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The eminent prayerfulness of Jesus

(Charles Spurgeon)

"Jesus went out to the mountain to pray, and spent all night in prayer to God." Luke 6:12

If ever one might have lived without prayer, it was our spotless, perfect Lord--and yet none was ever so much in supplication as He! Such was His love to His Father, that He loved much to be in communion with Him! Such was His love for His people, that He desired to be much in intercession for them.

The fact of the eminent prayerfulness of Jesus is a lesson for us--He has given us an example that we may follow in His steps.

The time He chose was admirable:
it was the hour of silence, when the crowd would not disturb Him;
it was the time of inaction, when all but Himself had ceased to labor;
and the season when slumber made men forget their woes, and cease their applications to Him for relief. While others found rest in sleep, He refreshed Himself with prayer.

The place was also well selected. He was alone where none would intrude, where none could observe--thus was He free from Pharisaic ostentation and vulgar interruption. Those dark and silent hills were a fit oratory for the Son of God. Heaven and earth in midnight stillness heard the groans and sighs of the mysterious Being in whom both worlds were blended.

The continuance of His pleadings is remarkable:
the long watches were not too long;
the cold wind did not chill His devotions;
the grim darkness did not darken His faith, or loneliness check His importunity.
We cannot watch with Him one hour, but He watched for us whole nights!

The occasion for this prayer is notable. It was after His enemies had been enraged at Him, that prayer was His refuge and solace. It was before He sent forth the twelve apostles--that prayer was the gate of His enterprise, the herald of His new work. Should we not learn from Jesus to resort to special prayer when we are under peculiar trials, or contemplate fresh endeavors for the Master's glory?

Lord Jesus, teach us to pray!
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Folly duped the whole race!

(Charles Spurgeon)

"As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. In those days before the Flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. They knew nothing about what would happen until the Flood came and swept them all away! That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man!" Matthew 24:37-39

Universal was the doom--none escaped!

The rich and poor,
the learned and the illiterate,
the admired and the abhorred,
the religious and the profane,
the old and the young--
all sank in one common ruin!

Some had doubtless ridiculed Noah--where were their merry jests now? Others counted him mad for his zeal--where were their boastings and hard speeches now? The carper who criticized old Noah's work--is drowned in the same sea which covers his sneering companions. Those who spoke patronizingly of Noah's fidelity to his convictions--but did not share in them, have sunk to rise no more! And the workers who were paid to help build the wondrous ark, are all lost also.

The flood swept them all away, and made no single exception!

Just so, final destruction is sure to every person outside of Christ! No rank, possession or character, shall suffice to save a single soul who has not savingly believed in the Lord Jesus. My soul, behold this wide-spread judgment and tremble at it.

How astonishing was the general apathy! They were all eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage--until the dreadful morning dawned. There was not one wise man upon earth, outside of the ark. Folly duped the whole race, folly as to self-preservation--the most foolish of all follies. Folly in doubting the most true God--the most malignant of fooleries!

Strange, my soul, is it not? All men are negligent of their souls until saving grace gives them reason, then they leave their madness and act like rational beings, but not until then.

All who in the ark were safe--no ruin entered there. All in Jesus are safe. My soul, are you in Him?
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Petty wars over abstruse points and unimportant questions

(Charles Spurgeon)

"Avoid foolish questions." Titus 3:9

Our days are few, and are far better spent in devoting ourselves to good works, than in disputing over matters which are, at best, of minor importance. Incessant discussion of subjects of no practical value, do a world of mischief. Our churches suffer much from petty wars over abstruse points and unimportant questions. After everything has been said that can be said--neither party is any the wiser! Therefore, the discussion no more promotes knowledge, than love! It is foolish to sow in so barren a field.

Questions upon . . .
points wherein Scripture is silent;
mysteries which belong to God alone;
prophecies of doubtful interpretation;
modes of observing mere human ceremonies
--are all foolish! Wise men will avoid them!

Our business is neither to ask nor answer foolish questions--but to avoid them altogether! If we observe the apostle's precept to be careful to devote ourselves to good works--we shall find ourselves far too much occupied with profitable business, to take much interest in unworthy, contentious, and needless strivings!

There are, however, some questions which are the reverse of foolish--which we must not avoid, but fairly and honestly answer, such as these:
Am I growing in grace and Christ-likeness?
Does my life adorn the doctrine of my Savior?
What more can I do for Jesus?
Such inquiries as these, urgently demand our attention!

If we have been at all given to arguing and disputing, let us now turn to a service so much more profitable. Let us endeavor to lead others, both by our precept and example, to "avoid foolish questions."

"Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels." 2 Timothy 2:23

"Be careful to devote yourself to good works." Titus 3:8
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O the depths!

(Charles Spurgeon, "The Treasury of David")

"O LORD, how great are Your works! Your thoughts are very deep!" Psalm 92:5

Man is superficial, God is inscrutable.
Man is shallow, God is deep.

"O LORD, how great are Your works!"
The Psalmist is lost in wonder. He utters an exclamation of amazement. How vast! How stupendous are the doings of Jehovah! All the creations of the Infinite One are great for number, extent, and glory, and design!

"Your thoughts are very deep!"
The Lord's thoughts and plans are as marvelous as His works.

His designs are as profound, as His doings are vast.

Creation is immeasurable, and the wisdom displayed in it unsearchable.
Providence is inexhaustible, and the divine decrees which originate it are inscrutable.
Redemption is grand beyond conception, and the thoughts of love which planned it are infinite.

Dive as we may, we shall never fathom the mysterious plan, or exhaust the boundless wisdom of the all-comprehending mind of the Lord. We can only stand by the fathomless sea of divine wisdom, and exclaim with holy awe, "O the depths!"

"O LORD, how great are Your works! Your thoughts are very deep!"
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Just what is best for you!

(Thomas Moor, "Counsels and Thoughts for the Spiritual Life of Believers" 1882)

Remember that among your chief thoughts of the Lord Jesus, this one must ever have a prominent place: that He is ever looking down upon you and watching you with tenderest love, and ordering all things for your eternal good.

Sometimes it is spiritual medicine, at other times it is spiritual nourishment--but at all times it is spiritual good and just what is best for you! He sees and knows beyond anyone else what is best for you in each circumstance of each moment. So, always when you think of Him, think of Him as thus looking down upon you and ever caring for you.

Often the Lord, in His discipline of love, not only withholds what the heart longs for, but gives what the heart shrinks from naturally. If this is not patiently received at His hands, the discipline is of no avail and the Lord has to begin the discipline again, and sometimes again and again, but all in love--that the believer may at last leave it to Him to give, or take away, or withhold, even as He pleases.

To enjoy rest in the Lord Jesus in every providence however trying--each trying providence should be interpreted in strict accordance with His covenant love and faithfulness. To the believer, He is all love. His providences never contradict this--however unpleasing, undesirable, or disappointing they may be.

The Lord Jesus by affliction calls His people to draw still nearer to Himself in daily fellowship, in secret and personal communion, so that, having become the still deeper necessity of their souls, He may still more become their fullness of life, and peace, and joy.

With believers who are often in much affliction, the question should not be, "Why am I thus afflicted by Him more than many are who appear to be always well?" But rather, "Why am I so loved by Him more than many are; I who deserve this love no more than they do!"

The Lord Jesus wants the believer to look to Him as his all--both in providence and grace, in temporal things and in spiritual.

Affliction, pain, and trial, are not evil things. Nothing is evil but sin!
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One of the sure results of living by faith

(Thomas Moor, "Counsels and Thoughts for the Spiritual Life of Believers" 1882)

One of the sure results of living by faith, is to bring everything in the daily life, and every thought of the heart, into subjection to the Lord Jesus, and to have no will but His.

Walking with Christ, you are sure to walk in the path of safety and blessing. What if the way is sometimes marked with rough and thorny places? What if the difficulties and perplexities are many and unexpected? Looking unto Jesus, they will be but His opportunity to prove to you more vividly and fully--what a ready helper, and what a faithful and ever-present friend you have in Him.

All that the Lord Jesus does in relation to you, is prompted by His special individual love for you.
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The gentleness of Jesus in His dealings with us every step of the way

(Thomas Moor, "Counsels and Thoughts for the Spiritual Life of Believers" 1882)

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30

His hand is a gentle one, though it be a mighty one--for to us, it is the once pierced hand of Jesus. The gentleness of Jesus is as much a feature of His character as His love. It is because He loves so much, that He is so gentle in His dealings with His people. No mother can lead her darling child so gently, or watch its path so carefully, or stoop to do such lowly acts for its well-being--as our Jesus leads, and watches over, and works for His people.

Adversity often finds rough voices and unfriendly conduct where least expected, but it always meets with gentleness in Jesus. Those whose eyes are often blinded by affliction's tears--best know how gently the gentle hand of the Lord Jesus can wipe sorrow's tears away. More glorious is omnipotence in wiping those tears away, than in the creation of a universe!

It is the glory of omnipotence to be gentle.
It is the sweetness of majesty to condescend.
It is the beauty of love to walk in lowliness and uplift the fallen.

Hearts wounded by disappointed hopes, by misplaced confidence, by harsh treatment--ever meet with sweet solace and soothing consolation in the gentleness of Jesus.

When the believer's feet have slipped and he has fallen into sin, fellow-Christians may speak harshly, and upbraid and condemn--but the returning wanderer always meets with gentleness in Jesus. Love never hesitates, and can never stoop too low to multiply the comforts and the joys of the beloved one.

Psalm 18:35, "Your gentleness has made me great," for it has raised me up from sin and shame, from sorrow and despair.

How low our Jesus stooped--let Bethlehem, and Gethsemane, and Calvary tell.

He still stoops low, for He comes down to our lowly walk and our little needs to be our daily companion, and to multiply our daily blessings. And when our lowly walk on earth is over, and from the light of glory we contemplate the path of our earthly pilgrimage--among the many manifestations of love then made clear, will be seen the gentleness of Jesus in His dealings with us every step of the way.
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Disagreement with the path, is disagreement with Him who ordained it

(Thomas Moor, "Counsels and Thoughts for the Spiritual Life of Believers" 1882)

"Be content with such things as you have, for He has said: I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

The Lord Jesus never leaves His people. Whether they realize His presence or not, it does not alter the fact, for He is ever with them as their loving and sympathizing friend and helper--true God, yet always true man.

"I will never leave you"--there is the assurance of His gracious presence.

"Nor will I ever forsake you"--there is the assurance of His watchful care and changeless love.

It is possible for a person to have much of the company of one by whom he is forsaken in heart affection. The Lord Jesus does not deal thus with His people. His language means, "My presence shall ever go with you, My heart shall ever be towards you, and My hand shall ever hold you." There is nothing in the darkest and most trying path in which a believer can possibly be placed, that need prevent him constantly realizing the presence and love of His Lord, and quietly resting in Him.

Fully, however, to realize the Lord's presence and love, and quietly rest in Him, there must not only be looking up, and trusting, and waiting--but the heart must also be content with the providential path below.

If a believer would walk in loving fellowship with the Lord Jesus when in the path of trial--there must be a quiet, contented, patient abiding in that path where the Lord has placed him; for there, and there alone, will the Lord Jesus meet with him. Disagreement with the path, is disagreement with Him who ordained it.

There should be not only abiding with the Lord as the source of rest and comfort, but abiding in the path as the way of His appointment in love. The lack of this patient abiding is the reason why so many believers have such a joyless, anxious, troubled, barren experience. "Be content with such things as you have, for He has said: I will never leave you nor will I ever forsake you."
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Nevertheless I am continually with You!

(Thomas Moor, "Counsels and Thoughts for the Spiritual Life of Believers" 1882)

"Nevertheless I am continually with You! You hold me by my right hand." Psalm 73:23
This is the utterance of a faith which triumphs over contradictory circumstances and contradictory experiences.

Believer in Jesus, bear in mind that this "nevertheless" stands firm for you also, whatever may be the "although" of adverse circumstances and experiences you put before it.

Because of the covenant faithfulness of Him in whose hand of grace and love you are, you can truly say:

"Although I am weak and helpless, nevertheless I am continually with You."

"Although I am vile and undeserving, nevertheless I am continually with You."

"Although I am so foolish and prone to wander, nevertheless I am continually with You."

"Although trials and afflictions beset me, nevertheless I am continually with You."

"Although all forsake me, nevertheless I am continually with You."

"Although I cannot realize Your presence, nevertheless I am continually with You."

Thus, whatever may be your "although," let the "nevertheless" of your faith always triumph, for . . .
the grasp of Christ's hand never slackens,
the power of Christ's arm never fails,
the love of Christ's heart never changes.
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Spurgeon's choice excerpts on Hell

(Charles Spurgeon)

There never was anyone else so kind in heart as Jesus was--yet He clearly taught the dreadful truth that unrepentant sinners shall be punished in Hell forever!

Remember, you can be laughed into Hell--but you can never be laughed out of it!

In countries where leprosy prevails, they shut up the lepers in a place by themselves, lest the terrible disease should infect the whole district. Hell is God's leper colony where sinners must be confined forever when they are incurable and past hope!

There is no sleep in Hell. Oh, what a blessing it would be, if sleep could enter the habitation of the damned!

Men hate Hell, for the same reason that murderers hate the gallows!

To be almost saved--is to be altogether lost!
There are many in Hell who once were almost saved--but who are now altogether damned!

Better to go to Heaven alone, than to Hell with a herd!

If your religion does not make you holy--it will damn you!
It is simply painted pageantry to go to Hell in!

Morality may keep you out of jail--but it takes the blood of Jesus Christ to keep you out of Hell.

There is a clean path to Hell as well as a dirty one.
You will be lost if you trust your good works--as surely if you trusted your sins!

Beware of those who say that there is no Hell--and that there are new ways to Heaven!

You are hanging over the mouth of Hell by a single thread--and that thread is breaking! Only a stopping of the heart for a single moment, and you will be in the eternal world--without God, without hope, without forgiveness!

Beloved, the eternal torment of men is no joy to God.

Scripture does not speak of the fire of Hell as chastening or remedial, or purifying--but as punishment which men shall receive for deeds done in the body. They are to be visited with many stripes, and receive just recompense for transgressions. What can there be about Hell fire to change a man's heart? Surely the more the lost will suffer, the more will they hate God.
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Spurgeon's choice excerpts on Hell, part 2

(Charles Spurgeon)

The hell of Hell, is that it is to be forever.
The lost soul sees written over its head, "You are damned forever!"
It hears howlings that are to be perpetual.
It sees flames which are unquenchable.
It knows pains that are unmitigated.

Living in sin, is the root of living forever in Hell!

If you have lived like the wicked, then you will die like the wicked, and be damned like the wicked.

No books of persuasion are needed to urge the unsaved to rush onward to eternal ruin. They hurry to be lost--they are eager to be damned. There they go, streams of them, hurrying impatiently, rushing down to Hell and damnation--yes, eagerly panting and dashing against one another to descend to that awful gulf from which there is no return!

Hell is sin fully developed!

It is better to go weeping to Heaven--than to go laughing to Hell.

It ill befits a man who is on the brink of Hell--to be laughing and jesting.

As long as a man is alive and out of Hell--he cannot have any cause to complain.

Sin and Hell are forever married--unless repentance proclaims the divorce.

Can it be worthwhile to sin yourselves into Hell? Can there be any supposed pleasure which can ever compensate you for everlasting pain? If so, then choose the pleasures of sin for a season--but rest assured that for all these things, God will bring you into judgment!

Would it not be better to go to Heaven side by side with a poor old almshouse-woman, or a chimney-sweep, or a pauper from the workhouse--than to go to Hell with a king or a rich man?

The best of your good works are but a painted pageantry for your soul to go to Hell in!
You may as surely go down to the bottomless pit by the religious road--as by the way of the wicked.

Sin is the mother of death and the progenitor of Hell!

Without Christ you are an unpardoned sinner, a condemned sinner--and, before long you will be a sinner judged, sentenced and cast into Hell!

As long as Heaven shall shine--so long Hell shall burn! As long as saints are happy--so long shall those whose impenitence has made them castaways be wretched!

There are a thousand paths that lead to Hell--but only one that leads to Heaven!

A creature remaining at enmity against God must expect to dwell forever with the devils in Hell.
Where can it dwell, but where other rebels are confined in eternal chains?

I feel that if God would smite me now to the lowest Hell--I would only have what I justly deserve.

Oh, it is a crying sin that men will not only go to Hell alone--but they must drag their children with them!

Men are either going to Heaven or to Hell--and it is time that we came to close grips with them about this all-important matter!

There are two flaming jewels of Jehovah's crown which shall be solemnly seen in Hell--His wrath and His power.
"What if God, choosing to show His wrath and make His power known, bore with great patience the objects of His wrath, prepared for destruction?" Romans 9:22

I am not like yon flatterers who tell you that there is a little Hell and a little God, from which you naturally infer that you may live as you like. You will perish everlastingly if you believe them. There is a dreadful Hell--for there is an absolutely holy, just, and righteous God.

A man may as well descend to Hell being orthodox, as being heterodox. Alas, I suppose that no one is more orthodox than the devil--yet no one is more surely lost than he is!
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Here is a constellation of wonders!

(Charles Spurgeon)

"The forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." Ephesians 1:7

Could there be a sweeter word in any language than that word "forgiveness," when it sounds in a guilty sinner's ear!

Can it be possible that sin--such heinous sin as mine--can be forgiven, forgiven altogether, and forever? Hell is my portion as a sinner--there is no possibility of my escaping from it while sin remains upon me.

Can the unfathomable load of my guilt be removed? Can the crimson stain of my sins be blotted out?
Can the adamantine stones of my prison-house ever be loosed, or the doors be lifted from their hinges?

Jesus tells me that I may yet be forgiven. Forever blessed be the revelation of redeeming love, which not only tells me that pardon is possible--but that it is secured to all who rest in Jesus. I have believed in the appointed sin-atoning sacrifice, even Jesus crucified, and therefore my sins are at this moment, and forever--forgiven by virtue of His substitutionary sufferings and death! What joy is this! What bliss to be a perfectly pardoned soul! My soul dedicates all her powers to Him who of His own unpurchasable love became my surety, and wrought out for me redemption through His blood.

What riches of grace does free forgiveness exhibit!
To forgive at all,
to forgive fully,
to forgive freely,
to forgive forever!
Here is a constellation of wonders!

When I think of . . .
how great my sins were,
how dear were the precious drops which cleansed me from them, and
how gracious was the method by which pardon was sealed home to me,
I am in a maze of wondering worshiping affection!
I bow before the throne which absolves me!
I clasp the cross which delivers me!
I serve henceforth all my days--the Incarnate God, through whom I am this day a pardoned soul!

"Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him!" Romans 4:7-8
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O stand amazed at His free grace!

(Thomas Sherman, "Divine Breathings" or, "A Pious Soul Thirsting after Christ")

O precious saint! Three questions call for your answer:
1. What were you?
2. What are you?
3. What shall you be?

1. What were you?
Dead in your transgressions and sins,
a rebel to your God,
a prodigal to your Father,
a slave to your lust,
the devil's captive,
on the highway to Hell!

2. What are you?
Redeemed by Christ,
a royal child of God,
the spouse of Christ,
the temple of the Holy Spirit,
the heir of a priceless eternal inheritance!

3. What shall you be?
A glorious saint,
a companion of angels,
a triumphant victor,
a crowned king,
an attendant on the Lamb,
a participant in those soul-ravishing and ineffable excellencies that are in God!

You shall behold the King of Glory face to face--and enjoy immediate communion with Jesus Christ!

Nay more, you are made one with Him:
clothed with His excellencies,
enthroned with His glories,
crowned with His eternity,
and filled with His felicity!

"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard, and
no mind has imagined . . .
what God has prepared for those who love Him!" 1 Corinthians 2:9

O stand amazed at His free grace--and render all the glory to God!
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Miscellaneous pithy gems

Affliction is good, but not pleasant.
Sin is pleasant, but not good.

~ ~ ~ ~

We are not sinners because we sin--we sin because we are sinners.

~ ~ ~ ~

We fear man so much, because we fear God so little.
It is only the fear of God, that can deliver us from the fear of man.

~ ~ ~ ~

Grace is God giving us what we do not deserve--Heaven.
Mercy is God not giving us what we do deserve--Hell.

~ ~ ~ ~

We are:
Sinners by nature.
Sinners by birth.
Sinners by choice.

~ ~ ~ ~

Our sins will not keep us from Heaven, but our righteousness will!

~ ~ ~ ~

There never was anything of false doctrine brought into the church, but either it was by neglecting the Scripture, or by introducing something above the Scripture.

~ ~ ~ ~

The more purely God's Word is preached--the more deeply it pierces the heart.

~ ~ ~ ~

A man may as well fill a bag with wisdom, as the soul with the world.

~ ~ ~ ~

Consider how foolish it is for the children of Heaven to go licking up the dust of this earth!
The woman's seed should not desire the food of the serpent!

~ ~ ~ ~

Some are proud of what they are--others of what they are not.

~ ~ ~ ~

All men may be divided into two classes:
the righteous, who know themselves to be sinners,
lost sinners, who believe themselves to be righteous.

~ ~ ~ ~

A door that is almost shut, is open.
A man that is almost honest, is a thief.
A man that is almost saved, is altogether damned!
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The Christian's never-failing resort in every case, in every plight

(Charles Spurgeon)

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

Prayer is the Christian's never-failing resort in every case, in every plight. When you cannot use your sword--you may take to the weapon of all-prayer. Your gun-powder may be damp, your bow-string may be broken--but the weapon of all-prayer need never be out of order. Leviathan laughs at the javelin--but he trembles at prayer. Sword and spear need furbishing--but prayer never rusts; and when we think it most blunt--it cuts the best.

Prayer is an open door which none can shut! Devils may surround you on all sides--but the way upward is always open, and as long as that road is unobstructed, you will not fall into the enemy's hand. We can never be taken by force or storm--so long as heavenly help comes down to us to support us in the time of our necessities.

Prayer is never out of season--in summer and in winter its merchandise is precious. Prayer gains an audience with God--in the dead of night, in the midst of business, in the heat of noonday, in the shadows of evening. In every condition, whether of poverty, or sickness, or obscurity, or slander, or sin--your covenant God will welcome your prayer and answer it from His holy place.

Nor is prayer ever futile. True prayer is evermore true power. You may not always get what you ask--but you shall always have your real needs supplied. When God does not answer His children according to the letter--He does so according to the spirit. If you ask for coarse meal--will you be angered because He gives you the finest flour? If you seek bodily health, should you complain if instead thereof--He makes your sickness turn to the healing of spiritual maladies? Is it not better to have the affliction sanctified, than removed? My soul, do not forget to offer your petition and request, for the Lord is ready to grant you your desires!

"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need!" Hebrews 4:16
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He looks above and beyond the troublesome scenes of earth's fleeting pilgrimage

(David Harsha, "Wanderings of a Pilgrim")

No man begins the journey to the heavenly home, until by the gracious influence of the Holy Spirit his soul is attracted to Christ--the Living Way, the Truth and the Life.

At that happy hour when the heart is opened and the understanding is enlightened to discern spiritual things, the Savior's love is the first to beam in the mild, sweet, constraining influence upon the soul of the renewed man.

He wonders that he was not able before to discern the beauty, the excellence and the glory of Immanuel. Now Jesus appears to him as the chief among ten thousand, and altogether lovely. Now he is ready to exclaim, "My Beloved is mine, and I am His! Whom have I in Heaven but You? There is none upon earth that I desire besides You!"

Thus enlightened by divine grace, the pilgrim turns from the City of Destruction to the Heavenly Mansions.

He leaves the crowded road which leads to eternal darkness and woe, and enters on the narrow pathway that conducts the weary traveler to realms of light and bliss.

His views are now elevated above the decaying objects around him. His affections are placed upon things above. He contemplates with rapturous delight the bleeding glories of Immanuel, and the shining abode of Zion's pilgrims in the celestial kingdom.

He has become a spiritually-minded man.

He lives and walks by faith in the Son of God.

Though in the world, he is no longer of it; but belongs to the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

As an heir of glory, as a traveler to the skies, as an expectant of eternal bliss--he looks above and beyond the troublesome scenes of earth's fleeting pilgrimage.

He enjoys the charming and sublime prospect beyond the precincts of time! He beholds in that brighter world, an ocean of glory without a shore and without a storm!

As the Christian pursues his journey, with his eye fixed on the solemn realities of eternity--earth and sublunary grandeur appear to him as transitory as the morning cloud and early morning dew, compared with those immeasurable ages of bliss, which roll before his enraptured vision.

He who has been constrained by the Savior's love, to begin the blessed journey from the wilderness of this world to the Celestial City--will delight to meditate on the riches and glory of his Father's house, in the pure, unclouded realms of eternal day!
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AKA: Tom - Saved By Grace Through Faith
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The atrocities of Joshua

(Joel Headley, "Sacred Heroes")

"They utterly destroyed everything in the city with the sword--every man and woman, both young and old, and every ox, sheep, and donkey." Joshua 6:21

It is needless to go into a defense of what some call the atrocities of Joshua, in slaying women and children as well as warriors; in short, making a clean sweep of the inhabitants.

The Lord ordered it, and that is enough.

We may be sure that, whether He obliterates a nation by war, or blots out the entire race with a flood--He has good reasons for it, although He may not choose to give them.

The extinction of one race by another, and the occupation of its land, is one of the common things in the history of the world. And whether it is done by the swift process of the sword, or by gradual demise, or the introduction of disease and vice--the principle and the fact remain the same.

The Lord ordered it, and that is enough.

"See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god beside Me. I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of My hand!" Deuteronomy 32:39

"I am the LORD, and there is no other. I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things!" Isaiah 45:6-7

"Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?" Amos 3:6

"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns!" Revelation 19:6
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AKA: Tom - Saved By Grace Through Faith
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Mar 21, 2003
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From Grace Gems - Free and Public Domain:
Very Old - But Beautiful and Timeless Treasures.
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Our proper enjoyment of every earthly blessing

(Hannah More, "The Love of God")

There are three requirements to our proper enjoyment
of every earthly blessing which God bestows on us:

1. A thankful reflection on the goodness of the Giver.

2. A deep sense of the unworthiness of the receiver.

3. A sober recollection of the precarious tenure by which we hold it.

The first would make us grateful, the second humble, the last moderate.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights" James 1:17
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AKA: Tom - Saved By Grace Through Faith
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Mar 21, 2003
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From Grace Gems - Free and Public Domain:
Very Old - But Beautiful and Timeless Treasures.
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Reader, how does it fare with your family?

(Charles Spurgeon, "Treasury of David")

"I will be careful to lead a blameless life . . . I will walk in my house with a blameless heart." Psalm 101:2

Piety must begin at home. Our first duties are those within our own abode.

We must have a blameless heart at home, or we cannot keep a blameless way abroad.

Notice that these words are a part of a song. There is no music like the harmony of a gracious life, no psalm so sweet as the daily practice of holiness.

Reader, how does it fare with your family?

Do you sing in the choir, and sin in the chamber?

Are you a saint abroad, and a devil at home?

For shame!

What we are at home, that we are indeed!

He cannot be a true saint whose habitation is a scene of strife, and whose household dreads his appearance at the fireside.
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AKA: Tom - Saved By Grace Through Faith
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Mar 21, 2003
Oklahoma, USA
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From Grace Gems - Free and Public Domain:
Very Old - But Beautiful and Timeless Treasures.
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Grace Gems!

Pithy gems from Matthew Henry #2

(Matthew Henry)

Out of Christ, God is a consuming fire.
In Christ, God is a reconciled Father.

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Our temptations, if not yielded to, are not sins; they are afflictions only.

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Sin is the sickness, disease and torment of the soul!
Christ came to take away sin, and so to heal the soul.

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A man may go idle to Hell--but he who will go to Heaven, must be diligent.

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It is the duty of Christians to desire, and aim at and press towards perfection in grace and holiness.

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Pride is a subtle sin--it creeps into our pious duties before we are aware!

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If God does not give His people what they ask for--it is because He knows they do not need it, and that it is not for their good.

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Even the richest of men are indebted to the mercy of God for their daily bread.

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We cannot alter the disposals of Providence, therefore we must humbly submit and resign ourselves to them.

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No guilt is so great, but there is a remedy in Christ's blood which atones for it.
No corruption is so strong, but there is a remedy in His grace which can subdue it.

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Those who are passing with Christ over the ocean of this world, must expect storms.

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The great intention of the blessed Jesus in the redemption He wrought, is to separate our hearts from sin.

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In the gospel there is a salve for every sore and a remedy for every malady.
There is no spiritual disease, but there is power in Christ for the cure of it!
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