Father Spitzer: God Reveals Himself to Scientists Through His ‘Perfectly-Designed-for-Life Universe’


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Feb 5, 2002
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Through Catholicism, mankind can ‘encounter the God who created that universe,’ emphasizes EWTN host.

The universe we live in is “fine-tuned,” scientifically speaking, to make it perfect for life — so much so that the odds of our universe appearing due to random chance are the same as the odds of a monkey, banging indiscriminately on a typewriter, creating the entire corpus of Shakespeare.

So says Father Robert Spitzer, who explains that the universe is “enormously improbable … it’s almost impossible to explain how this could have happened by pure chance” without invoking the idea of an intelligent Creator.

Moreover, Father Spitzer says he believes scientific arguments for God’s existence are starting to win over even professional scientists.

“Young scientists are more open to God than ever before,” the Jesuit priest asserted.

Father Spitzer, the popular host of the EWTN show Father Spitzer’s Universe, delivered Friday’s keynote address for the opening of the Wonder Conference, organized by the Catholic media apostolate Word on Fire, which kicked off today in Grapevine, Texas.

Citing a Pew Research study, Father Spitzer said that despite the many young people leaving organized religion, young scientists are, on the whole, becoming more likely to say they believe in God, or at least a higher power.

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