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Did I lie in confession?


Active Member
May 7, 2018
United States Minor Outlying Islands
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I remember the last time I went to confession. Like normal, I named venial and mortal sins like I’m supposed to. But, I remember naming this particular mortal sin that I commited and I said “I didn’t know it was wrong.” But now that I think about it I think when I did it I knew it was wrong and I just confused it with a different time I did the same sin and didn’t know it was wrong. I’m afraid now that mabye I lied to the priest and he didn’t absolve that sin. I didn’t know that mabye that was a lie and I didn’t intent to lie. Can someone help?


May 5, 2012
New Jersey
United States
Marital Status
For something to be a lie, you have to intend to deceive the person. You weren't lying to the priest if, at the time of the confession, you were telling the truth to the best of your recollection; it was a mistake, not a lie.

Still, since it seems to be troubling your conscience, mention it during your next confession. "During my last confession, I told the priest X, and I've now remembered that X isn't true, it's really Y." The priest will understand and will pronounce absolution, both for the original (now clarified) act and for the inadvertent falsehood.
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Active Member
May 7, 2018
United States Minor Outlying Islands
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For something to be a lie, you have to intend to deceive the person. You weren't lying to the priest if, at the time of the confession, you were telling the truth to the best of your recollection; it was a mistake, not a lie.

Still, since it seems to be troubling your conscience, mention it during your next confession. "During my last confession, I told the priest X, and I've now remembered that X isn't true, it's really Y." The priest will understand and will pronounce absolution, both for the original (now clarified) act and for the inadvertent falsehood.

Do you think my confession was vaild and he fully absolved it?
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2018
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Do you think my confession was vaild and he fully absolved it?
Galatians 2:16 King James Version (KJV)
16 Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.

You should confess your sins to Christ and he is faithful to forgive , even if you wanted to you can't even name all of them because there are so many that it's impossible . Do like tax collector " forgive me I'm sinner " and that's enought , you don't have to name all of them .

Luke 18:9-14 King James Version (KJV)
9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
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May 5, 2012
New Jersey
United States
Marital Status
Do you think my confession was vaild and he fully absolved it?
In my understanding, yes. But note that I'm not Catholic, so a Catholic priest would be able to give you a better answer from a Catholic perspective.

Clearly, this is troubling you. Do you have an opportunity to go to confession today or tomorrow before Mass, so that you could be more fully at peace about it?
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Active Member
May 7, 2018
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Marital Status
In my understanding, yes. But note that I'm not Catholic, so a Catholic priest would be able to give you a better answer from a Catholic perspective.

Clearly, this is troubling you. Do you have an opportunity to go to confession today or tomorrow before Mass, so that you could be more fully at peace about it?

No, I cannot go to confession and I think I can’t go anytime soon. I am not legally allowed to drive yet and my parents will not take me nor do I know anyone who can take me. My parents do not believe in confession, my dad is an atheist, my mom is in some sort of Christianity and doesn’t believe in confession, and that goes that same for my grandma. The only time I can usually go to confession is when I go to school which is a catholic school and they make all the students go to confession which is only usually around Christmas or Easter. The last time I went to confession was like in early June and that’s because I BEGGED my parents to go. I’ve asked them to take me to confession several times after that and they say no, or “You have not done any mortal sin” and on rare occasions they ask what did I did. I am not comfortable telling them. My parents threaten to take my Ipad away because they think it’s making me go crazy and that’s the only way I could do this. I have a lot more to confess other then this, some of which are I’m pretty sure are mortal. It doesn’t help tomorrow that I’m going to church and I’m going to have to take the communion. Listen, I would do anything for my parents to take me to confession. Unlike other teenagers out there, if I got to go to confession it would make me the happiest person in the world. After reading this, I hope you don’t think my parents are bad parents, they are not. I wish they could just listen and respect my beliefs, take me seriously when I say I need to go to confession, and take me there. I know that your not Catholic but thanks for helping me out
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May 5, 2012
New Jersey
United States
Marital Status
I'm sorry your faith journey is so difficult for you at the moment. Things will be easier for you when you are older and have more control over your own life, but I know it's hard in the meantime.

The sacraments (like confession) are there to help us experience God's grace, but God's grace is not limited to the sacraments. God can work in our lives even when we don't have access to the sacraments; God is all-powerful and all-knowing, after all. God knows your heart, and God knows that you are sorry for the sin that is troubling you.

So, given your current situation, confess your sins directly to God in prayer, as honestly and completely as you can, and know that you are forgiven because Jesus died for you.

When you return to school in September, would it be possible to talk to one of your teachers privately and explain your situation, and explain that you would like to meet with a priest periodically (weekly?) for confession? If I were a teacher at a Catholic school, I would go out of my way to make a connection like this between a student and a priest; and if I were a priest, I would be happy to travel to a school and meet with a student who is seeking God.
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