Building that bridge across the river

I'm sure that there are many here who have spent their lives searching for understanding, just as I have. At times I have felt a kind of unrest, a longing for the answers to all those life's nagging questions. Over the years, I have found many of those answers, however, it wasn't long before I discovered that I was to embark on a new and yet different search.  Which brought on a new kind of unrest. I started thinking, how could I rest when others are still searching for the answers that I had found?

It's as though I am standing on one side of a river. And those who are unsaved are standing on the other side of the river. Instead of finding rest, I discovered what it is that I must do. I must do whatever I can to help build a bridge across that river. I need and must reach out to the unsaved, and to those saved that my need encouragement to continue to grow in their faith.

What if my attempts to build that bridge fail? Then I swim across the river! What if there are piranhas in the river? Then I will build a boat to cross the river! What if my boat is commandeered by priates? Then I will learn to fly an airplane so I can fly over the river! (Is anyone, starting to get my point?)

We struggle to find God's love and truth in His Word. However, does this mean our struggles go unrewarded? Of course not. We find peace and hope through our relationship with Jesus, but we will not find complete rest. There is ALWAYS work to do, in this lifetime.

If we got everything we wished for now, what reward would there be left to look forward to in Heaven? If we were to have complete satisfaction within ourselves, what feelings would be left to spur us on to reach out to others? What emotions would be left to poke and prod us into remembering the unsaved? We need this conflict to challenge us to improve ourselves and to remind us of our need for God.

In your efforts to cross the river to the unsaved souls, please do not overlook the obvious. I did not have to build a bridge or boat, swim, or learn to fly. All I had to do was open my moutn and yell across the river !!