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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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Hello friends! The value of these studies and meditations is intended to be about Christian life as God shows in these major areas of study: Bible General; Redemption Way; Church Truth; Spiritual Life. If one keeps these four areas clear in their mind they will be able to better understand what God is showing mankind, I believe. It is hoped we can keep focused on learning more of God's mind for us with the Bible as our only authority. The writer here prefers the venerable KJV Bible, so possible difficulty could arise from other Bible renderings of wordings by readers.

Sometimes Bible verses are scrambled by readers and they find it then hard to know what a verse is about. Keeping them in the context God has given will make the counsel clearer, I have found. It is my desire to share what I have learned over many years of Bible study, and see if readers find it helpful, and/or they know some variation on the subjects that can help all of us in our further understandings.
Feel free to comment in a helpful way on posts here ---agreeing or disagreeing, but let us be considerate and not argue or divert to other issues beyond what is the original subject.

One is welcome to also write me at my Profile on CF under Conversations or at my e-mail if they wish to discuss matters in private. I don't claim to be a scholar, but after 60+ years of Bible study I think I have some understanding of ways and intent of God. - 1watchman.

-- First February Subject: Bible General --​

In the January subjects we considered some about the Bible in General as an Overview, and here for February let us look at the General view as Deity.

There might be various thoughts about deities, but Christians do not consider deities ---i.e plural beings, but The Deity ---being the only Creator-God. That is shown us in what we own as God's immutable Word to man: the Holy Bible.

Our God gives His Name as Jehovah (meaning "ever self-existing One") in Greek, and Yahweh in Hebrew; and also refers to Himself as "I am", "the Almighty", etc. ---saying He always was with no beginning or ending (as Alpha and Omega). That is difficult for our finite minds, for we only know time with a beginning and an ending, so eternity is incomprehensible to our minds. We must never protest that great truth, and presume to limit God. We can only comprehend God as He is pleased to reveal Himself; and as stated in our General Overview for January He is the Originator, Mind, Progenitor of all things, the Savior-God, and ruler of His creation. Let us never be occupied with man's ideas, but prove all things by the Word of God, and "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" as given.

We must not seek to reduce God to mere man, for He who is a Spirit is always a Spirit, and as Jesus said: "no man has seen God at any time; the Son only has revealed Him" (John 1:18). When redeemed souls go to Heaven they will see our Lord Jesus and dwell with Him in the Father's house; and God-the Father will be present and speaking, though not seen --much as He was in the Old Testament.

It is essential that we know and acknowledge that our God is triune (a trinity as the God-head) -- God-the Father, God-the Son, and God-the Holy Spirit. While that is much beyond our understandings, it is a sacred truth.

Other helpful thoughts here by readers are welcome for our consideration; and other papers on this subject will be presented later.

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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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-- Second February Subject: Redemption Way --​

The first redemption subject was Gospel, and the next subject this month under Redemption is Prophecy. We see Prophecy in the Bible both in the OT and NT, and in the OT the Prophets communed with God; they told the message and mind of God, prophecied events to come, were teachers, and had powers by God in certain things. In the NT we now have the full Word of God and the Holy Spirit when "born again", so that is our primary source; and prophecy is essentially for the saints now as a gift of insight, discernment, a spiritual guide, understanding more of the mind, meanings and purpose of God, His will, and seeks to maintain His testimony in the world (ref. Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-12; Eph. 4:4-13; etc.). A few saints are called to this needful work, which speaks of principles as well as facts.

One can see this gift manifest over time in the assembly of saints as a few of the "holy priesthood" (note 1 Pet. 2:5 & 9) speak out in Bible studies (provided that is allowed in the assembly --since not all asemblies allow the priesthood of all saints).

We can be thankful God has provided for His saints in every age to know Him and His ways. We need to be full of care that men are not allowed to rise up and presume to claim all the spiritual gifts as theirs.

Readers here might like further help with this, and/or can add some additional thoughts for our meditation.

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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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-- Third February Subject: Church Truth --

Continuing our meditation on Church Truth, the next subject in our series is Assembly Life. This speaks of function and activity within the gathering of the saints of God. The local Church assembly as described in Form & Function in January can help in understanding this life within the fellowship.

Since the fellowship needs to recognize the "priesthood" of all believers (note 1 Pet. 2:5-9) the order of meetings should be examined as to what God has given, and who can be at the holiness of the Lord's Table (1 Cor.11:29).

At the outset we need to state that visitors are welcome to come and observe, and ask questions of elders after the meetings, but they do not participate until they have been received into the fellowship; which gathering is for known saints of God keeping the "Word of Truth". The visitor to the local gathering needs to know what the assembly is about, as well as the assembly knowing the visitor and beliefs. It is a two-way thing. Then we can have "unity of the faith" as Scripture shows, and God is honored there.

Other assembly functions beside collective worship at the Lord's Table, include such as Bible readings and study, prayer meetings, special ministry meetings, other fellowship times (see Acts 2: 42 and the Epistles); and Gospel outreaches to the public, and accommodation and classes especially for children.

Fellowship times together for happy social events is an encouragement to have Godly activities together (Eph. 4:3), and minimize the worldly activities. We ought to follow God's Word as given and not bring on innovations to please ideas of men. Let us remember that the Assembly as shown in Acts and the Epistles is a fellowship place for the redeemed of God to carry out the purposes and testimony as God shows.

Papers on other such functions can be shared showing more of honor to God. Does one have thoughts on this?

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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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-- Fourth February Subject: Spiritual Life --

The next subject here under Spiritual Life is about our State as a "child of God", and this refers only to one who is truly a "born again" believer; for otherwise one is as God says: "...having no hope, and without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12; 1 Cor. 5:12). The true believer in Christ is given a blessed and sure Standing in Christ for ever, though that one may be living in a carnal State. We need to see that distinction and learn to be faithful.

Putting the Lord Jesus first as Lord of our life, and being devoted to Him as our best Friend, will keep us on a sound and Godly course. This will please the Father in Heaven, and our rewards in Heaven will be great. Worldliness is displeasing to God, who wants us to be as a "chaste virgin to Christ" (2 Cor. 11:2).

The reader here might have questions or other good thoughts about this subject, and is free to share that for our mutual benefit.

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