I don't want to be a Christian anymore


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Dec 28, 2007
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There has been alot of flak in the news lately about pastors advocating death camps for people living alternative lifestyles, there's been alot in the news about parents following the Mike and Debbie Pearl method of child discipline beating their children to death, a pastor of a church was recently arrested for losing his cool with his kid.
I'm also looking at the behavior of Christian right political leaders who're caught in affairs, they're divorcing their wives, they're voting down laws that would help disadvantaged individuals live better lives. I see alot of very un Christian behavior from Christians in the country, on the forums.

And then I look at the 7 billion+ people in the world and I think about the billions that came before, and the billions that will come after and so many of them are by our beliefs going to hell for the simple crime of never hearing the name Jesus.

In all honesty I don't think I've adhered to strict Christian teaching for awhile now. I don't believe in hell as an eternal destination for lost souls, I don't believe the Bible in the inerrant perfect word of God, I believe the grace of God saves you even if you've never heard the name Jesus...

What I do believe, for clarification is this:

Jesus is our messiah, and if you get the opportunity to hear about him great. However, I don't believe God is going to deny you eternity with him because you didn't hear about Jesus. Rather I believe God, being merciful, looks at your belief in his grace for salvation and then judges your from that point.
I am an annihilationist which means I believe souls are dead at their inception and are brought to life by Christ, and I believe they cease to exist after death in individuals who do not rely on Gods grace for salvation.
The Bible has alot of really good ideas that are found in other holy writ, but because it was written by man it contains mistakes. It was inspired by God, but I cannot in good conscience say that other religious books weren't, especially when they have the same themes of loving God and loving others.
I think I believe the gods of other religions are interpretations of the truth God gave to the first humans, but because of Satans interference they have become gods in place of the true God.
I believe in a God who loves us, who is involved in our daily lives, but who is too great to be fit into a religious box.
I believe Jesus is God, was born of a virgin, that he died, rose again, and is in heaven. Other prophets of other religions are archtypes who point to Christ, but again because of Satanic and humanistic interference have become greater than they really are.

Finally I believe it is my responsibility to do good deeds on this earth because other people are made in Gods image, and the rest of the creation is beloved by God...not because I want kudos in heaven or am afraid of burning in hell.

Fact of the matter is I am tired of being angry at people who share my faith...so I want to ditch my faith and focus on taking care of other people...I'm frustrated, jaded, cynical and hurt by the direction Christianity has taken, and I don't want anything to do with it as a religion.

Sorry the post is so long: It hurts to write the post because I have been a Christian since the age of 3. I was raised in a Christian household with loving, Christian parents. I just feel like being a Christian didn't do anything for me but turn me into a self righteous little punk, and now that I'm stepping back I feel like I can do good things from a desire to do them for their own sake...not from a desire to look good, or get a thumbs up from God.

Like I said I'm confused, jaded, and cynical, and I just want a break from the faith label so I can focus on doing good for it's own sake, so I can help other people because they happen to be people.


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Aug 24, 2010
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Yes, I can be disgusted with christians who make christianity look bad but the thing is none of that matters. If some christian wants to be bad that should not affect you. All to often we lose sight of the important thing. Christians are not the perfect reflection of God, we try to be but we are not. So people need to stop looking at other christians and thinking christianity is bad.

Because while we do so God is sitting in heaven as a perfect God. Why get mad at him just because others that believe in him act terrible? I used to think like that and it just made my life worse. Now that I realize I only care about God since hes perfect, I can handle they many wolves that are amongst the sheep.

I say this to try and be kind, but if you truly (Itagaki) feel like not being a christian then please change your cross icon then and do not pull others down with your sinking ship. Its not fair to those whos boat is still somewhat afloat.
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I say this to try and be kind, but if you truly (Itagaki) feel like not being a christian then please change your cross icon then and do not pull others down with your sinking ship. Its not fair to those whos boat is still somewhat afloat.

Thank you. Additionally, Christians who are violent and hateful Do Not love Jesus. End of story. Lets stop treating the Pastor Worleys of this world as sheep. They are goats and nothing but.
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Mar 2, 2008
newark, ohio
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So, what if you see "hate, bigotry, anger and depression " in groups of Christians AND in every other religion of the world (and you will find it) then what are you going to do? What do you want? Who do you believe has authority over you?

You don't believe solidly in the scriptures, does that let you pick/choose your own religion and REALLY doesn't that make YOU your own god?

What if a population of people claim to be Christians and 99% of them live in despicable sin without remorse. Is that a valid reason to reject God, letting others behavior dictate to you what the TRUTH is?
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that your faith might rest in the power of God
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Mar 22, 2011
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It was written that the church would be like this. Paul told the Ephesian elders that wolves would soon come in and tear the sheep to pieces. He wrote Timothy and said that all those horrible traits in 2Tim 3 would describe people who had a form of religion, but denied the power thereof. He told Timothy to stay away from those people.

So, as incongruous as it would seem, it should be no surprise that the church has a lot of problems these days. For starters, not all the visible church is the Church. And then, even the real church is not yet perfected. So don’t make the mistake of walking away from God because of the errors of the church.

I did that once, and found out that Jesus still held onto me when I least deserved it. When I realized that, I was conquered by love. No matter where you look, you never will find the kind of love that Jesus has.

As for the Bible, keep asking and studying. Not all of us believe that those people who never heard of Christ are categorically damned. Paul told the Athenians that God was overlooking the past times of error, but now is calling everyone to repentance. In Romans, and really, all over the New Testament, is the principle that where there is no law sin is not imputed. It comes down to this: God's mercy and judgment are far above ours. We can be completely secure in trusting that "the God of all the Earth will do what is right".

Going back to Timothy, Paul told him to fellowship with those who call on the name of the Lord from a pure heart. That's good advice. A handful of trustworthy Christian sibs is gold, and worth far more than a carnal church experience. The carnal church is where we go to minister, not to fellowship. A home church perhaps, or the right church of any acceptable ecclesiology, would be great if you can find the place where you fit.

But whatever you do, don’t walk away from the Lord. Remember Zacchaeus, who couldn’t see Jesus accurately because of the crowd of followers. He wouldn't take no for an answer, and climbed a tree to get his own view of the Savior. For his humility and effort, he won his salvation that day.
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The Lord is my Refuge
Mar 11, 2012
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Everything you have stated OP, has been prophesied in the past that they will occur. It should not be shocking to you what 'Some' Christians do. Being a Christian does not make you a saint.
Your relationship with Christ is what counts. If you are fed up of the religion, why don't you take it up with the Lord, and pour out your heart to Him.
I think some doctrines have pushed you to the edge. You should not let what people say or do get to you too much.

When you develop a close relationship with God, a one on one relationship, life will be so much easier. Church does not have to dictate your life to you.
I said something which was a bit prophetic yesterday in one of the post, which the Holy Spirit dropped to my heart and its regarding being careful in steering others away from their faith because you are unsure of yours.

Its ok to vent and say what you want to say, but condemning a whole religion or the people is not right. I have noticed this trend in some people's posts.
Some christians are vulnerable and they are unsure of their faith, rather than condemn the whole religion and the faith, maybe share what you are personally going through and leave it at that.

This is not directed at you but I have noticed some people essentially make it a habit now, on this forum to bash christians and put them down. If anyone does not want to be christian anymore, they can simply leave and do whatever they want, but advocating publicly and telling everyone who needs advice not to focus on church or christ is simply wrong.
If these people are miserable they don't have to project their misery unto others who need genuine advice.

OP, What you need is one on one relationship with The Lord. If you reject Him and do your own thing, He won't hold you back because you have free will, but he says those who stick to the end with Him will be saved.
Don;t allow your frustrations with some christians and some churched affect your relationship and faith in God
If your church does not suit you, try somewhere else, and if some christians are putting you down, find new friends and distant yourself from the ones putting you down.

Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of God.
Not everyone who says 'Jesus" is really for Him. There are many wolfs in sheep's clothing. The Lord knows His sheep, and His sheep know Him.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
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The sins of those who profess theologically conservative Christianity have no bearing on whether theologically conservative Christianity is true or not. God exists, he is who he is, and he did what he did. Christians believe that statement is reality, just as real as radiation or carbon monoxide gas. I therefore as a Christian cannot renounce Christianity because one pastor said something evil and stupid here, or because some nutcase killed her children there. Their sins have no bearing on whether the Bible is literally true or not. And going to the political side, none of this (or the sins of politicians) has any bearing on whether or not the principles of right-wing politics are true or not either.

In addition to all this, you're making it sound as if those isolated incidents are a pattern involved with conservative Christianity. They're not, and most conservative Christians do not do or approve of the horrible things you describe. Why? Conservative Christianity teaches the love of Christ, if it did not it would not "conserve" Christ's teachings. People who seriously want to put gay people in death camps pervert the Word of God as much as people who support gay marriage. True conservative Christianity does not got to the left or to the right of Christ's teachings. A change to either the left or the right is still a change, and therefore liberal - though liberalism does run in all kinds of different directions. The examples you cite are simply liberal in other directions than your liberal bent.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2005
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I have been a Christian since the age of 3. I was raised in a Christian household with loving, Christian parents.
I just feel like being a Christian didn't do anything for me but turn me into a self righteous little punk.
Your loving christian parents turned you into a self righteous little punk. (?) Something went missing.

What I do believe, for clarification is this: Jesus is our messiah,
and if you get the opportunity to hear about him great.
Yes, got the Basics right :thumbsup: help others Discover for themselves how God/Jesus is our Creator, Daddy, Savior, Teacher, Best-friend, & Resurrector: iow when you enjoy a close personal :angel: relationship with Jesus, you understand His Gospel summarized: Roman10:9, Luke10:27, John13:34-5, John15:12-15, 1 John4:18, Philippians4:8-9 - in this Find yourself in God Blessed and PRAISE :clap: Him forever... :wave:
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Aug 16, 2009
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This is what happens when your faith is based on religion and not on relationship. Leaving religion and going to another one (or none at all) is easy. Leaving a relationship with the Almighty is impossible except that He allow you to go.
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Nov 24, 2009
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There has been alot of flak in the news lately about pastors advocating death camps for people living alternative lifestyles, there's been alot in the news about parents following the Mike and Debbie Pearl method of child discipline beating their children to death, a pastor of a church was recently arrested for losing his cool with his kid.
I'm also looking at the behavior of Christian right political leaders who're caught in affairs, they're divorcing their wives, they're voting down laws that would help disadvantaged individuals live better lives. I see alot of very un Christian behavior from Christians in the country, on the forums.

What about in yourself?

Do you always and without fail love God and neighbour as yourself?

And then I look at the 7 billion+ people in the world and I think about the billions that came before, and the billions that will come after and so many of them are by our beliefs going to hell for the simple crime of never hearing the name Jesus.

This is nonsense.

People go to hell because they're evil and are guilty of evil things, not for failing to hear about Jesus.

That is why St Paul says:

Titus 3:3

For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.

That describes every single person who is not born-again.

In all honesty I don't think I've adhered to strict Christian teaching for awhile now. I don't believe in hell as an eternal destination for lost souls, I don't believe the Bible in the inerrant perfect word of God, I believe the grace of God saves you even if you've never heard the name Jesus...

Based on what?

Finally I believe it is my responsibility to do good deeds on this earth because other people are made in Gods image, and the rest of the creation is beloved by God...not because I want kudos in heaven or am afraid of burning in hell.

Do you know what St Paul is talking about when he speaks of justification by faith apart from works?

Sorry the post is so long: It hurts to write the post because I have been a Christian since the age of 3. I was raised in a Christian household with loving, Christian parents. I just feel like being a Christian didn't do anything for me but turn me into a self righteous little punk, and now that I'm stepping back I feel like I can do good things from a desire to do them for their own sake...not from a desire to look good, or get a thumbs up from God.

Have you heard of justification by faith apart from works?

In short, God makes demands for perfection in love towards God and your fellow man. He does so under threat of punishment and damnation. You don't meet these demands, therefore Christ comes down and fulfils God's demands for you and takes the rap for your sin.

How then can you talk about working to get a thumbs up from God as being Christianity?

These things you're blaming on Christianity... you're attacking a straw man.

Like I said I'm confused, jaded, and cynical, and I just want a break from the faith label so I can focus on doing good for it's own sake, so I can help other people because they happen to be people.

I'm not surprised you're confused.

You've either adopted false ideas or come up with them on your own, they're not working, and now you want out. That is reasonable.

The problem is you think you're a Christian. How can you be a Christian if you're rejecting Christianity on grounds that you think it requires you to be a really good person under threat of punishment? Where does Christ on the cross factor in? It's not just a guilt device to get you to try harder, you know.
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Legalist extraordinaire :s
May 9, 2012
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Here's a chorus that hopefully will help

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face
and the things of the world will grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and grace."

Focus on your relationship and walk with Jesus. He will never let you down or forsake you. Don't worry about what other people are doing. People are corrupt. God is not.
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Oct 15, 2005
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It is called Faith - your faith - not the faith of others - the only thing that will matter on Judgement Day is your faith and how you lived.

Are you willing to spend eternity away from God just because you don't like what you see. You can't control those other people - you only can speak for yourself. Your relationship with God does not depend on others.
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Traditional Orthodox Anglican
Apr 7, 2004
Myrtle Beach, SC
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There has been alot of flak in the news lately about pastors advocating death camps for people living alternative lifestyles, there's been alot in the news about parents following the Mike and Debbie Pearl method of child discipline beating their children to death, a pastor of a church was recently arrested for losing his cool with his kid.
I'm also looking at the behavior of Christian right political leaders who're caught in affairs, they're divorcing their wives, they're voting down laws that would help disadvantaged individuals live better lives. I see alot of very un Christian behavior from Christians in the country, on the forums.

What does that have to do with the validity of Christianity? If Adolf Hitler were to suddenly appear before you and tell you 1+1=2, would he be wrong because of his wretched life?

And then I look at the 7 billion+ people in the world and I think about the billions that came before, and the billions that will come after and so many of them are by our beliefs going to hell for the simple crime of never hearing the name Jesus.
Fallacy of Appealing to Authority. You're going to find a lot of Christians who believe in different things. You obviously don't agree with closed salvational theology; fine. It isn't the only valid Christian theology however, and I'm not talking about Universalism for those who are ready to leap at that statement.

In all honesty I don't think I've adhered to strict Christian teaching for awhile now. I don't believe in hell as an eternal destination for lost souls, I don't believe the Bible in the inerrant perfect word of God, I believe the grace of God saves you even if you've never heard the name Jesus...
It sounds you are basing the entirety of the Christian religion as believed in by a small minority. That isn't logical.

Jesus is our messiah, and if you get the opportunity to hear about him great. However, I don't believe God is going to deny you eternity with him because you didn't hear about Jesus. Rather I believe God, being merciful, looks at your belief in his grace for salvation and then judges your from that point.
That's a big contradictory. You say they don't know...then how can they, using your own words, have "belief in his grace for salvation" when they don't know about Him in the first place?

Forgive me, but you've set up a Straw Man.

I am an annihilationist which means I believe souls are dead at their inception and are brought to life by Christ, and I believe they cease to exist after death in individuals who do not rely on Gods grace for salvation.
This isn't Christian theology.

The Bible has alot of really good ideas that are found in other holy writ, but because it was written by man it contains mistakes. It was inspired by God, but I cannot in good conscience say that other religious books weren't, especially when they have the same themes of loving God and loving others.
Similarities doesn't automatically mean inspiration however, although this does touch upon a much better theology on salvation than the one you've presented above and the one you outright cannot stand.

I think I believe the gods of other religions are interpretations of the truth God gave to the first humans, but because of Satans interference they have become gods in place of the true God.
This doesn't make any sense given the archaeological history as well as linguistical studies.

I believe in a God who loves us, who is involved in our daily lives, but who is too great to be fit into a religious box.
Yes...and no...it is true that the infinite cannot be fully comprehended by the finite, but there are things we can and those do not change.

I believe Jesus is God, was born of a virgin, that he died, rose again, and is in heaven. Other prophets of other religions are archtypes who point to Christ, but again because of Satanic and humanistic interference have become greater than they really are.
Again, this doesn't make any literal sense due to historical and lingustical fact. However, Christianity has historically taught that non-Christians and their religions do have elements of truth in them. The Early Church was a big fan of certain strains of Greek philosophy and used it liberally to help swell the numbers. You can even find in some churches folks like Plato in the narthex.

Finally I believe it is my responsibility to do good deeds on this earth because other people are made in Gods image, and the rest of the creation is beloved by God...not because I want kudos in heaven or am afraid of burning in hell.
This is a rather disorganized though, though I think I get what you are trying to say: if you are saying works are required in some way and they should be out of love, then yes, that is correct.

Fact of the matter is I am tired of being angry at people who share my faith...so I want to ditch my faith and focus on taking care of other people...I'm frustrated, jaded, cynical and hurt by the direction Christianity has taken, and I don't want anything to do with it as a religion.
Here's the problem however: I've shown that you've created a Straw Man and you are attacking it instead of the real deal.

I see you have an Anglican icon. Have you ever actually studied the church you associate with? Your belief in annihilationalism makes me think you haven't, because Anglicanism doesn't believe in that unorthodox belief. However, a lot of what you don't like...quite honestly, Anglicanism doesn't even teach, so again, I wonder how much time you've really invested.

I encourage you to think very carefully in why you feel hurt, whether it is Christianity or individuals you are angry with, and to start learning the faith you feel you have such a hard time with.
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May 28, 2012
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Take heart OP - sounds like Christ is being formed in you. Glorious.

As for the good book - my wise old pastor once said that the Bible is not a book by men about God, but a book by God about men. If it were not true, things like Sarah laughing at the Lord, David's sins and a prostitute's subterfuge would not be included, but God shows us the human condition and offers us Himself. How amazing is that?
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Humble Servant of God
Dec 25, 2011
United States
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"Like I said I'm confused, jaded, and cynical, and I just want a break from the faith label so I can focus on doing good for it's own sake"

I understand.

but if you unplug from God ...
who will be your new strength???

I have seen people try to go out into the world and do good things with their own initiative. I'm not putting the idea down. but you will discover that the world is a really messed up place - far worse than any of the sins that you currently hold against Christians. the world out there will take all your good works, then chew you up and spit you out.

It's really getting a LOT tougher out there now.
I know.
I've been going for 17 years.

My suggestion is that you take a retreat.
It sounds like you need to re-group and re-think.
Why not do this??

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Feb 23, 2007
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Dont focus on things of this world, focus on his word. You need to be of good cheer and mediate on scriptures that help you on certain areas. We all are in a spiritual Battle in this life until we are buried. Put your mind on the beautiful things of God. Its beautiful being a christian. I was like you for a while and struggled with a lot of negative thoughts and weaknesses I had. I believe this is just a period you must cross and accomplish through him IF you allow him. Jesus has all power to sustain you and keep you. Dont let you faith waiver. Focus on the his word.
Hear Good inspiring messages that will lift you up and encourage you. I like Mars hill church. Do a search? Also John Mcarthur is good too.
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I Will Welcome the Reaping
Apr 21, 2012
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This is what happens when your faith is based on religion and not on relationship. Leaving religion and going to another one (or none at all) is easy. Leaving a relationship with the Almighty is impossible except that He allow you to go.


Are you sure you're saved? You should test yourself. Being a Christian doesn't mean you follow Christian traditions like going to church on Sunday or celebrating non secular holidays, it's about having a personal relationship with God.
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