Is it,I show my faith by my works, or does my faith work?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2021
Burns Lake
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My question is simple,

How do we know our faith works?
How I love listening to the successes of Christians personal walk, and their faith testimonies.

I once met a young man who was discouraged in his faith.
I asked him, "What did the Lord do for you yesterday"?
His response startled me, "I don't know was his reply".
"Did you say good morning to him", I asked.
He seemed stumped.
I then said, " James, could I buy you breakfast." as I pointed across the street to a small deli.
His pursed lip softened to just a crack of a corner smile.
Fried eggs, toast with grape jelly, coffee with real cream, how we enjoyed every bite.
Hunger has its way, a driving force now calmed as we sat sipping refills.
An hour maybe less, the bill now paid I asked. " James I know you are married how are the two of you doing"? His face told the story.
Then the most amazing thing happened. The Lord said, "Joseph give this man a hundred dollar bill and send him on his way with a secret mission". "Tomorrow your are to invite your wife to breakfast at this same deli and you must tell her five times from the time you enter this deli, out loud how much you love her." I could see those gears just a turning, a little fear mixed with intrepid.

Well, now you can write the ending to this story yourself. It turned out a powerful couple who never looked back, because Jesus had breakfast with them that morning.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
I call them Faith Stories, and I ask who can tell me a time when their faith worked?
OK, people one at a time, we must have order here.

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May 30, 2020
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I have an agoraphobic sister who about 27 years ago was in great pain due to what we thought was a slipped gall stone. She was laying on the bathroom floor for hours (also nauseous) but refused to go to a doctor. I was so sad, because not only was she confined to the house, but now to a small room in it. I remember thinking also about a relative who had diabetes and now also neuropathy and wondering "why does affliction always happen a second time to the afflicted? Why couldn't it happen to me or my brother, because we could go to a doctor easily?". Then I opened my Bible and it fell to Nahum 1:9 and I received a promise from the Lord. During all these years since, whenever it would seem she was getting sick or in trouble health wise, I would remember his promise and her sickness would disappear. Every single time.

What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time. Nahum 1:9
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Feb 22, 2021
Burns Lake
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Beautiful Gifts of Healing, take note it is not the gift but plural gifts. These gifts are some times overlooked.
My wife, Monica had stage 5 cervical cancer, when we first got together. Her mother died when she was just eight years old of exactly the same disease . The doctors recalled Monica for additional tests because they did not believe the fact that she had now absolutely no sign of cancer. Throughout the years we battled three more maladies and won, every time. Five years ago Monica went home to a better place, in the same month as her father died at 57 years old of a very rare epileptic condition. She told me the night she left that she would no longer burden me because Jesus had a special plan for me. She said I see a great darkness coming on this earth, she was afraid. We held each other for a very long time. Then she left. It is easy to die.
We live each day for Jesus. Your ability to allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you to heal others costs plenty, but store up in heaven where rust can not enter. Thank you Rachel.
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