis. I also would say you have not really gained a full understanding of the Trinity and how it imparts grace to everyone.

Using the ABP makes no difference concerning this matter. Here is the much revered KJV renderings,

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14[KJV])

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3:9 [KJV])

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. (Acts 19:6 [KJV])

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; (Mark 16:17 [KJV])

The scriptures are very plain in this matter. There is very little for me to even interpret. Even the ending of sin was prophesied by Daniel with the ending of the 70 week prophecy which many foolishly think the week ended at 69 weeks then somehow resumes over 2,000 years later (7 year tribulation false teaching), because they can't accept the fact that truly having the holy spirit imparts true righteousness to cause those that have it to stop sinning, because they don't truly have it!

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Daniel 9:24 [KJV])

Whoever does not have the Holy Spirit will die in their sins and will be thrown into the fire in the time to come. Because it is impossible to please God without having his spirit, as it is his spirit that removes the corrupt nature in you that causes everyone on earth to sin.
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Supreme Ruler of Universe
Mar 13, 2014
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Using the ABP makes no difference concerning this matter. Here is the much revered KJV renderings,

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14[KJV])

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3:9 [KJV])

And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. (Acts 19:6 [KJV])

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; (Mark 16:17 [KJV])

The scriptures are very plain in this matter. There is very little for me to even interpret. Even the ending of sin was prophesied by Daniel with the ending of the 70 week prophecy which many foolishly think the week ended at 69 weeks then somehow resumes over 2,000 years later (7 year tribulation false teaching), because they can't accept the fact that truly having the holy spirit imparts true righteousness to cause those that have it to stop sinning, because they don't truly have it!

Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. (Daniel 9:24 [KJV])

Whoever does not have the Holy Spirit will die in their sins and will be thrown into the fire in the time to come. Because it is impossible to please God without having his spirit, as it is his spirit that removes the corrupt nature in you that causes everyone on earth to sin.

It still is not saying we become divine.
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It still is not saying we become divine.

Well, if those scriptures weren't indicative enough, heres another one,

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4 [KJV])

by which he has presented the things esteemed for us and greatest declarations, that through these you should become partners of divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world by lust. (II Peter 1:4 [ABP])

And how does one escape this corruption and partake in this divinity? By being born of the holy spirit, in accordance with the other scriptures I quoted.
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Supreme Ruler of Universe
Mar 13, 2014
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Well, if those scriptures weren't indicative enough, heres another one,

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4 [KJV])

by which he has presented the things esteemed for us and greatest declarations, that through these you should become partners of divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world by lust. (II Peter 1:4 [ABP])

And how does one escape this corruption and partake in this divinity? By being born of the holy spirit, in accordance with the other scriptures I quoted.

Again you are reading into the scripture passages. Being a partaker of divine nature or a partner of divine nature does not mean you have become divine.

Okay if you are divine make a world. You can't because you are not divine. What you are saying is that when we are saved we become gods. This is flat out heresy and violates the basic teachings of Judaism and Christianity.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Duet 6:4)

Above all your postulation violates the Ten Commandments as your theology here makes us gods.

Where did you come up with this thinking? As there has been no one except the Mormons who have ever taken these scriptures and read into them that we become divine.
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Again you are reading into the scripture passages. Being a partaker of divine nature or a partner of divine nature does not mean you have become divine.

Okay if you are divine make a world. You can't because you are not divine. What you are saying is that when we are saved we become gods. This is flat out heresy and violates the basic teachings of Judaism and Christianity.

Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. (Duet 6:4)

Above all your postulation violates the Ten Commandments as your theology here makes us gods.

Where did you come up with this thinking? As there has been no one except the Mormons who have ever taken these scriptures and read into them that we become divine.

It has not been appointed for the children of God to "make a world", but to instead, humble themselves and take on the form of servants, as Jesus Christ himself appeared as a servant. Those who are born of God do not act on their own will, but act on the will of Him who engendered them. But in the eon to be, those that humbled themselves will be exalted with power, dominion, glory, and immortality just as Jesus Christ was glorified, and judgment will even be given to them as God. In these things is the divine nature expressed, in that God has also engendered more sons of God, who are lesser images of God than Jesus Christ, yet also having true righteousness without committing any more sins, and in the eon to be exaltation just as Jesus was exalted. These are scriptural teachings, but since many do not have the holy spirit which also imparts power, they don't understand how these things can be and are blinded by their own wickedness and false teachings and continue doing so to their own destruction.
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Supreme Ruler of Universe
Mar 13, 2014
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It has not been appointed for the children of God to "make a world", but to instead, humble themselves and take on the form of servants, as Jesus Christ himself appeared as a servant. Those who are born of God do not act on their own will, but act on the will of Him who engendered them. But in the eon to be, those that humbled themselves will be exalted with power, dominion, glory, and immortality just as Jesus Christ was glorified, and judgment will even be given to them as God. In these things is the divine nature expressed, in that God has also engendered more sons of God, who are lesser images of God than Jesus Christ, yet also having true righteousness without committing any more sins, and in the eon to be exaltation just as Jesus was exalted. These are scriptural teachings, but since many do not have the holy spirit which also imparts power, they don't understand how these things can be and are blinded by their own wickedness and false teachings and continue doing so to their own destruction.

You really are a heretic. You are setting up a polytheistic religion. We shall all be lesser gods but we will not have any power but to pass judgment. Despite there will be no more sinning as all that will be left will be those who were saved and thus lesser gods also. So what will there be to judge - since it is given only to Jesus Christ to judge, and will fulfill that role in the Final Judgement? Were in the scripture does it say we will be given power, dominion and glory to be equal with Jesus who will sit on the throne and rule, as we worship the Lamb. (Revelations) There are no prophecies in the scripture declaring that those who have been saved will be sitting in judgement over others. In fact Jesus warns us against basing judgement on others. (Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37)

Be wary of implying who has the holy spirit imparted to them and not. For only God can impart the Spirit and the gifts of power he gives according to his will and desire for the ministry. (1 Corinthians) You my find out it is you who is blinded and presenting a false and wicked teaching that will lead to destruction. Especially when you are the only one who has come up with this view.

We are only partakers and partners in the divine, and adopted as sons (note the small "s" as used in Bible translations) into the family of God through Jesus Christ. None of this is saying that we are or are going to be divine. The so called scriptural teaching you refer to is the bad eisegesis method of taking a verse from here and there, usually out of its context and piecing them together to try and establish an already concluded interpretation.

What you are saying is clearly heresy and lacking in scriptural basis. I would actually say it goes far enough to not be Christianity but some other and new religion. Well no, I'll take that back. You are a Mormon and just don't realize it.
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Pray For Brussels!
May 24, 2015
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Of course it is, I am not a proponent of the teaching of the Trinity as it undermines the true nature of God of bringing forth a son that is his exact representation and image in creation, and that through him he has created and has engendered other sons of God who are born of holy spirit, and that the divinity of God is just not limited to what the doctrine of the trinity teaches, but the divinity of God is imparted to those born of the spirit as well, so therefore it is not a trinity, but a family of God.

Alas, this is what Orthodoxy teaches with the Trinity, without requiring us to disregard John 1:1-14, Matthew 28:19, et cetera. Your basic premise suffers from having been informed by narrow RC-Protestant polemics.
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You really are a heretic. You are setting up a polytheistic religion. We shall all be lesser gods but we will not have any power but to pass judgment. Despite there will be no more sinning as all that will be left will be those who were saved and thus lesser gods also. So what will there be to judge - since it is given only to Jesus Christ to judge, and will fulfill that role in the Final Judgement? Were in the scripture does it say we will be given power, dominion and glory to be equal with Jesus who will sit on the throne and rule, as we worship the Lamb. (Revelations) There are no prophecies in the scripture declaring that those who have been saved will be sitting in judgement over others. In fact Jesus warns us against basing judgement on others. (Matthew 7:1; Luke 6:37)

Be wary of implying who has the holy spirit imparted to them and not. For only God can impart the Spirit and the gifts of power he gives according to his will and desire for the ministry. (1 Corinthians) You my find out it is you who is blinded and presenting a false and wicked teaching that will lead to destruction. Especially when you are the only one who has come up with this view.

We are only partakers and partners in the divine, and adopted as sons (note the small "s" as used in Bible translations) into the family of God through Jesus Christ. None of this is saying that we are or are going to be divine. The so called scriptural teaching you refer to is the bad eisegesis method of taking a verse from here and there, usually out of its context and piecing them together to try and establish an already concluded interpretation.

What you are saying is clearly heresy and lacking in scriptural basis. I would actually say it goes far enough to not be Christianity but some other and new religion. Well no, I'll take that back. You are a Mormon and just don't realize it.

You speak being ignorant of the scriptures, judgment is indeed given to the children of God, as it is written,

Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? (1 Corinthians 6:3 [KJV])

And also we have,

Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? (1 Corinthians 6:2 [KJV])

And also in Revelation we have affirmation of this,

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Revelation 20:4 [KJV])

There is only one God, the Father, and he has brought forth children, who do the will of God and act as God since God has imputed his Spirit in them to do His will. Even his children, although given much power, are all in subjection to the Father, as even Jesus Christ who is the highest of all creation is himself also subjected to the will of the Father, but the Father has given him command and authority over all things in his creation. Or what of Moses that God even made Moses as God to carry out His judgments upon Egypt,

And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a God to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. (Exodus 7:1)

So in likewise manner does God make his children as God with great power and glorification to carry out God's judgment upon the world. Even Paul affirms that we will be glorified as Jesus was glorified,

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. (Romans 8:17)

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