Halt Israeli Nuclear program


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Mar 2, 2008
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Hezbollah is a terrorist organization, if they don't like being called that, then perhaps they should ease up on the suicide bombings, kidnapping, and murder of innocent victims (regardless of religious ideology). Hamas is a terrorist organization for the same reasons.

Also, I never said anything about "poor israel" or "evil muslims". So keep the empty speculation to yourself unless I actually say something. :wave:

You realize botht he us and isreal do this, and on a much grander scale, yes?
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AFAIK Pakistan is a lot more politically unstable (and this is particulary true actually) than Iran, still they've got the bomb.

And they are an assasaination away from radicals getting the bomb, and having a nuclear war with India. It was also a Pakistani that gave nuclear secret to Iran, NK, and other hostile, radical nations.

Pakistan is the best exammple there is for why Iran shouldn't be allowed the bomb.

But calling Hezbollah a terrorist group is right-wing US-zionist propaganda of the clearest kind.

Half of your sentence here is propaganda hot terms, but we're using propaganda. Riiight.
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1) Why should they? It's the only defense they have against israeli aggression. They want to negotiate for a palestianian state but everytime it happens, israel does something stupid to screw it up. Most recently cutting off the power to a million people and blocking transport from international aid which provides the food they've become dependent on thanks to israel keeping them inside the world's largest prison. Israel doesn't stop commiting acts of terrorism and keeps an apartheid state going, why should the palistianians stop? Peaceful protest won't work against israel, they will readily bulldoze and bomb these people as soon as look at them, israel has given these people no other choice but to take up the gun. No one wants to fight a war or blow themselves up. But israel has stolen these people's land and worked to make them a slave class in their own land. They've stolen any hope they have. Hamas and hezbollah both provide the humanitarian services like food, healthcare and education that israel won't.

They should stop because that "defence" is that justification for Israel to do what it does. Israel isn't always right, but I trust them a 100x more than I do her neighbors. Because anyone with a brain and a set of eyes knows how crazy those people are.

You're saying these people won't bend over and be slaves and die so they deserve to be killed, that isn't sane.

No one wants to make them slaves.

2) They don't? They seem to. There's plenty of graffiti around settlements with lovely statements like "Gas all arabs". And again, they openly threaten their neighbors.

I'm sure there is graffiti that says gass all Jews, what's your point?

Aminijahed, someone who doesn't even really represent the iranian people, said that their state, as it exist in a terrorist capacity, needs to be wiped from the face of the earth.

No, he said that Israel needs to be wiped from the face of the earth. Big diff.

He's said, ad nauseum, that his government would back any agreement reached by the palestinian people.

That's fabulous. But will the Mongolians back an agreement? After all, that have just as much to do with any agreement they come to as Iran does. Plus the Mongolians need a little attention too, ya know. They haven't been relevent since Ghengis Khan.

They've never threatened to attack israel, israel has REPEATEDLY threatened to attack them.

Bull. They said they should be driven into the sea, wiped from the pages of time, or somme such metaphoric hoopla. Not to mention the funding and aid to Hezbollah. And just because you are naive enough to believe that Iran isn't a threat, doesn't mean the Israelis, who acually have to deal with them, and know something about the area, and the people, are so naive.

3) I know what a terrorist state is. Israel is a terrorist state. They use violence freely against the indigenous population and use "group punishment" (eg bombing entire apartment complexes) in an attempt to terrorize the population.

Technically, every state is a terrorist state.

I don't want them to lay down and die. 95% of my friends are jews, I've lived in a house of 20 jewish dudes for the past two years, I don't have a single arab friend (not out of racism, there just really aren't that many arabs in my town I've never had the oppurtunity to make any), I've dated jewish women on numerous occasions, I'm about as far from an antisemetic as can be.

And my nickname is Jerry the Jew. I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I figured I'ld throw it out there.

Also there is tons of pressure from the RELIGIOUS jewish community INSIDE israel to stop its campaign of terror against the indigineous population. I want them to withdraw from the settlements, stop using food and medical care as weapons, stop stealing land, go back to the original borders and end their apartheid policies. Hamas and hezbollah have said they will both back whatever agreement is reached. That's it. As the famous quote goes "If you want to stop terrorism, stop participating in it"

I think they mostly have withdrawn from the settlements, which caused a lot of pain in Israel. How were they thanked, more terrorism.

And Hamas and Hezbollah have said a lot of things, a lot of cease fires and truces, all of which turned out to be lies. It's never good enough for them, and I garentee you they won't stop until every Israeli is dead.
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[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, Verdana]Israel gunboats and air-to-surface missiles continued to pound Gaza as “Operation Summer Rain”, which began on June 28, entered its 11th week. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), more than 202 Palestinians have been killed, including at least 44 children. [/FONT]

What else? Oh the round ups, the random imprisonment of palestinians, the constant bombardment of lebanon, theft of land, etc.

And let's see... Hiroshima, vietnam, cambodia, afghanistan, iraq, patriot act, Guantanamo, the school of americas, that's just a partial list from off the top of my head.
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Also keep in mind that the palestinians are the occupied people and oppressed people and people living in an apartheid state much, much worse than anything south africa ever saw, nonviolent resistance like those used in the 50s and 60s in the USA straight up don't work. You just get ignored and shot.
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And they are an assasaination away from radicals getting the bomb, and having a nuclear war with India. It was also a Pakistani that gave nuclear secret to Iran, NK, and other hostile, radical nations.

Pakistan is the best exammple there is for why Iran shouldn't be allowed the bomb.

Half of your sentence here is propaganda hot terms, but we're using propaganda. Riiight.

1) The main reason, to this day, for the nuclear proliferation of all these countries is because of the actions of the united states.

2) Hezbollah is a legitamate political party that engages in terrorist activity in response to israeli agression. They don't have any military hardware beyond ak 47s and the odd couple of rocket launchers, thus the only way to fight their aggressors is through nontraditional warfare. If they had tanks, warplanes, warheads, a standing military, etc. They'd probably respond in more traditional ways. Keep in mind israel, the us, and most every nation of earth engages in terrorism. It's just their citizens very, very rarely, if at all, call their nation's (America/europe/israel, whatever) actions terrorism, just like the people hezbollah represents don't call what they do terrorism.
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