How God has blessed me

Pastor Z

Aug 18, 2004
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Several years ago, I was living life as a Christian, but doing it on MY terms instead of on God's terms. Once I came to that realization, I went to Him and truly repented. I'm talking about the fall-down-on-the-floor-crying-like-a-baby type of repentance. Afterward, He picked me up, wrapped His arms around me and said, "Welcome home, I've missed you."

Shortly after that, He called me into the ministry. I resisted at first, but once I submitted to His will, amazing blessings began to come into my life. He brought a wonderful Christian woman into my path, and 8 months later we were married. She was a cancer survivor (ovarian/uterin) who was told that she could never have children. Last March God blessed us with a little girl DESPITE what the doctors had previously told my wife. Truly a miracle. Over the last 2-1/2 years He's also blessed me with an online Christian cartoon ministry called "Church Mice."

Last January I was asked to serve as interim pastor for two small churches near Raleigh NC. In June, I walked away from a 25 year career as a designer to enter the ministry as a full-time pastor for two churches in southeastern NC. It is amazing to know you're right where God wants you to be.

All it takes is a total submission to the Father's will. Only after you've taken that step will He begin to open doors for you. And the real blessing is this - the best is yet to come!