I am just so fed up with my life


Sep 5, 2009
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I dont even know if this is the right place to post this but whatever. I couldn't find a 'despair' forum.

I am seriously just so sick of everything in my life. It doesn't matter how much I ask God for forgiveness and try my hardest to do everything right, the hell that is my life still persists.

I just don't even know how to explain my life that's how screwed up it is. Like I can't even figure it out. I just feel like I am so stuck and there is no way out. I am too ashamed to even write it here. That's my main feeling is same. Ugh! I want to say what my problem is but I don't even feel like I can. I don't even really know. Just basically ever since I made a horrible mistake and disobeyed God my life will never be the same again. That's what it was was a mistake. I don't know why God has to continue to punish me. I really dont understand. Sometimes I just think about it and I just feel like I am just supposed to die. I feel like that is where my life is headed. I feel like have destroyed my life so much that it can never be good again and it's only a matter of time before something kills me. I know the wages for sin are death but wow I never thought I would be here. That is really how I feel...am I just being way too serious about this? I don't see how I could be. I mean this is my life, I'm not making up the way I feel about it. This has been going on for 3 years I just dont know how much more I can take. It's never gonna end. I feel like God is punishing me but I don't understand why he continues to do it. I just feel like Ive screwed up so much that there is no hope for me. Trust me I know all about the Bible and if we repent God will forgive us but that doesn't change your life. All of your actions have consequences and God has to let them take a natural course. You can be forgiven by God and still ruin your life for good. I just cant believe I am at this point. It just feels like a horrible nightmare and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't even want to try to go on because I feel like what is the point. I've been trying for so long and I am sick of it.

Can someone please help me. You really have no idea how horrible I feel. I feel like I need practical advice. Like I will take Bible quotes and everything but I know about the Bible. I'm not a stranger to it. I just need real life advice here. I just want to give up and I just feel so stupid for even writing this.


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Feb 13, 2009
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Hi There Aaliyah :hug:

I truly know what it's like to suffer in silence, to the point of losing all hope. I remember a time in my life when I begged the Lord to let me die. But, He had a purpose with everything. He prepared me for my calling. He allowed me to live through things that other people suffer with - so I would truly understand, and be a blessing to them. This is happening more and more - and the fulfilment from that transcends the suffering of the past. It really deepened my relationship with God. He has shown me that He is indeed able to answer prayers immediately. The thing to remember is that He loves you way too much to leave you in the same place. I have seen how He turns our struggles around to be sources of strength for others. That way, He has plenty reason to bless us beyond measure. The best we can do is to ask for His will for our lives, and yield to His influence. It took me many years to learn that...

Please feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat further - I'd be happy to share, and offer you a shoulder to lean on.
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My heart completely feels your heart!

I don't know if I can explain this right but I'm going to try. For the last several years I've been exactly where you are. About twice a month. Sometimes more and sometimes less. I felt so hopeless. One day I asked Jesus to pick me up out of the pit because I just couldn't get up any more. The very next day I felt better. The attacks (and that's what they are) just kept coming. But I started to understand little pieces here and there until I have a bigger picture. I still have a lot of questions and the attacks still come, but they grow weaker and weaker. I think somehow it has to do with labor pains and giving birth to a new creation in us. Some things that helped me immensely .. the Lord showed me a thing about having tribulation ten days (from Revelation) but that it's nothing we can't handle. As time went on I could see when it comes it comes for about ten days (just like a bacteria or virus) and is usually worse right in the middle. The key is when you first feel it coming gear up! Stay in the Word no matter how much you think you can't. Jesus is the Word and He is hope! Put on your coat of armour (Ephesians 6). And very important ask the Lord for help. Ask Him to carry you, give you strength, etc. whatever you think you need. But work your hardest to stay calm in the storm. These attacks confuse and wreck havoc on our lives if we don't stand firm. I know it seems impossible but every time you ride out a storm you get stronger and sturdier. My storms now still hurt some, but are fewer and weaker and less frequent. My dad says they go away in time. I now can see that. I heard it said that when we tell the Lord we trust Him and give the ride to Him that that is when we stand still and he takes over. May this post bless you. :)
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Oct 7, 2005
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Your heart is the secret weapon to evil forces in life. The brain has only intelligence. The heart has faith. Faith is evidence of things unseen and it requires patience. Your heart is bigger than your mind and it contains immeasurable courage, courage as massive as God's courage to overcome all obstacles of evil that blocks positive emotions. You can do actions that help people to live rather than to exist barely, such as helping the homeless or send a money donation to help the African hunger organisations. Such help can mean more than life and wealth put together. Writing in the forums can bring relief from depression as if God wants me to release the gift of Christ in me: that gifted wisdom also to find certain dried herbs and spices from those small glass bottles at the local supermarket, tin of peaches and icecream. Certain meat, eggs, cheese cooked or uncooked vegetables and fruit to fight disease.
The Word is alive and I believe I have the power to conquer old age and disease until Jesus returns. I believe the bible is actually meant to be for this time period of Jesus returning without warning.
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Sep 5, 2009
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Thank you for your replies.

childofmercy-you're right they are like attacks. your post did bless me in several ways. I realized that I really need to read the bible more its just everything is so hard for me right now. I feel like I'm trying to get to God and something is pulling me back at the same time. it's scary

Quasicentennial- I find your replies very helpful. I think you are very wise. Thank you. I think it is really time for Jesus to return to or close I really do. If you read the Bible where Jesus talks about what will happen at the end of the world it is like actually what's going on. The world is a very horrible place right now and it's only going to get worse....
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Aug 16, 2009
South of Canada, North of Mexico
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What makes you think He hasn't forgiven you? You're a Christian? You've accepted Christ as your savior? If so you were forgiven before you even did whatever it is you did that has you so troubled. God's "economy" isn't based on a point system. Even if you do everything wrong God isn't going to spend His time punishing you. Sure there will be correction, but it's not malicious and should be counted as joy that the Lord cares enough for you to correct you.

If you know all about the Bible then you also know that God can redeem a life from utter ruin. Yes, actions have consequences but God can and does change those consequences. God loves to do good to and for His people, but often we don't have faith that He is good, and it is only by faith that God is pleased.
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Thank you for your replies.

childofmercy-you're right they are like attacks. your post did bless me in several ways. I realized that I really need to read the bible more its just everything is so hard for me right now. I feel like I'm trying to get to God and something is pulling me back at the same time. it's scary quote]

Nothing can seperate us from the Lord. He says so. Your job is to believe that. The mind is the battlefield. Choose to believe. And then act on that belief. Faith is not a passive word. It's and action word. As I was meditating on my earlier post and your post, I realized I forgot a very important tool. Ask God to redirect your thoughts. It's an amazing thing when He does that. You'll see :) And for sure there is no need to be afraid because fear is not of the Lord, so don't act on it. Do you see? Choose, believe and act on your belief. You're doing great. Asking exactly the right questions. :)
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Mar 24, 2005
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There are times when we just have to stand on His word, and decide that we are forgiven, even if we don't feel like we deserve it. He says that His policy is forgiveness.

We fight what doesn't make sense to us. So we don't want to accept that we are acceptable in His sight. Many of us go through a stage where God teaches us to stand more firmly on His Word -- applying faith to it.

Because it boils down to this -- if we claim to follow a faith, but do not have faith in the Faith, then what are we believing in?

Just the existence of a God in general. That's a good start. But it doesn't take us further.

Think about the term practicing our faith. What might that mean?

Our hope is in a God who helps us in our weakness, who redeems us when we deserve punishment, whose power is more effective in our weakness. We believe in this dichotomy of our undeserving. That is our faith.

Sometimes we are completely in His will when we feel we are way off.

Look at the birth of Jesus -- a pregnant woman had to travel for a census, there was nowhere to sleep, she had to sleep in a barn and give birth in an unclean area. But she was completely in the will of God, for what needed to be done.

If Jesus had been born in a palace, Herod's rampage would have flipped that birthplace upside down and Jesus would have had fifteen minutes of fame. And of life.

But God needed an uncomfortable situation in order to make everything else work. The family needed to be driven out of Nazareth, out of Bethlehem. Jesus' first years were spent in Egypt -- totally out of the plan, but a location that protected Him from Herod's soldiers.

So even though everything is going wrong in your life, maybe it really is going right. Maybe God is getting you where you need to end up.
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Sep 5, 2009
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I know I am forgiven, that's not the problem. Thank God. And you don't know how long it took me to just accept the fact that I was forgiven.

What I can't deal with is the fact that I caused this pain in my life. I can't blame it on anyone. I can't ask God why. Because He and I both already know why. It is not that kind of pain and confusion. That kind I can deal with. That actually sounds real good right about now. I just can't get over the fact that I myself have caused so many things in my life to be wrong. I haves serious regrets. I just can't deal with it. I know God wants me to just accept that I've messed up my life but I just can't. When God has control over my life and I don't like how something happened I can go to him and ask him about it. But this is all me. Just me. Is it so horrible that I don't want to accept that? I don't think so. Because this is not how it is supposed to be. I just don't know why God let me do this to myself. And I don't know why it has to be so painful. That is the first time I have ever done anything wrong like this so why does it have to be so painful? I really feel like i have just ruined my life....and I am a bit of a perfectionist. I want everything to go the way it should...not life this. I don't even think that is perfectionism.

If God is supposed to be omnipotent or whatever, then wouldn't He already know that I was going to do this and why did he let me? And if that's true then how do we even have free will. But that's another discussion...I guess. I feel like I have such a hard time trying to describe my feelings on this situation but hopefully I got it across.
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Spirit Compass

Surfer on the Lucid Sea
Dec 28, 2009
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You are dealing with a deep emotion, and you have correctly assessed that it is despair. This is a dark hole of the soul. It is your state of humanity, a state of separation from the Divine Spirit, or however you may think of 'God.' Like all humans, we do use the term 'God' to describe the Unknowable Spirit. Despair is the condition of separation from the Divine.

Jesus came to give us the light of hope. Your hope is in Jesus, the Son of Divine Spirit. Religion, religious beliefs, and traditional Christianity, which often has no sense of Eternal Spirit, will give you nothing.

Your need to is see the Light, and take wings so that you can fly over the Dark Hole of despair, and find comfort in the presence of the Son of the Divine Spirit.

Pray for light to enter your dark soul. Today I ask the Son to send a light beam to your soul and reveal this truth to you. Worship creates Divine reality. Learn to worship by bowing and praying for deliverance from despair. Jesus promised he would never leave you or forsake you.:crossrc:
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Can you share the specific issue you are dealing with, so we can address it more precisely? We are speaking in generalities and it sounds like you need to get the real issue out of you. I think you will find that we have messed up more than you would otherwise believe, but let us know your issue and we'll try to help you.

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eagles fly alone
Apr 12, 2006
Chino Hills, Calif.
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Dear Aaliyah,

Sometimes we have to be still and wait upon the Lord. Remember how Jesus had to suffer greatly before his ressurection?

Jesus cried out on the cross,
"My God My God! Why have you abandoned me?"
Matthew 27:46

But God did not leave Jesus hanging on the cross, AND He will not leave YOU hanging either.

Sometimes God allows us to undergo trials for reasons we do not know. But God, as a loving father does not punish, He strengthens and purifies our faith through trials, just as gold and silver are purified by fire:

I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold.
They will call on my name
and I will answer them;
I will say, 'They are my people,'
and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.' "
Zechariah 13:9

Let your heart be still and do not stir yourself up with feelings of regret or despair:

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:8-9

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.
psalms 43:5

"Do not fret because it only leads to evil."
psalms 37:8

Be still and wait patiently upon the Lord and He will deliver you from your sorrows:

Psalms 40:1
I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.

Isaiah 33:2 O LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for thee: be thou their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble.

Psalms 69:3 I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.

Lamentations 3:25 The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.

Isaiah 40:31 (also my sig) But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

God bless you. I will pray for you.

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Jan 12, 2009
Miami, Florida
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Aaliyah, alot of the things we go through are very important for us. Even though we don't understand it in that moment in time. Although we bring things upon ourselves, and although the Lord already knows we will, but He lets it happen because it is very much the same what gabrielListens stated:

I will refine them like silver
and test them like gold.
They will call on my name
and I will answer them;
I will say, 'They are my people,'
and they will say, 'The LORD is our God.' "

You see, we are put through the fire and come out new. Do the flames feel pleasurable...? Very doubtful... I know what you mean by being a Perfectionist and wanting things to happen as you see them in your head, or as you plan them out, but life is never that way. Although it is harder for us to forgive ourselves than for the Lord to do so, and we tend to keep the GUILT upon our shoulders, trying hard never to forget the mistakes we've made, because that would mean we are "LESS THAN PERFECT". The sad fact is that ALL HUMANS ARE IMPERFECT. We need God and sometimes we have to be reminded of that fact. When we make a mistake, even a huge one, of course there is the consequence and of course we get to see ourselves in a negative light, but the Truth is that we do learn from these mistakes and not only do we learn from those, but we are drawn closer to the Lords mercy, because as we see ourselves for how we really are, then also do we see the Lord for how truly Merciful and Loving that He is.

I too ended up at one point where I made just -1- mistake... But that mistake cost me dearly and I had to suffer with that pain and with that consequence for quite a very very long time... I'm not sure it's totally gone either, but when I remember that time, I also remember, "Jesus saved me." And I don't think I could have quite a stronger testimony to myself and to others than for this fact alone. Learning to live with myself, as a perfectionist, and understanding that no matter how hard I try, I will eventually mess up, that was probably the hardest lesson to learn.

There -WILL- be an end to the pain, of that I assure you. There -WILL- be a day of Redemption for the mistakes you made, of that it is promised to us by the Lord. There -WILL- be a day when you come out the other side of the fire and made brand new, and you will look back and you will praise the Lord with everything you have for his lovingkindness and Mercy and thank Him for allowing you go through the fire and become something beautiful in His eyes and in your own.

For now: Pray without ceasing, make supplications to the Lord and He will hear you. Do your best to be IN THE WILL of the Lord and do what He says you should be doing. Read the Bible as often as possible, even if it's just 5 minutes a day. Yes, it might be hard, but keeping yourself Kingdom minded will definately help you get through the Trials and Tribulations with a little more peace in your heart. You will see the Lord talking to you through Scripture and through Prayer and He will give you Tranquility in your heart and remind you that His love for you NEVER fades and NEVER diminishes....

Feel free to PM me and talk if you ever need a friend. We are family in Christ, afterall. :)

God bless you, Sister.

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Dec 26, 2009
Grand Rapids, MI
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[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']Aaliyah - God has forgiven you - however, Satan will play on your emotions, and constantly remind you of your fall. Satan has been using the same old bag of tricks to discourage and dim us since before the world began.[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] [/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']But Paul understood our predicament. He told the Romans, "I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing" Romans 7:18-19[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'] And Romans 3:23 tells us for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.[/FONT]
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']and Isa say's [/FONT][FONT='Arial','sans-serif']"But we are all like an unclean thing, and all of our righteousnesses are like filthy rags (Isa. 64:6")[/FONT][FONT='Verdana','sans-serif'][/FONT]
But there are two very important words I tell my congragation to remember - "But God" He loves us dispite all our foolish mistakes, he knows we are not human, Does that mean we can go around and sin all we want? No! f we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9.
Don't let ol cleft foot keep reminding you of your mistakes - and when he does?
Halleluiah! We can remind him of his future.
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Jan 6, 2010
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For the past 10 years or so I've been living a sinful lifestyle that I knew deep down was wrong but I did it anyway. There were times I'd try to get out of it, but it would keep coming back to me. Recently I realized just how bad of a Christian I've been and how seriously I had strayed from God. There were times I'd get back to his Word and pray fervently, but it wouldn't last long. I feel different this time in good ways and in bad ways. I can't really even talk about it to anyone at this point. I'd like to get there, but I just haven't figured out how to talk to anyone. I always wonder if I was really saved before and I just fell into a hole for years and God finally convicted me and pulled me out. Each day that I wake up is a battle won. When I start to despair, I tell myself "You have to keep moving." Aaliyah, I wish you the best and may God bless you.
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Mar 24, 2005
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Learning to live with myself, as a perfectionist, and understanding that no matter how hard I try, I will eventually mess up, that was probably the hardest lesson to learn.
I went through some years where everything went wrong, and I argued to God that He knew I could do life well and Christianity well, so what was the problem. It took me a while to see how silly that all sounded. What do I need Christianity for, if I could do it well by myself?

I don't believe that God brings these things on us, but that He allows us to do things to ourselves so that we will treat others decently in the future. See ourselves as equally vulnerable when situations are tough.

One of the verses that echoed in my mind during that time-

Mt 7:2
For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

I was good at comparing myself against the weaknesses of others. My "I would never do that" mantra was my form of judgment and arrogance. I despised what others chose to do, and was glad I was not like those others.

What good was I, in drawing others into His kingdom? Maybe luring by intimidation or competition, to my kingdom, but not to see His full gospel of redemption.

God allowed me to fall into some of the same traps -- ones I would never see myself in, ever. I didn't understand how this verse could possibly be His stance, but I found myself doing the same things I judged others for.

Why didn't He pull me out?

Why did God allow Job to lose everything? At least Job could cling to the pride that the devil considered him a feisty challenge. But maybe Job didn't know the cause either.

Did I ask God for help? Not until it was too late. I was certain I could handle it all myself, and my goodness would save me. My hard work, determination, wise choices, self-discipline -- traits that made me appear a good Christian -- none of those saved me.

I needed His real intervention. I was too proud to see that prayer goes before success.

Pr 3:6
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

I acknowledged Him... in the sense that I tried to represent Him well.

The Hebrew word used for acknowledge is
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Geneva]
to know, learn to know
to perceive
to perceive and see, find out and discern

I thought I knew. But I did not always seek more from Him.

I decided what I thought He would say, just like I'd assume what my parents would have said before I asked them. Could I go to this party... I already knew their answer.

The other side of this situation was His offer of redemption. God could take a mass murderer and turn them around to live a productive life. Forgiven, redeemed, with a future in heaven. But when I did not put myself in this category, I did not see my errors the same way. They were my responsibility.

It is good to be repentant, and see our responsibility in our errors. Very good. But if we don't move on from them, then we let them drag us downhill, and make us non-functional.

Why does God forgive a mass murderer, and not redeem our stupid mistakes? It is not from His choice; it is ours.

Allow Him to redeem. Not just pay for your ticket to heaven, but redeem everything you do. He has paid the price once, for all. He has promised us His Holy Spirit, which produces fruits in our lives. Invite Him to do more of the work, in advance.

God tends to not intervene until we ask Him. He is waiting at every moment, and His angels are waiting to jump into action.

He tends to not respond to a situation until we give the conscious go-ahead. We can pray for others, pray in advance, put Him first in the time span of every endeavor, and good things really do happen. It is still our birthright in Him, to ask.

This has been a horribly discouraging time for you. I can imagine you might feel like God and Christianity are not working at all.

Keep asking. Keep seeking, even when you think you have exhausted all the possibilities. Keep knocking on His door.
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AKA~ Just4Jesus
Jul 28, 2007
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I dont even know if this is the right place to post this but whatever. I couldn't find a 'despair' forum.

I am seriously just so sick of everything in my life. It doesn't matter how much I ask God for forgiveness and try my hardest to do everything right, the hell that is my life still persists.

I just don't even know how to explain my life that's how screwed up it is. Like I can't even figure it out. I just feel like I am so stuck and there is no way out. I am too ashamed to even write it here. That's my main feeling is same. Ugh! I want to say what my problem is but I don't even feel like I can. I don't even really know. Just basically ever since I made a horrible mistake and disobeyed God my life will never be the same again. That's what it was was a mistake. I don't know why God has to continue to punish me. I really dont understand. Sometimes I just think about it and I just feel like I am just supposed to die. I feel like that is where my life is headed. I feel like have destroyed my life so much that it can never be good again and it's only a matter of time before something kills me. I know the wages for sin are death but wow I never thought I would be here. That is really how I feel...am I just being way too serious about this? I don't see how I could be. I mean this is my life, I'm not making up the way I feel about it. This has been going on for 3 years I just dont know how much more I can take. It's never gonna end. I feel like God is punishing me but I don't understand why he continues to do it. I just feel like Ive screwed up so much that there is no hope for me. Trust me I know all about the Bible and if we repent God will forgive us but that doesn't change your life. All of your actions have consequences and God has to let them take a natural course. You can be forgiven by God and still ruin your life for good. I just cant believe I am at this point. It just feels like a horrible nightmare and there's nothing I can do about it. I don't even want to try to go on because I feel like what is the point. I've been trying for so long and I am sick of it.

Can someone please help me. You really have no idea how horrible I feel. I feel like I need practical advice. Like I will take Bible quotes and everything but I know about the Bible. I'm not a stranger to it. I just need real life advice here. I just want to give up and I just feel so stupid for even writing this.

I have been there, I would like to give you a hug:hug:I am praying now:prayer:
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How about a hug?
Dec 10, 2008
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The biggest problem I see is the fact that you are trying to get your joy and your strength in your own power. You say you know you are forgiven, but it seems like you're not understanding that joyful statement. Through Christ, we are justified and we are then on God's side 100%. Our Father is not like the fathers of this world. He isn't saying "I'm fed up with you" after you've fallen to something so many times.

So when you pray, be confident. It doesn't matter the problem, God can take it. Cry out to God in your hole of despair. Ask Him to take you out of it. If you feel ashamed, tell God that you feel ashamed and then just lay it down. Surrender. Fall back into His arms and let Him take complete control. Become weak, not relying on your own power and your own strength and this will be when you have victory, joy, peace, happiness, etc.

To get these things from our own works and to try to stop sinning in our own power, this is idolatry. This is idolizing your own works. No matter how hard you try, you'll fail. But if you instead go and become broken before God and give it to Him, you will succeed. Come to God defenseless and He will be your defense.

And so the point I'm trying to make is that I think the underlying problem is you're trying to get strength and joy from your own power. I don't think God's punishing you, you're just not letting Him take control. When I came to the realization of this fact, my life changed and has been changed since. I have peace, I have joy, I have strength, I have victory all because I surrender to my life to Christ daily.

I don't think I did a good enough job of explaining this, but I pray that it will still be understood. Please, study the doctrine of justification. You should check out some of John Piper's writings and sermons on the topic. He's got good teaching on it.
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Sep 11, 2008
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I'm sorry if any of my advice here is repeated, I didn't read through all the posts. But I want to offer you encouragement. God is not punishing you! You have put on Christ and no matter what you did in your past, do you know what God sees when He looks at you? He sees His Son who is His delight! He doesn't see your transgressions, He's removed those. I know it's easy to buckle under the weight of your past and say that God is using that as punishment (I've said that before myself), but it's not Him.

It rains on the just and the unjust, sis. Bad things happen to good people, you know that's true and if you don't, flick on the news. It may help you to realize that those bad things came into the world through sin and those things will always remain in this world, until Jesus comes back for us. It's very troubling for a Christian, knowing that Christ has come and conquered death and Has gone up to heaven to prepare a place for us, a place which we can't go to yet. We have to live in this world which has so much pain and suffering and death, knowing that there's something so much better out there.

Take heart sister, there is a reason for this. We have a purpose. We are here to spread the love of God and make Jesus known to all the nations! We are going to suffer hardships both from sin and from the world. Neither has any love for Jesus, in fact, by following Christ, life on earth doesn't get easier, it should get much harder. You will be tempted more, you will be mocked more, this isn't an easy life that we were called to. But easy or not, it's a very important and precious life, and I hope you realize that. Please realize how precious you are to God, and how important you are to Him. You might feel small in this big world but know that God took the time to count every single hair on your head. He cares deeply for you, more then you will ever know.
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