
Road Map
Aug 20, 2021
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Advanced physics is not kind to atheists in that too much of the way the universe works isn't random. So much is actually incompatible with randomness/chance. That is as deep into physics I will/can go, except to say that the concept of multiple universes, which I equate to multiple dimensions beyond our 4 dimensions - depth, width, height and time, is generally accepted as solid theory if not a prerequisite to any understanding of how the universe works. So far.

Given the above, God created this universe, while it is likely that He dwells in another (higher) dimension. It further seems likely that God obeys the Laws of nature He established for this dimension. Our dimension. If we are made in His likeness, then I think it would be fair that He follow those Laws, just as we must follow them.

If that is correct, then what we read as miracles are the result of physics we do not yet understand. And God, while not physical in this world, is a reality in another physical dimension. But it is a dimension of which we not yet knowledgeable.

It would explain why Scripture says that Heaven is here. "For indeed, the kingdom of God is among you” (in your midst Greek: entos) Luke 17:21 To my ears, Jesus says things with multiple meanings. In this case, I think He is being literal, but phrased to be figurative as well.

So, God is Spirit in our world and is real in His dimension to which we go when we pass. And it is why Heaven is described in concrete terms (pun intended), as things will be real in that dimension. There will be mansions and pastures, and lions laying down with lambs.

Does it bother anyone if God is not spirit in His Kingdom? I think that is what Jesus and the prophets have described. Perhaps I am just catching up.
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...the concept of multiple universes, which I equate to multiple dimensions beyond our 4 dimensions - depth, width, height and time, is generally accepted as solid theory if not a prerequisite to any understanding of how the universe works. So far.

I believe God can create multiple universes, as well as parallel universes.

John was transported to the New Heavens and New Earth. Technically, that is a parallel universe.

Given the above, God created this universe, while it is likely that He dwells in another (higher) dimension.

Yes. God created the Three Heavens; therefore, God exists outside of them.

It further seems likely that God obeys the Laws of nature He established for this dimension. Our dimension. If we are made in His likeness, then I think it would be fair that He follow those Laws, just as we must follow them.

I agree.

If that is correct, then what we read as miracles are the result of physics we do not yet understand.

Makes sense.

And God, while not physical in this world, is a reality in another physical dimension. But it is a dimension of which we not yet knowledgeable.

Here is one description of that place...

1 Timothy 6:16
"Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen."

It would explain why Scripture says that Heaven is here. "For indeed, the kingdom of God is among you” (in your midst Greek: entos) Luke 17:21 To my ears, Jesus says things with multiple meanings. In this case, I think He is being literal, but phrased to be figurative as well.

I prefer 'within' (KJV). It matches the rest of the Bible.

So, God is Spirit in our world and is real in His dimension to which we go when we pass.

Unfortunately, I disagree as per the verse I posted. Although God exists anywhere and everywhere, we can never see nor approach the place outside of the Three Heavens. It is a place of Consuming Fire. Only Jesus can go there since he is the Logos.

And it is why Heaven is described in concrete terms (pun intended), as things will be real in that dimension. There will be mansions and pastures, and lions laying down with lambs.

The New Heavens and New Earth will be physical like this one. There is a Spirit Realm however.
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Aug 20, 2021
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I believe God can create multiple universes, as well as parallel universes.

John was transported to the New Heavens and New Earth. Technically, that is a parallel universe.

Yes. God created the Three Heavens; therefore, God exists outside of them.

I agree.

Makes sense.

Here is one description of that place...

1 Timothy 6:16
"Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen."

I prefer 'within' (KJV). It matches the rest of the Bible.

Unfortunately, I disagree as per the verse I posted. Although God exists anywhere and everywhere, we can never see nor approach the place outside of the Three Heavens. It is a place of Consuming Fire. Only Jesus can go there since he is the Logos.

The New Heavens and New Earth will be physical like this one. There is a Spirit Realm however.
"within" versus "among" or "in your midst" As someone wrote, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees. If He is trying to reach us, then He would want it more explicit - among or in your midst does that; and He wouldn't want to honor the Pharisees.

As to not seeing God, Isaiah saw God on His throne. But I am not versed in that, nor the numbers of Heavens. That is for others. My intent was to link our reality to that of the Divine's, and the connection is advanced physics/the properties of our physical world.
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"within" versus "among" or "in your midst" As someone wrote, Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees. If He is trying to reach us, then He would want it more explicit - among or in your midst does that; and He wouldn't want to honor the Pharisees.

Sorry I disagree. The Kingdom of God is within all life. In fact, it *is* life. The fact that Jesus used a Pharisee to prove this point was genius.

All life matters to God. We need to love, not hate. We are commanded to seek first the Kingdom of God...

Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

When the Bible is viewed from this perspective, amazing Revelations are revealed. For example, the Throne Room describes a 'bosom' with twenty-four 'ribs' surrounding a 'heart'...

1 Abraham.png

The Temples and Tabernacles are scale models of Eukaryotic Cells...


Unless One understands Scripture from the Kingdom of God Within, they will never comprehend the Meat of the Word.

As to not seeing God, Isaiah saw God on His throne.

Isaiah saw a similitude (visible manifestation) of God. So did Ezekiel and John in Revelation. The similitude is a visible manifestation of that which is invisible...

Colossians 1:15
"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature"

To suggest that anyone has seen God in his highest form is contradictory to many verses in the Bible. I do not believe in contradictions.

God is a Consuming Fire...

Hebrews 12:29
"For our God is a consuming fire."

Obviously, that is not what Isaiah saw. Again, the Consuming Fire is invisible to us. We will never see it. It is also the Logos...

John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Another way of putting it is that the Word (Logos) is 'alive' with the Spirit (fire). The invisible Logos is what manifests that which is visible...

Hebrews 11:3
"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

Thus, the Throne Room, the Chariot of God, etc. are what God chooses to manifest and reveal to us from his higher, invisible plane of existence.

Here it is again...

Romans 1:20
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse"

God is invisible. We understand that he exists via the 'things that are made' (Godhead). Interestingly, Atoms are a Trinity. :)

But I am not versed in that, nor the numbers of Heavens. That is for others. My intent was to link our reality to that of the Divine's, and the connection is advanced physics/the properties of our physical world.

Sure. The best link we have is the Simulation Hypotheses...

The simulation hypothesis proposes that what humans experience as the world is actually a simulated reality, such as a computer simulation in which humans themselves are constructs.

This is not my opinion; it is literally what the Bible teaches. The Logos, Word of God, is like software that generates all of reality. We will never be able to see it...


If you really wish to link things, I suggest looking at how Ezekiel's was being shown a vision of Particle Physics...


Look at how the High Priest Breastplate is a picture of the Standard Model...


There is much to discover 'within'.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Advanced physics is not kind to atheists in that too much of the way the universe works isn't random. So much is actually incompatible with randomness/chance. That is as deep into physics I will/can go, except to say that the concept of multiple universes, which I equate to multiple dimensions beyond our 4 dimensions - depth, width, height and time, is generally accepted as solid theory if not a prerequisite to any understanding of how the universe works. So far.

Given the above, God created this universe, while it is likely that He dwells in another (higher) dimension. It further seems likely that God obeys the Laws of nature He established for this dimension. Our dimension. If we are made in His likeness, then I think it would be fair that He follow those Laws, just as we must follow them.

If that is correct, then what we read as miracles are the result of physics we do not yet understand. And God, while not physical in this world, is a reality in another physical dimension. But it is a dimension of which we not yet knowledgeable.

It would explain why Scripture says that Heaven is here. "For indeed, the kingdom of God is among you” (in your midst Greek: entos) Luke 17:21 To my ears, Jesus says things with multiple meanings. In this case, I think He is being literal, but phrased to be figurative as well.

So, God is Spirit in our world and is real in His dimension to which we go when we pass. And it is why Heaven is described in concrete terms (pun intended), as things will be real in that dimension. There will be mansions and pastures, and lions laying down with lambs.

Does it bother anyone if God is not spirit in His Kingdom? I think that is what Jesus and the prophets have described. Perhaps I am just catching up.
There will be mansions and pastures, and lions laying down with lambs.

Heaven is God's abode (where He lives) ... there are not animals in heaven .... after God's plan is executed fully He will make a new earth and established His kingdom there .... it is on the new earth where animals and such will exist.

So, God is Spirit in our world and is real in His dimension to which we go when we pass.

We are mortal (subject to death) until the 1st resurrection and that happens when Jesus returns (not before) ... the bible and Jesus himself describes earthly death as a sleep because one day ALL will be resurrected .... those in the 1st resurrection will wake up to eternal life ... those in the 2nd resurrection will not receive eternal life (they will die the 2nd death). The 2nd death (non existence) is for eternity.

Life (exist) ... death (not to exist) .... we don't need to be confused about it.

The spirit is the breath of life that God breathed into Adam (Genesis 2:7), the life force that characterizes a person. It is God who gave it to us (Isaiah 42:5), and it is He who takes it back (Ecclesiastics 12:7; Psalms 104:29; Acts 7:59). Sometimes the quality of that life is diminished for lack of food (1 Samuel 30:12) or fear (Ezekiel 21:7).

Nowhere in the Scripture is the spirit of man defined as a self-conscious entity that preexisted the body or continues after death.

God is supernaturally multidimensional (humans are not) ... something difficult for us humans to wrap our mind around. God has a physical form but is able to communicate with mankind and monitor mankind through His spirit (a sort of supernatural telepathy)

The Spirit (breath of life) flows through all creation. Human persons will stay alive (live) only if they have the Divine Breath abiding in them (Genesis 6:3). Our existence is only possible if God gives us His divine breath (ability to breath - life) without it we do not exist. He is the creator and sustainer of all life. He is completely sovereign (the one who exercises power without limitation) over everything.

When we die ... His divine breath of life returns to Him until He decides to give it back of which is forthcoming and will be for eternity. AMEN!!!
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Aug 20, 2021
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Sorry I disagree. The Kingdom of God is within all life. In fact, it *is* life. The fact that Jesus used a Pharisee to prove this point was genius.

All life matters to God. We need to love, not hate. We are commanded to seek first the Kingdom of God...

Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

When the Bible is viewed from this perspective, amazing Revelations are revealed. For example, the Throne Room describes a 'bosom' with twenty-four 'ribs' surrounding a 'heart'...

The Temples and Tabernacles are scale models of Eukaryotic Cells...

Unless One understands Scripture from the Kingdom of God Within, they will never comprehend the Meat of the Word.

Isaiah saw a similitude (visible manifestation) of God. So did Ezekiel and John in Revelation. The similitude is a visible manifestation of that which is invisible...

Colossians 1:15
"Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature"

To suggest that anyone has seen God in his highest form is contradictory to many verses in the Bible. I do not believe in contradictions.

God is a Consuming Fire...

Hebrews 12:29
"For our God is a consuming fire."

Obviously, that is not what Isaiah saw. Again, the Consuming Fire is invisible to us. We will never see it. It is also the Logos...

John 1:1
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

Another way of putting it is that the Word (Logos) is 'alive' with the Spirit (fire). The invisible Logos is what manifests that which is visible...

Hebrews 11:3
"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."

Thus, the Throne Room, the Chariot of God, etc. are what God chooses to manifest and reveal to us from his higher, invisible plane of existence.

Here it is again...

Romans 1:20
"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse"

God is invisible. We understand that he exists via the 'things that are made' (Godhead). Interestingly, Atoms are a Trinity. :)

Sure. The best link we have is the Simulation Hypotheses...

The simulation hypothesis proposes that what humans experience as the world is actually a simulated reality, such as a computer simulation in which humans themselves are constructs.

This is not my opinion; it is literally what the Bible teaches. The Logos, Word of God, is like software that generates all of reality. We will never be able to see it...

If you really wish to link things, I suggest looking at how Ezekiel's was being shown a vision of Particle Physics...

Look at how the High Priest Breastplate is a picture of the Standard Model...

There is much to discover 'within'.
Back to ' "within" versus "among" or "in your midst" ', you must concede that root word 'entos' means both (each of the three). Several translations use "among" or "in your midst". By numbers, it is close to half "within" and half "among" or "in your midst". Regardless, the Wisdom of Christ is to use such a word in that setting.

For the Faithful, the most meaningful interpretation IMO is "among" or "in your midst". I am not a theologian, but I can suppose a feeble interpretation for using "within". But the easiest way to explain Jesus' words is to say that the Kingdom of God is here. It is here for you to accept and it is here in a literal sense - in another dimension. I am drawing on my advanced physics basis now. Jesus' sayings are almost always multilayered. This is one.

Now did the Pharisees or even a regular listener grasp what He was saying? I don't know. It must have been a strange thing for the Pharisees to hear. They couldn't deny that God could be anywhere in His creation, right? And it was flattering for them to think God's Kingdom COULD be within them, yes? Those that heard 'entos' and thought "among" knew what Jesus was saying.
- - -

As to seeing God, even if Isaiah saw a similitude of God, he saw God, as that was what God wanted. Now pursuing my physics theme, in some (higher) dimension, God is physical within the physical rules of that dimension. That is an assertion of course, but I believe that God created Heaven and earth (heaven is twice plural in the Greek) as the Creed says. I think He follows the physical rules. To us mortals, God is spirit, incorporeal. But He is whatever expresses physicality in His dominion.

I am getting out over my skis here, but the Nicene Creed in Greek shows 'heaven' as singular when it states that God created heaven and earth, but 'heaven' is plural when referring to Jesus - the Incarnation and His Ascension. It could be saying that God created humanity's heaven - a singular place, but that God has other heavens. Not trying to deviate from Orthodoxy, but it is notable.
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Heaven is God's abode (where He lives) ... there are not animals in heaven .... after God's plan is executed fully He will make a new earth and established His kingdom there .... it is on the new earth where animals and such will exist.

We are mortal (subject to death) until the 1st resurrection and that happens when Jesus returns (not before) ... the bible and Jesus himself describes earthly death as a sleep because one day ALL will be resurrected .... those in the 1st resurrection will wake up to eternal life ... those in the 2nd resurrection will not receive eternal life (they will die the 2nd death). The 2nd death (non existence) is for eternity.

Life (exist) ... death (not to exist) .... we don't need to be confused about it.

The spirit is the breath of life that God breathed into Adam (Genesis 2:7), the life force that characterizes a person. It is God who gave it to us (Isaiah 42:5), and it is He who takes it back (Ecclesiastics 12:7; Psalms 104:29; Acts 7:59). Sometimes the quality of that life is diminished for lack of food (1 Samuel 30:12) or fear (Ezekiel 21:7).

Nowhere in the Scripture is the spirit of man defined as a self-conscious entity that preexisted the body or continues after death.

God is supernaturally multidimensional (humans are not) ... something difficult for us humans to wrap our mind around. God has a physical form but is able to communicate with mankind and monitor mankind through His spirit (a sort of supernatural telepathy)

The Spirit (breath of life) flows through all creation. Human persons will stay alive (live) only if they have the Divine Breath abiding in them (Genesis 6:3). Our existence is only possible if God gives us His divine breath (ability to breath - life) without it we do not exist. He is the creator and sustainer of all life. He is completely sovereign (the one who exercises power without limitation) over everything.

When we die ... His divine breath of life returns to Him until He decides to give it back of which is forthcoming and will be for eternity. AMEN!!!
The Orthodox believe that the Faithful when they die experience a "foretaste" of their final judgment. I haven't studied this, but it makes sense. My guess is that His Resurrection changed a lot. The Resurrected Jesus said He was going to prepare mansions/abodes for Believers. I think those who believe in a Triune God will have that foretaste. As for animals, when God made earth He said it was good. God wouldn't waste good.

My understanding is that Orthodox Redemption doctrine is that God's intent is for humanity to be in Eden - return to the Garden, that is, have the same relationship that Adam and Eve had with God. Christ descended to Hades and spoke to those there and unbound the righteous from there. I don't think He would get them to go to sleep after that. Again, not trying to upset the apple cart. I cannot control what happens after I die, only what I do in this life. It doesn't seem reasonable that a believer in the Triune God would sleep with those who are not.
Christianity is pretty good about being internally consistent. Especially Orthodox Christianity.
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For the Faithful, the most meaningful interpretation IMO is "among" or "in your midst".

I believe in using the context of the rest of the Bible to render the final say, rather than focus on a single verse or word. When interpreted in that manner, a different picture emerges.

The word 'entos' is also used here...

Matthew 23:26
"Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also."

Note that 'entos' is contrasted to the word 'outside'. Inside and outside are juxtaposed, which further enhances the meanings.

That same theme is found here...

Luke 11:40
"Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without make that which is within also?"

If we then add the above evidence to how the Kingdom of God is defined, the theme is even clearer...

Mark 4:30-31
"And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth:"

The Kingdom of God is like Seed, the microcosm of Life. It is 'within'. It is DNA...

Luke 8:11
"Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."

The Kingdom of God is all about DNA, Seed, Grafting, Biology. In fact, the Book of Life is a book of Genomes. The 'names' are genetic sequences.


Mark 4:26
"And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground"

Kingdom of God = Seed, Life, Genomes.

Salvation is a BIOLOGY issue.

Now pursuing my physics theme, in some (higher) dimension, God is physical within the physical rules of that dimension.

From my own research, I see the Dimensional Hierarchy as:
  • 5D Logos: Information and Energy
  • 4D Spirit Realm: Waves
  • 3D Physical Realm: Particles
  • 2D Underworld: Strings
  • 1D Stones of Emptiness: Points
Dimensional Hierarchy.png

That is an assertion of course, but I believe that God created Heaven and earth (heaven is twice plural in the Greek) as the Creed says.

Yes, the word 'Heaven' is written as plural (plurale tantum), but can mean singular based on the context...

The Hebrew word שָׁמַיִם šāmayīm "heavens" is pluralized from Proto-Semitic *šamāy-. This renders שָׁמַיִם šāmayīm a plurale tantum, simultaneously singular and plural. Therefore, "heaven" and "heavens" may both be legitimate translations as determined by context.

The context of Genesis 1 forces a singular translation.

I think He follows the physical rules. To us mortals, God is spirit, incorporeal. But He is whatever expresses physicality in His dominion.

Yes. The word 'Godhead' in the KJV is synonymous with our modern word 'Atom'. The Logos (words) form Strings, then Waves, then Particles (Godhead).

I am getting out over my skis here, but the Nicene Creed in Greek shows 'heaven' as singular when it states that God created heaven and earth, but 'heaven' is plural when referring to Jesus - the Incarnation and His Ascension. It could be saying that God created humanity's heaven - a singular place, but that God has other heavens. Not trying to deviate from Orthodoxy, but it is notable.

The creation in Genesis goes like this:
  • Day #1: God creates Heaven #1
  • Day #2: God creates Heaven #2
  • Day #3: God creates Heaven #3
It is on the Third Day that God creates the Kingdom, the Seed, the Microcosm of Life Within...

Genesis 1:11
"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

The Third Heaven is 'Paradise'...

2 Corinthians 12:2-4
"I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."

Do you see the pun? 'In the Body' vs. 'out of the body'? Paradise? Abraham's Bosom?

Like I said, the context of the rest of the Bible teaches that the Kingdom is 'within'.
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Nowhere in the Scripture is the spirit of man defined as a self-conscious entity that preexisted the body or continues after death.

We were the Morning Stars that sang together...

Job 38:7
"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"

God's question regarding the whereabouts of Job was rhetorical.
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God is Love
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We were the Morning Stars that sang together...

Job 38:7
"When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"

God's question regarding the whereabouts of Job was rhetorical.

Job 38:6-7​

... God shouted for joy? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone— while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?

Mankind didn't exist until created ... there was no existence of mankind before creation of the earth.

The heavenly angels were created by God but not in the same manner as mankind (from the dust of the earth)

Heavenly beings are sons of God through creation; the people of God are God’s children through creation and redemption;

The angels are a different type of created being ... but created by God none the less created and created before mankind.

God created angels and purposed for them to live in heaven. For humans he had a different purpose and placed them on earth.

Job 38:6, 7 depicts the “sons of God” as ontologically distinct from angels. The “sons of God” are placed next to the “morning stars,” both celebrating the creative acts of God: “Who laid its [earth’s] cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” “Morning stars” is a reference to angels.13 In Hebrew synthetic parallelism, two related substantives combine to form a unit. Here the “sons of God” and the “morning stars” (angels) together make up the intelligent created order in the universe. The two are not the same but related—both have been created by God and thus are likened to Him as sons (intelligent beings to be subordinate to Him) by choice.
God's question regarding the whereabouts of Job was rhetorical.
Job was placed in the position of humility but God used the literal to put him there .... the reality of His powerful creative powers.
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I believe in using the context of the rest of the Bible to render the final say, rather than focus on a single verse or word. When interpreted in that manner, a different picture emerges.

The word 'entos' is also used here...

Matthew 23:26
"Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also."

Note that 'entos' is contrasted to the word 'outside'. Inside and outside are juxtaposed, which further enhances the meanings.

That same theme is found here...

Luke 11:40
"Ye fools, did not he that made that which is without make that which is within also?"

If we then add the above evidence to how the Kingdom of God is defined, the theme is even clearer...

Mark 4:30-31
"And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God? or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth:"

The Kingdom of God is like Seed, the microcosm of Life. It is 'within'. It is DNA...

Luke 8:11
"Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God."

The Kingdom of God is all about DNA, Seed, Grafting, Biology. In fact, the Book of Life is a book of Genomes. The 'names' are genetic sequences.


Mark 4:26
"And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground"

Kingdom of God = Seed, Life, Genomes.

Salvation is a BIOLOGY issue.

From my own research, I see the Dimensional Hierarchy as:
  • 5D Logos: Information and Energy
  • 4D Spirit Realm: Waves
  • 3D Physical Realm: Particles
  • 2D Underworld: Strings
  • 1D Stones of Emptiness: Points

Yes, the word 'Heaven' is written as plural (plurale tantum), but can mean singular based on the context...

The Hebrew word שָׁמַיִם šāmayīm "heavens" is pluralized from Proto-Semitic *šamāy-. This renders שָׁמַיִם šāmayīm a plurale tantum, simultaneously singular and plural. Therefore, "heaven" and "heavens" may both be legitimate translations as determined by context.

The context of Genesis 1 forces a singular translation.

Yes. The word 'Godhead' in the KJV is synonymous with our modern word 'Atom'. The Logos (words) form Strings, then Waves, then Particles (Godhead).

The creation in Genesis goes like this:
  • Day #1: God creates Heaven #1
  • Day #2: God creates Heaven #2
  • Day #3: God creates Heaven #3
It is on the Third Day that God creates the Kingdom, the Seed, the Microcosm of Life Within...

Genesis 1:11
"And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so."

The Third Heaven is 'Paradise'...

2 Corinthians 12:2-4
"I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."

Do you see the pun? 'In the Body' vs. 'out of the body'? Paradise? Abraham's Bosom?

Like I said, the context of the rest of the Bible teaches that the Kingdom is 'within'.
For all of that, the Kingdom of God is in our midst. It is among us. Perhaps if the Romans had not killed Archimedes in Syracuse, it wouldn't have taken 2 millennia for humanity to get its current - tenuous - understanding of our physical world. But what we know of it now is that our universe is not by chance.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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The Orthodox believe that the Faithful when they die experience a "foretaste" of their final judgment. I haven't studied this, but it makes sense. My guess is that His Resurrection changed a lot. The Resurrected Jesus said He was going to prepare mansions/abodes for Believers. I think those who believe in a Triune God will have that foretaste. As for animals, when God made earth He said it was good. God wouldn't waste good.

My understanding is that Orthodox Redemption doctrine is that God's intent is for humanity to be in Eden - return to the Garden, that is, have the same relationship that Adam and Eve had with God. Christ descended to Hades and spoke to those there and unbound the righteous from there. I don't think He would get them to go to sleep after that. Again, not trying to upset the apple cart. I cannot control what happens after I die, only what I do in this life. It doesn't seem reasonable that a believer in the Triune God would sleep with those who are not.
Christianity is pretty good about being internally consistent. Especially Orthodox Christianity.
we are not immortal we are subject to death ... earthly death (temporal) 2nd death (for eternity) .... all are subject to both until judgement is made. Believers have the promise they will not suffer the 2nd death. There is no consciences in the grave. The dead know nothing.

Christ descended to Hades and spoke to those there and unbound the righteous from there.
Some take this as a literal occurrence .... (1 passage)... when one looks at the overall of scripture it is clear hell is the grave. That passage is a therefore a parable.

Since all the dead know nothing ... then what is the big deal that all wait there? It is very reasonable.

Yes, the Word of God is consistent ... and there are many many passages that describe earthly death a sleep and all wait there until they are resurrected. That is why it is called a sleep (even by Jesus) because one day ALL will be resurrected and that makes perfect sense. Nobody gets "unbound from death" until they are resurrected.

There isn't 2 sleeps ... 1 sleep (earthly death)

Jesus slept (rested-slept) in the grave and was called forth from there by the father.

The Resurrected Jesus said He was going to prepare mansions/abodes for Believers.
You think there is some kind of "construction" going on in heaven? In my Fathers house ARE many mansions.

“In my Father’s house are (already there) many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Jesus is telling the disciples that he is preparing a place for them to be together and he will return and take them there. It was understood that would happen when He returns .... not before.

My Father’s house refers to heaven, and in heaven are many rooms, many dwelling-places. Ample provision has been made that there is more than enough space for every one of the saved and all will join Him in his Father’s home which is in heaven. We will be where He is ... where is He? In heaven (His fathers house)

John 14

3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.

Heaven anxiously awaits for the bride of Christ (the saved) ... His people ... it's going to be a glorious event.

Paul sums it up nicely here ...

1 Thessalonians 4

The Return of the Lord

13Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death,so that you will not grieve like the rest, who are without hope. 14For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.

15By the word of the Lord, we declare to you that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. 17After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.

18Therefore encourage one another with these words.
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Aug 20, 2021
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we are not immortal we are subject to death ... earthly death (temporal) 2nd death (for eternity) .... all are subject to both until judgement is made. Believers have the promise they will not suffer the 2nd death. There is no consciences in the grave. The dead know nothing.

Some take this as a literal occurrence .... (1 passage)... when one looks at the overall of scripture it is clear hell is the grave. That passage is a therefore a parable.

Since all the dead know nothing ... then what is the big deal that all wait there? It is very reasonable.

Yes, the Word of God is consistent ... and there are many many passages that describe earthly death a sleep and all wait there until they are resurrected. That is why it is called a sleep (even by Jesus) because one day ALL will be resurrected and that makes perfect sense. Nobody gets "unbound from death" until they are resurrected.

There isn't 2 sleeps ... 1 sleep (earthly death)

Jesus slept (rested-slept) in the grave and was called forth from there by the father.

You think there is some kind of "construction" going on in heaven? In my Fathers house ARE many mansions.

“In my Father’s house are (already there) many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Jesus is telling the disciples that he is preparing a place for them to be together and he will return and take them there. It was understood that would happen when He returns .... not before.

My Father’s house refers to heaven, and in heaven are many rooms, many dwelling-places. Ample provision has been made that there is more than enough space for every one of the saved and all will join Him in his Father’s home which is in heaven. We will be where He is ... where is He? In heaven (His fathers house)

John 14

3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am.

Heaven anxiously awaits for the bride of Christ (the saved) ... His people ... it's going to be a glorious event.

Paul sums it up nicely here ...

1 Thessalonians 4

The Return of the Lord

13Brothers, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death,so that you will not grieve like the rest, who are without hope. 14For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, we also believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Him.

15By the word of the Lord, we declare to you that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. 17After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.

18Therefore encourage one another with these words.
When Stephen was stoned, he saw Christ. 55 "But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God." Acts 7:55 Stephen was a Believer in the Triune God.

When Stephen died, did he fall asleep yet saw God in heaven and Jesus by His side before he died? My point is that what happens to people in death differs if one is a Believer in the Triune God versus one who is not. This may not be dogma or whatever the term is, but it is consistent with a loving God. I cannot account for Paul, but Acts precedes Paul.
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