Church Invasions: A Fad Of The Future

Hidden In Him

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With Roe V. Wade having now been overturned, a prophecy from 40 years ago appears to be likely on its way to fulfillment now, or at least the initial phases of it anyway. In 1980, Rick Joyner prophesied in the book The Harvest that there would come a time when hordes of people would begin invading churches and disrupting Christian services. The full prophecy, as published in its context, went as follows:

Before the great ingathering Christianity will experience a great humiliation… The "accuser of the brethren" will go forth with unprecedented rage against the Body of Christ. The "revelations" of immoral and unethical behavior by hundreds of highly visible ministries will bring about a loathing of Christianity throughout the world, for a time. These "revelations" will include child molesting, rape, and the most vile forms of perversion. Some of these will be true, but most will not be true... After an atmosphere of revulsion has been created, the enemy will then move against even the most respected Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant, Charismatic and Catholic leaders with charges of the most base forms of perversion and ethical failures. In conjunction with this, hoards of cults and satanic worshippers will begin attacking congregations and meetings. They will enter services en masse, spitting on people, urinating and performing lewd acts in order to humiliate the church. This practice will be publicized until it becomes a fad among the cults. What begins as a few isolated incidents will soon become common throughout the world… This humiliation will ultimately reduce many congregations and movements in the church to a figurative Gideon's three hundred. Like Gideon's little band, who could no longer stand the humiliation of Israel at the hands of Midian, these will be pushed to the limit of what they can tolerate. They will take their little lights and trumpets (messages) and attack the entire camp of the enemy, beginning the rout. After this, many of those who have departed out of fear and confusion will return helping to complete the victory to bring in a great harvest. (The Harvest, P.139-142)

Are the actions being taken by Jane's Revenge, a militant anti-abortion group, the beginnings of the fulfillment of such a movement? Before posting some images and videos on this, keep in mind that Satanists often join anti-Christian movements guised as ordinary non-religious pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activists when in fact they are very religious and diametrically opposed to all things Christian. The reason is because while they seek to eliminate all Christian influence from society, they want such movements to appear purely secular and driven by mass sentiment. But the fact that the robes this group wears (which they call "the handmaiden's cloak") are red cloaks may secretly be signaling something. Red and black cloaks are the primary colors worn by Satanists during ceremonies.

The link at the bottom includes video footage of Jane Sent Us (now Jane's Revenge) invading a church as a type of trial run used for their promotion video, where they filmed themselves in the act.

Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother’s Day
by Jacqueline Burkepile - May 5, 2022


Pray and fast for the protection of our churches!

The pro-abortion activism group Ruth Sent Us is calling for invasions of Catholic churches from Sun., May 8 until Sat., May 14 in protest of the recent news about the Supreme Court’s draft allegedly overturning Roe vs. Wade. During their protest, the group dresses in what they call a handmaiden’s cloak, which represents women’s oppression. The group reposted a video on Sat., April 30 of their February invasion of a San Francisco Catholic Church during Mass. The video then invites pro-abortion activists to disrupt Catholic Masses throughout the United States starting May 8.


Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother's Day -
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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With Roe V. Wade having now been overturned, a prophecy from 40 years ago appears to be likely on its way to fulfillment now, or at least the initial phases of it anyway. In 1980, Rick Joyner prophesied in the book The Harvest that there would come a time when hordes of people would begin invading churches and disrupting Christian services. The full prophecy, as published in its context, went as follows:

Before the great ingathering Christianity will experience a great humiliation… The "accuser of the brethren" will go forth with unprecedented rage against the Body of Christ. The "revelations" of immoral and unethical behavior by hundreds of highly visible ministries will bring about a loathing of Christianity throughout the world, for a time. These "revelations" will include child molesting, rape, and the most vile forms of perversion. Some of these will be true, but most will not be true... After an atmosphere of revulsion has been created, the enemy will then move against even the most respected Evangelical, Pentecostal, Protestant, Charismatic and Catholic leaders with charges of the most base forms of perversion and ethical failures. In conjunction with this, hoards of cults and satanic worshippers will begin attacking congregations and meetings. They will enter services en masse, spitting on people, urinating and performing lewd acts in order to humiliate the church. This practice will be publicized until it becomes a fad among the cults. What begins as a few isolated incidents will soon become common throughout the world… This humiliation will ultimately reduce many congregations and movements in the church to a figurative Gideon's three hundred. Like Gideon's little band, who could no longer stand the humiliation of Israel at the hands of Midian, these will be pushed to the limit of what they can tolerate. They will take their little lights and trumpets (messages) and attack the entire camp of the enemy, beginning the rout. After this, many of those who have departed out of fear and confusion will return helping to complete the victory to bring in a great harvest. (The Harvest, P.139-142)

Are the actions being taken by Jane's Revenge, a militant anti-abortion group, the beginnings of the fulfillment of such a movement? Before posting some images and videos on this, keep in mind that Satanists often join anti-Christian movements guised as ordinary non-religious pro-abortion and pro-homosexual activists when in fact they are very religious and diametrically opposed to all things Christian. The reason is because while they seek to eliminate all Christian influence from society, they want such movements to appear purely secular and driven by mass sentiment. But the fact that the robes this group wears (which they call "the handmaiden's cloak") are red cloaks may secretly be signaling something. Red and black cloaks are the primary colors used by Satanists during ceremonies.

The link at the bottom includes video footage of Jane Sent Us (now Jane's Revenge) invading a church as a type of trial run used for their promotion video, where they filmed themselves in the act.

Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother’s Day
by Jacqueline Burkepile - May 5, 2022


Pray and fast for the protection of our churches!

The pro-abortion activism group Ruth Sent Us is calling for invasions of Catholic churches from Sun., May 8 until Sat., May 14 in protest of the recent news about the Supreme Court’s draft allegedly overturning Roe vs. Wade. During their protest, the group dresses in what they call a handmaiden’s cloak, which represents women’s oppression. The group reposted a video on Sat., April 30 of their February invasion of a San Francisco Catholic Church during Mass. The video then invites pro-abortion activists to disrupt Catholic Masses throughout the United States starting May 8.


Pro-Abortion Activists Plan Invasion of Catholic Churches Across U.S. Starting Mother's Day -

Then we have this. Certainly there was no religious influence at work behind the scenes in this incident. Merely a "coincidence" that they spray painted inverted pentagrams, inverted crosses and the numbers "666" all over one of the churches they've already vandalized after the release of Alito's draft opinion last month.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1522575624375726080|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=


Michigan Catholic Church Vandalized in Wake of SCOTUS Leak - Tennessee Star

In the wake of a leaked draft opinion from a Supreme Court case that could overturn Roe v. Wade, a Catholic church and school in Michigan has been vandalized with vulgar graffiti.
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Hidden In Him

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More recently, we have the following. They've vandalized nearly a dozen mostly Christian facilities in the last month and a half or so, in particular a number of Christian pregnancy centers who were offering alternatives to abortion.


Above is one of the slogans they like spray-painting on Christian property. Another they use is "Abort the church."

The following are some recent events that have transpired over the last month or so:

- June 7: Buffalo, NY - The Compass Care, a Christian pregnancy center was firebombed and vandalized
- June 7: Asheville, NC - Mountain Area Pregnancy Services was vandalized, with windows broken
- June 2: Des Moines, Iowa - The Agape Pregnancy Center vandalized, windows broken
- May 27: Lynnwood, OR: Next Step Pregnancy Center was spray-painted, windows broken
- May 26: Columbus, MS: Mt. Avery Missionary Baptist Church vandalized
- May 21: Olympia, WA: Four area-churches were vandalized. In this one, the Anarchist group Puget Sound Anarchists claimed credit
- May 8: Madison, WI - The Wisconsin Family Action office in Madison firebombed

In a publicly released communiqué, Jane's Revenge stated recently, "We have demonstrated in the past month how easy and fun it is to attack."
Radical pro-abortion group 'Jane's Revenge' declares 'open season' on pro-life clinics | Daily Mail Online

They also apparently enjoy being threatening, even in rather demonic ways sometimes, for which see the 2nd and 4th videos in the following Twitter feed. I believe the 4th video intros with a clip from the film, The Ring, where a demonic creature in the form of a young girl ascends out of this well to murder people. The suggestion from the video is that the spirit of "Jane" - presumably liberal Supreme Court Justice Jane Ginsburg, now deceased - will incite anti-Christian/ anti-Pro-choice people to vandalize and burn down whatever opposes them.

I think they're right about one thing: It most certainly is a spirit, and it most certainly is evil.

GIF from the movie The Ring:

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Hidden In Him

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Luckily I attend a home gathering, so this is unlikely with us. But it seems likely within the Institutional Church, yes.

Yep. In fact, I think it's one of many reasons why the end-time church in the West will be returning to meeting in home churches. Life will be getting more dangerous, just as it was during New Testament times.
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Just a library lady
Dec 21, 2018
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More recently, we have the following. They've vandalized nearly a dozen mostly Christian facilities in the last month and a half or so, in particular a number of Christian pregnancy centers who were offering alternatives to abortion.


Above is one of the slogans they like spray-painting on Christian property. Another they use is "Abort the church."

The following are some recent events that have transpired over the last month or so:

- June 7: Buffalo, NY - The Compass Care, a Christian pregnancy center was firebombed and vandalized
- June 7: Asheville, NC - Mountain Area Pregnancy Services was vandalized, with windows broken
- June 2: Des Moines, Iowa - The Agape Pregnancy Center vandalized, windows broken
- May 27: Lynnwood, OR: Next Step Pregnancy Center was spray-painted, windows broken
- May 26: Columbus, MS: Mt. Avery Missionary Baptist Church vandalized
- May 21: Olympia, WA: Four area-churches were vandalized. In this one, the Anarchist group Puget Sound Anarchists claimed credit
- May 8: Madison, WI - The Wisconsin Family Action office in Madison firebombed

In a publicly released communiqué, Jane's Revenge stated recently, "We have demonstrated in the past month how easy and fun it is to attack."
Radical pro-abortion group 'Jane's Revenge' declares 'open season' on pro-life clinics | Daily Mail Online

They also apparently enjoy being threatening, even in rather demonic ways sometimes, for which see the 2nd and 4th videos in the following Twitter feed. I believe the 4th video intros with a clip from the film, The Ring, where a demonic creature in the form of a young girl ascends out of this well to murder people. The suggestion from the video is that the spirit of "Jane" - presumably liberal Supreme Court Justice Jane Ginsburg, now deceased - will incite anti-Christian/ anti-Pro-choice people to vandalize and burn down whatever opposes them.

I think they're right about one thing: It most certainly is a spirit, and it most certainly is evil.

GIF from the movie The Ring:

Janes revenge is likely named after Janes Collective. You can straight up read it on the wiki page.
Jane's Revenge - Wikipedia
How do you know exactly what demon worshipers wear?
Have you witnessed them? I don’t mean edgelord teenagers or musicians, either.

you know their cloak is from The Handmaid’s Tale, right? Which is not only about forcing women to have children (which these women believe is the same as overturning Roe v Wade) but also about a theonomic, fundamentalist generic Christian movement/denomination which solely focuses on Old Testament Laws. They make no mention of Christ in the book or the show. They are nominal at best.
What people overlook (especially those who often didn’t actually read the book) is that this group overtakes all other Christian denominations, killing them. It is about more than just feminism. It is also a good warning about radical religious fanaticism.

Also, priests and clergy sometimes wear red and black cassocks.

I’m not trying to say churches aren’t being attacked. But just idk…don’t say something is something it isn’t.
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Hidden In Him

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Thank you for the links, Mama2One.

I was discussing with a Catholic here on another thread a few weeks ago about how Protestant churches may be about to experience more of what the Catholics went through. Granted, legitimate sins cannot be justified, but I don't think the militant Left cares one iota about what's legitimate and what is not, and the prophecies suggested that Christian leadership across the board will eventually be vilified in a coordinated smear campaign designed to shame Christians into silence:
The Vilifying Of Christian Leadership
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Hidden In Him

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How do you know exactly what demon worshipers wear?

Reading the testimonies of former Satanists.
you know their cloak is from The Handmaid’s Tale, right?

Yes, but this in and of itself is a kind of cloak, IMO.

As I was suggesting in Post #3, it is often instructive to look at the spirit behind which something is operating, and what other types of people align themselves with the same movement. The Temple of Satan is on board with this movement as well, and are even moving to have abortion turned into a religious ritual so that it can be legally exempted on that basis.

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’
by Adan Salazar
May 11th 2022, 5:10 pm

The Satanic Temple believes First Amendment should allow them to murder babies. The group also bizarrely claimed it would demand patients not be required to bury or cremate their aborted fetuses.


Satanists seething over the Supreme Court’s potential overturn of Roe v. Wade will refer to abortion as a “Satanic” ritual in an upcoming court filing.

In an insane message from The Satanic Temple (TST) last Thursday, Lucifer-worshipping leftists say they will use religious freedom arguments in efforts to preserve their members’ rights to murder babies.

“In states that outlaw abortion but grant exceptions for instances of incest and rape, then consistent with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, TST members should be permitted a religious exception to perform TST’s religious abortion ritual,” the Temple wrote in a statement.

The Temple also claimed it would continue fighting for speedy abortion access in states where it’s legal, and that they would also demand patients not be required to bury their aborted fetus.

“In addition, we will continue to demand that states do not require medical practitioners to withhold medical information or that patients are not forced to bury or cremate fetal remains,” the Temple bizarrely wrote.

The statement added that The Temple “is researching the possibility of creating religious abortion facilities.”

If ever there was a question whether abortion is Satanic, evil, or demonic – here’s your answer.

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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Reading the testimonies of former Satanists.

Yes, but this in and of itself is a kind of cloak, IMO.

As I was suggesting in Post #3, it is often instructive to look at the spirit behind which something is operating, and what other types of people align themselves with the same movement. The Temple of Satan is on board with this movement as well, and are even moving to have abortion turned into a religious ritual so that it can be legally exempted on that basis.

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’
by Adan Salazar
May 11th 2022, 5:10 pm

The Satanic Temple believes First Amendment should allow them to murder babies. The group also bizarrely claimed it would demand patients not be required to bury or cremate their aborted fetuses.


Satanists seething over the Supreme Court’s potential overturn of Roe v. Wade will refer to abortion as a “Satanic” ritual in an upcoming court filing.

In an insane message from The Satanic Temple (TST) last Thursday, Lucifer-worshipping leftists say they will use religious freedom arguments in efforts to preserve their members’ rights to murder babies.

“In states that outlaw abortion but grant exceptions for instances of incest and rape, then consistent with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, TST members should be permitted a religious exception to perform TST’s religious abortion ritual,” the Temple wrote in a statement.

The Temple also claimed it would continue fighting for speedy abortion access in states where it’s legal, and that they would also demand patients not be required to bury their aborted fetus.

“In addition, we will continue to demand that states do not require medical practitioners to withhold medical information or that patients are not forced to bury or cremate fetal remains,” the Temple bizarrely wrote.

The statement added that The Temple “is researching the possibility of creating religious abortion facilities.”

If ever there was a question whether abortion is Satanic, evil, or demonic – here’s your answer.

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’

In fact, it appears this particular brand of "Satanism" (a non-theistic version) was created specifically to counter Christian political activism.

As the following piece states, "The Satanic Temple began in 2013 and has launched a number of political actions and lawsuits related to the separation of church and state... Although The Satanic Temple does not believe in or worship a literal Satan, they revere Satan as described in the works of English poet John Milton and the Romantic movement, an intellectual movement that originated in late 18th-century Europe, as a powerful symbol of rebellion against authority. "

How the Satanic Temple is using ‘abortion rituals’ to claim religious liberty against the Texas’ ‘heartbeat bill’
Published: September 22, 2021 8.58am EDT
Author Joseph P. Laycock

Texas’s controversial anti-abortion law known as the “Heartbeat Bill” went into effect at midnight on Sept. 1, 2021. Less than 24 hours later, the U.S. Supreme Court declared it would not block the law. In response, The Satanic Temple, a nontheistic group that has been recognized by the IRS as a religion, announced that it would fight back by invoking the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA, to demand exemption from abortion restrictions on religious grounds. RFRA laws, which came into effect in 1993, restrict the government’s ability to burden religious practices.

... In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby that under RFRA, the federal government could not require the Christian company Hobby Lobby to fund insurance that provided their employees with certain forms of birth control. This decision inspired The Satanic Temple by linking the question of religious liberty with that of reproductive rights.

The Satanic Temple and RFRA

The Satanic Temple’s seven tenets include the belief that one’s body is subject to one’s own will alone. The Satanic Temple began in 2013 and has launched a number of political actions and lawsuits related to the separation of church and state. Texas is home to four congregations of The Satanic Temple, more than any other state. Although The Satanic Temple does not believe in or worship a literal Satan, they revere Satan as described in the works of English poet John Milton and the Romantic movement, an intellectual movement that originated in late 18th-century Europe, as a powerful symbol of rebellion against authority...

In 2015, The Satanic Temple began a series of lawsuits against the state of Missouri, where women seeking abortions must view sonograms and then review a booklet stating, “The life of each human being begins at conception. Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being.” After this, the women must spend 72 hours considering their decision before finally receiving an abortion.

The Satanic Temple argued that this practice was an unconstitutional effort by the state to impose its religious views onto vulnerable women. Furthermore, it claimed that under Missouri’s RFRA law, Satanic women could not be forced to comply with these procedures. Instead of answering whether RFRA protected members of The Satanic Temple from abortion restrictions, the court dismissed these cases on procedural grounds.

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled that since the plaintiff, a woman known as “Mary Doe,” was no longer pregnant by the time her case wound its way through the courts, she no longer needed an abortion and therefore had no legal standing to sue. The Satanic Temple appealed this ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declined to hear it.

To prevent similar rulings, ministers for The Satanic Temple created an “abortion ritual,” in which a woman affirms her own autonomy, obtains an abortion, and then concludes the ritual.

Since abortion is part of the ritual, The Satanic Temple argues, subjecting a woman to a waiting period is akin to the government interfering with a baptism or communion. In February 2021, The Satanic Temple filed a new lawsuit against Texas, arguing that the state was violating the religious liberty of its new plaintiff, referred to as “Ann Doe.”..

Is RFRA a “Loophole?”

The Satanic Temple’s opponents claim it is abusing RFRA and using it as a “loophole” to circumvent the law. However, Lucien Greaves, a co-founder of The Satanic Temple, counters that RFRA was always intended to protect religious minorities from the government. If anyone is abusing it, he claims, it is companies like Hobby Lobby that invoked it to restrict the choices of their employees.

Critics of RFRA, such as legal scholar Marci Hamilton, warn that religious exemptions can turn the law into “Swiss cheese.” In other words, there could be so many religious loopholes that laws become meaningless. Whether or not this is a serious concern, it is certainly true that RFRA must not benefit only the Christian majority.

This is why constitutional law professor Jay Wexler has encouraged the work of groups like The Satanic Temple, stating, “Only by insisting on exercising these rights can Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and everybody else ensure that the Court’s new religious jurisprudence does not result in a public space occupied exclusively by Christian messages and symbols. At stake is nothing less than our national public life.”

How the Satanic Temple is using 'abortion rituals' to claim religious liberty against the Texas' 'heartbeat bill'
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Just a library lady
Dec 21, 2018
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Reading the testimonies of former Satanists.

Yes, but this in and of itself is a kind of cloak, IMO.

As I was suggesting in Post #3, it is often instructive to look at the spirit behind which something is operating, and what other types of people align themselves with the same movement. The Temple of Satan is on board with this movement as well, and are even moving to have abortion turned into a religious ritual so that it can be legally exempted on that basis.

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’
by Adan Salazar
May 11th 2022, 5:10 pm

The Satanic Temple believes First Amendment should allow them to murder babies. The group also bizarrely claimed it would demand patients not be required to bury or cremate their aborted fetuses.


Satanists seething over the Supreme Court’s potential overturn of Roe v. Wade will refer to abortion as a “Satanic” ritual in an upcoming court filing.

In an insane message from The Satanic Temple (TST) last Thursday, Lucifer-worshipping leftists say they will use religious freedom arguments in efforts to preserve their members’ rights to murder babies.

“In states that outlaw abortion but grant exceptions for instances of incest and rape, then consistent with the Supreme Court’s ruling in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia, TST members should be permitted a religious exception to perform TST’s religious abortion ritual,” the Temple wrote in a statement.

The Temple also claimed it would continue fighting for speedy abortion access in states where it’s legal, and that they would also demand patients not be required to bury their aborted fetus.

“In addition, we will continue to demand that states do not require medical practitioners to withhold medical information or that patients are not forced to bury or cremate fetal remains,” the Temple bizarrely wrote.

The statement added that The Temple “is researching the possibility of creating religious abortion facilities.”

If ever there was a question whether abortion is Satanic, evil, or demonic – here’s your answer.

Satanists to Argue in Court Filing That Abortion is a ‘Satanic Ritual’
Edgelords. They’re usually just atheist. They use Satan to trigger Christians and it works.
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Marilyn C

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Dec 26, 2013
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The Satanic Temple and RFRA


Wow that is abominable. Never seen that, so thanks for pic.

As to man`s religious system getting attacked by Satanists, well that is just one religious system against another.

The reality is that believers are being martyred for their beliefs, which is different from a building being attacked.

We are to hold fast to the Head, (Col. 2: 19) not to man`s religious system.

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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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Edgelords. They’re usually just atheist. They use Satan to trigger Christians and it works.

Hard to tell. I was speaking with a member of that Satanist "church" on another forum, and he is very atheistic, though he readily identifies as both. But his "Satanism" is a total sham; it's purely philosophical, and as for it being a trigger I don't think that will work on everyone, because with all due respect he was boring me to tears.

But edgelord is primarily an online thing, and I think there is more than triggering going on when it comes to what the militant types like Jane's Revenge are doing. They are firebombing Christian pregnancy centers and then spray-painting the sidewalk with the words, "If abortion isn't safe, neither are you," and that amounts to using genuine scare tactics and veiled death threats. I don't think they intend on actually killing anyone, but I think they are hoping people will fear they might.
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Hidden In Him

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As to man`s religious system getting attacked by Satanists, well that is just one religious system against another.

The reality is that believers are being martyred for their beliefs, which is different from a building being attacked.

We are to hold fast to the Head, (Col. 2: 19) not to man`s religious system.

Well yes : )

Your post reminds me of another vision from several years ago, and it relates to this thread in that it predicted the brick and mortar church, i.e. the fleshly church would eventually suffer serious attack from the enemy, but that those who are Spirit-led would be able to escape it.

The following vision is from Anna Rountree's The Heavens Opened. It's kinda long, but worth a read if you have the time:

The sound was ancient and terrifying. Startled, I spun around to see a colossal battering ram relentlessly moving under its own power across a desert basin.’ Its wooden wheels were at least sixty stories high, and they groaned and yawned under the extreme weight they bore. Blasphemies were carved into its black battering arm, the end of which was the iron head of a goat.

Although it moved slowly, people on the desert floor seemed helpless to avoid its path; they were crushed as it rolled over them. Screams filled the desert valley and ricocheted off distant rock formations, filling the desert basin with terror.

Slowly the battering ram topped a sandy hill and began to pick up speed going down the other side. Breathless from shock, I clawed with my hands and dug with my feet into the deep sand of the hill in order to reach the top and watch its path.

It picked up tremendous speed as it plunged down the other side of the hill into a deep valley. In its path at the bottom of the hill was a walled city. Both city and wall were the color of the sand and seemed to be half sunk into it, almost reclaimed by the sand from which they had come. In faded lettering on the side of the wall, I could read: THE CHURCH.

The battering ram was massive, and the adobe wall of the city did not look strong. With brutal impact, the goat’s head smashed into the wall and continued through it. It plowed through houses and buildings, losing little of its speed. When it broke through the wall on the opposite side of the city, it slowed to a stop, settling into the sand.

A strange silence fell. Occasional screams broke this silence. They came from those who had been mutilated or from those who recognized that a loved one had been killed. But stranger than the silence was the fact that few sought to escape across the rubble of the wall—few.

Then slowly, all by itself, the battering ram turned and began to start up the hill again, moving in my direction. The goat’s head on the end of the ram was laughing, exhilarated, as if drunk with blood.

I thought it might see me, so I left the top of the hill and began to run in the opposite direction. As I ran, I frantically scanned the desert basin for a hiding place. I could hear the huge wheels laboring as they carried the battering ram toward the top of the hill again.

Suddenly an angel began to fly beside me.

“Where can I hide from the battering ram?” I shouted as I ran.

“The battering ram rolls relentlessly over all the earth now. Up high,” the angel said, “up higher than it can see is the only safe place. Let me show you.”

With a wave of the angel’s hand, a stairway appeared, touching the earth and reaching beyond my view into heaven. I moved to the base of the stairs and looked up. I was still heaving from running.

The angel flew beside the stairs, higher than its base on earth, and waved me upward: “Come on!” the angel shouted. “The ram is coming, and we don’t want him to see this stairway. Come on!”

There were no hand rails on the narrow stairs. The stairs were clear like glass, which can be slippery. I could hear the battering ram rolling; although I was still panting, I began to run up the stairs.

“Faster!” the angel called.

I kept my eyes on the stairs. In his hands the angel had a scarlet cord fastened to the stairs at the bottom. I could hear the battering ram getting closer, but the angel pulled the cord and brought up the first section of the stairway, like attic stairs that can be lowered and raised.

“Hurry!” the angel urged.

I continued to run up the steps, breathless. The angel pulled the thin rope, and another section of the stairs rose.

“Keep climbing,” the angel said, although now his tone of voice was less urgent.

With a mighty effort, I completed the stairs and turned to make sure I had indeed escaped. The battering ram was directly below, rolling beneath us as the third section of the stairs was pulled up.

“You were safe after climbing the second set of stairs; but to be really safe, you needed to pass the third,” he said.

As the battering ram rolled past, I tried to catch my breath and settle myself. Only then did I look around.

“Where am I?” I asked.

“Paradise,” the angel smiled, as he tied the cord holding the stairs to a docking post. A sign above the post read STAIRPORT. I looked out over the most beautiful park I had ever seen....

“What was that?” I asked.

“The great enemy of our Lord and of His church.”

“But it was destroying the church,” I exclaimed.

“Some of it may be destroyed—that which calls itself the church,” he continued. “It has a sign saying it is the church, and many live behind that sign. But the church—the real church—escaped; the real church is alive and can run faster than any battering ram can roll. It’s clumsy, really; but if you are dead stones, if you are not alive, then of course it is more than any man-made structure can resist. However, the real, living church of Jesus Christ can hide in caves, float on the water, or climb into Paradise.” A member of the real church will know where the hidden stairs are located. That person can call for help, and we will let down the stairs so that he can escape. The real church is more agile than the battering ram. Living stones have feet.”
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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There's a difference between Satanists and Luciferians. The latter are a greater threat and more influential. I'd study them and pray appropriately.

I didn't mean to insinuate that real Satanists don't mean business; they do, just as serious Luciferians do. I was just referring to this Temple of Satan bunch. They are a non-theistic branch, which means they've never actually even met the god they identify with yet. Then again, that's assuming they aren't actual Satanists just using a non-theistic, political activist group as a secular cover. But the one I was talking to was constantly trying to take the moral high ground, and Lord knows that's not something real Satanists would ever be able to do.
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Just a library lady
Dec 21, 2018
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Hard to tell. I was speaking with a member of that Satanist "church" on another forum, and he is very atheistic, though he readily identifies as both. But his "Satanism" is a total sham; it's purely philosophical, and as for it being a trigger I don't think that will work on everyone, because with all due respect he was boring me to tears.

But edgelord is primarily an online thing, and I think there is more than triggering going on when it comes to what the militant types like Jane's Revenge are doing. They are firebombing Christian pregnancy centers and then spray-painting the sidewalk with the words, "If abortion isn't safe, neither are you," and that amounts to using genuine scare tactics and veiled death threats. I don't think they intend on actually killing anyone, but I think they are hoping people will fear they might.
Yeah, that’s what I mean by edgelords: they’re edgelord philosophers. Not all…like Bella said: there is a deference between the real ones and the the ones who are just using it to insure “freedom of religions” and trigger people in the most bog troll way possible (yes we know it’s harmful to even call your group that even if you’re not that, but alas).
While we can be saddened by these threatening events of Janes Revenge - how is it any different than those who do anti-abortion violence? Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia

“In the United States, violence directed towards abortion providers has killed at least eleven people, including four doctors, two clinic employees, a security guard, a police officer, two people (unclear of their connection), and a clinic escort.Seven murders occurred in the 1990s.
According to statistics gathered by the National Abortion Federation (NAF), an organization of abortion providers, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, there have been 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, 13 wounded, 100 butyric acid stink bomb attacks, 373 physical invasions, 41 bombings, 655 anthrax threats, and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers.Between 1977 and 1990, 77 death threats were made, with 250 made between 1991 and 1999.Attempted murders in the U.S. included: in 1985 45% of clinics reported bomb threats, decreasing to 15% in 2000. One fifth of clinics in 2000 experienced some form of extreme activity.
According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs").The New York Times also cites over one hundred clinic bombings and incidents of arson, over three hundred invasions, and over four hundred incidents of vandalism between 1978 and 1993. The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio.”

I’m not defending either.
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
Lafayette, LA
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While we can be saddened by these threatening events of Janes Revenge - how is it any different than those who do anti-abortion violence? Anti-abortion violence - Wikipedia

“In the United States, violence directed towards abortion providers has killed at least eleven people, including four doctors, two clinic employees, a security guard, a police officer, two people (unclear of their connection), and a clinic escort.Seven murders occurred in the 1990s.
According to statistics gathered by the National Abortion Federation (NAF), an organization of abortion providers, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, there have been 17 attempted murders, 383 death threats, 153 incidents of assault or battery, 13 wounded, 100 butyric acid stink bomb attacks, 373 physical invasions, 41 bombings, 655 anthrax threats, and 3 kidnappings committed against abortion providers.Between 1977 and 1990, 77 death threats were made, with 250 made between 1991 and 1999.Attempted murders in the U.S. included: in 1985 45% of clinics reported bomb threats, decreasing to 15% in 2000. One fifth of clinics in 2000 experienced some form of extreme activity.
According to NAF, since 1977 in the United States and Canada, property crimes committed against abortion providers have included 41 bombings, 173 arsons, 91 attempted bombings or arsons, 619 bomb threats, 1630 incidents of trespassing, 1264 incidents of vandalism, and 100 attacks with butyric acid ("stink bombs").The New York Times also cites over one hundred clinic bombings and incidents of arson, over three hundred invasions, and over four hundred incidents of vandalism between 1978 and 1993. The first clinic arson occurred in Oregon in March 1976 and the first bombing occurred in February 1978 in Ohio.”

I’m not defending either.

I don't defend either one either.

I was thinking just yesterday that these types of situations (trying to legislate morality) becomes problematic when a large segment of the country is already hellbent on being immortal. They take it as an assault to their inalienable rights as American citizens, and then use it as justification to carry out retaliation. The evils that have been committed by anti-abortionists fall under the same category. The ones who end up paying the price for it are innocent Christians just trying to help people.

Can you imagine. Most of the people working at Christian pregnancy centers are just women trying to help out others who are looking for an alternative to killing their unborn child. I doubt many of them anticipated working at a job where they would be threatened for doing so. But it's always been this way. Satan uses people to frame the innocent so that he can then use others to threaten, harm and even kill them and make it appear justified. But God knows who are His.
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Just a library lady
Dec 21, 2018
United States
Eastern Orthodox
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I don't defend either one either.

I was thinking just yesterday that these types of situations (trying to legislate morality) becomes problematic when a large segment of the country is already hellbent on being immortal. They take it as an assault to their inalienable rights as American citizens, and then use it as justification to carry out retaliation. The evils that have been committed by anti-abortionists fall under the same category. The ones who end up paying the price for it are innocent Christians just trying to help people.

Can you imagine. Most of the people working at Christian pregnancy centers are just women trying to help out others who are looking for an alternative to killing their unborn child. I doubt many of them anticipated working at a job where they would be threatened for doing so. But it's always been this way. Satan uses people to frame the innocent so that he can then use others to threaten, harm and even kill them and make it appear justified. But God knows who are His.
Ah, I agree with you on this.
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