In the having…..

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
1 Timothy 1:19a (NKJV)
having faith and a good conscience,……………….

Faith and a good conscience, the two that go hand in hand together to produce the joy of one’s salvation….. For all the noise about one and in one, keeping faith and a good conscience before God will see Christ being formed in one…. For if one is His, one is on one’s course, as rocky and tumultuous as this course appears at times, faith and a good conscience towards God is produced by walking in all the light one sees… For we all are a work in progress and this progress is for the getting rid of the desire towards own will and replacing it with a desire towards righteousness…..

So therefore if it is true that walking in all the light one sees produces faith and a good conscience before God, than what is the foundation that this faith and a good conscience is to grow from…?

It is the knowing that when Jesus died on the cross the believing soul died with Him….

For as deep as one dives into one’s death in Christ by faith to that degree will one have faith and a good conscience before God…. For when all of one’s struggling of self is done and comes to an end, and one stands naked in their heart before God, one then discovers all one has left is their faith that Jesus did die for them, and that He took them to death with Him so that He might make them into a new creation… Then one discovers that is all one needs, for when the desire to be made into a new creation has the all of one’s heart, then that having, grows the faith and a good conscience that brings forth the growing of the new creation in one by the operation of God in the soul….

Be blessed in the having that brings forth its proper fruit….

A fellow follower, Not me