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FSU Professor Fired for Faking Research

Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
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The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of. lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.
College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”
Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos

I actually dug into this story after coming across research by other academic "experts" that got retracted for being fake. Unsurprisingly, the professor here had made his career with research showing how awful and racist whites are...and how that affects the outcomes of blacks and latinos both in the justice system and educational system...and he made up all his data. It wasn't only faked, it was obviously faked, and when he finally was under investigation he claimed that his hard drives that held all the data got one of those data erasing viruses (like the one in the Wuhan lab that erased all their covid 19 data). Basically, he made a career selling fake stories of racial hatred and discrimination that were politically convenient.

One might think that the university that he was a professor at earning 190k$ a year would be embarrassed by this and take his investigation seriously, but they actually tried to cover for him back when it was suspected that he only faked data on a couple of different studies. When it came to light he may literally have faked all his research, the university started taking his investigation seriously.
If you're wondering why a university would initially cover for him...well, it largely has to do with how research grants are awarded and the broken nature of academia. The reason why students are saddled with decades of debt for degrees that are worthless has everything to do with professors like this who prefer to cater to ideological/political narratives about "systemic racism" then actually search for truth and do the difficult work of real research.

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God is Love
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The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of. lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.
College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”
Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos

I actually dug into this story after coming across research by other academic "experts" that got retracted for being fake. Unsurprisingly, the professor here had made his career with research showing how awful and racist whites are...and how that affects the outcomes of blacks and latinos both in the justice system and educational system...and he made up all his data. It wasn't only faked, it was obviously faked, and when he finally was under investigation he claimed that his hard drives that held all the data got one of those data erasing viruses (like the one in the Wuhan lab that erased all their covid 19 data). Basically, he made a career selling fake stories of racial hatred and discrimination that were politically convenient.

One might think that the university that he was a professor at earning 190k$ a year would be embarrassed by this and take his investigation seriously, but they actually tried to cover for him back when it was suspected that he only faked data on a couple of different studies. When it came to light he may literally have faked all his research, the university started taking his investigation seriously.
If you're wondering why a university would initially cover for him...well, it largely has to do with how research grants are awarded and the broken nature of academia. The reason why students are saddled with decades of debt for degrees that are worthless has everything to do with professors like this who prefer to cater to ideological/political narratives about "systemic racism" then actually search for truth and do the difficult work of real research.

Often information is gathered and analyzed and reported on according to a bias

The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of. lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.
College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”
Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos

I actually dug into this story after coming across research by other academic "experts" that got retracted for being fake. Unsurprisingly, the professor here had made his career with research showing how awful and racist whites are...and how that affects the outcomes of blacks and latinos both in the justice system and educational system...and he made up all his data. It wasn't only faked, it was obviously faked, and when he finally was under investigation he claimed that his hard drives that held all the data got one of those data erasing viruses (like the one in the Wuhan lab that erased all their covid 19 data). Basically, he made a career selling fake stories of racial hatred and discrimination that were politically convenient.

One might think that the university that he was a professor at earning 190k$ a year would be embarrassed by this and take his investigation seriously, but they actually tried to cover for him back when it was suspected that he only faked data on a couple of different studies. When it came to light he may literally have faked all his research, the university started taking his investigation seriously.
If you're wondering why a university would initially cover for him...well, it largely has to do with how research grants are awarded and the broken nature of academia. The reason why students are saddled with decades of debt for degrees that are worthless has everything to do with professors like this who prefer to cater to ideological/political narratives about "systemic racism" then actually search for truth and do the difficult work of real research.
We should always be looking for bias.

A few things we can look at to determine a bias ...
  • Heavily opinionated or one-sided
  • Relies on unsupported or unsubstantiated claims
  • Presents highly selected facts that lean to a certain outcome
  • Pretends to present facts, but offers only opinion
  • Uses extreme or inappropriate language
  • Tries to persuade you to think a certain way with no regard for factual evidence
  • The author is unidentifiable, lacks expertise, or writes on unrelated topics
  • Is entertainment-based or a form of parody or satire
  • Tries to sell you something in disguise
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Glad he's fired. Too bad there's not something worse we could do, to really send a message.

Is it legal to revoke his degree?

It's sort of crazy when you think about how much damage some of these people do....

If I recall correctly, this guy did a study on why black children in gradeschool, get suspended more often than others.

His conclusion was that teachers and public education were just really racist. That sort of research became the impetus for policies in schools that prevent teachers from punishing students at all in the name of "equity"...and the results haven't been good.
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Landon Caeli

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Jan 8, 2016
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It's sort of crazy when you think about how much damage some of these people do....

If I recall correctly, this guy did a study on why black children in gradeschool, get suspended more often than others.

His conclusion was that teachers and public education were just really racist. That sort of research became the impetus for policies in schools that prevent teachers from punishing students at all in the name of "equity"...and the results haven't been good.
He sounds like a total dimwit to me. He is definitely part of the problem, and not the solution.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2022
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We should always be looking for bias.
Examples below:
A few things we can look at to determine a bias ...
  • Heavily opinionated or one-sided
Standard Stand of Oppressive Rulers
  • Relies on unsupported or unsubstantiated claims
And totally fraudulent claims that 'support' or increase the rulers power/ control.
  • Presents highly selected facts that lean to a certain outcome
Outcome determined and even published decades previously... complete plan of fraud and deceit.
  • Pretends to present facts, but offers only opinion
Noted in the wording of their statements (but "looks" like fact to people not astute enough to see it).
  • Uses extreme or inappropriate language
As in when a falling down drunk says "I only had one or two beers" ?
And the criminal , shown video of caught in the act, says "That's not me" ! "I didn't do it" !
  • Tries to persuade you to think a certain way with no regard for factual evidence
Total government/media again, "facts" often change in the time it takes to put in a commercial !
  • The author is unidentifiable, lacks expertise, or writes on unrelated topics
If someone gets caught , replace them with another scapegoat......
  • Is entertainment-based or a form of parody or satire
Yes, but , well, too much like forums ? TV News? Government speaches or releases ?
  • Tries to sell you something in disguise
That and even to the point of not using a disguise! Baldface sales of totally made up products/ideas saying "this is real!" This is the best. This is true. (when none of it is)
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Thoroughly reprehensible behaviour. They deserved the booting.

It's been part of a recent pattern...though I wanted to point out this particular example because of its despicable racial angle.

Students and colleagues have been checking into the credentials of their professors lately....and finding out that these professors are sadly not credible. A couple of other striking examples....

That's a behavioral psychologist faking research on...."honesty" of all things.

That's the president of Stanford....resigning after 12 of his published works into neuroscience were found to contain false or manipulated data.

Now, admittedly the last one exonerated the president as "not responsible" for the fake data (though you can find deeper dives into the investigation that show how unlikely this is and how it's probably an attempt to protect the university's reputation)....his name was on the research, he got the credit for the research, and ultimately his resignation was an acknowledgment of his responsibility for the research.

There's also the famous "sokol squared" hoax where three individuals got together and published award winning fake research papers in several journals focused on the humanities and liberal arts. One paper was literally a feminist screed with large portions plagiarized from Mein Kampf and the subject of "jews" was replaced with "men" or "the patriarchy".

The whole thing is created by these huge incentives to fake results for prestige and a career....while peer reviewing research is a undesirable and unprofitable endeavor.

One only needs to consider how university's make money. They largely make money off of students who have no reason to be there. If one were to look up the number of students pursuing a degree in sociology for example...one will find a staggeringly high number of students despite the demand for sociologists in real life being extremely low. The one place they are desirable....or at least the place they are mostly desirable....is in academia. In academia, their proposed research is funded through a government grant system that...above all else....wants results. Most research, done correctly, yields no interesting results....no confirmed hypothesis....and typically fails to prove the premise it is founded upon. It would be wrong to say this is a waste though...because as long as it was well done and the results are valid....any future researcher with the same idea can find this research, see that their idea was already tried and is incorrect....and they can avoid wasting their time and the taxpayers' money.

However, failed research doesn't typically improve the career of the researcher....and it doesn't improve the reputation of the university....and doesn't inspire confidence in funding further research. Sometimes research leads to an interesting findings....but if they are politically sensitive or undesirable....that research gets buried.

The peer review/replication-crisis in the soft sciences and humanities was itself the subject of research a while back with the intention if finding similarities in what was considered bad or completely fraudulent research. If I remember correctly, the number 1 indicator of bad or fake research was...

1. Political convenience. If the research was done with the goal of verifying a particular political narrative that was either new or very popular.....and the results show that narrative is true or justified....the chances of that research being of high quality were very low. I'll give a couple of quick examples...

1. I saw a poster on here once reference research claiming that white supremacy in the classroom was the cause of black students on average having worse grades than white students. Amongst the factors it claimed were a result of white supremacy....AAVE use by black students was one of these factors. I had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was not reading it wrong...and then pointed out the flaw to the person posting it. It was a ridiculous premise to claim white supremacy was to blame for the way some black students spoke.

2. Back in college, one of the term papers I wrote was a comparison of research into the effectiveness of gun control laws on gun violence in crimes. While I concluded that both sides of the argument were not without their share of bad research....the "less gun control laws= less gun crimes" was so bad it was hard to find any good research in favor of this position at all. For example, I noticed the main researcher who tried to show less gun control laws were better for society was a guy named Lott (its been a long time so I hope I remember his name correctly) and not only did he make up the overwhelming majority of research opposed to gun control....his methodologies were so bad they produced results that were statistically so unlikely they were basically fantasy. One paper concluded that millions of examples of guns used as self defense occurred every single year....despite not being reported to the police. This was data acquired over anonymous phone surveys....and included examples like "showing your gun to a would be assailant" who then retreated or otherwise committed no crime as valid examples of "self defense" with a firearm. In reality, flashing your gun to someone who hasn't actually assaulted you or even verbally threatened to harm you isn't self defense....it's a crime. Lott however, never bothered to verify these accounts nor did he consider the full range of circumstances in which they occurred....he simply took the gun owners' words for it. Ultimately, without really any good research on the side of less gun control, I had concluded the side in favor of gun control laws to be the more valid since it had at least some good research. This is likely the reason why the Republican party passed legislation preventing the government from funding research into gun control laws and their effectiveness.
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Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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It's been part of a recent pattern...though I wanted to point out this particular example because of its despicable racial angle.

Students and colleagues have been checking into the credentials of their professors lately....and finding out that these professors are sadly not credible. A couple of other striking examples....

That's a behavioral psychologist faking research on...."honesty" of all things.

That's the president of Stanford....resigning after 12 of his published works into neuroscience were found to contain false or manipulated data.

Now, admittedly the last one exonerated the president as "not responsible" for the fake data (though you can find deeper dives into the investigation that show how unlikely this is and how it's probably an attempt to protect the university's reputation)....his name was on the research, he got the credit for the research, and ultimately his resignation was an acknowledgment of his responsibility for the research.

There's also the famous "sokol squared" hoax where three individuals got together and published award winning fake research papers in several journals focused on the humanities and liberal arts. One paper was literally a feminist screed with large portions plagiarized from Mein Kampf and the subject of "jews" was replaced with "men" or "the patriarchy".

The whole thing is created by these huge incentives to fake results for prestige and a career....while peer reviewing research is a undesirable and unprofitable endeavor.

One only needs to consider how university's make money. They largely make money off of students who have no reason to be there. If one were to look up the number of students pursuing a degree in sociology for example...one will find a staggeringly high number of students despite the demand for sociologists in real life being extremely low. The one place they are desirable....or at least the place they are mostly desirable....is in academia. In academia, their proposed research is funded through a government grant system that...above all else....wants results. Most research, done correctly, yields no interesting results....no confirmed hypothesis....and typically fails to prove the premise it is founded upon. It would be wrong to say this is a waste though...because as long as it was well done and the results are valid....any future researcher with the same idea can find this research, see that their idea was already tried and is incorrect....and they can avoid wasting their time and the taxpayers' money.

However, failed research doesn't typically improve the career of the researcher....and it doesn't improve the reputation of the university....and doesn't inspire confidence in funding further research. Sometimes research leads to an interesting findings....but if they are politically sensitive or undesirable....that research gets buried.

The peer review/replication-crisis in the soft sciences and humanities was itself the subject of research a while back with the intention if finding similarities in what was considered bad or completely fraudulent research. If I remember correctly, the number 1 indicator of bad or fake research was...

1. Political convenience. If the research was done with the goal of verifying a particular political narrative that was either new or very popular.....and the results show that narrative is true or justified....the chances of that research being of high quality were very low. I'll give a couple of quick examples...

1. I saw a poster on here once reference research claiming that white supremacy in the classroom was the cause of black students on average having worse grades than white students. Amongst the factors it claimed were a result of white supremacy....AAVE use by black students was one of these factors. I had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was not reading it wrong...and then pointed out the flaw to the person posting it. It was a ridiculous premise to claim white supremacy was to blame for the way some black students spoke.

2. Back in college, one of the term papers I wrote was a comparison of research into the effectiveness of gun control laws on gun violence in crimes. While I concluded that both sides of the argument were not without their share of bad research....the "less gun control laws= less gun crimes" was so bad it was hard to find any good research in favor of this position at all. For example, I noticed the main researcher who tried to show less gun control laws were better for society was a guy named Lott (its been a long time so I hope I remember his name correctly) and not only did he make up the overwhelming majority of research opposed to gun control....his methodologies were so bad they produced results that were statistically so unlikely they were basically fantasy. One paper concluded that millions of examples of guns used as self defense occurred every single year....despite not being reported to the police. This was data acquired over anonymous phone surveys....and included examples like "showing your gun to a would be assailant" who then retreated or otherwise committed no crime as valid examples of "self defense" with a firearm. In reality, flashing your gun to someone who hasn't actually assaulted you or even verbally threatened to harm you isn't self defense....it's a crime. Lott however, never bothered to verify these accounts nor did he consider the full range of circumstances in which they occurred....he simply took the gun owners' words for it. Ultimately, without really any good research on the side of less gun control, I had concluded the side in favor of gun control laws to be the more valid since it had at least some good research. This is likely the reason why the Republican party passed legislation preventing the government from funding research into gun control laws and their effectiveness.
It really grinds my gears: academic dishonesty.
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The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of. lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.
College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”
Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos

I actually dug into this story after coming across research by other academic "experts" that got retracted for being fake. Unsurprisingly, the professor here had made his career with research showing how awful and racist whites are...and how that affects the outcomes of blacks and latinos both in the justice system and educational system...and he made up all his data. It wasn't only faked, it was obviously faked, and when he finally was under investigation he claimed that his hard drives that held all the data got one of those data erasing viruses (like the one in the Wuhan lab that erased all their covid 19 data). Basically, he made a career selling fake stories of racial hatred and discrimination that were politically convenient.

One might think that the university that he was a professor at earning 190k$ a year would be embarrassed by this and take his investigation seriously, but they actually tried to cover for him back when it was suspected that he only faked data on a couple of different studies. When it came to light he may literally have faked all his research, the university started taking his investigation seriously.
If you're wondering why a university would initially cover for him...well, it largely has to do with how research grants are awarded and the broken nature of academia. The reason why students are saddled with decades of debt for degrees that are worthless has everything to do with professors like this who prefer to cater to ideological/political narratives about "systemic racism" then actually search for truth and do the difficult work of real research.
I think "stand behind your team" is
more apt than "cover for", and that
innocent till proven guilty" is the nominal,
at least, American way.

Once proven someone has betrayed his team,
then he deserves the harshest sanctions available.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
I think "stand behind your team" is
more apt than "cover for", and that
innocent till proven guilty" is the nominal,
at least, American way.

Once proven someone has betrayed his team,
then he deserves the harshest sanctions available.

Well to be 100% clear I had read a much deeper dive on the issue than the article goes into.

For example, one of the first papers suspected involved a phone survey of between 1000-2000 people, asking questions about racism, etc, amongst southern whites.

A survey like this would take months, and companies are hired to do them. One of this nature would cost tens of thousands of dollars and the response rates for a phone survey would be 8% if it was very short and easy and maybe 4-5% for something more difficult, longer, or taboo.

In his paper, he never credits the company doing the survey. That would be a red flag by itself. He also lists the response rate as....68%. This is one of those papers he was unable to provide the raw data for because despite the large amounts of money it must have cost and the unheard of response rate....he didn't back up the data and it was mysteriously deleted.

I'd like to say the others were better but they weren't. There's no criminal trial here....and as someone who had to learn these same research methods for his own degree....I feel pretty confident saying that he is a fraud.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
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Well to be 100% clear I had read a much deeper dive on the issue than the article goes into.

For example, one of the first papers suspected involved a phone survey of between 1000-2000 people, asking questions about racism, etc, amongst southern whites.

A survey like this would take months, and companies are hired to do them. One of this nature would cost tens of thousands of dollars and the response rates for a phone survey would be 8% if it was very short and easy and maybe 4-5% for something more difficult, longer, or taboo.

In his paper, he never credits the company doing the survey. That would be a red flag by itself. He also lists the response rate as....68%. This is one of those papers he was unable to provide the raw data for because despite the large amounts of money it must have cost and the unheard of response rate....he didn't back up the data and it was mysteriously deleted.

I'd like to say the others were better but they weren't. There's no criminal trial here....and as someone who had to learn these same research methods for his own degree....I feel pretty confident saying that he is a fraud.
Far from the first academic fraud.
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Er Victus
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Jun 29, 2010
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And if you expose bias you will regret it. HERE

"A professor who fooled prestigious journals into running absurd hoax papers, as a test of their bias, says he may now lose his job because of his actions.

Peter Boghossian was one of three people who collaborated last year to test the standards of various university disciplines, submitting papers loaded with left-wing buzzwords to journals in fields like feminism, race studies, queer studies, and cultural studies.

Many prestigious journals fell for their absurd hoax papers. A leading feminist journal published a section of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf that had simply been re-written with fashionable buzzwords. Another journal published a paper about “rape culture and queer performativity” in dog parks."
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Feb 10, 2021
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Examples of why scientific research shouldn't automatically be swallowed hook line and sinker, but rather taken with a grain of salt and scrutinized.

As any resesrcher would agree thats the essence of
what science is. Question everything, don't trust authority.

Now, do you apply that equally to your religion?
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Feb 10, 2021
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I don't know if a statement like that can be made without some data behind it.

Characterizing whole groups of people like that is racist without any factual evidence to back it up.
I certainly take exception to it, tho there's
a tinge of dark humour in the blatantly
racist identifying who to vilify
as " most racict".
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