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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Does my wife have something bigger going on?

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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2015
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So my wife is seeing a doctor in a few weeks (its the soonest they could get her in). Shes from the Philippines and never seen a OB/Gyn before since they don't seem to have them there. Sorry if alot of this is TMI.

For the most part her periods have been relatively normal. Sometimes a few days early, sometimes a few days late. During stressful times they get delayed two weeks. Recently instead of it being on the 28th she got it on 12th of February. But it was only for three days and relatively light. But there would only be blood the day. Then at night nothing would show up. And the next morning blood again, nothing that night. So on and so on. It was very weird. We have been having sex without condoms for about a month or two now, if that matters. Well she did take pregnancy tests and all were negative.

But what we don't understand is shes been having other female issues for a long time now. Pain during sex. UTIs alot. Bladder pain. Sometimes abdominal. Headaches almost every day. Shes put on some weight (not a massive amount). She says sometimes shes itchy "down there" too. She also has back pain, though I think thats related to looking down at her phone to much and a lack of exercise. Recently she felt some pain for two days in around her belly button area, like a ulcer maybe. Her "down there" area is very sensitive to the point of it cannot be touched really.

When she pees she says if she holds it even for a short period it hurts too. All this is ongoing stuff, not just for one day. She sometimes feels cold, then her head gets very warm. She is also laying down alot, maybe due to lack of exercise too (?). On our honeymoon when we first went to have sex she had a black and green thing (about a tenth of an inch big) right above her urethral opening.

So my question is do you think this is something bigger going on? My cousin had POC (is that its name?) and alot of the same problems. Do you think its related to that? Or maybe another female issue? Or just a lifestyle issue?

In her past she had Typhoid's and PTB. I know a doctor who seen her when she first came said the cocktail of meds they had her on for her TB was overboard and probably stripped her system alot. Maybe some of this is related to that. I don't know what to do (Aside from seeing doc of course) to help her. I try messages, pills for pain/headaches and so on. She scared its cancer or something else because of what she read online.


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It's really impossible to make a guess at what is going on. Age, family history, current lifestyle, medical history - there is too much info that only a physician can sort out.

I'd recommend you just be supportive, and when she speaks with the doctor, make sure both of you are educated as to what is going on, and how you might help her through whatever is going on, if there is anything going on.

It could be a simple issue that just needs cleared up.
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Y'shua is His Name
Aug 24, 2007
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