Is being Gay/Lesbian a sin.


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Mar 10, 2007
Ontario, Canada
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Science has proven now that there are individuals whose sex isn't necessarily their gender. I'm convinced it's another powerful weapon Satan has decided to use, and unfortunately, with much success. I don't think homosexuality is any worse of a sin than any other. All sin lands you in the same situation, so to try to rank sins or whatever is an irrelevant discussion.

Maybe we should make a thread about "truth bending" or "white lies." I'm sure it's a much more relevant topic among a traditional Christian community. I'm not trying to make homosexuality sound less offensive than it truly is. But we forget that all sin is highly offensive to God.

It just aggravates me when I see us as Christians attack certain sins while we have our own issues. Are we anti-gay or anti-sin?

I fully agree with this. :)

Homosexuality is one of those sins that we're really facing in this era, because it's only now starting to become accepted by society. 200 years ago it was a lot more taboo, and I think considered a bit less of a "threat". Thusly, when you see the government starting to allow it on the levels it would be with legal marriage, it gets scary. Yet, almost all other sins are considered legal already, apart from murder. People aren't put in jail or punished for adultery, they are allowed an easy (although maybe expensive) divorce.

You know what's scary? I recently posted about cheating on my Christian blog, and one of the ads that came up with the post (auto picked by the computer due to content) was an ad for an online dating site that fixes of married people looking for affairs! In the open, all proudly advertising itself! How scary is that? Satan must be so amused, so proud of himself right now with the state things are in.

Yes, I believe homosexuality is sin. I also know that it is possible to change, and do not believe you are born to a preference. Rather, you are born normally, but Satan knows our weakness -- he knows who to hit with the idea of being gay, because he knows who would give into it. Or, maybe it's not that he knows as much as he tries it with a lot of people and just gets lucky with some. Either way, God does not create people gay. That is one of Satan's biggest triumphs in confusing us all, and it is what makes it so easy to stay gay if you are when you accept Christ. The facts/lies out there in support of homosexuality give a really convincing case for why God would accept you in a homosexual relationship, too.

As for legal marriage, I'd allow it in the case of civil unions. We can't force anyone to obey God, right? So, if the governments want to give them the legal rights that another married couple has, then fine. It's only in the world. The harder you fight it, the more they will resist and refuse to look into the Truth of why it's not right. Where I draw the line is when the churches start to allow it! That's just wrong. We are the ones that are supposed to be teaching others what is right, not blending in with society.

So long as it stays purely legal, and out of any religious connections towards the actual marriage, then fine. Homosexuality itself isn't illegal, so it's not like stopping a legal union is going to stop them from being together.

Now, before anyone jumps at me for being bias or too strong in thought: I know what I'm talking about. I am bisexual. I was first attracted to my own sex at the age of 11, and it was a bit of a struggle to accept that God did not want me to stay this way. I actually had very little attraction to men for most of my life, although always had this interesting underlying feeling that something was wrong about being in a long term/serious relationship with another girl. He changed me, though. All I had to do was allow Him to. ;) The reason I still call myself bisexual is because it's still a part of me, however a lot weaker than it used to be. Sometimes I stumble, or a girl happens to pass me by who might be dressed a bit too suggestively, and my mind jumps at it. This is mostly due to past memories, I think. However, I have full confidence even those aspect will leave me the more God changes my heart!

Blessings and Love,
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I fully agree with this. :)

Homosexuality is one of those sins that we're really facing in this era, because it's only now starting to become accepted by society. 200 years ago it was a lot more taboo, and I think considered a bit less of a "threat". Thusly, when you see the government starting to allow it on the levels it would be with legal marriage, it gets scary. Yet, almost all other sins are considered legal already, apart from murder. People aren't put in jail or punished for adultery, they are allowed an easy (although maybe expensive) divorce.

You know what's scary? I recently posted about cheating on my Christian blog, and one of the ads that came up with the post (auto picked by the computer due to content) was an ad for an online dating site that fixes of married people looking for affairs! In the open, all proudly advertising itself! How scary is that? Satan must be so amused, so proud of himself right now with the state things are in.

Yes, I believe homosexuality is sin. I also know that it is possible to change, and do not believe you are born to a preference. Rather, you are born normally, but Satan knows our weakness -- he knows who to hit with the idea of being gay, because he knows who would give into it. Or, maybe it's not that he knows as much as he tries it with a lot of people and just gets lucky with some. Either way, God does not create people gay. That is one of Satan's biggest triumphs in confusing us all, and it is what makes it so easy to stay gay if you are when you accept Christ. The facts/lies out there in support of homosexuality give a really convincing case for why God would accept you in a homosexual relationship, too.

As for legal marriage, I'd allow it in the case of civil unions. We can't force anyone to obey God, right? So, if the governments want to give them the legal rights that another married couple has, then fine. It's only in the world. The harder you fight it, the more they will resist and refuse to look into the Truth of why it's not right. Where I draw the line is when the churches start to allow it! That's just wrong. We are the ones that are supposed to be teaching others what is right, not blending in with society.

So long as it stays purely legal, and out of any religious connections towards the actual marriage, then fine. Homosexuality itself isn't illegal, so it's not like stopping a legal union is going to stop them from being together.

Now, before anyone jumps at me for being bias or too strong in thought: I know what I'm talking about. I am bisexual. I was first attracted to my own sex at the age of 11, and it was a bit of a struggle to accept that God did not want me to stay this way. I actually had very little attraction to men for most of my life, although always had this interesting underlying feeling that something was wrong about being in a long term/serious relationship with another girl. He changed me, though. All I had to do was allow Him to. ;) The reason I still call myself bisexual is because it's still a part of me, however a lot weaker than it used to be. Sometimes I stumble, or a girl happens to pass me by who might be dressed a bit too suggestively, and my mind jumps at it. This is mostly due to past memories, I think. However, I have full confidence even those aspect will leave me the more God changes my heart!

Blessings and Love,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Sarah! :wave:

It's always encouraging to see someone speaking out against a particular sin who has actually overcome it through Christ. It always gets tiring hearing preachers and other people pushing their ideas when they've never personally experienced it.

The one thing I'm not sure I agree with you is when you said we are all born normal. That's just the problem though. I think it's been becoming more and more evident that we're not. For example, I read a study once about late-term abortions. I'm no medical professional but I'll explain best I can. Apparently there is a slight variance in color of the extracted liquid remains depending on sex. On very rare occassions the doctors noticed that the color of what they had figured out was a particular gender actually had the genitalia of the opposite sex. That is just one example, but there have been other types of genetic testing that is starting to suggest that there literally are women or men who simply are born in the body of the opposite sex.

I understand what your saying about God not creating someone gay, and in a perfect world no one would have issues. But this world isn't perfect. It is fallen. With that reasoning, couldn't we also say God doesn't create crippled children, or autistic children. Yet they're born, so is it not God giving the life?

I'm still not sure I have the answers for all of this. I agree homosexuality is wrong. And I agree that homosexuals use it to their advantage in religious arguments when debating whether they were born that way or not. I don't agree with them on how they manipulate it, but it also doesn't change the fact that I think some of them simply are indeed born that way.

But I could be completely wrong. Just my thoughts. What do you think? :)
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Dec 29, 2006
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I fully agree with this. :)

Homosexuality is one of those sins that we're really facing in this era, because it's only now starting to become accepted by society. 200 years ago it was a lot more taboo, and I think considered a bit less of a "threat". Thusly, when you see the government starting to allow it on the levels it would be with legal marriage, it gets scary. Yet, almost all other sins are considered legal already, apart from murder. People aren't put in jail or punished for adultery, they are allowed an easy (although maybe expensive) divorce.

You know what's scary? I recently posted about cheating on my Christian blog, and one of the ads that came up with the post (auto picked by the computer due to content) was an ad for an online dating site that fixes of married people looking for affairs! In the open, all proudly advertising itself! How scary is that? Satan must be so amused, so proud of himself right now with the state things are in.

Yes, I believe homosexuality is sin. I also know that it is possible to change, and do not believe you are born to a preference. Rather, you are born normally, but Satan knows our weakness -- he knows who to hit with the idea of being gay, because he knows who would give into it. Or, maybe it's not that he knows as much as he tries it with a lot of people and just gets lucky with some. Either way, God does not create people gay. That is one of Satan's biggest triumphs in confusing us all, and it is what makes it so easy to stay gay if you are when you accept Christ. The facts/lies out there in support of homosexuality give a really convincing case for why God would accept you in a homosexual relationship, too.

As for legal marriage, I'd allow it in the case of civil unions. We can't force anyone to obey God, right? So, if the governments want to give them the legal rights that another married couple has, then fine. It's only in the world. The harder you fight it, the more they will resist and refuse to look into the Truth of why it's not right. Where I draw the line is when the churches start to allow it! That's just wrong. We are the ones that are supposed to be teaching others what is right, not blending in with society.

So long as it stays purely legal, and out of any religious connections towards the actual marriage, then fine. Homosexuality itself isn't illegal, so it's not like stopping a legal union is going to stop them from being together.

Now, before anyone jumps at me for being bias or too strong in thought: I know what I'm talking about. I am bisexual. I was first attracted to my own sex at the age of 11, and it was a bit of a struggle to accept that God did not want me to stay this way. I actually had very little attraction to men for most of my life, although always had this interesting underlying feeling that something was wrong about being in a long term/serious relationship with another girl. He changed me, though. All I had to do was allow Him to. ;) The reason I still call myself bisexual is because it's still a part of me, however a lot weaker than it used to be. Sometimes I stumble, or a girl happens to pass me by who might be dressed a bit too suggestively, and my mind jumps at it. This is mostly due to past memories, I think. However, I have full confidence even those aspect will leave me the more God changes my heart!

Blessings and Love,


I know all of us have the same issues of sin whatever the sexual orientation. I use to think sin could never breach into my life, but that was quickly knocked down and I was 'judged and found wanting'......we are all sinners and must help each other on the path to eternal life that Christ has for us and let God fill us with his pure love.

Your brother in Christ,
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Dec 29, 2006
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'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. 51 Samaria did not commit half the sins you did. You have done more detestable things than they, and have made your sisters seem righteous by all these things you have done. 52 Bear your disgrace, for you have furnished some justification for your sisters. Because your sins were more vile than theirs, they appear more righteous than you. So then, be ashamed and bear your disgrace, for you have made your sisters appear righteous.
53 " 'However, I will restore the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them, 54 so that you may bear your disgrace and be ashamed of all you have done in giving them comfort. 55 And your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to what they were before; and you and your daughters will return to what you were before. 56 You would not even mention your sister Sodom in the day of your pride, 57 before your wickedness was uncovered. Even so, you are now scorned by the daughters of Edom [h] and all her neighbors and the daughters of the Philistines—all those around you who despise you. 58 You will bear the consequences of your lewdness and your detestable practices, declares the LORD.

The bible does not say Sodom was destroyed because they wanted to rape men - this is a myth, there was more to it than that. Ezekial says what Sodom problem was, a problem that some in the church. God says he woul restore Sodom fortune - yet we convienently overlook these verses.
Hmm, I dont think Sodom will ever be restored on any level.
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Feb 17, 2008
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For our purposes, 'being gay' includes being 'active in gay sex and lifestyle' in this discussion. I try to be careful on these types of issues and not be too direct or blatant.

Yes, it's intrinsically evil and as such is sin....
...The same as hetro-sexual sex prior to marriage is intrinsically evil and sin.
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