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Churches That Abuse

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Jan 31, 2003
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In his book, "Churches That Abuse" by Dr. Ronald Enroth, he says:
A central feature of an abusive church is control-oriented leadership. The leader in an abusive church is dogmatic, self- confident, arrogant, and the spiritual focal point in the lives of his followers. The leader assumes he is more spiritually in tune with God than anyone else. He claims insight into Scripture that no one else has. Or, he may state that he receives personal revelations from God. Because of such claims, the leader's position and beliefs cannot be questioned; his statements are final. To members of this type of church or group, questioning the leader is the equivalent of questioning God. Although the leader may not come out and state this fact, this attitude is clearly seen by the treatment of those who dare to question or challenge the leader. The leader of the movement often makes personal decisions for his followers. Individual thinking is prohibited; thus the followers become dependent on the leader. In the hierarchy of such a church, the leader is, or tends to be, accountable to no one. Even if there is an elder board, it is usually made up of men who are loyal to, and will never disagree with, the leader. This style of leadership is not one endorsed in the Bible. According to Scripture all believers have equal access to God and are equal before Him because we are made in His image, and we are all under the authority of the Word of God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21 believers are directed to measure all teachings against the Word of God. Acts 17:11 states that even the apostle Paul was under the authority of the Bible, and the Bereans were commended because they tested Paul's teachings with the Scriptures. Leaders and laity alike are to live according to Scripture.

Has anyone ever encounter a church like this?
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You are in the wrong forum chelc, here are the rules for you:

Non-Denominational Protestant Forum Rules

1) This forum is open to all Christians. Non-Christian members are not allowed to post here.

2) Protestant, Evangelical and Reformed members, as well as Non-Denominational Christian members can post fellowship threads here as well as debate threads to discuss various doctrines to do with their own denomination and other denominations (including the Catholic church), as long as they are within our rules.

3) Non-Protestant members (eg. Catholic members) can only post fellowship posts here or posts to ask a question regarding Protestant or Evangelical doctrine. Once the question is answered, there shall be no debate over the answer in this forum by the Non-Protestant. Any debate posts by Non-Protestants will be deleted or moved to the Interdenominational Doctrine Debate forum. In other words, only Protestant members can debate here.
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this attitude is clearly seen by the treatment of those who dare to question or challenge the leader.

really right here is this thread even. Must be a good book.

Aside from that area in the catholic church though, I haven't run into very many myself... I know there have been events like Waco, where it seems like that is what was going on.. We've visited (and stayed a number of weeks at each) baptist churches - they were some Ok, Charisamtic churches - they were some ok (some of this in there I think), a Messianic church - they were OK, Churches of God - they were some OK, and a few other little denoms in there, mostly ok, didn't experience anyything of that nature in any of them, the closet might be one little charismatic church out in the boonies here in VA that had a woman pastor who was real controlling,, took a few weeks to really see it... at first you can't be sure you know, we don't stay anywhere where the pastor or anyone has to be the ultimate top dog and no matter what they do they are right right right. ... so we didn't stay there... she had some funny ideas I must admit... she would spend equal time discussing Jesus as discussing why she wasn't married and how many marriage proposals she had had that month... hoy veh...

It's my impression that when a church leader can't be fully open, he's hiding something... if the only way he can maintain his authority is by saying BECAUSE well.. that says a lot.

I have seen a couple other pastors here and there who treated people like that (don't question me attitudes) end up in a pretty bad way, adultery, divorce etc... they continue on nonetheless so beware... also ran into a congregation of masons within the baptist church... if they can't be questioned about anything,, well, it may often be because they can't justify the answer...

my 2 cents worth.
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Non nobis domine sed tuo nomine da gloriam
Mar 7, 2002
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:( :( :(

I think if this were an honest attempt to determine whether the Catholic church fit into this description then it would be fine and the motive of this thread would clearly be one of seeking unity and understanding.  Even if the original posters motive was one of edification this topic is one that probably cannot be discussed without stumbling our brethren.  It would be too easy to be offended or respond in an ungodly way.  This is a face to face discussion at best.  Online is not the place for this.

For what it's worth, I don't believe the Catholic church fits into that catagory at all.  While I may not agree with many of the interpretations that church adheres to I think, for the most part, it is filled with wonderful Christians seeking to please God.

God bless
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2003
A central feature of an abusive church is control-oriented leadership. The leader in an abusive church is dogmatic, self- confident, arrogant, and the spiritual focal point in the lives of his followers. The leader assumes he is more spiritually in tune with God than anyone else. He claims insight into Scripture that no one else has. Or, he may state that he receives personal revelations from God. Because of such claims, the leader's position and beliefs cannot be questioned; his statements are final. To members of this type of church or group, questioning the leader is the equivalent of questioning God. Although the leader may not come out and state this fact, this attitude is clearly seen by the treatment of those who dare to question or challenge the leader. The leader of the movement often makes personal decisions for his followers. Individual thinking is prohibited; thus the followers become dependent on the leader. In the hierarchy of such a church, the leader is, or tends to be, accountable to no one. Even if there is an elder board, it is usually made up of men who are loyal to, and will never disagree with, the leader. This style of leadership is not one endorsed in the Bible. According to Scripture all believers have equal access to God and are equal before Him because we are made in His image, and we are all under the authority of the Word of God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21 believers are directed to measure all teachings against the Word of God. Acts 17:11 states that even the apostle Paul was under the authority of the Bible, and the Bereans were commended because they tested Paul's teachings with the Scriptures. Leaders and laity alike are to live according to Scripture.

I attended a Church like that when I was first got saved and never really knew what was going on until I started to grow as a Christian and learn more of the Bible.
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'Totus tuus'
Jan 11, 2003
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Today at 10:21 AM Live4Jesus said this in Post #6

I do know the catholic church and the pope would fit into that description real well 4Jesus, though there are others too...


So bashing the Pope is allowed in this forum...interesting indeed.

Do tell, how does one know that the author of the text that was quoted knows this to be fact? Where is his evidence that would support his claim?
 iow, who is he?
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I have only seen a very little bit of it, but considering that here for instance, poeple show up claiming to be christian, yet are real lost... have to wonder what they've been taught, they're angry and everything...

4Jesus I do know has some issues, she got them somewhere too... she is real wary of anything Charismatic, why is that 4Jesus? i would like to know what you saw too.

Anyway I found what looks to be a decent a book review of the title:

If things cannot be discussed openly, we are nowhere. I am sorry that catholics feel they have to defend any statement about catholicism that doesn't fit their own worldly or personal view, but there are people who have experienced many things within not just other churches, but the catholic church as well. if it were not so, the church would not be facing numerous lawsuits concerning abuse, documented facts and cases some of which are quite well known. to say it only happens elsewhere would be to just throw icing on a cake and try to deceive ourselves that it's a lemon meringue pie.
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'Totus tuus'
Jan 11, 2003
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Today at 10:49 AM Reformationist said this in Post #10

:( :( :(

I think if this were an honest attempt to determine whether the Catholic church fit into this description then it would be fine and the motive of this thread would clearly be one of seeking unity and understanding.  Even if the original posters motive was one of edification this topic is one that probably cannot be discussed without stumbling our brethren.  It would be too easy to be offended or respond in an ungodly way.  This is a face to face discussion at best.  Online is not the place for this.

For what it's worth, I don't believe the Catholic church fits into that catagory at all.  While I may not agree with many of the interpretations that church adheres to I think, for the most part, it is filled with wonderful Christians seeking to please God.

God bless


Thanks Ref.
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Miserere Nobis
Apr 14, 2002
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Today at 10:47 AM Live4Jesus said this in Post #9 (http://www.christianforums.com/showthread.php?postid=656489#post656489)

What kind of posts Kern? We can't discuss this book here? What are you saying? Our opinions are illegal?

There are two things you are doing here, one of which is not allowed, the other of which is just dishonest.

1. Saying that the Catholic Church is abusive because of the Pope's qualities. This is not allowed.

2. You are posting misinformation about the Catholic Church. This is not forbidden by the rules, but it is a dishonest tactic to do so in a forum where Catholics may not respond to the accusations.

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'Totus tuus'
Jan 11, 2003
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Today at 11:10 AM kern said this in Post #15

There are two things you are doing here, one of which is not allowed, the other of which is just dishonest.

1. Saying that the Catholic Church is abusive because of the Pope's qualities. This is not allowed.

2. You are posting misinformation about the Catholic Church. This is not forbidden by the rules, but it is a dishonest tactic to do so in a forum where Catholics may not respond to the accusations.


I still would like to know the reason why anyone should listen to what this guy, who wrote the book has to say? What gives him the authority to say that about any Chrsitian?

This thread is about judgeing other Christians, it is disgraceful.
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Dec 31, 2002
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Catholics are not suppose to debate in this forum. thats why its here, for non-catholics to debate, discuss.

You have a forum, please use it. No matter where any of us go around this webboard, there are 2 or 3 of you who pop in to disdredit everyone, everyone, with accusations, insinuations. This is not a catholic forum. We are free to discuss our experiences with that church and other churches as well here.

You go into every forum doing this, including this one, which is not a catholic forum. Is there a place kern and chelci where the rest of us can discuss the issues of our hearts without having you to tell us exactly what to discuss and how?
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Today at 11:14 AM chelcb said this in Post #16

I still would like to know the reason why anyone should listen to what this guy, who wrote the book has to say? What gives him the authority to say that about any Chrsitian?

This thread is about judgeing other Christians, it is disgraceful.

I dobut very seriously if a church that operates under these guidelines is Chrisitian. It sounds more like a cult to me. 
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