Ben Carson - Would you vote for him?


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Feb 24, 2007
central Ohio
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Very likely.
I would be more than amazed if he would be allowed to make the cut to get to the convention. If he should I would expect there to be dirty pool that would make what happened to Perrot look like practice shots. It would be a MAJOR miracle that we have the opportunity for vote for him. He might actually have read the Constitution;)
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wayfaring stranger
Mar 7, 2012
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I'm not American, so I wouldn't vote for him in any case, but an adventist running for president raises certain interesting issues...

First of all, adventists have taught that USA is the beast from the earth spoken of in Revelation 13, the one that "had two horns like a lamb, but was speaking like a dragon". Obviously it'll be interesting to see how adventists will respond if an adventist is elected as a president. Will adventists be convinced to have a second look at Revelation 13, or will they conclude that an adventist for the time being is the "head" of the beast? I can see that there would be some lively discussions about this if Ben Carson indeed were to run for president.

Secondly, adventists have traditionally been non-combatants, and the church has leaned towards pacifism. Now, a president is obviously the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. Will an adventist president be willing to go to war? And will adventists continue to be granted status as conscientious objectors if there was a draft?

Finally, how would an adventist president deal with the sabbath? Would he feel free to do political work on the sabbath? Is fulfilling presidential duties on the sabbath in accordance to the fourth commandment?

Just a few thoughts...
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No real SDA would vote for him as we do not vote nor do we get involved in politics.

In fact, the ones who shall become the Bride of Christ know and understand that the two-party system in the USA is nothing but an implementation of the old Hegelian-Dialectic Philosophy which provides two opposing sides, thesis and antithessis, knowing that when the two will clash, there shall be a desired Synthesis, a solution, an agenda, and a goal which will be acquired. This has been happening for over a hundred years in this country, and to see SDAs blindly fall into this game of evil without a realization that voting either way is to support Rome and the Pope itself is truly saddening.

We have become blind; YEA!, even more blind than ancient Israel was when they were still considered to be God's chosen people. We have departed from Godliness, from Holiness, from Christ, and from everything that was once SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST.

A GREAT SHAKING is about to take place within our beloved church. Those who accept the powerful counsel and depart from said practices and sins, when they shall be warned of them, will ensure their place among the 11th hour workers. The work is about to begin. The Loud Cry is about to be given, first within the SDA church, then within Protestantism and Christian denomination. When global destruction takes place and the National Sunday Law is implemented first here in the USA, then the Loud Cry will swell into a Warning to all inhabitants of this planet.

Who of you are willing to do this work?
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Dec 3, 2010
I am currently in Greenville Georgia
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Adventist should vote. We should not be in politic though. No I would not vote for Ben. I knew him when he was struggling at Yale, him and his wife C. They ate with my family many times. I do not like what he is saying about the President, instead of going to him about the truth which is the Investigated Judgment, the Commandments and why homosexual is a sin. YAHWEH put Obama in place because of how black were treated. The last has become the first and the so call Christians Republican has showed their true color-hatred! Black's who are a part of the Republican are tokens and they are foolish! YAHWEH is no respect of person. I am one of the 47% and I worked, have a degree in Biblical History and it is ashame that we are put down because who we choose to vote for. I do not agree with homosexual but I do not mistreat them either. I write on blogs and other places how the Bible says this is wrong but in kind way. I love the sinner as ELOHIM love me but hate the sin!!!! The Bible also said to render to Ceasar and we should not have anything to do as being a politician because we should first render to ELOHIM as YAHSHUA said! I need Ben's help about thirty years ago, but he never return my call. How quick he forgot those who aided him when he was poor!!!!! He needs to stick with medicine and leave politic a lone! I feel that Obama will accept the truth one day and be saved. But so many SDA will lose out just like the Jews!
Blessings and happy Sabbath!
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wayfaring stranger
Mar 7, 2012
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It's getting more and more likely that he'll actually run for president:

Ben Carson, the former neurosurgeon turned conservative sensation, is taking a major step toward a 2016 presidential bid by forming a political action committee and selecting the man who would run his campaign, The Washington Times has learned.


Adventist Today also wrote about this:
Adventist Today : Carson Takes Steps Toward a Campaign for U.S. President
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I absolutely would not vote for Ben Carson for President or for anyone else because we are not to get involved in Politics. We were already warned about that in no uncertain terms.

Can you just imagine what people will think when they find out what Ellen White said about getting involved in Politics? What hypocrisy it would be to have a Seventh Day Adventist President!

Why is it that just because this man is a Seventh Day Adventist, or because he is black, that some SDAs imagine that this is a good reason to get involved in Politics. We are not supposed to go by our own human reasoning in these things.

Danger In Linking Up With Political Parties
(Written Dec. 27, 1896.)
What kind of a spirit takes hold upon our people, when those who believe we are now under the third angel’s message, the last message of mercy to the world, brothers in the same faith, appear wearing the badges of opposing political parties, proclaiming opposite sentiments and declaring their divided opinions. . . .

There is danger, decided danger, for all who shall link themselves up with the political parties of the world. There is fraud on both sides. God has not laid upon any of our people the burden of linking up with either party. We are under Christ’s banner, and every one who names the name of Christ is to depart from all iniquity.

Sorrow and trial will come. The faith of every one is being tested. But our Lord is truth, He is love, and His scepter stretcheth over the universe. Surprises await every one. We know not what political crisis will come next. But in regard to the political agitators, the word of the Lord to us is, “Go not ye after them.” True wisdom will not lead us to follow the example of the foolish rich man of the parable. True wisdom is revealed in seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.—General Conference Daily Bulletin, Feb. 17, 1897 (p. 59).

✎«His [God’s] children are to separate themselves from politics, from any alliance with unbelievers. (…)Do not take part in political strife.» {FE 483.2}

✎«They are not to spend their time talking politics or acting as politicians» {FE 483.1}

✎«The Lord would have His people bury political questions.» {FE 475.2}

✎«In regard to the world, Christians will say, We will not dabble in politics. (…)We are strangers and pilgrims, looking for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.» {TM 131.1}

✎«Whatever the opinions you may entertain in regard to casting your vote in political questions, you are not to proclaim it by pen or voice.» {2SM 336.1}
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Dec 29, 2006
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What are your thoughts on Ben carson and his beliefs? do you think he should run for president - would you vote for him?

Seems like he is positioning himself for the office...but we need to focus on the mission Christ gave His church, not going after power and position..
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What are your thoughts on Ben carson and his beliefs? do you think he should run for president - would you vote for him?

If it was a choice between Carson and Obama for President then that would be a no brainer for me. However as an outsider looking in I believe there are stronger candidates for President from the Republican side. There are a couple of issues where I don't believe Carson makes the grade but in contrast to Obama, even Jimmy Carter would be an improvement.
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I'm not American, so I wouldn't vote for him in any case, but an adventist running for president raises certain interesting issues...

First of all, adventists have taught that USA is the beast from the earth spoken of in Revelation 13, the one that "had two horns like a lamb, but was speaking like a dragon". Obviously it'll be interesting to see how adventists will respond if an adventist is elected as a president. Will adventists be convinced to have a second look at Revelation 13, or will they conclude that an adventist for the time being is the "head" of the beast? I can see that there would be some lively discussions about this if Ben Carson indeed were to run for president.

Secondly, adventists have traditionally been non-combatants, and the church has leaned towards pacifism. Now, a president is obviously the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. Will an adventist president be willing to go to war? And will adventists continue to be granted status as conscientious objectors if there was a draft?

Finally, how would an adventist president deal with the sabbath? Would he feel free to do political work on the sabbath? Is fulfilling presidential duties on the sabbath in accordance to the fourth commandment?

Just a few thoughts...

Obama has been the most unwilling president in the history of the United States to do anything. He doesn't even bother attending 80% of his security briefings because he away on the golf course. Probably why ISIS are running rampage through Iraq and Syria right now. This is someone who did listen to his pastor that shouted about damning America and who preached a lot of hatred.

Carson is someone who is qualified and intelligent. I don't believe we should judge him on what some in his faith may or may not believe but on what he believes, says and does.

On the 12th July 2007 after a successful troop surge in Iraq that brought stability and saw women voting in elections, your previous president stated the following in the White House briefing room:

"To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we are ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States...

"It would mean that we would be risking mass killings on a horrific scale...

"It would mean that we'd be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous." George W Bush

It's a shame Obama did not listen.
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I think the republican party should nominate him, It would really help the republican party's image, even if he doesn't win. Democrats won't be able to play the race card.

I would personally vote for him.

This would be playing to a race agenda though because you would still be voting for someone based on the colour of their skin not the content of their character which is exactly what America and the Democrats did with Obama.

This would make Republicans no better than Democrats.

The right should surely pick the individual who is best qualified for the job, no matter who they are, and not play to the affirmative action, quotas and white guilt Marxism agenda?

I think Republicans after two disastrous terms of Obama should be able to win hearts and minds across the spectrum on policy.

Republicans don't need to prove anything on race whatsoever as history is on their side. The race card players are nearly always the racists.

R A C I S T definition...

R ather
A nnoying
C ommunist
I nspired
S ilencing
T actic
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I Must Decrease That He May Increase
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Dec 8, 2010
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I agree completely with previous posters that Adventists should have no role in politics. Considering the time in which we live and the latest current events playing out before our eyes, the next president will more than likely be a catholic or at least a sympathizer with Rome. Ben does not fit this mold...

My guess is that Jeb Bush will get the repub nomination...
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wayfaring stranger
Mar 7, 2012
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I agree that it's not a good thing for Adventists to partake in partisan politics, it causes divisions in the church when one person supports one party while his brother supports a different political party.

An update about Ben Carson:

Ben Carson's book “One Nation” is one of the 15 opening round nominees for the “Best of Nonfiction 2014 award” on the popular website Goodreads.

As far as I can see, it is the only book of this kind among the nominees. Now, I haven't read this book and I strongly doubt that it will win the award, but this illustrates that we'll surely hear more about Ben Carson in the time to come.

For those of you who are interested, here is a review of Carson's book:
National Unity Under God: Ben Carson?s Manifesto
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I Must Decrease That He May Increase
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Dec 8, 2010
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Irregardless of his profession, if Ben Carson is not using his public pulpit to proclaim the 3 angels message, then we have to be suspect. He was trained at Yale which has catholic influences and is also the recruitment ground for many jesuit secret societies.

If the title of his book is an indication of his beliefs, that we are to strive for national unity under God, then he either doesn't know and understand Adventist doctrine, or is purposefully advocating for the joining of church and state. Sister white tells us that there will be those 'lights' within adventism that will be the most detrimental to God's remnant at the end... is this Ben's purpose? I don't know...
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wayfaring stranger
Mar 7, 2012
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Ben Carson has apparently left Fox News, something most commentators think is because he intends to run...

"In the 2012 election cycle, Fox News ended the contributorships of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum as those men moved toward presidential bids."

source: Fox News cuts ties with Ben Carson - The Washington Post
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Jul 4, 2013
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The guy who condemns safety net programs benefited from them all his life.

But let's hope he runs along with Ann Coulter as that would insure a win for the Dems.
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