Cardinal Müller: Efforts to Explain ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ Add to Confusion Over Document


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Feb 5, 2002
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Cardinal Müller lamented that as a consequence of the declaration, ‘nobody is speaking about the blessing of marriage, of children, of the family,’ which is ‘our duty,’ and ‘not to divide the Church.’

Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the prefect emeritus of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, said frequent efforts to try to clarify and explain Fiducia Supplicans (Supplicating Trust) are only deepening confusion and what is needed instead is a return “to the clarity of the word of God” rather than “bowing down to this absolutely wrong LGBT and woke ideology.”

In an interview with the Register, given in Rome on Jan. 29, Cardinal Müller responded to the continuing fallout of the Dec. 18 declaration that allowed “pastoral” and “spontaneous” non-liturgical blessings of those in same-sex and other “irregular relationships.” The document has met widespread resistance, especially in Africa.

The cardinal reiterated that he believes there was “no need” for the declaration and that people in same-sex relationships are “not brought to the Church by relativizing the truth and cheapening grace, but by the unadulterated Gospel of Christ.”

“How dare we, as the servants of Jesus Christ, make this Divine teaching unclear with mere human sophistry?” he said.

Cardinal Müller lamented that as a consequence of Fiducia Supplicans, “nobody is speaking about the blessing of marriage, of children, of the family,” which is “our duty,” and “not to divide the Church.”

Pope Francis tried to explain Fiducia Supplicans again on Wednesday, in a new interviewpublished by the Italian Catholic journal Credere.

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