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ok, I've got this question. First here are truths that I think are true according to the Bible and what I have heard.
-God is fair.
-God knows all.
-You must accept Jesus to go to heaven
-You must belive in God.

ok, if these are true, then isn't this unfair to Muslims, Jews and all other religions, because when their born and they grow up in their culture, they learn about their religion. And they belive in it as adimently as Christians belive Christianity, because they are told by their teachers. So that would mean that these people do not belive in God or Jesus as the son of God. So that would mean that they would automatically go to hell. Since God knows all, wouldn't he know this and that these people adamently belive in their religion and would never convert to Christianity? Yet God is fair, so how is this fair? And if people say its becuase of the sins of there parent, that is not fair either, because they did not effect the actions of their forefathers. Could you please e-mail your anwser.

Thanks, Andrew B.
I read about those from someone who posted them on another forum. From what he said, they say that God will "elect" people to eitehr go to heaven or hell. However, wouldn't this imply that life is pre-destined and that no matter what one does, the determining factor in going to heaven or hell, is what god choose before you were born. So wouldn't that make all his commandements void? So that even if you broke all of them, as long as you were "elect" you would go to heaven? Wouldn't that mean that you would not have to go to church or pray or anything because he has already choosen your fate?
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Feb 7, 2002
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Originally posted by Andrew_B
I read about those from someone who posted them on another forum. From what he said, they say that God will "elect" people to eitehr go to heaven or hell. However, wouldn't this imply that life is pre-destined and that no matter what one does, the determining factor in going to heaven or hell, is what god choose before you were born. So wouldn't that make all his commandements void? So that even if you broke all of them, as long as you were "elect" you would go to heaven? Wouldn't that mean that you would not have to go to church or pray or anything because he has already choosen your fate?


Predestination was a teaching of John Calvin, and it has caused a lot of confusion and dissention since he founded his denomination of the Protestant church.

The position of the Catholic Church is that the decision is ultimately up to God. For the person who has never heard the message of the salvation given by Jesus Christ, never had the opportunity, it doesn't seem fair that a merciful God would condemn such a person to Hell. While it is the duty of every Christian to share this message with those around him or her, there are people who won't be reached. And in that case, it is left up to God. In His infinte wisdom and mercy, we trust that He will do what is right.

(and FYI--while this particular board is for Catholics, we're Christians, too. :) )

Peace be with you,
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No offence but i feel like your responce is a cop out. I can't accept it as a valid argument. Many times, I see the church using responses such as God works in Mysterious Ways to explain things they don't have an anwser too. Yet, as an example, they critize science on evolution because it does not have a complete fossil record. This is very hypocritical.

If this is left up to God, does it says this anywhere in the Bible?
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Feb 7, 2002
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I'm sorry I can't give you chapter and verse to support my response, Andrew. Perhaps one of our more learned Catholc members may have actual Biblical reference that supports the Church's stance on this issue. However, keep in mind that the authority for the Church depends on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition; together they form the original Deposit of Faith left by the Apostles to the Church. The answer provided could very well be drawn from Sacred Tradition, using writings from the Early Church Fathers.

The premise remains, though, that God is infinitely merciful and kind. If you do not accept that, then you really have no basis for Christianity to begin with. It was through the compassion of the Father that He sent His Son to die for our sins, and then be resurrected into Everlasting Life. If we trust in the promise of Jesus, then we also must trust in the infinite mercy of God.

You will find others who have the confidence to say, "Yes, these people are damned," and they can cite chapter, verse and page to support their views. But keep in mind, the Bible can be used to "verify" almost anything. After all, it is a collection of stories about almost every aspect of human life you could ever think about, both good and bad. Because of this, two different people can cite Scripture and present convincing arguments for both sides of an equation. That is why I let the Church to use its authority and wisdom of 2000 years of leadership to give me answers I can trust.

Peace be with you,
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It is my understanding from Acts 17:24-27 which says,
" AC 17:24 "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. 25 And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. 26 From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27 God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 28 `For in him we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, `We are his offspring.'"

To me I belive that by just observing nature and the world/ people around us, it is obvious that there is a creator that made them all. We should be driven to find out who that is. I don't think there is anywhere in all the world that could not be reached.
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