Blessed are the…….

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Matthew 5:3a & 4a (NASB20)
Blessed are the poor in spirit, …..

Blessed are they that mourn,……


But why ,,,, what is this being poor in spirit and what is this mourning that a blessing is being spoken upon…..?

For one being poor in spirit and being a mourner, has nothing to do with what one has or has not in this world, but it does have everything to do with what one, is, in this world….. For the mourning that is to be blessed, is the mourning that is caused when one sees one’s fallen state….. For when one sees one’s fallen state and realizes that one has no power in oneself, that one is totally incapable of coming out of their fallen state by any strength of themselves…. Then as one realizes this truth, one becomes poor in spirit and one mourns, it is this mourning that is the mourning that will be blessed, then the blessing of the comforting comes in as the voice of one’s Savior is heard knocking on the door of one’s heart, if one responds, then all of the other ‘be blessed’ becomes one’s by experience….

For one’s mourning over what one is, causes one to hunger and thirst after the cure, the doing of righteousness being that cure, and then that hunger produces in one all the ‘be blessed’s’…

For all the ‘be blessed’s’ are the fruit of the doings of righteousness in one form of expression or another… Then the fruit of that expression comes in which is the rejoicing, which comes in according to the growth of the expression of righteousness….. Then as the fruit of that expression is experienced that experiencing becomes so very tangible as it becomes one’s new life as one learns to live in faith before one’s Savior….. For as a woman who gives birth the pain is forgotten over the joy of a new life and so are the struggles that grow righteousness in the new life in those that by faith find it…..

Be blessed in the finding of the fruit of that mourning, a fellow follower, Not me
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Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
God will pour out his spirit upon 'all men', they will see visions and prophecy. But for us derelicts I guess there's nothing to do.
As your relationship with Christ leads you be blessed….

Unto Him be our all, Not me
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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2022
United States
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God will pour out his spirit upon 'all men', they will see visions and prophecy. But for us derelicts I guess there's nothing to do.
So you think Christ and His salvation is only fit for the "good" and "successful" people?
It is the sick He came as the Great Physician to.

Those who are healthy have no need of a physician, but those who are ill;
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

Remember I told you about awaking and calling on the name of the Lord Jesus.
Do not boast like "Look at what a good job the devil did on ME."
It may be pleasurable in a sad way to self pity and want to lick your wounds for many hours.
But looking AWAY to the perfect One insisting that Christ is your past, your life and your complete future is moving upward.

Remember I told you to learn to start each day with the Lord, calling on His name until your heart is enveloped in His presence.
One . . . . day . . . . at . . . . a . . . time. You said it was worth a try yesterday.

How did you do this morning?
Practice for a week. As soon as you open your eyes when you awake begin to whisper "O Lord Jesus. O Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus I turn my being to You Lord. Lord Jesus I open my heart to receive You Lord."

Then keep the Bible NEAR your bed and open to a Psalm or a Gospel. After calling on His name to turn your whole
being away from your misery, turn to the glorious and victorious One who is available to live in you.
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