Obey how God rules us in His peace >
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)
You trust God to have you submitting to Him in His own peace. And this peace has God's own almighty power to protect us from any and all evil and cruel emotions and feelings. And in God's peace we share with Him in His creativity for how to love any person.
So, what did you get from the video?
For myself, I received confirmation that what I have experienced in regards to forgiveness, is a universal experience to all believers.
For me, honestly, it was a very difficult and bumpy road to get here. Areas of pride and self-righteousness are not defeated overnight.
Not only had I been plagued by hurt in the past by others, but also hurt in the present (mostly from ongoing rejection from loved ones who do not share my faith).
God - in breaking my stony heart in the crucible of suffering, delivered me to a position where He could make a great challenge in regards to my willingness to obey Scripture. I had been SO thankful that I could experience the joy of obedience in other areas, that I was at a point to seriously submit to this challenge - in what I hope was humble recognition of His greatness.
I'll relay that challenge with a bit of poetic license, as I was only able to agree to each point over a matter of time and as enabled, not in just one conversation with Him...
Are you willing to ask Me, as often as necessary, to cancel their debt to Me and to you completely?
Yes, Lord.
Are you willing to ask them for their forgiveness for your sins against them?
Yes, Lord.
Are you willing to do so without any obligation on their part to apologize and ask your forgiveness for their sins against you? To NEVER, EVER bring up the hurt they caused you again?
One of my definitions of love in Scripture is that it "does not keep an account of wrongs suffered." Just as I do with you!
Yes, Lord.
Are you willing to bear the possibility that, in their eyes, you alone bear all responsibility and blame - even though you know between you and Me that it is otherwise?
Yes, Lord.
Do you now recognize that your sins against them are no less profound than their sins against you?
Yes, Lord.
How do you intend to deal with hurtful memories popping back up, even as you have forgiven?
Immediately interrupt the enemy's lure back into bitterness, and pray for them as the Spirit leads - the enemy flees every time.
Are you willing [take a breath] to be kind and loving and a potent witness to those who are rejecting you (especially loved ones)? Are you willing to continue to reach out and initiate contact again and again in love without receiving love in return, in the hopes of contributing to My call to salvation and desire for reconciliation between them and Myself, and you and them? And for those who have cut you off, are you willing to regularly pray for them for their benefit, with the additional hope that all My children will be reconciled and fellowship restored in my coming Kingdom?
Yes, Lord.
Finally, are you willing to extend that same love equally to your neighbor, the stranger, and your (and mine) enemies?
Yes, Lord.
Welcome to the heart of God - full of compassion, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.
And that is how God lead me to where I can have consistent peace with Him, my fellow man, and myself. Daily joy in the Spirit through obedience and having the privilege of seeing into His heart every day - and seeing His heart in my Brothers and Sisters. No wonder we get such joy in praising Him together. We are ALL likewise being sanctified for this life and eternity!
Jeremiah 9:23-24 NIV
This is what the Lord says:
“Let not the wise boast of their wisdom
or the strong boast of their strength
or the rich boast of their riches but let the one who boasts boast about this:
that they have the understanding to know me,
that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,”
declares the Lord."
"And in God's peace we share with Him in His creativity for how to love any person."
Spot on!