Christian RPG Dream House


Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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Elaynah and her husband were asleep soundly. It was around 5am and all was quiet in their house. The house would be waking up soon. But Elaynah first had a dream.

It was spring, but there was a sleigh flying in the night sky. There was a man she didn't know, and he was falling fast towards the ground. He had no parachute. She was scared for him, when suddenly, out of nowhere, santa claus swooped down and caught him in his sleigh.

"Momma!!!!!!" Elaynah woke with a start as her daughter Lori jumped on the bed between them. She had chocolate on her face, obviously having found her father's reeses left out from the night before.

Elaynah rubbed her eyes, but gave her a hug none the less. One thing about having a three year old, is she always had wet wipes on hand. Lori moved her head trying to get away. Ben turned around to help.

"Morning." He said, giving them both a hug.

"I had the strangest dream." She said. But she didn't have time to explain it. She had to get Lori to preschool. Ben too had to get for ready for work. Mornings were a rush.

"I dreamed about you, my love." He said.

Elaynah smiled, picking Lori up. Some things a smile was enough.

She dropped Lori off and thought about her to do list. She didn't have much on it today. Ben was working and she had a few hours before Lori was out. The mall seemed like it would be nice to kill a few hours, so she pulled into a starbucks then into the parking lot.

She sat there a moment, not really in any hurry. It was March, and pretty nice out in the 50s. "Why in the world would I have a dream about Santa Claus in March?" She thought.



Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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David was distraught as he would have to tell the two kids he would not be around tomorrow, he had to go to the hospital for a brief check on his abdomen. He was sure it was nothing, just a small pain that sometimes got better or worse every time he brought the kids candy. But he was afraid to tell them.

He felt a tug on his coat. “Hey Dave!” There were young Gabriela and Ricky saying hi. This was the meeting place every day; an abandoned alley way almost unnoticed in the local outside mall. Every day, they would bring him treats and maybe some junk they found in their adventures around the city. They were street kids; no one really cared about them and they didn’t want to go back into the foster system. But he did fear for their safety as the city wasn’t always safe.

“We think it’s a crib of some sort” Ricky said about her older sister’s discovery. “We’ll try to put it together so you can see it!”

David enjoyed these daily visits, strictly at 10am every morning, though he hadn’t figured out how the kids knew to be there every morning at 10 am. They came just to hang out with him. Sometimes they would play cards; sometimes just sit and talk; and they all had this momentary pause every day like this was the meeting place. Sometimes they would say nothing, just be happy to play or read something David brought. After a little time of visiting and Gabriela had almost finished putting the crib together, David told them he couldn’t visit with them tomorrow.

Ricky gave out a shriek! “You mean, you dying David? You can’t leave us, you can’t, you can’t. You here every day and that’s where we’re all supposed to be.” David felt as if he would cry; he didn’t know why these children adopted him as some sort of guardian friend even if it was just between 10 and 11 every day. “No, I’ll be back Sunday. I promise” David said. Ricky didn’t look convinced, and Gabriela seemed to stare to see Ricky’s reaction. She cared for her brother a lot.

“Hey guys, I know something that will cheer you up. Say, you did a great job on that crib, Gabriela!” The kids cheered because James brought out their favorite candy bar. Hershey for Gabriela, three musketeers for Ricky. Ricky never wanted to eat alone, he would always give James a piece of his candy back.

After the candy bar, David would go to sleep for one simple reason; that’s what they did the first time they met. And that’s what they always did; no one ever asked each other where they were going or what they were going to be doing. The subject of the kids being homeless never came up; the subject of David having his own lonely house to live in never came up. None of that came up … just an hour of unconditional, un-sappy, pure love that all three of them needed to attend to daily. David laid down on the bench and the kids next to him. Sometimes Ricky would try to cuddle up, but Gabriela would tell him that was rude.

But today, Gabriela thought it best that she and Ricky should leave now before Ricky got too hurt … maybe David would leave them just like everyone else. They had to learn to fend for themselves; maybe love-hour time was over; she couldn’t be sure David would keep his promise of being there Sunday … David’s eyelids closed and he was content to sleep for just a moment.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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Lori walked through the outside mall. She had a few bags in her hand, mainly some clothes for Lorena. She saw some kids running from the alley way.

"Hey kids! Wait." She saw them before here and put two and two together. She knew they were homeless. She worked at an orphanage herself and knew running kids when she saw them. She looked for a security officer around, but there was none. She sighed, knowing they more then likely would not come with her today. She would have to come back with a police officer for them to come with her. It was for their own good.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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David opened his eyes and realized the kids were gone; he should clean up now. Get rid of that crib. But for some reason this morning, he was especially tired. He looked down though and saw he had not finished his candy bar. He picked it up and started chomping away. He had no clue if the kids would believe him and come back in a couple of days. He laid down and tried to lick his finger and his face ... but he allowed sleep to coddle him. It was especially quiet.

Falling ... he realized he was falling. A momentary panic hit him; he was free falling. For a moment it felt exhilarating ... but looking down, he realized he would hit the ground very shortly ... normally he could wake himself up when he fell, but now - he didn't even realize where he was or what his options were ...
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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Elaynah sighed ,watching as they ran off. The kids were running scared. Finally she saw an officer, and ran over. "Hey, sir. There are three kids here. Have you seen them? Here is my card." She handed the card to him and described what they looked like.

"And you think they are homeless? I believe I have seen them around before."

"I can't be sure, but something is up." She said.

After they parted ways, Elaynah looked at her phone. Three missed calls from Ben. She groaned as she saw Ben wheeling Lorena towards her.

"Lose track of time?" Ben said.

"I'm sorry, Ben. There were these kids. I had to report it."

"It's okay. I am on my lunch break. I do have to get back now though. I love you." She kissed her on the cheek and she watched as he left.

"Well little miss. Looks like it is just us today. "

After lunch, she decided it was about time to get Lori home.

Her feet hurt and she was getting tired. Lorena was about out too. Then she saw it. It was an alley way that was small and sort of hidden. She remembered the kids running out of there and thought to take a look to see if they could be living there.

Curiously, she wheeled Lori down the warmly lit alley.

First she saw the crib and makeshift couches along the walls. No doubt the kids were here. There were chalk drawings on the walls and colored paper on the couches.

And then she stepped back startled. There was a man fast asleep, mouth open drooling, with chocolate on his mouth. She saw this before. Nice guy or not, he was no help to homeless kids not turning them in. Then she thought... Not to ours anyway.

She was going to wake him up when it hit her. Exhaustion. It didn't help that Lori was fast asleep too. She thought Lori to be a bit old for a crib, but it was the safest place here. She felt herself drifting fast. She laid her down, feeling like she was drifting on a cloud, and without thinking, laid down on another couch next to the man herself. Her rational part felt this to be highly unsafe for both of them, but she didn't feel anything was going to happen. Instead, she drifted off deep.
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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Elaynah drifted, and the more she drifted she felt herself falling. She was falling in the night sky. And Lori was with her. "LORI!" She grabbed her midair when she saw a sleigh below her. It caught the both of them. But it was empty, unlike her dream with Santa. She had no time to think though. Because then she saw a man falling too. How many more will there be Elaynah thought. Lori giggled. "Santa, Santa!!!!" She was just having a blast as a child would.

Quickly, Elaynah grabbed the reigns and pulled them towards the man falling, hoping he would catch him in time.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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The falling was slightly disconcerting and he realized for a moment that he heard bells ... he wasn't sure what he was hearing, but the bells were coming closer to him. David suddenly experienced, as the only way he could describe it, a third person perspective. He saw a decked out sleigh with bells on it, a seeming happy child, and a frantic woman holding on to the reins of reindeer and she seemed concerned for his predicament.

Suddenly, moving back to 1st person perspective, he could feel the sleigh swoop under him and catch him ... his body hitting the back compartment. He did not feel any pain or hurt, but realized the sleigh was moving at a fast speed. It was almost as if the moment it caught him, it realized it needed to go onto a new path. Why couldn't Gabriela and Ricky be with him now? They would certainly enjoy this and maybe the sleigh would take them to Santa's workshop where those two could live forever and be forever loved.

Moving to the upward position, he assumed that if anyone saw him - it would be an amazing sight to behold. He rested his chin on the outside of the sleigh's compartment and let the wind curl through his hair and watched as the sleigh moved rapidly in the sky. "

"More rapid than eagles his coursers they came ... " he remembered from the famous poem.

It was hard to see much below, the occasional lights from houses and trees rolling by. He turned and saw the child and most probably the mother. He raised his hand so as to gesture a hello, but as soon as that happened, the sleigh took a nose dive as if it knew exactly where it was going ...
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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"You! You are the maaaaaannnn...." Elaynah's breath went away as the sleigh nose dived down.

"Wheeeeee!" Lori did one of her famous belly laughs, taking it all in with delight. She put one of her arms around David as she often did with strangers. Ben and Elaynah were working on this with her not too, but this moment was not one of those times.

"Hold on!!!!!" Elaynah yelled. As the sleigh nose dived. Then the reindeer sort of leveled out and touched the ground like a flying jet, slowing down the roadway until they stopped in front of an old run down shack.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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As they looked at this run down old house, silence filled the air, except the occasional jingle of a bell because the reindeer made a few minor moves. Poking out of the sleigh, James was thankful that the ride was over, and thankful his life was spared. He noticed the child had put his arms around him. He said "Thank you for that, I'm safe now. I see you enjoyed yourself." Hearing the sounds of the hooves on what seemed to be a little bit of snow on the ground, David slowly got out of the sleigh. But it wasn't quite elegant; he had poorly judged the distance between the sleigh and the ground and wound up falling on his back side. Again, there was not really pain ... just humor at what he must have looked like. He began laughing at the situation while he stood up.

Dusting off his clothes, he realized he didn't feel cold or hot. Just 'refreshed'. He said, "Would you gals like help out of the sleigh?"
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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"This is a weird dream." Elaynah said aloud. She refused David's hand, but watched him close as he helped Lori down.

"Thanks." She said. It was a weird dream. She felt like she was in control. She tried pinching her arm. Nothing.

"I wonder if I hit my head when I fell down." Elaynah said.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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"Oh" David said. "Go to your Mom, she's waiting for you!" David looked around some more and looked at the two ladies. Strange; dream characters thinking it was strange to be dreaming. To be honest, he had not thought about whether he was dreaming or not until they said something. "I guess this whole thing does seem sort of fantastic."

"Well, my name is David ... not sure if you gals are dream people or not. But even if you are, we're here now." He paused for a moment, looking at the run down house. "I'm going to walk around this house, make sure there are no other dangers. I'm afraid to look in, what if we're trespassing or something?"
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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"Well, it is a dream, so I guess it be sort of an adventure." She said. "And I am Elaynah. This is Lori. I fell down on a couch falling asleep next to you in the alley." She said. "Were you with the kids that are homeless?"
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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These dream characters apparently knew a lot more than they were letting on. He had to be cautious. "I might know some homeless kids who, when they are with me for a short undisclosed period of time, are not homeless anymore ... and they don't want to do the foster thing ... who's asking?" He asked seriously, forgetting he thought this might be a dream. He looked through the windows of the house. It was hard to see, there were no lights on. "Looks pretty empty. Do you think we should ... ?"
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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"It doesn't help them if you leave them there." She said. "They are young and need someone to care for them. My orphanage is well run. Kids find homes fairly fast to good families and is Christian run."

A white hand appeared out of a cracked door and motioned for Lori. Lori smiled big and walked over to the door, quietly slipping inside without them noticing.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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"Hmmph ... Well, we never discussed it. To be honest, the topic never came up. That's why they felt safe with me. They came to me, they don't ask me questions about me ... I don't ask them questions about them ... they feel accepted and don't feel like they gotta answer a thousand questions."

He picked up a few stick and twigs and broke them over his knee. Seems normal if it were a dream. "You orphan people scare them off ... Christian you say? I've never heard of your orphanage."
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
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"I'd hand you a card , but they flew out in the sky." She frowned. "You are a dream, anyway." She said. She started looking around.

"Lori?!" She looked at David with worried eyes, and bolted when she saw the bolted shack door open."
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Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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Elaynah opened the door and stepped inside in amazement. "Lori?" She asked. She sat in front of a huge television watching cartoons with the kids from the alleyway.

Lori looked around with amazement. There were elegant chairs and a large , 45 inch TV in a wood framing like maybe an entertainment center. She went over to Lori who was eating finger foods with the others and put her hand on her shoulders speechless.

"You are the kids from the alleyway." She said.
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Blessed more than I deserve
Jan 28, 2019
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David scurried to the door, he thought Elaynah was panicked. Had this momentary spat caused enough of a distraction that something was wrong with her child, Lori? Going to the front door, he felt a ton of cobwebs in his face. The others hadn't complained of it, but it proved to be somewhat of a nuisance. It took him a little bit to get through the webs to the other side; in front of him was a sight to behold. An elegant royal room; royal chairs that looked as if they had just been upholstered. And there was Ricky and Gabriela along with Lori, watching television together.

"Wait guys" David hesitated. He wanted to go over and warn them that the woman who might take them away was right there. But, he couldn't. There was some sort of Spirit in the house, some sort of Spirit in the children. Dare he say love? No, no. He didn't really know what love was.

"Yeah, we came back because we didn't have anywhere to go and then we fell asleep in the alley again. But, we weren't sure who your friends were. Lori is really nice" Ricky stated matter of factly.

"So, you guys just came in here and this place was just like this?" He thought to look outside of the house again, but remembering the cobwebs ... he thought better of it. He would just have to trust; something he wasn't strong in. He turned to Elaynah. "What is this place?"
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Hello my Name is "Child of the One True King"
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Dec 2, 2005
Heaven of course!
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"I don't know." Elaynah said. It was beautiful. She smiled at the kids. "Um...listen. you don't have to sleep in the alley. I know orphanage sounds scarey, but I take care of kids like you every day and they are all pretty content considering."

She looked at David with a frown, but kept silent. People like him kept children on the streets alive, but child trafficking was a real thing. So was crime. These kids needed saftey.
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