DWP. "A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom for a Horse"


Active Member
Dec 22, 2003
Title: "A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom for a Horse"

This is taken from one of Shakespeare's best known lines. The quotation is sometimes now repeated ironically when someone is is need of some unimportant item.

Daily Writing practice means that if you like to do stories, take 10 min and write a quick story based on the title. Just keeps you doing something with your writing.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2003
“Good Night” said James as he kissed his son on the forehead and headed toward the door to flip the light off. As he exited the room, his son called for him “Dad, won’t you read me a story tonight?” James sighed on the inside as he had to finish grading papers for his 4th grade class that he taught at Ruffus Elementary School, but he knew that his son would quickly go to sleep as he poured through one of his stories.

Turning the lamp on, he opened the cupboard and flipped through a handleful of books. He finally came to a small book titled ‘A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse’

“I don’t remember this book in here…Your mother must have gotten this one” Both were intrigued about the prospect of a new book as James had told the story of Winnie the poohs adventure and the bearnstein bears adventures a dozen times this month. Tales of picnics gone awry and a series of unfortunate events that was all summed into a nice happy ending. Flipping open the first page, he began to read his son this story.

Once upon a time, in land far away.
There lived an evil prince, who had nothing good to say
“You peasants, you poor, you workers a muck
Time for your taxes, or Jails your luck”
With a haughty grin and skip to his step
Off went the prince through his kingdom unkept

Arising early, the unlikeliest pair,
A horse and a mouse galloped up to the square
Glancing around to the workers sad faces
A horse and a mouse hurried off with quick paces
“Oh prince Oh prince, said the littlest squeak,
A horse and a mouse, your kingdom we seek”

Laughter erupted from the prince’s chubby cheek
“A horse and a mouse wouldn’t last one week”
So it was that they both made a wage,
The horse and the mouse would rule a weeks age
If they indeed couldn’t survive a weeks page,
They would both be tossed without food in a cage.

The prince laid aside his plan and his rule
Hoping to watch a mockery, a fool
The horse spoke up to the villagers of Agnaines
“Should you slave away to also pay taxes in vain,
Come let us dine in the courtyard at the old princes domain”

So they did dine as the old prince scratched his head
The people were laughing and smiling he spoke up and said
“Surely a horse and a mouse don’t know a way
What of wars, work, food, and pay”
As one voice, the villagers did rise
And confront the old prince of his deception and lies
So it went on day after day,
The horse and the mouse earning the love of the villagers astray

On the final day, the prince devised a scheme,
Surely it was the day that all people would scream,”
....To be continued.

Didn't have time to finish
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