Daily Writing Practice-- "Fading"


Active Member
Dec 22, 2003
Another daily for anyone that cares. Doesn't seem like anyone wants to try this. It is pretty fun when you get a group of people doing it daily or every few days..


"In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1"

"Good Afternoon Chicago,
It seems an epidemic has been striking fear into the nation today as there appears that we are being faced with another of many unexplainable things. Scientists and doctors have now been studying several people that have come in contact with what they are now describing as a..well a virus I guess. We are not supposed to disclose any information on symptoms, but if anything strange begins to happen to you, please call the number at the bottom of the screen. We will keep you updated as things progress in their studies"

"And We're Off"

"Hey Jim, you hear that, It seems that you have been infected with the "Virus" because you are so "Ugly" George chuckled at his friends dry humor as he walked out into the hall.
"What do you think this epidemic is?" Jim asked in a concerned tone.
George glanced to both sides and whispered,"Global Warming my Friend. It's always global warming" The pair both chuckled as they went into their offices at the news station.


The lights of the room were dimmed low as the scientists and doctors examined the patient below them. Wide eyes and nervous looks around didn't reassure the lively patient that was strapped on the table below them.
"What Is Going On!" shouted the patient "Why is this happenening to me?"

"Quickly, get another blood sample and skin sample before it's too late" a Doctor yelled to his nurse
"Am I dying? Am I going to Die" the fearful man asked.
The nurse leaned low to reassure the patient and reached out for his hand and he was gone.

"Did you get those Samples?" the doctor hollered. "Did you?"
"I am sorry..I am so sorry sir?" the nurse politely backed away from the table.

"This was our last patient showing these signs, how should we proceed"

"Let us hope that this is the last time we see this"

None of the doctors were convinced about this, but they went to process their paperwork and finish what data they could analyze.

"What should we classify this as?" The doctor asked one of the scientists.
"We'll call it *Fading*"
The scientist sarcastically responded, "Is that the scientific name?"
Without a beat, the doctor snapped back
"What else do you want to call it when somebody that is perfectly healthy fades out of existence and goes from a solid mass into nothing. Disappearing out of thin air. Defying what we know about science. Do you have a better term for that?"

"Woah there, Fading it is"


Regular Member
Jul 6, 2007
San Diego CA
Marital Status

The light faded in and out. Slowly as if he was blinking. He knew he wasn't though, knew that his eyes were wide open.

Sounds, voices.
But it was to hard to make them out, to hard to try.
What was happening?
He struggled for a breif moment trying to rember, but for some reason couldn't. Nothing seemed to matter any more but those fading lights. For some reason he knew that it was importent to remeber those lights, to fouces on them, but couldn't remeber why.
After a moment he decided that it didn't matter any way. Nothing did, not the numbing pain, not the noises, or lights, nothing at all.
Looking to the left he saw something he had not seen in a long time.
His wife.
She had died eight years ago....at least he thinks she did, can't remeber. The lights faded even more. For some reason it was importent for him to concentrat on her. For some reson she was crying.
He frowned.
That wasn't right. He had to do something, say something. His sweet Annabell wasn't supposed to cry any more. That was their deal. Only happy tears.
Stuggling he reached up and wipped a tear away from her eye.
Something wasn't right though and after a few moments he figured out what it was. Her eyes were a diffrent color.
This wasn't his Annabell this was Nancy his daughter.
Goodness she looked more like her mother every day.
He smiled and whispere, "Don't cry Nancy. Everything's going to be all right."
Then someone appeared behind his daughter. Someone he felt that he had known for a long time. A smile blossemed on his face as the figure silently said it is time to go.
"Everything's going to be all right little one. I'll tell your mom you said hi."
And with that everything faded untill nothing was left. Then that man opened his eyes and started a whole new adventure.
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