• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

I have a question

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Senior Veteran
Aug 27, 2004
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My mom would NEVER take me to a doctor to see if Im OCD cause she believes OCD isnt of God and medicines cant cure it and all that. I believe that God can cure me if I am of coarse too! But I dont think its that bad.

I was just wondering if this sounds anything close. Cause its odd some of the things Im cumpulsive about lol.

When I eat something say french fries..I eat it in order from smallest to largest. Ive done that for years..and my brother pointed it out to me. I just always eat my foods in order if that makes sense.

I have a seriously problem with dirt. I hate being dirty and have to shower right before bed time cause I get scared that my bed will get dirty if I sleep on it without having had showered before hand. Even if I had showered earlier that day I do it again.

I cant sleep on a cotton sheet cause it feels like it would get dirtier easier..so I sleep on satin sheets.

The house has to be chilled or else I get really upset..I dont know why..but I hate being warm..I like a chill. It wouldnt be a problem so much but it REALLY bothers me if its on the warmer side.

Theres a few other things but you get the basic idea right? Am I OCD or just too picky LOL.


...once more unto the breach dear friends
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Apr 13, 2004
New York City
Whisper: I don't think you have anything to worry about. You seem to have some idiosyncratic issues that make you who you are, that's all. OCD is life disrupting and the sufferer frequently doesn't have the insight to say that the activities or propensities are anything strange or is able to to identify that excessive traits are profound but is unable to correct them.

If your habits become bothersome to you or others, you can explore some behavioral modification therapies.

Thanks for coming here to ask!!
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We've all got our quirks. I think the point when you have to go in for professional help is when your quirks begin to limit or damage your ability to live your life normally. For example, taking a shower every night before you go to bed and sleeping on satin sheets sounds very pleasant and reasonable. But it might become a problem you'd want to get help for if you cannot go on vacation or visit friends and family on overnight trips because you're afraid you won't be able to follow your bedtime routine. Y'know? There's a line in there between something being a strong preference, and being a compulsion.
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Apr 26, 2006
Winnetka, California
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whisper_dishmon said:
My mom would NEVER take me to a doctor to see if Im OCD cause she believes OCD isnt of God and medicines cant cure it and all that. I believe that God can cure me if I am of coarse too! But I dont think its that bad.

I was just wondering if this sounds anything close. Cause its odd some of the things Im cumpulsive about lol.

When I eat something say french fries..I eat it in order from smallest to largest. Ive done that for years..and my brother pointed it out to me. I just always eat my foods in order if that makes sense.

I have a seriously problem with dirt. I hate being dirty and have to shower right before bed time cause I get scared that my bed will get dirty if I sleep on it without having had showered before hand. Even if I had showered earlier that day I do it again.

I cant sleep on a cotton sheet cause it feels like it would get dirtier easier..so I sleep on satin sheets.

The house has to be chilled or else I get really upset..I dont know why..but I hate being warm..I like a chill. It wouldnt be a problem so much but it REALLY bothers me if its on the warmer side.

Theres a few other things but you get the basic idea right? Am I OCD or just too picky LOL.
Sounds like you are meticolous about things. Although they might seem innocent, but If you don't understand the root cause of them, They might esculate to major problems in life. Being too picky is not good. Try eating your french fries the other way around next time. If you can't, then It is a problem which could get bigger and eventually dominate other areas of your life.Same thing with the temperature in the house or the bed sheets.A free christian has to be free from all fears including being too meticolous. Also GOD has given doctors the knowledge and know-how of fixing things;We should not ever think that they are evil or that going to them is lack of trusting GOD. I disagree with your mom. Sounds like she has some legalistic issues.The freedom comes from praying and trusting God, and then go to the appropriate doctor to help you with the issue(whatever the issue is). If you have a tooth cavity, Do you just pray and trust that God would fix your tooth decay, or do you pray and trust God and then go to a dentist. Psycologists and psychatrics are doctors of mind(just try to find a christian doctor if you can). Fear is not from God, specially fear of wrong things, like going to a psycologist!
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Senior Veteran
Jul 5, 2006
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I am very new here, and hope I know what I'm doing in trying to post...but here goes.

I have OCD. If anyone understands it, I do. (I don't mean to sound like a know-it-all, but I kind of do, about this subject anyway:D ).

OCD can start out as not a big deal, but later can end up to be. If you feel this is a bothersome situation, you may want to speak to a dr.

I had been married for 4yrs when my ocd got very bad. (age 22)
My parents were dead set against me seeing a doctor...they said I didn't have a strong enough faith, etc... I went anyway (I was married, and on my own after all). It took a long time, but I found the right doctors.

Have a heart to heart with your mom. A little therapy may be all you need to over come this problem...before it becomes a big one. I wish I had had the same advice.

God understands OCD!
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Jul 2, 2006
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Can you say what some of the other problems you have concerning thinking you have ocd? I agree with some others who say you are particular but don't seem to have ocd but it's not up to me to really say for sure. Maybe you can see a counselor at school to help you get a diagnosis. I wish you much luck with your issues. God bless.
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