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Feeling lonely as a new Christian


Nov 8, 2022
atlanta, ga
United States
Marital Status
I haven't found an opportunity to make new friends, and I keep reverting back to Islam to make myself feel one with my social circle, but deep down I know this isn't the truth. What's worse is I have autism, can't drive, and regular everyday christians in my country, in the suburbs where i live (the usa) dont take it seriously when i ask for help. even though i live in the bible belt. my relatives and family make it hard on me when i tell them i've decided to convert because due to my autism i have hard time keeping secrets of things im "not supposed to do" (the reasons for this are complex, and even i dont fully understand it, but i heard one uber driver say his son was like that, too). i only have my therapist, and one online friend who used to be my assistant teacher in special ed at school back when i was in high school (and he only texts and not much). its gotten so bad even when i was muslim i would get needy. my mom refuses to drive me to church or use uber to go to church and i have no money, and my job pays me peanuts. (though i may eventually be able to go with uber but my phone wont load uber but that can get fixed but if she finds out why im doomed). she repeatedly tries to interfere with me practicing christianity, and its ramadan, and people are more prone to get angry over this stuff. i cant move out cause i have no money and inflation is through the roof, and i want to be a nurse because i want to go back to school to have a social life but the problem with that is that my old muslim friends there will retaliate for finding out about my conversion to christianity. if i go to a workplace like a warehouse or something, there will be bullying. muslims are vicious when it comes to apostates.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2022
United Kingdom
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Hi, it sounds like its been tricky for you

Have you ever tried journalling? You could write and draw as you grow in your relationship with God. Just thought it might help. You could always get a lock for it.

In it you could ask God to guide you and record answers to prayer.

Perhaps someone can be a prayer partner for you (I'm thinking male might be best).
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
West of Mississippi
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Pray to the Father about these things. Read your Bible. Grow in your faith. Get books to help you understand. You can make friends here and go to a online church or on YouTube. Have joy in the Lord. How did you become saved?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2023
United States
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I haven't found an opportunity to make new friends, and I keep reverting back to Islam to make myself feel one with my social circle, but deep down I know this isn't the truth. What's worse is I have autism, can't drive, and regular everyday christians in my country, in the suburbs where i live (the usa) dont take it seriously when i ask for help. even though i live in the bible belt. my relatives and family make it hard on me when i tell them i've decided to convert because due to my autism i have hard time keeping secrets of things im "not supposed to do" (the reasons for this are complex, and even i dont fully understand it, but i heard one uber driver say his son was like that, too). i only have my therapist, and one online friend who used to be my assistant teacher in special ed at school back when i was in high school (and he only texts and not much). its gotten so bad even when i was muslim i would get needy. my mom refuses to drive me to church or use uber to go to church and i have no money, and my job pays me peanuts. (though i may eventually be able to go with uber but my phone wont load uber but that can get fixed but if she finds out why im doomed). she repeatedly tries to interfere with me practicing christianity, and its ramadan, and people are more prone to get angry over this stuff. i cant move out cause i have no money and inflation is through the roof, and i want to be a nurse because i want to go back to school to have a social life but the problem with that is that my old muslim friends there will retaliate for finding out about my conversion to christianity. if i go to a workplace like a warehouse or something, there will be bullying. muslims are vicious when it comes to apostates.

God sees your struggles and the rest of us admire your courage.

It is always difficult for the convert, at least initially. For those on the autism spectrum, there are even more challenges.

My son has mild Autism and has some social difficulties. He is very intellectual, but solitary. He has few interests outside of things that are not academic, and he isn't religious at all. I wish he were religious, so that he could get involved with the church and meet people ...

The church can be a good source of community and fellowship for you, but you have to find the right church. Some of them in the south can be standoffish and insular --southern culture in the US is different than northern. People have tight-knit social groups that go back generations, and they tend to be suspicious of outsiders. Nevertheless, you can find a good church and social group.

are you attending church now? What denomination?
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Spreading love and cookies
Apr 6, 2023
United States
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I haven't found an opportunity to make new friends, and I keep reverting back to Islam to make myself feel one with my social circle, but deep down I know this isn't the truth. What's worse is I have autism, can't drive, and regular everyday christians in my country, in the suburbs where i live (the usa) dont take it seriously when i ask for help. even though i live in the bible belt. my relatives and family make it hard on me when i tell them i've decided to convert because due to my autism i have hard time keeping secrets of things im "not supposed to do" (the reasons for this are complex, and even i dont fully understand it, but i heard one uber driver say his son was like that, too). i only have my therapist, and one online friend who used to be my assistant teacher in special ed at school back when i was in high school (and he only texts and not much). its gotten so bad even when i was muslim i would get needy. my mom refuses to drive me to church or use uber to go to church and i have no money, and my job pays me peanuts. (though i may eventually be able to go with uber but my phone wont load uber but that can get fixed but if she finds out why im doomed). she repeatedly tries to interfere with me practicing christianity, and its ramadan, and people are more prone to get angry over this stuff. i cant move out cause i have no money and inflation is through the roof, and i want to be a nurse because i want to go back to school to have a social life but the problem with that is that my old muslim friends there will retaliate for finding out about my conversion to christianity. if i go to a workplace like a warehouse or something, there will be bullying. muslims are vicious when it comes to apostates.
I'd be happy to be your friend.
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Nov 8, 2022
atlanta, ga
United States
Marital Status
God sees your struggles and the rest of us admire your courage.

It is always difficult for the convert, at least initially. For those on the autism spectrum, there are even more challenges.

My son has mild Autism and has some social difficulties. He is very intellectual, but solitary. He has few interests outside of things that are not academic, and he isn't religious at all. I wish he were religious, so that he could get involved with the church and meet people ...

The church can be a good source of community and fellowship for you, but you have to find the right church. Some of them in the south can be standoffish and insular --southern culture in the US is different than northern. People have tight-knit social groups that go back generations, and they tend to be suspicious of outsiders. Nevertheless, you can find a good church and social group.

are you attending church now? What denomination?
I once used my mom's money to use uber to go to a catholic church. Personally I believe in the catholic church because one of the things that drove me to christianity was the miracles of saints. that, and the story of Jesus in the bible which i found to be impressive. but my mom scared me away and now i dont have a job anymore to pay for uber myself. i thought i was going to get a better job, and gave 2 weeks notice, and they just let me go. then the other job didn't hire me because they said it was already filled, possibly because i got anxiety and kept calling and they got sick of it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
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Faith is the key, James chapter 1. If you compromise your own position, God cant use you. The massorah is the the original Hebrew translated to English in the king James companion bible. Wickedness will get worse, second Timothy chapter 3 to document. Satan as antichrist will come 6th trump. Revelation chapter 13, the whole world will worship antichrist, except God's Elect, the saints. It will be lonely time when antichrist is here near future. Ephesians chapter 6, study the bible to increase in knowledge of God. Gospel armory is only way past antichrist lies and deception. Those who are biblically illiterate will worship antichrist. Don't put yourself in that position. Ephesians chapter 6 is the key. Study the bible from genesis to revelation. Find teacher if you have difficulty understanding the bible. I recommend shepherds chapel, pastor Dennis murray. Its your prerogative what you do. Peace.
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Aug 26, 2007
United States
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My friend, I have deep compassion for you. It is always difficult to serve Jesus Christ when your family is of a different religion and does not approve. God will reward you for your sufferings for Christ. Jesus Christ's 12 disciples had a very hard time too. Pray in solitary places, ask the Lord to make the seeds of faith to grow, be the good soil that makes Jesus Christ's message of faith, hope and love grow. Pray for your family and friends, even your enemies, that God will help them to understand why your a Christian, that they will get saved and become Christian. I will be your friend. God bless you, peace be with you.
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Aug 14, 2023
Korea, Republic Of
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When you become a Christian, you are part of a wonderful and huuuuge family, though none of us are perfect, but we are one body.

I pray that things will get better for you, I would encourage to spend time with God's word, the Bible.

I myself am going through a very difficult time in my life with what seems to be no end in sight, but I have found reading God's word helps.
It was hard at first, but I keep going back to the Bible, reading His word - it's a source of comfort, teaching, encouragement, hope, truth, it's life itself.
My situation has not changed, but it has helped with how I begin to perceive things.

There are still attack, at times I may freeze from fear and anxiety, feeling of depression setting in, but now I have something to battle it, His words, which is truth.

I'm also beginning to see the importance of being in a good Christian community, it's tough for me to find one here (in a foreign, non-English speaking country), but I am trying, this online community is a start and it has helped, I'm very thankful and grateful for this community.

I'll be praying for you, and I hope you are able to make the time to read His word, the Bible, let's start with that.

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Nov 8, 2022
atlanta, ga
United States
Marital Status
Hi @researchguy2 How are you doing? How has God been working in your life? It's been a while since your post & we are needing to know you our brother are okay.
yeah, im ok, i was forced back into islam by my mom but secretly i was a christian deep down but now im still secretly a christian. i have more courage now, so if i were to tell her and she unleashed her rage on me it wouldn't affect me as much.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United States
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yeah, im ok, i was forced back into islam by my mom but secretly i was a christian deep down but now im still secretly a christian. i have more courage now, so if i were to tell her and she unleashed her rage on me it wouldn't affect me as much.
Praise God that you are continuing to grow in faith (trust)!

I am sorry it remains to be a challenge for you. Could you find a good Christian roommate so you’re not under the authority of your mom? Would rent be a problem? Perhaps a genuine Christian could cut you a break while you find your financial footing? I’ve seen it happen. Pray! Pray! Pray!

I think you are doing it right in secret. While living w/ your mom, you’re still under her authority. Although someday you will have to step out of that, maybe for a short-term worse (worse according to our thinking, for God’s glory & therefore good according to God’s). Doesn’t have to be today.
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