Daily Writing Practice- Participation Please


Active Member
Dec 22, 2003
Had an idea. Everyday, somebody post a topic saying Daily Writing Practice or DWP and a title. Everyone posts a short story (few paragraphs) based off of just the title. This will be a unique way of practicing your writing skills along with creating plot, char, ect.. based on little info and little time. Try to time yourself and stick to the time. This will cause you to be a better writer and quicker on your toes.

I will put the first headline below. Tomorrow, if nobody has posted one, create a thread called Daily Writing Practice and a Title. Include a time limit ....then of course, post your own.


I will post my story in a few minutes.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2003

The lake was perfect today, the breeze was calm, the water serene. The warmth of the sun dancing across my body. It was days like this that made me miss him. Perfect days. 10 years passed by so quickly. I can't believe this very day 10 years ago, I had to raise anchors, salute him, and allow him to set sail toward his next life. He was a warrior. He was a son. He was my closest friend and an ornery little son of a gun at times. I loved him. I miss him. They say that in death is hope. Death brings unity. Some say death is a necessary evil that promotes us into a higher rank of creaturehood. Elevates us to the next level of our journey. Frankly, I say death is vile. Venomous torture to the ones left to pick up the pieces. A poison to those around you. A bitter drink. A cup that has overflowed and spilt as blood onto the ground. A barren womb. Death happens though. You can cast your chips on death as a sure bet that will payoff big in the lottery of life. Death will happen...I have lived with this realization 10 years. Today, I am going to let go of the rope. You hear that Matty, I am letting go of the anchor rope that I have held onto so long. You can continue on and I'll let you go. I will let you set sail. As I began up the hill back to the cabin, I paid homage one last time as I knelt down and kissed the picture that I had of him in my wallet. I will miss you Matty. You were the best dog I ever had.

Circa---14 min.
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Regular Member
Jul 6, 2007
San Diego CA
Marital Status
Just saw this and thought it was a good idea, so i'll be perticapating as much as I can.


She was scard there was no doupt about it.
It was the first time she had been on a train before, and becuase of her destination no one was with her. Even though she kept telling herself it was going to be all right she was still really worried.
What if she missed her stop?
What if something happened to the train?
What if no one was there to meet her?
Finally her worries overwhelmed her and she could no longer sit still.

"Excuss me young lady is something wrong?" the conducter asked kindly.

She bit her lip unsure if she, she respond to this man. He was nice and all, and yes he was the conducter, but mama had always said not to talk to strangers and he was a stranger.

The conducter watied patiantly smiling at her the whole time.

Finally she spoke. Her voice was small and timid and the conducter had to lean closer to hear.

"This is my first train ride, and Miss Emma wasn't able to come with me at the last minute."

"I see, and where are you headed?" the conducter said urgering her to continue.

"Well I'm going to some place called Timberline to meet my new mommy and daddy."

"Really now! Well you must be excited."

"A little sir, but what if I miss my stop? What if something happens to the train? What if Indians attack? What if no one's there waiting for me?" she said in a burst unable to stop herself.

The conducter chuckled and sat down next to her.

"Well I know where your going so I'll help you get off at the right stop, I don't imagin that anything will happen to the train, Indians don't attack trains their to afriad of them, and if you like I'll stay with you untill someone shows up. Hows that sound?"

"Really?" instantly she brightened.


"Thank you, sir!" she said giving him a huge simle and a big hug.

As the journy continued the conducter made it a point to stop and cheeck on his young passenger every once and a while. Finally it was her stop.

"Well little missy this is the end of the line for you. You ready?" he asked taking her small hand in his big one.

She gave a slight nod and they got off. Tarrified that her new parents had changed their mind at the last moment she stood there clutching titily to his hand. Just the a young couple approched.

The woman was young and had blond hair and green eyes that showed uncertinty, and the young man was no better. Dark brown hair was sticking out of a cowboy hat and hazle eyes showed only a flicker of fear.

"Are you Hope Grace?" the woman asked gently.

The young girl nodded. The couple broke into huge smiles relife intense on their faces.

"I'm Mary and this is Paul, where your new parents."

The girl nodded again squezzing the conduters hand and his heart. Just as he was about to speak Hope looked up at him smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the help Mr. Conducter." And with that the brave little girl, known as Hope Grace, left with her new parents waving goodbye as they pulled away.

Ahhh! I went over! 18 minutes
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