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I have repented of all of my sins to God, but my neighbors are HAVING A WAR!!!!


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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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So, I have truly repented of all of my sins, including the lack of love and gentleness I showed on others and forcing them to follow the Bible. I also repented of homosexual lust and other things.

1. Now, this family moved across my house and started renting. The grown-ups are inconsiderate, lazy and very noisy and even allow their children to shout and be noisy and play with noise, even on the streets.

So I've started playing this recording of real angels singing, the 1987 occurrence. I also started playing the Gospel (receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior). I also started doing this spiritual warfare prayer for the evil spirits to leave them, and for God's love to pour on them, and for them to be saved from the fires of hell.

2. For weeks, they get agitated whenever I play these loudly. They started throwing tantrums. (These neighbors are so used to loud noise, so it's not because my playing is loud). One of their children playing ball said, "What is going on?" as I constantly play and play the angels' recording and the Gospel.

They have also started calling me "[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]-g-o-t!!".

Take note, I am not doing anything against them. I don't raise my voice to their noise or anything, not even bang my door.

In all humility, may I kindly ask for your advice? All your thoughts would be deeply appreciated, thank you very much!


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May 22, 2013
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Pray about what God wants us to do. Yes, love them and pray for them.

God's word says we can live His way "in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation" > Philippians 2:13-16.

And I would say be careful about quoting what evil people say. You may edit your post to remove any quote of evil language, I would say.
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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It's just the noise Matt5. They also throw tantrums and they get agitated whenever I play loudly the recording of true angels singing.

They also have called me "f- - a - - - g - - g -- o -- t" in sheer disrespect, even when I am not raising my voice to them, nor banging my door nor doing anything to them, really.

I am also really wondering why they suddenly keep quiet after all the agitation, whenever I play the angels' singing and the Gospel presentation? They are unbelievers. Any thoughts on this, please?
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Aug 28, 2014
Houston, TX
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So, I have truly repented of all of my sins, including the lack of love and gentleness I showed on others and forcing them to follow the Bible. I also repented of homosexual lust and other things.

1. Now, this family moved across my house and started renting. The grown-ups are inconsiderate, lazy and very noisy and even allow their children to shout and be noisy and play with noise, even on the streets.

So I've started playing this recording of real angels singing, the 1987 occurrence. I also started playing the Gospel (receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior). I also started doing this spiritual warfare prayer for the evil spirits to leave them, and for God's love to pour on them, and for them to be saved from the fires of hell.

2. For weeks, they get agitated whenever I play these loudly. They started throwing tantrums. (These neighbors are so used to loud noise, so it's not because my playing is loud). One of their children playing ball said, "What is going on?" as I constantly play and play the angels' recording and the Gospel.

They have also started calling me "[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]-g-o-t!!".

Take note, I am not doing anything against them. I don't raise my voice to their noise or anything, not even bang my door.

In all humility, may I kindly ask for your advice? All your thoughts would be deeply appreciated, thank you very much!
The first thing to do is stop retaliating. The loud music you broadcast is good from your point of view, but disturbing to them. Bake some cookies to give to them to break the ice. Cooking takes effort, and is therefore better than store-bought food for starting a friendly relationship. Try striking up a conversation with them if they are in their yard doing nothing. A friendly relationship makes it more likely for them to consider you when making noise.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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I wouldn't be happy with a neighbor loudly playing music around me, even if they thought it was a recording of angels or whatever. Have some consideration for those around you and you'll probably have less conflict with people in general, even if these particular neighbors are all the things you say they are.
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Jun 25, 2018
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So, I have truly repented of all of my sins, including the lack of love and gentleness I showed on others and forcing them to follow the Bible. I also repented of homosexual lust and other things.

1. Now, this family moved across my house and started renting. The grown-ups are inconsiderate, lazy and very noisy and even allow their children to shout and be noisy and play with noise, even on the streets.

So I've started playing this recording of real angels singing, the 1987 occurrence. I also started playing the Gospel (receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior). I also started doing this spiritual warfare prayer for the evil spirits to leave them, and for God's love to pour on them, and for them to be saved from the fires of hell.

2. For weeks, they get agitated whenever I play these loudly. They started throwing tantrums. (These neighbors are so used to loud noise, so it's not because my playing is loud). One of their children playing ball said, "What is going on?" as I constantly play and play the angels' recording and the Gospel.

They have also started calling me "[bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse]-g-o-t!!".

Take note, I am not doing anything against them. I don't raise my voice to their noise or anything, not even bang my door.

In all humility, may I kindly ask for your advice? All your thoughts would be deeply appreciated, thank you very much!

It must be said that retaliation is not godliness. "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" comes quickly to mind.

Children are louder than adults. Any children. Places like Florida that have a higher population of older adults actually have some child-free neighborhoods so that it's less disturbing to those who enjoy the quiet.

Certainly you could appreciate that children playing outdoors and making noise isn't an unusual life feature.

Often we pick our neighborhoods because our neighbors are most like us, young working parents will live around other young working parents and middle age empty nesters often end up in the same neighborhoods as well, especially if they all purchased younger and now it's an older neighborhood.

But certainly this isn't always the case and what we have to learn to do is try and be a little more accommodating of the new people.

Get to know them - bring them a small housewarming gift and introduce yourself.

Then later if there's an issue you need to bring up you can, but we always also try to be as understanding of others as possible - even, or perhaps especially when, they don't return in kind.

We treat others as we want to be treated. You don't want them retaliating against your sermons with heavy metal do you?

Those knives cut both ways, and when your only complaint against them is they seem to be a normal young family with kids, it seems to me an investment of earplugs and headphones might be a better option.
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Perhaps you should examine yourself. Children make noise when they play; that is what children do. You judge them as unChristian while stating they occasionally attend mass. That doesn't sound very charitable. If you are playing your music, angelic or not, loud enough for your neighbors to hear outside of your house, who is annoying whom in the neighborhood? Creating a reputation in the neighborhood of being the grumpy guy across the street is not going to help you.
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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It must be said that retaliation is not godliness. "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" comes quickly to mind.

Children are louder than adults. Any children. Places like Florida that have a higher population of older adults actually have some child-free neighborhoods so that it's less disturbing to those who enjoy the quiet.

Certainly you could appreciate that children playing outdoors and making noise isn't an unusual life feature.

Often we pick our neighborhoods because our neighbors are most like us, young working parents will live around other young working parents and middle age empty nesters often end up in the same neighborhoods as well, especially if they all purchased younger and now it's an older neighborhood.

But certainly this isn't always the case and what we have to learn to do is try and be a little more accommodating of the new people.

Get to know them - bring them a small housewarming gift and introduce yourself.

Then later if there's an issue you need to bring up you can, but we always also try to be as understanding of others as possible - even, or perhaps especially when, they don't return in kind.

We treat others as we want to be treated. You don't want them retaliating against your sermons with heavy metal do you?

Those knives cut both ways, and when your only complaint against them is they seem to be a normal young family with kids, it seems to me an investment of earplugs and headphones might be a better option.
God knows that I have done all that. I have been wearing ear plugs and it even resulted to my ears hurting.

God knows I have tried to be patient with them.

I am sharing the Gospel to them, though. It's the angels' recording plus the Gospel presentation.

Surely there is something good in what I am doing. But everything that they are doing, I have told you the complete truth. They are doing it. The elders of their family are making noises even at 2 am and past sleeping time, talking loudly, reveling. They even said bad words to me when they played their fireworks.

Surely, there must be sympathy for my situation too?
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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Perhaps you should examine yourself. Children make noise when they play; that is what children do. You judge them as unChristian while stating they occasionally attend mass. That doesn't sound very charitable. If you are playing your music, angelic or not, loud enough for your neighbors to hear outside of your house, who is annoying whom in the neighborhood? Creating a reputation in the neighborhood of being the grumpy guy across the street is not going to help you.
seekingIam, but I play my music and Gospel presentation only when they are noisy.

What I mean is, they are Unbelievers who occasionally attend mass, I say this matter of factly.

God knows that I have done all that. I have been wearing ear plugs and it even resulted to my ears hurting.

God knows I have tried to be patient with them.

I am sharing the Gospel to them, though. It's the angels' recording plus the Gospel presentation.

Surely there is something good in what I am doing. But everything that they are doing, I have told you the complete truth. They are doing it. The elders of their family are making noises even at 2 am and past sleeping time, talking loudly, reveling. They even said bad words to me when they played their fireworks.

Surely, there must be sympathy for my situation too?
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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I wouldn't be happy with a neighbor loudly playing music around me, even if they thought it was a recording of angels or whatever. Have some consideration for those around you and you'll probably have less conflict with people in general, even if these particular neighbors are all the things you say they are.
But I only play these when they are noisy..?
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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That doesn't make a difference. You don't seem to be understanding that your actions are making the situation worse.

You can only control what you do, not what they do. So you should do what you can do to not antagonize them (i.e., stop blasting your music), regardless of their response. If they're noisy, that's their behavior for them to correct, just like you blasting your music in some kind of weird noise-retaliation is your behavior for you to correct.
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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It must be said that retaliation is not godliness. "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" comes quickly to mind.

Children are louder than adults. Any children. Places like Florida that have a higher population of older adults actually have some child-free neighborhoods so that it's less disturbing to those who enjoy the quiet.

Certainly you could appreciate that children playing outdoors and making noise isn't an unusual life feature.

Often we pick our neighborhoods because our neighbors are most like us, young working parents will live around other young working parents and middle age empty nesters often end up in the same neighborhoods as well, especially if they all purchased younger and now it's an older neighborhood.

But certainly this isn't always the case and what we have to learn to do is try and be a little more accommodating of the new people.

Get to know them - bring them a small housewarming gift and introduce yourself.

Then later if there's an issue you need to bring up you can, but we always also try to be as understanding of others as possible - even, or perhaps especially when, they don't return in kind.

We treat others as we want to be treated. You don't want them retaliating against your sermons with heavy metal do you?

Those knives cut both ways, and when your only complaint against them is they seem to be a normal young family with kids, it seems to me an investment of earplugs and headphones might be a better option.
The truth is, I already gave them food and all. I tried to be nice to them. And I told them gently to be quiet. But they have persisted despite all this. One time, I even asked the children to take it down a notch, and they just looked at me, then immediately resumed their playing and noise. I've done all that.
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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That doesn't make a difference. You don't seem to be understanding that your actions are making the situation worse.

You can only control what you do, not what they do. So you should do what you can do to not antagonize them (i.e., stop blasting your music), regardless of their response. If they're noisy, that's their behavior for them to correct, just like you blasting your music in some kind of weird noise-retaliation is your behavior for you to correct.
But another reason why I do this is out of spiritual warfare. I was advised to war it out spiritually for our battle is not against flesh and blood. So whenever they are noisy, I play this angels' recording and Gospel presentation loudly, and pray for God to shower love on them and so on.

And it is a Gospel presentation - receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, He died for your sins stuff.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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Sir, you can justify what you're doing in any way you wish to, but the actual effect of your actions is that you are annoying your neighbors. This would be very easy to stop doing, but I suppose if you are convinced that you are on some kind of holy mission from God to annoy your Catholic neighbors into being who you want them to be, then there's no point in pointing that out.

In that case, though, I don't know why you would start this thread. Surely you thought you were in the right before you wrote the OP, and think you are in the right now. Fine, then. Go forth and annoy those around you, but then don't be surprised when they don't like it or respond well to it.
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Jun 25, 2018
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And it is a Gospel presentation - receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, He died for your sins stuff

It's a lie that you have, for some reason, bought into that screeching sermons over a loudspeaker when you're angry or upset at people is called "sharing the Gospel"

It's not.
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Jul 29, 2017
Metro Manila
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Ok, I hear you.

I will ask God what He wants me to do and I will do it.

But surely, the fact that I didn't respond to them disrespectfully calling me names and I did nothing to respond to their tantrums, surely that can be appreciated in my favor?

My situation is hard too. Many times my sleep is interrupted. It has affected my health. I lost my job because of their noise...and many things.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
United States
Oriental Orthodox
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But surely, the fact that I didn't respond to them disrespectfully calling me names and I did nothing to respond to their tantrums, surely that can be appreciated in my favor?

This is a really weird comment to make in the context of a thread about how you do things that you know they don't like with them specifically in mind when you do those things. You may not have responded in kind when they called you mean names, but you definitely responded in your own way in a manner that can be seen as just as disrespectful to them as they were to you.

So there are no winners here, it seems -- just two neighbors who need to grow up and knock off the retaliatory noise war.
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Aug 11, 2023
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It must be said that retaliation is not godliness. "Vengeance is mine saith the Lord" comes quickly to mind.

Children are louder than adults. Any children. Places like Florida that have a higher population of older adults actually have some child-free neighborhoods so that it's less disturbing to those who enjoy the quiet.

Certainly you could appreciate that children playing outdoors and making noise isn't an unusual life feature.

Often we pick our neighborhoods because our neighbors are most like us, young working parents will live around other young working parents and middle age empty nesters often end up in the same neighborhoods as well, especially if they all purchased younger and now it's an older neighborhood.

But certainly this isn't always the case and what we have to learn to do is try and be a little more accommodating of the new people.

Get to know them - bring them a small housewarming gift and introduce yourself.

Then later if there's an issue you need to bring up you can, but we always also try to be as understanding of others as possible - even, or perhaps especially when, they don't return in kind.

We treat others as we want to be treated. You don't want them retaliating against your sermons with heavy metal do you?

Those knives cut both ways, and when your only complaint against them is they seem to be a normal young family with kids, it seems to me an investment of earplugs and headphones might be a better option.
You quoted Romans 12:19-21. :) One of the Bible verses that tends to get overlooked sadly. But yeah, OP should try to not fight fire with fire, even if the fire is angelic music from the 1980s.

Here is Romans 12:19-21: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
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