Conspiracy Theories: Origins

May 2, 2024
United States
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Something about Conspiracy Theories. The phrase "Conspiracy Theorists" first arose after the JFK assassination. People thought there might be more to his death than just a lone gunman. But the Warren Commission insisted that Oswald acted alone, and those who believe otherwise were branded with a brand new insult: "Conspiracy Theorists." Once a media narrative is set, they seek to marginalize and minimalize all who disagree, and that tactic is worse now than ever.

Today, MOST Americans do not believe Oswald acted alone, and a great movie was even made about that called "JFK". Therefore, according to those who coined that phrase, and by their standards , MOST Americans are Conspiracy Theorists.

Now today: Lets take the Stolen 2020 Election as a comparison. Personally, I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was stolen, and that has been proven sufficiently for me. In fact, there is far far more evidence supporting the fact that the 2020 election was stolen then there is about Oswald not working alone.

Just as before, the media narrative was set, and all who had a different opinion were mocked. But today, unlike in the early 60's, the technology exists to cancel and literally wipe out those who disagreed. And that happened writ large. Hopefully, we will be vindicated and justice will be done. I think that those who believe that Oswald did not act alone have been vindicated. We are still waiting for justice to be done in that case too.

So, think twice before mocking someone and labeling them a "Conspiracy Theorist." There is a high probability that you are one yourself.

Link of interest: The Stolen 2020 Election: The Evidence


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Dec 24, 2005
United States
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Yes, it always makes me chuckle abit (in a sad sort of way) ...
at how many true conspiracies today are just regarded as nutty 'theories'.

Yet, there are real conspiracies. Actual conspiracies (plots, plans) that are not just 'theories'.
And unfortunately, some are currently moving forward quite easily.

If one does not take the time to 'do the homework' ... do the research ...
and chooses to just rely upon the mainstream media outlets as their source for information ...
they can easily remain in the dark about many things.
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