Basic Church Truth


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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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This is a very important subject for Christian unity in the world. I hope it does not trouble or offend any, and I will try to answer any questions one might have here (or one can PM me privately). I am not pressing this, but much appreciate it and want to share it. -1watchman Bob

Basic Church Truth

Introduction To Scriptural Fellowship

It seems important to have an introduction and guide to help believers in Christ coming into that which we see as a scriptural fellowship, to understand some tenets or principles of God's order and government here. It is His church, so our ideas are irrelevant. The following considerations ought to be studied carefully and prayerfully, and any questions ought to be resolved for one to be settled on the Christian pathway. We need to get into conformity to God's mind, honor Him, and ever seek unity. - R. DeWitt

A. OVERVIEW: It is always a happy occasion to welcome a new saint into fellowship, and the following paper is given to help one understand basic things many of us see and are holding worldwide, and any questions or thoughts by the reader should be explored in further discussion with local elders. This applies especially to one who has seen this fellowship as generally true to the Word and would like further information.

Every believer in Christ ought to be gathered into universal fellowship, whether or not they understand all things; and if they do not understand the Bible, but enjoy worshipping the Lord with those who love Him and hold to the Word of God, they need to come and seek to learn about God's testimony. There is a danger for them to be drawn away after carnal men or evil doctrines, so they ought to find what they feel is trustworthy, and pray much for the Lord to keep them safe from error.

It would be a great disappointment to have one leave because they did not understand what the assembly must hold. There are other papers which address church history, scriptural gathering, meetings, and other questions. The writer is not being dogmatic or speaking for any others, but is stating an understanding of Scripture from much study and experience over many years.

There are two things which might be studied to get a good overview of the Church in the world: the Word of God, and church history ---especially conditions from the Protestant Reformation to the present day. This writer has some history papers to help if one is interested.

B. SOME HISTORY: It is clear to many of us that while the Gospel was revived and proclaimed broadly after the Protestant Reformation movement, circa 1500 A.D., the various church gatherings that developed had lost the scriptural order for the church; and were setting forth the organizations, hierarchy, creeds, and ceremonies they had learned from the Roman Catholic Religion for 1000 years. The Word of God was not in wide circulation until printing was improved ---circa 1500-1600 A.D.

By the early 1800's, God raised up an increasing interest in church truth for the pathway for believers. In those early years John Nelson Darby, who was a scholar of some renown in Ireland, and a barrister, was converted by reading the Holy Scriptures. In time he became a priest in the Church of Ireland. God led him to see that Christ is the Head of the church, and there is a spiritual body on earth. He saw Christ as the gathering center, rather than religious sects and systems; and he saw the priesthood of believers in the "body of Christ" and the leading of the Holy Spirit, rather than the hierarchy of men, dogma, rituals, and innovations. He separated from ecclesiastical associations and human order, and began to meet with three others of the same persuasion in a home in 1827 A.D. in accord with the plain scriptural order. Others also began to embrace this thinking, and Darby traveled about preaching in many places and writing much on church truth. This revival and recovery of Scripture spread rapidly worldwide.

Much has been written about this so-called "brethren movement" with the ministry of those early brethren which is available today (contact Bible Truth Publishers). Besides Darby, who seems to have been a principle agent in this revival of church truth, some of his contemporaries were J.G. Bellet, G.V. Wigram, W. Kelly, C.H. Mackintosh, and a few other less notable teachers. Not all those early brethren who were gathered were teachers. There have been divisions, and all such assemblies have not continued in the same universal fellowship to express the "one body", which Darby held was essential. He departed to be with Christ in 1882 A.D.

Church truth is important for God's testimony in the world, His honor and glory, and our blessing; and is speaking of more than salvation or our personal love and devotion to Christ. It speaks of obedience and maintaining the good work God established for unity and His purposes. We need to take "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27).

Some of us seek to honor the Lord and maintain that revival in the early 1800's, and have continued to follow the scriptural path today. Does one have questions about this history?

C. SEPARATION: The applicant for fellowship has presumably already appreciated the need to be gathered in accord with the scriptural order, has separated from the various sects of men, and has come to see the gathering described here as standing on the Word of God alone as our only authority for the Christian faith, and in fellowship with those of like mind worldwide. Our thought here is to speak of such as the preeminence of Christ by the Word and the Spirit, and God's order in general. One ought to also seek to understand internal realities of assembly life. If we were all perfect as we will be in heaven, we would not have to speak of some of these things, but we need to prepare our mind to deal with the "fiery darts" and "the wiles" of the enemy which seek always to discourage and defeat us in our new life in Christ. We need to be committed to grace and care for the good of the saints and God's testimony.

D. ORDER AND FUNCTION: Our gathering as saints of God should not take a name (denominate---which would be divisive of all saints) and must be in accord with "all the counsel of God", and the example of the assemblies from the beginning as found in Acts and the Epistles. It also ought to recognize the revival of church truth in the early 1800's as a work of God to recover truth that was lost. The spirit of sectarianism and religious ideas, which is everywhere in Christendom, must not be allowed amongst us. The thought is not to dictate conscience, but maintain God's collective testimony.
1. GATHERING TOGETHER: There are many papers available on the truth of gathering, which are available from the sources listed below. It is important to understand that God does not approve of independency, and the local assemblies after the New Testament scriptural order are simply an expression in a geographical place of the universal testimony in the world. There is "one body in Christ", and there ought to be a "unity of the Spirit" among the saints everywhere as it will be in heaven (see Rom.12; I Cor.12; Eph.4; Phil.2:2; etc.). This surely does not mean a merger of all the sects and religious ideas of men. The gathering is to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matt.18:20), not to personalities, sectarian systems, emotional experiences, programs, rituals, etc., which usurp the Lord. It is good that an assembly is fully scriptural in form, but we must then ask if it is going on independently or maintaining the unity and spirit God established.

If one is a child of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is devoted to Him, is free of any moral or doctrinal evil, and desires to be gathered in a faithful scriptural assembly, that may be all that one understands; and if there is little danger they might bring in false practices or teachings, and will bow to assembly government, they can be received and enjoy a happy fellowship here and honor the Lord. Otherwise, one may come as a visitor and enjoy the meetings for a time, and with some further inquiry and study they may be helped to appreciate God's way. Does one have some other thought about the truth of gathering?

2. RECEIVING THE TRUTH: Coming into the fellowship is a two-way thing. The individual must receive the fellowship, as well as the fellowship receiving the individual, so all need to understand the other and get acquainted. We want to receive "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (II Tim.2:15), not traditions, entertainment, creeds and pledges, religious ideas and unscriptural things which are for the flesh. The holiness of the Lord's table and the gathering requires that we "lay hands suddenly on no man" (I Tim.5:22). All things ought to "be done decently and in order" (I Cor.14:40). There are many lovely saints in the world, but lovely saints is not the ground of gathering. One who is gathered in another assembly known to be scriptural and in fellowship with us, ought to bring a letter of commendation (Rom.16:1-2; II Cor. 3:1; Phil.2:25-29; Phm.10-12). The holiness of God and His honor is paramount. Do readers have other thoughts on this?

3. EXPRESSING THE ONE BODY OF CHRIST: We cannot say we are the "one body of Christ", but we must endeavor to express the oneness of the body of Christ in the world (I Cor. 12:25), by full fellowship with all scriptural gatherings who are going on in a Godly way, and honoring them; not holding independency, nor mergers and unions, organizational membership, etc., which divides the saints in the world and compromises the truth. Does one appreciate Christians endeavoring to express the "one body" of Christ worldwide? Should not all believers be doing it?

4. ACKNOWLEDGING THE PRIESTHOOD: To exercise the priesthood of believers (I Pet.2: 5,9), it must be seen as an important truth of the Word to be held; not titles, offices, hierarchy, dominion over the saints with selected ministers to lead, preach, and manage ("nicolaitanism", Rev.2:6), etc., which denies liberty. The gifts of pastors, teachers, and evangelists (in the plural) are gifts within the gathering, not titles and positions. Are there other thoughts about this?

5. TRUSTING THE LORD AND HIS WORD: The holy scriptures are our only authority for the truth, and we must not invent religious things to please the flesh. Study and prayer and trusting is essential. We must study to be in conformity to the mind of God. The reasonings and innovations of man must not be brought into the church. The church was formed on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2:42. It did not exist before then (see Matt.16:18). Nothing should be added by men to make the church (assembly) more entertaining or pleasing to the preferences of men. One should not expect the assembly to change, but rather be conformed to it. After one studies all the epistles in the Scripture carefully, it should be apparent that most of the church groups today have lost that simplicity and order. Are there questions about holding to the Word alone?

6. WORSHIPPING AS PLEASES GOD: One ought to understand individual and collective worship, and esteem the Lord's supper at His table as He gave us, rather than entertainment, sermons, activities, programs, etc. Worship is devotion and according to the Word, not some activity or zeal to serve. Do readers have questions about worship?

7. APPRECIATING THE ASSEMBLY: We ought to appreciate the assembly as given and not be innovative. We need to maintain God's order and government, rather than the ideas and governmental ways of men; and desire to have "all things be done decently and in order", as God says. We need to stand apart from unscriptural assemblies and not give them credibility by associating with those sects and systems. Do we esteem the simplicity of God's way, or do we need man's innovations in the church?

8. YIELDING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: The leading of the Holy Spirit as in the early church (II Cor. 3:17), is a precious thing, not ceremonies, schedules, and arrangements quenching the Spirit (I Thess. 5:19), which dishonors God. Prayerful exercise should be understood and practiced, rather than the energies and religious ideas of men. What does one think of this?

E. SUMMARY: Other subjects concerning church life within the matters outlined above, ought to also be studied ---such as the meetings given in Acts 2:42; the Lord's table and supper; understanding open and closed tables; ministry and ministers; gifts; the place of brothers and sisters and overseers; responsibilities of saints as holy and royal priests; unity; problems of discord; spiritual maturity; divine and brotherly love; faithful service. The writer can provide papers to study. - RLD

ADDENDUM: Ministry regarding this fellowship is available from the site: or, and readers are encouraged to contact Bible Truth Publishers, P.O. Box 649, Addison, IL 60101 for more information and ministry books.


This is a very important subject for Christian unity in the world. I hope it does not trouble or offend any, and I will try to answer any questions one might have here (or one can PM me privately). I am not pressing this, but much appreciate it and want to share it. -1watchman Bob

Basic Church Truth

Introduction To Scriptural Fellowship

It seems important to have an introduction and guide to help believers in Christ coming into that which we see as a scriptural fellowship, to understand some tenets or principles of God's order and government here. It is His church, so our ideas are irrelevant. The following considerations ought to be studied carefully and prayerfully, and any questions ought to be resolved for one to be settled on the Christian pathway. We need to get into conformity to God's mind, honor Him, and ever seek unity. - R. DeWitt

A. OVERVIEW: It is always a happy occasion to welcome a new saint into fellowship, and the following paper is given to help one understand basic things many of us see and are holding worldwide, and any questions or thoughts by the reader should be explored in further discussion with local elders. This applies especially to one who has seen this fellowship as generally true to the Word and would like further information.

Every believer in Christ ought to be gathered into universal fellowship, whether or not they understand all things; and if they do not understand the Bible, but enjoy worshipping the Lord with those who love Him and hold to the Word of God, they need to come and seek to learn about God's testimony. There is a danger for them to be drawn away after carnal men or evil doctrines, so they ought to find what they feel is trustworthy, and pray much for the Lord to keep them safe from error.

It would be a great disappointment to have one leave because they did not understand what the assembly must hold. There are other papers which address church history, scriptural gathering, meetings, and other questions. The writer is not being dogmatic or speaking for any others, but is stating an understanding of Scripture from much study and experience over many years.

There are two things which might be studied to get a good overview of the Church in the world: the Word of God, and church history ---especially conditions from the Protestant Reformation to the present day. This writer has some history papers to help if one is interested.

B. SOME HISTORY: It is clear to many of us that while the Gospel was revived and proclaimed broadly after the Protestant Reformation movement, circa 1500 A.D., the various church gatherings that developed had lost the scriptural order for the church; and were setting forth the organizations, hierarchy, creeds, and ceremonies they had learned from the Roman Catholic Religion for 1000 years. The Word of God was not in wide circulation until printing was improved ---circa 1500-1600 A.D.

By the early 1800's, God raised up an increasing interest in church truth for the pathway for believers. In those early years John Nelson Darby, who was a scholar of some renown in Ireland, and a barrister, was converted by reading the Holy Scriptures. In time he became a priest in the Church of Ireland. God led him to see that Christ is the Head of the church, and there is a spiritual body on earth. He saw Christ as the gathering center, rather than religious sects and systems; and he saw the priesthood of believers in the "body of Christ" and the leading of the Holy Spirit, rather than the hierarchy of men, dogma, rituals, and innovations. He separated from ecclesiastical associations and human order, and began to meet with three others of the same persuasion in a home in 1827 A.D. in accord with the plain scriptural order. Others also began to embrace this thinking, and Darby traveled about preaching in many places and writing much on church truth. This revival and recovery of Scripture spread rapidly worldwide.

Much has been written about this so-called "brethren movement" with the ministry of those early brethren which is available today (contact Bible Truth Publishers). Besides Darby, who seems to have been a principle agent in this revival of church truth, some of his contemporaries were J.G. Bellet, G.V. Wigram, W. Kelly, C.H. Mackintosh, and a few other less notable teachers. Not all those early brethren who were gathered were teachers. There have been divisions, and all such assemblies have not continued in the same universal fellowship to express the "one body", which Darby held was essential. He departed to be with Christ in 1882 A.D.

Church truth is important for God's testimony in the world, His honor and glory, and our blessing; and is speaking of more than salvation or our personal love and devotion to Christ. It speaks of obedience and maintaining the good work God established for unity and His purposes. We need to take "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27).

Some of us seek to honor the Lord and maintain that revival in the early 1800's, and have continued to follow the scriptural path today. Does one have questions about this history?

C. SEPARATION: The applicant for fellowship has presumably already appreciated the need to be gathered in accord with the scriptural order, has separated from the various sects of men, and has come to see the gathering described here as standing on the Word of God alone as our only authority for the Christian faith, and in fellowship with those of like mind worldwide. Our thought here is to speak of such as the preeminence of Christ by the Word and the Spirit, and God's order in general. One ought to also seek to understand internal realities of assembly life. If we were all perfect as we will be in heaven, we would not have to speak of some of these things, but we need to prepare our mind to deal with the "fiery darts" and "the wiles" of the enemy which seek always to discourage and defeat us in our new life in Christ. We need to be committed to grace and care for the good of the saints and God's testimony.

D. ORDER AND FUNCTION: Our gathering as saints of God should not take a name (denominate---which would be divisive of all saints) and must be in accord with "all the counsel of God", and the example of the assemblies from the beginning as found in Acts and the Epistles. It also ought to recognize the revival of church truth in the early 1800's as a work of God to recover truth that was lost. The spirit of sectarianism and religious ideas, which is everywhere in Christendom, must not be allowed amongst us. The thought is not to dictate conscience, but maintain God's collective testimony.
1. GATHERING TOGETHER: There are many papers available on the truth of gathering, which are available from the sources listed below. It is important to understand that God does not approve of independency, and the local assemblies after the New Testament scriptural order are simply an expression in a geographical place of the universal testimony in the world. There is "one body in Christ", and there ought to be a "unity of the Spirit" among the saints everywhere as it will be in heaven (see Rom.12; I Cor.12; Eph.4; Phil.2:2; etc.). This surely does not mean a merger of all the sects and religious ideas of men. The gathering is to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matt.18:20), not to personalities, sectarian systems, emotional experiences, programs, rituals, etc., which usurp the Lord. It is good that an assembly is fully scriptural in form, but we must then ask if it is going on independently or maintaining the unity and spirit God established.

If one is a child of God by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, is devoted to Him, is free of any moral or doctrinal evil, and desires to be gathered in a faithful scriptural assembly, that may be all that one understands; and if there is little danger they might bring in false practices or teachings, and will bow to assembly government, they can be received and enjoy a happy fellowship here and honor the Lord. Otherwise, one may come as a visitor and enjoy the meetings for a time, and with some further inquiry and study they may be helped to appreciate God's way. Does one have some other thought about the truth of gathering?

2. RECEIVING THE TRUTH: Coming into the fellowship is a two-way thing. The individual must receive the fellowship, as well as the fellowship receiving the individual, so all need to understand the other and get acquainted. We want to receive "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (II Tim.2:15), not traditions, entertainment, creeds and pledges, religious ideas and unscriptural things which are for the flesh. The holiness of the Lord's table and the gathering requires that we "lay hands suddenly on no man" (I Tim.5:22). All things ought to "be done decently and in order" (I Cor.14:40). There are many lovely saints in the world, but lovely saints is not the ground of gathering. One who is gathered in another assembly known to be scriptural and in fellowship with us, ought to bring a letter of commendation (Rom.16:1-2; II Cor. 3:1; Phil.2:25-29; Phm.10-12). The holiness of God and His honor is paramount. Do readers have other thoughts on this?

3. EXPRESSING THE ONE BODY OF CHRIST: We cannot say we are the "one body of Christ", but we must endeavor to express the oneness of the body of Christ in the world (I Cor. 12:25), by full fellowship with all scriptural gatherings who are going on in a Godly way, and honoring them; not holding independency, nor mergers and unions, organizational membership, etc., which divides the saints in the world and compromises the truth. Does one appreciate Christians endeavoring to express the "one body" of Christ worldwide? Should not all believers be doing it?

4. ACKNOWLEDGING THE PRIESTHOOD: To exercise the priesthood of believers (I Pet.2: 5,9), it must be seen as an important truth of the Word to be held; not titles, offices, hierarchy, dominion over the saints with selected ministers to lead, preach, and manage ("nicolaitanism", Rev.2:6), etc., which denies liberty. The gifts of pastors, teachers, and evangelists (in the plural) are gifts within the gathering, not titles and positions. Are there other thoughts about this?

5. TRUSTING THE LORD AND HIS WORD: The holy scriptures are our only authority for the truth, and we must not invent religious things to please the flesh. Study and prayer and trusting is essential. We must study to be in conformity to the mind of God. The reasonings and innovations of man must not be brought into the church. The church was formed on the day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2:42. It did not exist before then (see Matt.16:18). Nothing should be added by men to make the church (assembly) more entertaining or pleasing to the preferences of men. One should not expect the assembly to change, but rather be conformed to it. After one studies all the epistles in the Scripture carefully, it should be apparent that most of the church groups today have lost that simplicity and order. Are there questions about holding to the Word alone?

6. WORSHIPPING AS PLEASES GOD: One ought to understand individual and collective worship, and esteem the Lord's supper at His table as He gave us, rather than entertainment, sermons, activities, programs, etc. Worship is devotion and according to the Word, not some activity or zeal to serve. Do readers have questions about worship?

7. APPRECIATING THE ASSEMBLY: We ought to appreciate the assembly as given and not be innovative. We need to maintain God's order and government, rather than the ideas and governmental ways of men; and desire to have "all things be done decently and in order", as God says. We need to stand apart from unscriptural assemblies and not give them credibility by associating with those sects and systems. Do we esteem the simplicity of God's way, or do we need man's innovations in the church?

8. YIELDING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT: The leading of the Holy Spirit as in the early church (II Cor. 3:17), is a precious thing, not ceremonies, schedules, and arrangements quenching the Spirit (I Thess. 5:19), which dishonors God. Prayerful exercise should be understood and practiced, rather than the energies and religious ideas of men. What does one think of this?

E. SUMMARY: Other subjects concerning church life within the matters outlined above, ought to also be studied ---such as the meetings given in Acts 2:42; the Lord's table and supper; understanding open and closed tables; ministry and ministers; gifts; the place of brothers and sisters and overseers; responsibilities of saints as holy and royal priests; unity; problems of discord; spiritual maturity; divine and brotherly love; faithful service. The writer can provide papers to study. - RLD

ADDENDUM: Ministry regarding this fellowship is available from the site: or, and readers are encouraged to contact Bible Truth Publishers, P.O. Box 649, Addison, IL 60101 for more information and ministry books.

It always encourages me to find another brother here at CF. From the information you posted I understand you are probably in fellowship with an Exclusive assembly. I have know many fine Exclusive brethren. I attend an Open assembly. Where are you located? I am in Davenport, Iowa.
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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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I think we have corresponded in the past, brother. I am with those associated with Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, IL. We are with those who meet in Cedar Rapids, which is probably the closest one I know to you ---maybe some in Illinois.

You might like to visit the site at for some ministry. Write me anytime. Look up always!

- 1watchman Bob
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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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For those who are heard asking "Which Church should I join?", one ought to find a truly scriptural gathering. Here is a paper which describes the various groupings of professing Christians:


This compilation of religious groups who profess Christianity in some degree, should be carefully considered as to what is real in the faith and honoring to the Lord, or only profession or man’s ideas; for as the Lord said: "Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom" (Mt. 7:21-23); and not all are serious about studying and obeying the Word of God or honoring the Creator. The Scriptural Assembly listing shown here below is the only known fellowship this writer has seen in the world determined to be in conformity to the Holy Word of Truth. It should be stated too that there are some real Christians in all religious groups. – R. DeWitt, 06/11 – from a paper about 1990.

CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALISTS: This is those who value the Gospel message in the Bible with emphasis on being "born again" believers, and seek Scripture verses for any doctrines; and are a loosely formed mixed multitude of very independent believers of various kinds. They are usually quite devoted to Christ and each group will have their own name, rules, and expected practices for their membership. They do not usually value church truth and expression of the universal "one body in Christ" in accord with Scripture, and prefer independence in each gathering. Within this general circle there are also found charismatic assemblies which add Pentecostal doctrine. This doctrine holds in various degrees the teachings of Jacobus Arminius (circa 1560–1609). He opposed John Calvin and believed God intended we should exercise our free will and choose our course, stating there is no certainty to salvation of the soul, and man needs to hold fast to his faith and keep praising God for hope. The various gifts as given to the Apostles are said by Pentecostals to be the same for all faithful believers.

CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVES: These Christians often consider themselves as conservative compared to the so-called High Churches, and are somewhere between Fundamentalists and the High Churches of Religious Societies. They tend to be devoted religionists emphasizing form and ceremonial routines, pleasing all comers, and may be part of a system of universal organization or an independent local gathering.

RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES: This group is often called High Churches and takes the name of Christian, and quotes and applies some verses of Scripture, but is mostly about religious form and display of ceremonies, rituals, traditions, creeds, programs, etc. They recite doctrines and creeds regularly, and promote salvation by ordinances and following doctrines. Deity is more a hope than a relationship. Their allegiance is more to a hierarchy of priestly order who rule. They seem to be more as religious clubs or fraternities.

RELIGIOUS CULTS: This grouping of professing Christians tend to pervert the Bible to serve their devised apostasy, which is for religious gain; and they typically have their members in religious bondage with fear by elitism of a few leaders. There are various new types forming every year.

LIBERAL THEOLOGY: More of a philosophy than biblical, though they may use some biblical Scriptures to maintain their religious ideas. They are more properly social and ethical fraternities who contemplate gods, man’s ideas, and metaphysical ideologies.

SCRIPTURAL ASSEMBLY: We see there are Christians gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, receiving "all the counsel of God", seeking to be "rightly dividing the Word of Truth", expressing the "one body of Christ" in the world in "unity of the faith" as the Word says; and acknowledging the priesthood of believers and yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit. This fellowship avoids denominations and a sectarian spirit, and holds to God’s Word as the only authority for the Christian faith; and without additions, innovations, or deletions, they seek to maintain that revival of Church Truth from 1827 A.D. They usually take no name or church practice not given in the Bible for the church, and have a sense of unity and the good of the saints. One can contact Bible Truth Publishers in Addison, IL for more information on this.

These kind of believers are often found in three main camps: some as described here; and others as open and quite loose gatherings somewhat like the Christian Conservatives (though preaching a real Gospel message); yet others being very strict and legal in form require uniformity in all members similar to a cult.

In summary, most denominated believers in Christ reply that they are also following only the Word of God, but upon closer examination one can often see they are not. One should consider what is meant by the description of a true "scriptural assembly":
1) Christians gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (as Matt. 18:20), means there is no other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we should gather as a collective testimony. Names and titles and various doctrines and ideas of men, are exclusive positions for certain beliefs which preclude those of us who wish to hold only to the Bible;
2) Receiving "all the counsel of God", and "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" means just that, and the various sects of Christians (mostly those denominated) cannot honestly claim that they fully follow the Word by rightly dividing and comparing all Scriptures for the truth, by their practice of adding to or deleting from what God gives for His Church;
3) Expressing the "one body of Christ" in the world in "unity of the faith", refers to a worldwide fellowship of true believers who act on the ground that the local gathering is only a local extension in a geographical place of the universal church. They endeavor to be all of "like-mind" in the World considering essential truth in the Word of God;
4) The priesthood of believers as shown in 1 Peter 2 speaks of the gathered saints and our work and testimony and walk individually before God, not waiting on a hierarchy of men to lead and minister; and they meet together in this and always bowing to the Word (1 Cor. 14:40).
5) Non-sectarian fellowship is a testimony that avoids denomination, and any professing Christian group that takes a name or identity independent of the universal church God established, and which adds or deletes things not given by God;
6) Faithful saints gathering as in Matthew 18:20 as a work only by the Holy Spirit and not ideas of men, and according to Acts 2: 42 and the Epistles; which is what occurred in God's recovery of church truth in 1827 AD, when a number of saints set forth the Word of God fully. They separated from the various ecclesiastical sects and systems, which came out of the Roman Catholic Religion and had copied their practices;
7) Such a fellowship as described here as scriptural assembly has continued down through the years, though some have left it and started or joined others, with their imitation of this truth with carnal ideas.

One might be able to tell which group here they are presently associated with, but the writer can be specific if one desires some help. There may be additional categories that could be added to this listing, and which are mostly after the ideas and preferences of men; but there can only be one scriptural fellowship testimony in the world, as God ordained and established. We ought to find it. –RLD: from

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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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Another paper here about Church Truth and God's intention for "unity of the Faith". It is so sad to see that after so many years, Satan still has the victory over unity in Christianity. I wonder why the saints allow this to continue.:


Dear brother__________:
I am pleased with your good spirit and openness. I hope you will not lose patience with my inquiry, but I am puzzled. You speak of having a scriptural order, which sounds mostly to be right as to form, but I am still not able to see your background or history. One might say: "Why bother"? Well, just this:

1. God did a great and notable work to revive church truth in the early 1800's, which had been lost after the apostolic period (not taught, understood or practiced). One can read a number of reliable church histories about that. I have condensed it in a paper called: CHURCH CONDITION. It appears God specifically brought together some faithful brethren in Ireland and England in 1827 to revive church truth and unity, and it spread rapidly. Much sound ministry was written, which is available today.

2. There is "one body" (Rom.12 & I Cor.12) and the saints of God ought to express or show forth that oneness in the world (Phil.2:2), as it will be in heaven. God does not speak of independency or appreciate sectarianism.

3. There were a number of major divisions in that good work, beginning in 1848, and numerous other divisions came out of those. It was all to please the flesh.

4. The worldwide fellowship I am with knows our history, and we see our direct connection with that original revival, in that we stood against those who left and started something new. We don't take a name, as the church is nameless, and we are not perfect, but we don't follow men, and are "holding fast" to honor God. Surely we should honor God in unity.

5. All assemblies professing, or actually upholding a scriptural order and practice today (not denominational) have either risen up independent of that universal fellowship, or they are part of a division group, or they are going on with us. So, I am always interested in the history of a gathering---who started it, where, when, how, etc. One should know what they are associated with.

6. The only godly way Christians can be united, is by individuals seeing the need for unity to honor and obey God, and taking steps to achieve it---not by a collective merger of various sects. An assembly can only receive individuals, not receive an organization. So, we want to see earnest saints of God gather with us to honor God's testimony in the world 'til our Lord comes again. He will always have a true testimony whether individuals own it or not.

Well, my brother, I hope you can appreciate my exercise, and know I only seek our good and the Lord's glory. I know God would have us to be "of one accord" with no "schism" in the "one body". All the saints will be held accountable for how they regarded God's universal testimony. I must, therefore, pursue unity as far as I can. God bless you, brother, and please keep in touch.

Sincerely in Christ, (R.L.D. : 3/01 - from
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1watchman: There are many ideas about what saints of God should show and practice in the world, but do we want God's testimony or our ideas?

The Meaning Of God’s Testimony
Thoughts By R. L. DeWitt, ’06; rev. 08/11

At the onset of any discussion regarding church truth and our responsibilities before God as a holy and royal priesthood, we ought to define the expression: "God's testimony". By that it is meant "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), and is concerned with deity, creation, Old Testament experience and trials, Christian experience by redemption way, church truth, and spiritual life.

Specific papers are available about deity, creation, and the OT meanings and experiences, so we will speak here only of this dispensation (or administration) of grace. After the Gospel account of the birth, teaching, and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we need to consider His church which He foretold (Matt. 16:15-18). It was established on the day of Pentecost as in Acts 2:41-42.

Redemption way speaks today of the gospel message of salvation, heaven, eternal hope and blessing, judgments, destiny; and the Lord's sacrifice, reign, kingdom, glory and purposes, etc. Church truth encompasses Christian gathering as a collective testimony in the world, obedience to God, our walk in holiness, the Lord's glory and honor, etc. Spiritual life concerns worship, communion, devotion, charity, maturity, peace and joy; and the Lord's glory and praise, etc. These are not about what man prefers or thinks is good, but as given by God.

To study and understand this, one needs to be "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Tim.2:15), and have knowledge of church history. Papers are available on this in the Christian Counsel Collection -CCC for those who are serious seekers. One might choose any interpretation of the Word, and any interpretation of church history, but one ought to be confident one has heard the truth of it, rather than a bias to defend and promote a certain rationale, sect or religious system.

If one is settled and happy with their course and beliefs, then there is little more to say, for it is not our thought to debate. Every believer must stand before the Lord at the "judgment seat of Christ". It would be nice to hear the Lord then say: "...well done thou good and faithful servant" (Matt.25:21), "...for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My Word, and hast not denied My Name" (Rev.3:8).

- The Right Church For Me -
Sometimes we know of people looking for "the right church for me"; and some souls say they cannot find a church. The reason many people cannot find a church, is that they don't know what they are looking for, and there is no "right church for me". There might be a religion "for me", but the biblical church is right for everyone who will have it as God gave it.

The church in the Word of God is all the true believers in Christ in the world, and these real Christians in a locality is all the saints found there. It surely doesn't matter what seems "right for me", because the church is of God and not some place that is designed "for me". We need to be conformed to the church God established, and not a place that pleases self. This will only be found in the Word of God, and in rare cases such an assembly is established in various cities. God can lead one to it if they are earnest, honest, sincere, and yielded in prayer to God. A professing Christian either wants the church or a man-made religion, so he/she must decide what they are looking for.

One can learn about the church by reading Acts 2 and especially verse 42, and all about the church gatherings from the beginning in the Epistles. Any other religious gathering is only a sect of men --not of God. So, one needs to study the Word of God and pray earnestly.

There is no such thing as a church of "choice", as some say. Actually, the word translated as church (kuriakos "pertaining to God", and originally called "kirk") seems to be the translators' choice from the Greek word: ecclesia, which means assembly. It is presumed the translators made the change to church to avoid confusion with a civil assembly. Thus we can understand it as that universal assembly of believers pertaining to God.

I hope this brief summary will help one to begin their search for a church fellowship by reading their Bible, and seeking the scriptural order. Look up always!
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By R. L. DeWitt
(Revised 4/09 from a writing about 1980)

This outline seeks to set forth that testimony which is believed to have faithfully continued to represent the mind of God, rather than a history of all the Christian sects and systems which were organized by men to serve the various interests of the founders.

In the beginning believers in Christ continued steadfastly in truth and with one accord (Acts 2:42-47; Rom. 16:16). The apostles taught them and admonished them, but there began to be a falling away (Rom.16:17-18). When the apostles departed, most Christians embraced human innovations and much of Jewish traditions, and there was generally little regard for the counsels of God (II Tim.4:1-8).

About 500 A.D.+ continued disregard by Christians for sound doctrine (Titus 1:9), not continuing in the Spirit (Gal.3:1-3), and allowing leaven (I Cor.5), gave rise to false teachers and more ritualism; then in time the RCR (Roman Catholic Religion) of popery arose with hierarchy, ceremonies, and wickedness. In those "dark ages" true believers were scattered, and could only meet in secret because of the terrible persecutions (Acts 20:29). At that time the written Word of God was not available to all.

About 1500 A.D.+ God revived the gospel message out of the bondage, with such servants as Martin Luther, though facing persecutions and slaughter of faithful saints by the RCR. Many godly saints were then embolden to speak out for the Lord and preach the Gospel of salvation. There was a protest movement and attempt at reformation, which soon became separation. The Word of God then began to circulate as more copies were made. The separation brought forth sectarianism with various denominations and the traditions, hierarchy, rituals, and practices they had learned with the RCR for 1,000 years. There was not a clean break with the system.

About 1800 A.D.+ God began to call faithful believers out of the denominated sects which had developed in form like the Roman religion, and with exercise to return to His Word and dependence on the Holy Spirit (Matt.18:20). In 1827-28 there were those who came together in homes in Ireland and England in simplicity like the early church, as members of the "one body" (I Cor.1:2; 12:12), to just continue "steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers" (Acts 2:42). They recognized the priesthood of believers (I Pet.2:5-10). This was a new work and revival by the Spirit and much sound ministry was written, which is available today. A lovely fellowship prevailed. The movement was blessed and spread rapidly to revive precious truth.

Original brothers among them were J. N. Darby, J. G. Bellett, Edward Cronin, and William Hutchinson. Later, William Kelly, G. V. Wigram, C. H. Mackintosh, and other capable students of the Word became associated with this "brethren movement", as it was called.

Satan hated this new work of God and soon raised up the flesh. An independent spirit came forth. Some brethren arose promoting ideas - as "speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them" (Acts 20:30). A number of saints went out to form new and compromise gatherings back with denominated systems, some established rigid control of the saints, and some sought mergers or various ideologies. A faithful testimony continued, however, in spite of the falling away. One can learn about this further at Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, IL.

About 1900 A.D.+ "Fundamentalism" then arose among the denominational sects seeking to preserve the Gospel there. It also preserved man-made traditions. A so-called "Pentecostal" system came out of that, which denied the eternal security of believers and promoted signs and emotional experiences and activities. Satan began also to raise up many wicked Christ rejecting systems, cults, and religions to imitate and confuse (2 Cor.11:13-15).

In the present day the saints are quite scattered with new sects and sub-divisions forming every year. Denominated sects are now amalgamating. The professing Christian groups without Christ as Savior are moving back to the RCR system. Christian "fundamental" sects are overlooking differences and merging. Some Christians shun any order and are seeking to have an experience as a "free-spirit". There remains, however, that testimony that God raised up in the early 1800's--expressing the "one body" worldwide in the scriptural order, gathering to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone, and waiting upon the Holy Spirit. They recognize the ruin in the church is to our collective shame, and are not occupied with forbidding the unions and popular ways (Mark 9:38); rather, they continue in the path, desire the honor and glory of the Lord, and "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27). Though weak in numbers they are holding fast "Till He comes". Does the reader know about this? One should also read Miller's Church History, and Foxe's Book Of Martyrs.

Choices for the saints today are many, if one approves of sectarianism. They can find liberal church groups, conservative groups, political and social groups, all kinds of entertainment and religious ideas; or they can seek the scriptural path and recognize that God has maintained His testimony from that revival of the 1800's. Even within that good revival there are splinter groups following after men and certain doctrines. We are all failures in obeying and following our Lord, but we ought not to fault God and dishonor Him for our failure.

One might decide it is hopeless and just stay home and read their Bible, but God exhorts us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together (Heb.10:25). He has a path in unity.
a) Gathering to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matt.18:20), not to popular personalities, which usurp the Lord, and sectarian systems---limiting other believers who want to hold to the Word of God.
b) Receiving "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (II Tim.2:15), not traditions, entertainment, creeds, rituals, and pledges; programs, religious ideas, emotional experiences, and unscriptural things which are for the flesh.
c) Expressing the oneness of the body of Christ in the world (Rom.12:5; I Cor.12:25), not independency, nor mergers and unions, organizational membership, etc., which is the deceit of Satan to divide the saints and compromise the truth.
d) Acknowledging the priesthood of believers (I Pet.2: 5,9), not titles, offices, hierarchy, dominion over the saints with selected ministers to lead, preach, and manage ("Nicolaitanism", Rev.2:6), etc., which denies liberty.
e) Trusting the Lord and His Word as the only way--- authority and path for the Christian faith, rather than man's preferences or reasoning, which will lead one astray.
f) Worshipping collectively as is pleasing to God, rather than innovations for the flesh, which is pride and entertainment.
g) Appreciating the assembly and maintaining God's order and government, rather than the ideas and governmental ways of men, which is unprofitable.
h) Yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit as in the early church (II Cor.3:17), not to ceremonies, schedules, plans, arrangements quenching the Spirit (I Thess.5:19), which dishonors God.

If we cannot hold these things we will fall into Satan's snare, and always divide and scatter the saints and dishonor our Lord. God never intended that individual saints should act independent of the church and His order and government there. Even among Israel, they had to learn to bow to God in the midst. If they had a difference with others and ignored the cloud above and the pillar of fire by night, they might go off into the wilderness and set up their own form of worship, but the cloud and the pillar would not follow them.

At this present writing, the original work of the Spirit from that early time continues apart from all the above separations, and some of us know this ground of truth on which we are gathered; though we would not boast, and pray that the Lord will keep us humble, faithful, and from any further trouble until we hear the home call. Does the reader desire to be on that original ground and going on as pleases the Lord? We would be pleased to help.

One may contact Bible Truth Publishers, P.O. Box 649, Addison, IL 60101 for these and other histories on the various attempts by Christians down through the years to maintain the testimony. One is also encouraged to read the books: Foxe's Book Of Martyrs, and Miller's Church History--Original Edition. The writer would also be happy to answer questions. - RLD

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I have noticed that many Christians tend to scramble verses of Scripture, and thus are confused about the message. Let me just say that it is important in the New Testament to note the differences in God's testimony for the Church, as mentioned in another paper herein. There are three major aspects of Christianity:

"Redemption way speaks today of the gospel message of salvation, heaven, eternal hope and blessing, judgments, destiny; and the Lord's sacrifice, reign, kingdom, glory and purposes, etc. Church truth encompasses Christian gathering as a collective testimony in the world, obedience to God, our walk in holiness, the Lord's glory and honor, etc. Spiritual life concerns worship, communion, devotion, charity, maturity, peace and joy; and the Lord's glory and praise, etc. These are not about what man prefers or thinks is good, but as given by God."

This will help one in understanding what aspect of the Word is being presented, and make study more clear.
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The listings in Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12, and Romans 12 set forth that which has been provided for the saints, the work, the church, and the ministry, which we will consider here. While some brothers have a certain gift, all brothers in Christ in God's true assembly can participate, and those who feel moved to serve or have some spiritual thoughts ought to share with the gathering. It is important to understand that gifts is not the same as godliness.

This subject does not speak of various denominated sects of men, but only scriptural assemblies where the priesthood of believers is allowed. It should be noted here that other papers in the Christian Counsel Collection speak also of spiritual gifts more specifically (GB06). - R. L. DeWitt, 07/10

Verse eleven in Ephesians 4 has sometimes been referred to as God giving a certain gift in one place and another gift in another place, but that seems to be an error to support the idea of a one-man ministry, which is contrary to Scripture. It is based on various Bible Versions allowing commas where none were given in the original writings. One needs to omit the commas and see this verse as gifts for the ministry, not for a particular local assembly.

Some brothers have a special gift or several gifts for ministry, and can make an important contribution more fully than another saint, but each brother in Christ should exercise his "holy and royal priesthood" (1 Pet. 2:1-10) and contribute what God shows him. It is helpful to recognize a difference between prophecy and prophets, evangelism and evangelists, pastoring and pastors, teaching and teachers; and the elders, who are called forth by God in their gifts to be overseers (bishops).

God has given prophets, evangelists, pastors (shepherds), teachers, and appointed elders today ---all in the plural, and this will be recognized by others in time. These are faithful servants appointed by God, but not as the Apostles. There is no such thing as apostolic succession, as some "hirelings" claim to preserve their control of the saints. Believers must not give themselves a title, but ought to be exercised to participate and not leave service entirely to others.

A few saints in the universal church are also suited to fulltime ministry among all the assemblies, and they might be commended to travel about in this work by their home assembly, if found to be scripturally suited and called of God. These saints are devoted and have a zeal to serve, and others can see this. They are set apart by God for the work, and He stirs them up to recognize their calling. Their local assembly must also see the calling and feel free and led to commend them forth. One can see the paper on fulltime ministry for a more complete picture of this.

Let us look at what the Lord shows here for ministry by gifts, and other gifts are described in the paper on Spiritual Gifts as stated at the beginning:
- APOSTLES were given in the beginning for the foundation of the Church, and were then taken away from this scene. They knew the Lord personally and were ordained with great powers, to teach and establish the testimony with the mind of God. We are thankful for the recorded ministry in the New Testament, and that great work God commissioned for His purposes among mankind.
- PROPHETS in the church today differ from the O.T. days of Israel, and are given to guide and maintain God's testimony, with discernment and understanding in the fundamentals, purposes, and intent of God, etc. They might teach and shepherd the saints, but have a principle work in guidance. As with all gifts, it comes from God rather than appointment by men. Certainly all the gathered brothers in the assembly, as holy priests, can prophesy at times to share things.
- EVANGELISTS are those gifted to preach redemption and the gospel message, and can quite well reach the conscience and heart to awaken one to the urgency of salvation, etc. All brothers might preach salvation in meetings and in personal contacts, though some have much zeal and can do it quite effectively. All saints are exhorted to "do the work of an evangelist" along our pathway.
- PASTORS (shepherds) are to exhort and encourage the saints, etc. While all the saints can be this in some measure, we are thankful for those who have special gift for it, and do reach out to all in need. Sisters in Christ may be good shepherds among the fellowship, though they do not speak or lead in the assembly meetings.
- TEACHERS can speak quite well and set forth the Word of God for instruction as our standard, etc. A number of saints in a local assembly may be "apt to teach" (1 Tim. 3:2 & 2 Tim. 2:24) which often refers to overseers and those who serve in the local assembly, as God says, and share sound thoughts; but the gift of teacher describes those who are more suited to speak and bring together all scripture bearing on a matter, and expound the truths clearly and orderly, that God has revealed in ministry by many saints through the ages. There is a difference between teaching and teachers. This does not mean they always have a full understanding of the subject, and like all the saints can draw a conclusion that falls short of the overall truth, but they apply what they have quite well. There are also those who are called to fulltime labor as Teachers, as stated above. Not all who teach are called or suited to the work fulltime ---being otherwise employed or unavailable; or having not the confidence of saints in their spiritual discernment, manner, walk, etc. One should not presume to go forth without the commendation of their home assembly.
- ELDERS are given by God as overseers ---also called bishops. They are older and experienced brethren who serve to maintain God’s testimony, government, and the good of the saints. They have various gifts and may not all be preachers. They advise the assembly and become the final judge after the assembly has together considered a matter. One can read more on this in the special paper on Church Government and Elders.

We should recognize our gifts and our limitations, and not be claiming to have such a gift, but do the work we have an exercise for, and leave the reference or designation to others to decide. – RLD
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Here is a plain message I hope will prove helpful.

A fellow was heard to say (in broken English): "Ya gotta wanna know", and I thought: that is surely true in the things of God. You have got to want to know the way to eternal life and the way in the life for blessings. Simply hearing the truth ministered and simply agreeing to it does not affect change. The heart needs to be reached, and repentance is necessary, and that speaks of an honest desire and a work of the Spirit. The Church must discern this.

There is a popular evangelism today that presses for confessions and conformity. It says: just confess the Name of Jesus, be baptized, and join in the Christian fun. That is not salvation and the spiritual "new birth" that the Lord spoke of. Knowing and believing must be a matter of the heart. The flesh of man resists God in every way ---in salvation, in church truth, and in spiritual growth. Believers have a thing in common with non-believers (beside a basic sinful nature), and that is resisting God. It is altogether the way of flesh. It is called pride, independence and self-will, and that is perhaps the basic trouble of man. He seeks always to please self, and self is proud and opposed to God.

That explains why men die in their sins when the free salvation and love of God is preached to all; and why Christians disobey the Word of God, and divide the testimony of the "one body of Christ"--- forming sects of their own choosing; and why growth in the Christian life is often a shallow thing. We "gotta wanna" obey, honor, and please God, or our loss will truly be great in a day to come.

A true believer is one who receives the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and has a relationship with Him by the "new birth" (John 3; John 14; 1 Jn 5:10-13); and then a faithful believer is one who receives "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15) and is obedient and in submission to the Lordship of Christ. A responsible child of God must first discern and embrace the truth, before he can be an effective witness to any others. He must not be occupied with trying to please and accommodate everyone who wants to believe some thing or some way without yielding to the Word of God. Therein is the blessings of God, and the responsibility of the Church in maintaining truth. RLD
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A noteworthy message:

Commentary By Robert DeWitt, 2008

There are many of us who believe the two most important truths in life for souls to receive are:
1) The knowledge and assurance of salvation from eternal condemnation in Hell, and thus being with God in Heaven forever in the afterlife (John 3:16; 1 Jn. 5:10-12);
2) Appreciation and some understanding of God's "exceeding great and precious promises" (2 Pet. 1) of blessings and rewards in heaven one day, and care in this world ---for obedience to the Word of God, faithfulness to the Son of God, and honor to God in our walk and all of His ways while one is here on earth.

If one is going on without these two extremely important verities, we must say that one is facing much regret, forfeiture, and loss when he/she leaves this world; thus we hope readers will seek to appreciate it. The writer will be pleased to discuss this further.
Having set forth a fundamental statement here concerning eternal truth, let us now give some thought to what it means for us. Needless to say, the introductory statement here is the truth if one is clear and accepting of the Holy Bible as the full and infallible Word Of God; otherwise one has no legitimate standard to keep, and is left to their own ideas, philosophies and various religions of men. Is one saved (John 3; John 14; 1 John 5:12)? Is one then going on faithfully according to God's Word ---"rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (2 Tim. 2:15)? Faithfulness is not speaking of perfection, but Godly desire in service, and God looks on the heart. Having made the choice, let us proceed.

There are at least four fundamental aspects of the Christian life by which we will surely be judged, as the Bible seems to show, and all things of significance seem to be included:
> How we regarded the Son of God ---not by our reasoning, but as God expects;
> How we regarded the Word of God ---not our ideas, but as Scripture shows;
> How we regarded the Testimony of God ---only God’s intent for the Church;
> How we regarded the People of God ---as shown in the Word.
The ministry for us in the Bible seeks to set forth a faithful application of the Scripture, and one can also see something of this eternal truth and a Godly pathway at the BibleCounsel web site, if interested. Each month one will find, Lord willing, information and challenges there concerning the following:
REDEMPTION WAY ---the gospel message to all and way of salvation of the soul, God’s plan for man, the creative work, purposes, and reign of God and His glory;
CHURCH TRUTH ---an urgent need to obey and honor God, keeping His testimony by His Word and not traditions and innovations; and finding His pathway, gathering for the saints universal, and honor to God in this world;
SPIRITUAL LIFE ---for worship, devotion and communion, joy, peace, and trust to honor God and meet the trials of life, and enjoy blessings along our sojourn through this world.

So, in summary, readers are encouraged to consider this ministry, prove it by the Word Of God, and earnestly pray that God will reveal Himself and His truth for blessings and hope. It is extremely important to commune with God, not just say prayers. Let us not suppose that conformity to this world, our own vain reasoning, religions, or the ideas of men will suffice. The consequences of such is a critical matter to consider. - RLD
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[A few things are listed here that many of us with the gathered saints in a scriptural assembly, believe are important and should be upheld as a collective testimony honoring the Lord in the world. Unity is important to God. We must bow to God's Word, honor Him, and should seek the good of all saints. While visitors are always welcome to come and observe, this listing seems to cover important matters we need to uphold, for receiving one into fellowship and participation at the Lord's table. RECEPTION MUST INCLUDE ONE RECEIVING THE ASSEMBLY, AS WELL AS THE ASSEMBLY RECEIVING THAT ONE. Questions or thoughts about this may be discussed with the gathered saints regarding it.
- Compiled by R. L. DeWitt -10/14: from]

1. Salvation: The applicant for fellowship at the Lord's table in the local testimony needs to be known as saved for Heaven (eternal security with the new birth), by personal faith in the Lord Jesus --the Christ of God, and being devoted to Him, and should value the Gospel testimony; and all visitors are welcome to come and hear "the Word of life";

2. Baptism: A faithful act in water to honor the Lord as He requested according to Scripture --not for salvation, but to identify self with Him in His sacrifice on the Cross, standing against the world's disbelief and ways;

3. Holy Bible: The only authority for Christian faith and function must be the Word of God; and no doctrines, rituals, traditions, teachings or reasoning otherwise, should be embraced in God's testimony;

4. Worship: The thought of worship needs to be understood as both a personal thing and a collective thing, which speaks of personal communion with God and His beloved Son --the Lord Jesus, at all times; and the Lord's Supper in a collective way with the saints at the Lord's Table, which is the holy gathering center for worship; and one partakes of it in holiness as given to the saints; and this is also exercising the "holy" and "royal priesthood" of each believer in a godly and scriptural way;

5. Order: One needs to appreciate what the church assembly must hold as essential truth: the Deity, the Trinity, the Person, work, and sacrifice of Jesus --the Christ of God, Church truth, unity of the faith, and allowing for individual conscience on most other things; and expecting all saints will be free of moral, doctrinal, and ecclesiastical evil (e.g. social and domestic evils, perpetrating divorce, crimes, false teachings, unholy and disorderly conduct, stumbling and troubling the saints, causing divisions, dishonoring God. etc.); and one can discuss this with elders in the local assembly to gain understanding;

6: Body of Christ: Expressing the truth of "the one body of Christ" everywhere as shown in accordance with the Word of God, which is "unity of the faith" worldwide, and is honoring the other scriptural assembly's judgments with us --the Lord being "in the midst"; also is avoiding mergers or amalgamations with man's various religious systems; so one should not attend and mix with other church groups outside the fellowship with this gathering --which would encourage and give them credibility, though this does not speak against individual believers everywhere, rather the various sectarian organizations which deny the scriptural unity;

7. Teaching: All saints are encouraged to engage in study to learn what God shows us for His purposes and our good, and one can share what they enjoy; though if one is not confident of it being biblical one may ask if others agree, and sisters in Christ are not to teach or minister openly in meetings as Scripture shows; and innovations of men should not be added;

8. Fellowship: As a happy and godly local gathering we need to feel responsible in a geographical place of the universal church, to express "unity of the faith" and the "one body in Christ" worldwide; and exercise our "priesthood" as given to the gathered saints in fellowship; seeking to honor and be obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ and by His Word.

SUMMARY: A faithful saint needs to not be seeking to please self, but be in conformity to God's mind for His Church; and together with other faithful saints enjoy fellowship with Bible-only as our guide and instruction. This is the essence of the Church God has given in His Word for a worldwide testimony ---which is "unity of the faith" and "no schism in the body" (1 Cor. 12:25) as shown. We hope a Christian visitor would desire to be associated with such a scriptural fellowship in a universal way.
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(I John 1:3-4)
(An invitation and statement adapted from a newspaper report in the early 1900's)​

There is a fellowship of Christians in this city gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matt.18:20), apart from organization and systems of man's devising. They believe in the absolute inspiration, infallibility, and all-sufficiency of the Holy Bible as the Word of God to man (2 Tim.3:16-17; Heb.4:12; 2 Pet.1:20-21), and seek to obey "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim.2:15). They, therefore, reject all human creeds, programs, names and titles, etc. as adding to God's Word (Matt.17:4-8; Acts 2:41-42; Acts 20:27; Rev. 22:18-19), and not suited to a gathering led by the Holy Spirit (Gal.3:3; Eph.4:30; 1 Thess.5:19).

These believers own that the church is "one body" (1 Cor.12:12-27), and therefore seek to express that oneness in love according to the Word of God, and in happy fellowship with other scriptural assemblies throughout the world (Rom.12:5). This is not another innovation in Christendom, but a continuation of that revival of church truth which God raised up in the early 19th century. They see there is no such thing in the Word of God as going to "the church of your choice", as is often said.

As to church government this company, or assembly, takes no name other than what the Scripture allows and which is common to all saints of God. They have no hierarchy or minister in charge, and believe in the priesthood of believers and the leading of the Holy Spirit for the exercise of spiritual gifts (I Pet.2:5,9; I Thess.5:19; I Cor.14: 12). They come together to remember the Lord in His death every first day of the week, and meet at times for prayer and study of the Word (Acts 2:42; 1 Cor.11:23-26). They also hold themselves responsible for preaching the gospel to the public, and teaching the children about the love of God. At public meetings they take no collections, seeing that the gospel is free, and the Word of God teaches there are those "within" and those "without" (1 Cor. 5:12-13; Col.4:5). The only ordinances they hold are baptism and the Lord's supper, which the Lord gave to His disciples to keep until He returns (Mark 16:15-16; Rom.6:3-4; Luke 22:19-20). Care is exercised to see that a scriptural order of meeting and discipline is carried out (1 Cor.14:40).

As to God's work of grace these Christians understand that God, in His great love (John 3:16), sent His Son "to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). They acknowledge the ruin by sin from Adam and Eve (Gen.3; Rom.5:12-21), and that "all have sinned" (Rom.3:23), "there is none righteous" (Rom.3:10), and "except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). They believe the Bible teaches the worthlessness of good works or feelings for salvation (Gal.2:16; Eph.2:8-9; Titus 3:5). They see that salvation is by the suffering and blood of Christ (1 Pet.1:18-20), and that He must be received by faith for eternal life, which then cannot be lost (Rom.6:23; Rom.8:15-16; Gal.4:4-7; 1 John 5:10-13).

It is generally held among these brethren that the return of Christ for His bride, the church, is the proper hope of every child of God before judgment is poured out on this world (1 Cor.15:51-57; 1 Thess.4:16-17; Rev.4:4,10; Rev.5:8-10; Rev.19:7,11). They understand that after the translation, or rapture, of the church there will be a tribulation period on earth, then Christ will return with the saints to reign a thousand years before the new heaven and new earth are formed (Matt.24:29-31; Matt.25: 31-46; 2 Pet.3:10-13; Rev.20: 6; Rev.21:1). They see that everlasting condemnation awaits all who reject the grace of God in Christ (John 3:36), and everlasting joy in heaven awaits every true child of God (John 14:2-3; 2 Cor.5:1-2; 1 John 3:2). [Adapted from an old pamphlet - R.L.D.]

One will hear teaching and diverse ministry along our pathway from many sources . One should always test it by the Word of God (see John 5:39; Acts 17:11; II Tim.2:15; II Tim.3:16; Titus 1:9). Whether it is profitable often depends, too, on our state of soul. This paper is prepared with much care and prayer to be a help and honor the Lord. Comments and questions are welcome.
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Dear brother,

It was so good to see you both again and visit with you. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" (Psa.133:1). Surely our visitation should be only a happy extension of our dwelling together as a people of God, in unity in the "bond of peace" (Eph.4:3).

There is ever a danger to this unity and peace by extremism, which we so easily adopt. As you suggested, I also agree, the recent departure of some from the fellowship was an element of looseness and independency. The other extreme of legalism is equally harmful to God's testimony, and may also be purged by God (I Cor.11:19), if we fail to disallow it. Whether one or the other, it is heresy when a believer chooses his own will and goes contrary to the Spirit of God. I have been much concerned about this subject for some time. One can be careless and indifferent, or "righteous overmuch" (Eccl.7:16). Both are wrong.

The loose principle rejects God's order and government, I perceive, and embraces something like interdenominationalism, which is worldly and sectarian; and thus it denies the truth of the "house of God". The legal spirit, on the other hand, puts the saints under bondage and denies conscience, which is the flesh and quenches the Spirit. The saints so often fall victim to these snares of the enemy and become polarized in extremism. In time it can divide and scatter the saints, which is Satan's objective, of course.

We must not compromise the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ or church truth, but otherwise there is room for conscience. We ought to understand and appreciate this, I believe. One might not approve of another Christian's liberty, and choose to hold something else for himself, but if that one presumes to limit his brother or sister, or press his conscience on them, he has left the path of divine love. It is legalism, and if pursued becomes railing (I Cor. 5:11) and even a cause for disciplinary action.

Brother, I think believers ought to see the difference between essential and non-essential things. The essence of a thing is the vital and indispensable reality of it. Some things are essential and cannot be compromised, and some other things are left to conscience. While I may have liberty to partake or not partake of a thing or a principle by faith, and believe it ought to be so, I cannot righteously press my conscience on others. It is "sin against Christ" (I Cor. 8:12) ---would you say?

We ought to heed the mind of God in this (Rom.14:12-23; I Cor. 6:12; I Cor.8:9-13; Gal. 5:1; James 1:25-26; I Pet.2:16). As concerning our brethren, if it is not a governmental matter in the assembly, we might say, "What is that to thee? Follow thou Me (the Lord)" - John 21:21-22.

Through the years I have seen these extremes at work, and we ought to recognize it and guard against these "wiles" of the enemy (Eph.6:11). Those who want a wider path and liberty within the assembly for the flesh and worldly ways, usually leave the gathering in time, if they are not acting in the place of oversight; but, if one is otherwise trying to go on in divine love and honor to the Lord along the scriptural path, they will need to know how to live with the extremes, but especially of the more rigid brethren, who usually don't leave the gathering. We often have these three elements in a local assembly, but much depends on the oversight and the godly mind of individuals as to which prevails, and whether there is any harm done. We need ministry on these extremes at times, I believe.

"Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God?" (Rom.14:22). "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage" (Gal.5:1). "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another" Gal.5:13).

Well, I got a little "wordy" here so I will cease. Look up, dear ones, for surely our "redemption draweth nigh". - Yours by grace, (R.L.DeWitt): -CCa-02 -10/95
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Correspondence with one about receiving into fellowship at the Lord's table.​

Dear Friend:
Regarding your questions, there are a number of considerations in receiving one into the Christian fellowship at the Lord's table. The Epistles show this, and we can study it further if you desire. ​

A. It is the Lord's Table and it is a place of holiness, and it must not be defiled. One ought to also see the difference between the Table and the Supper. The first speaks of God's testimony in unity in a place, and the second is about individual and collective worship there, according to Scripture. A true believer may eat of the Lord's Supper in worship and be ignorantly at a man-made sect, but the true Table needs to be guarded (note the similar apostasy by Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12:25-33 who made a sect for Israel to sin). ​

B. Is one a true "born again" believer in Christ or just a disciple (only a follower after the teachings of Christ)? This is sometimes difficult to discern, and should be evident over time in conversation, manner, and actions, etc. (the "fruit" -Matt. 7:15-20) ---one showing devotion to Christ.

C. It is bad for the individual to be participating if he/she is not real in the faith, and also if one is carnal and dishonoring to the Lord in their life (see 1 Cor. 11:27-29); and it is also troubling to the saints there, and is harmful if the one begins exercising his liberty as a holy priest and ministers falsely. This does not preclude one from attending the meetings as a visitor to observe, learn, and enjoy the thoughts and songs of praise, etc., but should not participate. ​

D. Has one shown a desire to be faithful to the Lord and been baptized unto Him? This needs to be done for fellowship at the Table. The Baptism ought to be performed by a Christian who is known to be a true believer, else one may not receive Godly counsel toward the Lord and the meaning. It is done "unto" not "into" Christ, and is a sincere testimony to take a stand for the Lord against the unbelieving world, and to please and honor Him. ​

E. Is one free from a path of sin --moral, doctrinal, ecclesiastical; which does not speak of our thoughts so much as what we say or do before others? It all speaks of being moral and upright in our life, not holding doctrines and teachings contrary to the Word, and not causing disorder or trouble among the saints and being offensive and dis-honoring to God. The applicant should be counseled as to what God shows about unity in His Church, and if one does not accept it, that one may choose to not be part of the fellowship. Grace needs to be allowed though, if one ignorantly states something not true to the Word.

In addition to reception, one in fellowship needs to continue in a Godly way with devotion to the Lord, and always seeking to honor Him, help the saints go on well, and be a bright witness for the Lord. This is some evidence of the new life in one.
I suppose that about covers it. We should not look for perfection, but reality and good intent; and we should not dictate conscience but judge only what one says and does. We all need to confess our failures often to the Lord to be restored daily (1 John 1:9). Write me anytime.
- Yours in Christ, R. DeWitt
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By R. L. DeWitt, 1/09​

Some fundamental Bible truths listed, which can be studied more fully by inquiry at sources shown here below to see additional papers.

The simple and general truth about the church --the ecclesia (God's called out assembly in the world), is that it encompasses all true believers in Christ everywhere, and the expression of that needs to be fully scriptural everywhere without the innovations of men, according to the intent of God. These statements here might be accepted as a principle by some believers, but sadly it is not embraced and held by most Christians in the world, which tend to seek after new and modern ways to express their personal beliefs.:

* In the sight of God the church is "one body" (Rom.12; 1 Cor.12; Eph.4; etc.) and should be in unity with "no schism in the body" (1 Cor. 12:25), for there is no such thing in the Word of God as "the church of your choice", as many Christians like to say.
[Body truth is an indictment against all the various sects men have formed outside of Scripture, and speaks of that recovery of God for His testimony for unity and truth in the early 1800's.]

* The church has existed since the beginning at the day of Pentecost as shown in Acts 2:41-42 and the Epistles thereafter, and it should be "of one accord" (Phil.2:2) in both the local gatherings in a geographical place and the collective testimony worldwide ---not sectarian.

[God's true testimony continues, and the rationale of men to explain their separations into various sects cannot be justified.]

* History shows that after the Apostolic times church truth was lost, and Christians wandered in ignorance of the Word and were bound by tyranny of apostates for about 1,000 years (circa 500-1500 A. D.) ---often called "the dark ages".

[This refers mostly to that tyranny of the Roman Catholic Religion, but surely one should take note of times of apostasy before and after, including the "daughters" of Protestant sectarianism, which shall be judged. [Rev. 2:23; Rev. 17:1-18.]

* The gospel message was revived in a public way by God in about 1500 A. D. with the so-called "protestant reformation", though it had begun to be preached more boldly and broadly from about 1400 A. D. as more saints became literate, and more so as printing developed.

[Many fundamental Christians accept this recovery, though there remains voices speaking contrary things today by liberal church organizations.]

* In the early 1800's God began a revival of church truth and set forth His intent for His saints everywhere as "one body in Christ", and with understanding of the priesthood of all believers, and to show what the church is and believers' part in it.

[While most denominational Christians do not know this, and some reject it, it is especially sad to see that it is denied by even some who claim to hold to that revival of AD 1827, and who continue to pervert that good work of recovery by God for unity.]

* That faithful testimony in recovery of Church Truth began specifically in 1827, with a small gathering of saints in Ireland and then in England, and began to spread worldwide; and Satan soon found willing agents of men to begin dividing the testimony to please themselves, as the Apostles had warned; and today it is being corrupted everywhere by modern religionists who are deceiving many people with innovations and various heresies.

[We can allow for ignorance of this, but our concern today is about the rebellion, and the heresy of those Christians who should know better, as we see what is occurring ---Acts 20:30; 1 Cor. 1:10. It is lamentable and disgraceful before the Lord.]

Let us now speak briefly of God's testimony today to continue what He set forth and intended for faithful saints. Other papers we have speak in greater detail of this. There is a form and order for the church given in God's Word, and His purpose for His honor and glory, the testimony, and our good. Believers need to be in conformity to it, else they will be found opposing God's purposes and dishonoring Him before the world and the heavenly host, and will forfeit much and be held to account for that at "the judgment seat of Christ" in Heaven. Sincere readers can contact Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, IL for much ministry on history and church truth; and see also related ministry at the site.

This does not imply mergers or starting something new, but holding to God's revival of the 1800's for unity. Believers need to see that church truth goes beyond redemption, and the saints are not saved to just go forth and live as they choose, for we are God's children, "bought with a price" and belong to God (see 1 Cor. 6:19-20; 1 John 5:1). We need to hold to the Holy Word of Truth in God's house and bow to His government, rather than doing "every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes" (Deut. 12:8).

Having shared all this, one must say: we should be thankful for every true "born again" believer in Christ, and can allow for ignorance of the scriptural ground of gathering, but also that every saint should want to be the kind of testimony God shows us to honor Him as "unity of the Faith".
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"There is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (I Tim.2:5). God said: "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt.3:17). The Lord Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me" (John 14:6).

Christianity is the fulfillment of hope for fallen man, which God wrought in the giving of His Son, and concerns redemption of our soul, a faithful walk, spiritual maturity, the testimony, eternal destiny, blessings, and the glory of Christ. The way, the truth, and the life is completely directed by God's Word, which leaves no room for the ways and reasoning of man (Isa.55:8-9; John 1:1-14; John 14:23-24; Acts 17:11; II Tim.4:2-4; Rev. 22:18-19). The Christian position, therefore, must be obedience and faithfulness, and maintain the testimony only by the Holy Scriptures. The listing herein seems to represent normal Christian experience in the world, though is not presumed to be all-inclusive.

REDEMPTION WAY (to heaven, to the Father, to eternal life and blessing; the course of man and judgment; the life, sacrifice, reign, and glory of Christ; etc.).

1. Knowing the good news of Jesus Christ, which speaks of eternal life, and is able to make one "wise unto salvation" (2 Tim.3:15) is the greatest enlightenment in all the realm of accumulated knowledge. Have you heard or read the clear gospel message in the Bible, or have you known only a religion of works and uncertainty? (read John 3:16; John 13:17; John 17:3, 17; John 20:30-31; Rom.5:6-8; Rom.6:23; Rom.8:1; 1 John 4:9-10; 1 John 5:11-13). Justification is by faith, not by good works.

Like many people today, Israel confidently asserted they would do whatever God said, instead of owning their weakness and accepting their place as helpless sinners in need of mercy and salvation (Ex.19:8). We all need to be saved, and we cannot save ourselves (see Rom.3:9-10). "All our righteousness are as filthy rags" (Isa.64:6). The law was given to show God's high standards, and no one can keep them. Israel soon showed their weakness and failure. The Christians were reminded of such foolish boasting in the epistle to the Galatians (see Gal.2:16; Gal.3:1-3,13,19-25).

Christ is the hope of the world (the Deliverer - Isa.53; Acts 2:36-39). He fulfilled all prophecy and "came unto His own (Israel)", then to "whosoever will" receive Him, which included the Gentiles (John 1:11-12; Luke 24:21; Acts 13:46-49). One must know the blood sacrifices of the Old Testament pointed to Christ (Heb.9 & 10). All the animals offered were only types and a covering of sins, until Christ came to put away sin for believers and redeem their souls. God came down as a Man to do that which man could never do. Israel had the promises by faith and they rejected their Messiah, and Christians have the person by faith, the Lord Jesus Christ. Israelites (Jews) must come today on the same ground as Gentiles.

2. Repenting of sins is a fundamental of salvation, which literally means a turning from self to God, and involves a personal acceptance of God's indictment that all are lost sinners and need to be saved. Have you repented, friend, or are you arguing with God? (see Luke 13:3; Rom.2:1-4; Rom.3:10-12; Rom.6:11; Gal.3:22). One should know there is a day of judgment coming (Rev.20:15). Repentance is, therefore, a necessary attitude.

3. Believing and trusting what God has said, rather than thoughts of our own, which especially means receiving God's Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, into our hearts by faith---the only object of belief and hope to secure our eternal salvation. Have you received Jesus Christ, or have you just believed a doctrine about Him? (read II Tim.3:16-17; Heb.1:1-2; Heb.12:25; John 1:11-12; John 3:36; Acts 4:12). His Word assures us and His presence keeps us (John 14:23; I John 5:12-13).

4. Possessing eternal life to dwell forever with God is His gift through Jesus Christ the Lord (John 14:1-7; Rom.6:23). The natural man does not have this life, though he may be religious (John 5:24; I John 5:12). A new birth (the sealing and indwelling of the Holy Spirit) is necessary, for without Him one does not have eternal life and cannot enter heaven (see John 1:12-13; John 3:3,6; II Cor.5; I John 4:9-15; I John 5:1). Dear reader, are you going to be in heaven or are you going down to condemnation (John 3:16-21)?

5. Resting in peace on the precious promises of God, with the surety of having been "born again" and "adopted" as a "child of God", "redeemed", "justified", "sanctified", and "blessed with all spiritual blessings". Once we become a child of God it is forever, though we may stray and our behavior may not please our Father at times (see Luke 15:11-24). Have you received God's gift of His Son and the "new birth", or are you doubting what Christ has done for you? (see John 3:3; Rom.8:14-17; Gal.3:26; I Pet.1:18-20; Acts 13:38-39; I Cor.6:9-11; Eph.1:1-3; I Cor.15:51-52; I Thess.4:13-18).

6. Waiting by faith for the Lord Jesus Christ to come again for His own (John 14:2-3; I Cor.15:51-53; I Thess.4:13-18). This is the Bridegroom coming for His bride (John 3:27-30). The world will not see this. Do you have that hope, dear one?

While the Christians are waiting they need to be faithful, for one day they will go to the "judgment seat of Christ" in heaven to determine their rewards for faithfulness while here (Rom.14:10; I Cor.3:10-15). The unsaved, on the other hand, will appear before the "great white throne" at the end of time to be sentenced (not a trial) for rejecting God's Son (Rev.20:11-15).

7. Reigning with Christ when He comes down to destroy His enemies and establish His kingdom (Acts 1:10-11; Matt.24:21; Rev.19:11-16). Will you be with the "King of kings"?

After the church is taken up there will be seven years of tribulation on the earth, and many will not survive. Then Christ will return with His bride (the church) to establish a 1000 year reign over the earth. After that perfect time there will be a "new heaven and new earth" in peace forever (Rev.21:1-5).

CHURCH TRUTH (for gathering, obedience, God's honor, the testimony, our pathway; etc.)

8. Gathering with believers to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone for the Lord's supper, prayer, praise, study, fellowship, etc. (Acts 2:42; I Cor.1:2; Phil.2:2). It is not wherever we choose, but "where"--the place God chooses and gathers (see Deut.12:5-8; Matt.18:20; Luke 22:12; John 12:26). It is not to personalities, sectarian systems, programs, emotional experiences, etc., but to Christ (see Matt.17:1-8). God exhorts us to not forsake "the assembling of ourselves together" (Heb.10:25), but there is often more interest in an organization than a scriptural assembly. To what do you want to be gathered, friend?

The testimony of God established by Him in a place is spoken of as the candlestick (i.e. lampstand - Rev. 1:20; Rev. 2:5). God places it and He may remove it if He is not honored. He removed the lampstand from Israel and rent the veil of the temple, but they continued their religion without a sacrifice and without God.

9. Receiving "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15); not receiving traditions, creeds, doctrines of men, popular reasoning and entertainment, etc. Do you value the Word of God, or do you prefer religious ideas? (see Psa. 119:105; Acts 20:27; II Tim. 2:15; Heb. 4:12).

In the Word we learn about creation, the lineage to Christ, the types and fore-shadowing of Christ, the covenants, Israel, the prophets; then the Trinity, the Messiah-Son of God and His life and sacrifice, grace to all mankind (gospel), the church (bride of Christ), and revelation of the end times. Christ is the central theme. There is an urgency to obey the Word because the Lord may come at any time, for we are living at the end of the church age, and certainly we may die before He comes.

There are many important lessons to learn, and we ought to understand the purposes, ways, and mind of God. The dispensations (administration of God, ages, periods of God's testing of man -Eph.3:1-6) are important to know to understand something of the purposes of God. He has always been working to win our hearts to Himself, and there are seven periods of time given for this. Five periods have passed and we are living in the sixth period near to the end. The seventh period is the millennial reign of Christ. Then time is no more. Eternity is before us.

10. Expressing oneness of the body of Christ, not independency, nor mergers and unions, organizational membership, etc. Christ is the Head and the saints are the body, which binds us to act in love as one in Christ. Do you appreciate the "one body", or do you think the "sheep" should be scattered to the so-called "church (or assembly) of their choice", as some believers say? (read John 17:21; Rom.12:5; I Cor.12:12-27; Eph.4:4-6).

God speaks of unity for the church, which is not a union of all the diverse opinions of men, but the scriptural order and fellowship on the ground of the "one body". The "fellowship" (I Cor.1:9-13) speaks of the gathering in truth.

11. Exercising the priesthood of believers, not titles, hierarchy, dominion over the saints with selected ministers, etc. Do you believe the gifts of God are to all Christians, or all the gifts are to a few ordained by men? (see Matt.27:51; Rom.12:3-8; Heb.10:19-20; I Pet.2:5,9; Rev.1:6).

As a "holy priesthood" the saints may participate and administer the Lord's supper, pray, read, and preach the Word in the order as He gave us (I Cor.11:23-26; Acts 2:42); though He also wants the saints to understand and appreciate His government in the "house of God" (I Tim.2:11-12; I Tim.3:15; I Cor.5:6-13), which is order, responsibility, discipline, honor to God--a priestly work.

12. Yielding to the Holy Spirit, not to ceremonies, schedules, arrangements quenching the Spirit. Do you want the will of God in the assembly and in your life, or the will of men? (read Rom.8:5; II Cor.3:17; Gal.3:3; Gal.5:16-17; Phil.3:3). To yield is to walk Christ-like in communion with Him, which brings dependence, conformity, peace and joy, and reveals the mind of God (John 15:5; II Cor.10:5; Gal.5:16-17).

13. Keeping the Word of God and following it (John 14:23), not innovations and ideas. We must not add to the Holy Scriptures. It is the living Word of God, and He knows what is true and needed for man and for His own glory. Just as we would not have a child run a household, man cannot run the things of the Kingdom. Are we satisfied with the Scriptures?

14. Honoring the Lord Jesus in all things by giving Him "the preeminence" (Col.1:12-19); by being baptized unto Him as He desired (Mark 16:16; Acts 19:1-5; Rom.6:3-4); and by remembering Him in His death (Luke 22:19-20). As stated before we need to take "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27; II Tim.2:15; Heb.6:1), for truth is not always given in one or two verses. We need to "search the Scriptures" (John 5:39; Acts 17:11), and forsake man's traditions. Is this our desire?

SPIRITUAL LIFE (by the indwelling Holy Spirit and growth, in newness, communion, devotion, holiness, peace, joy, faithfulness; etc.)

15. Worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ, with thanksgiving and praise collectively at the Lord's table and individually at all times, is a privilege that honors Him and makes our spirits to prosper. Are you a worshipper of the Lord, or has your faith been a religious and legal ceremony? (Matt.6:5-7; John 4:23; I Cor.11:23-26; Heb.13:15). God wants our body, soul, and spirit for Himself, and this speaks of submission (Rom.12:1; I Cor. 3:16; I Thess.5:23).

16. Living in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ and His saints, knowing that He who died to redeem us, ever lives to keep us, and is coming again for us. The spiritual body of Christ will be together for eternity, and should be so even now. Do you own the Lord Jesus as "Head of the body" and Lord (Rom.12:5; Rom.14:8; I Cor.12:25-27; Eph.1:22-23; Eph.4:15-16; Col. 1:17-19; I John 3:1-2)? Do you seek the good of the body and the saints everywhere?

17. Feeding on Christ and the Holy Scriptures to know Him and God's will (John 6:53-56; John 21:15-17; I Pet. 5:2), learning new and precious things of God day by day. Are you learning more about Him or more about the world? (see John 5:39; John 14:21; II Cor. 10:3-5; I Tim 4:13; II Tim.2:15). Is Christ a close friend, a distant acquaintance, or a real stranger? (read Phil. 4:4; Eph. 1:3-14; Rom. 14:8; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:21; I John 4:10).

The children of God ought to grow and show the fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23; Eph. 5:8-9). We are born into God's family as babes, and need to grow (Heb. 5:12-14; II Cor. 6:17-18). We thus can honor God (I Sam. 2:30; Psa. 148; I Cor. 6:20).

18. Walking in a spiritual path in separation from this world which rejected and disowns Christ. Are you exercised to witness and live for Christ and be conformed to Him, or are you a participant in this world's entertainment, politics, and schemes? (read John 17:1-21; Rom. 12:1-2; Rom. 13:14; II Cor. 6:14; Phil. 3:7-14; I John 2:15-17; I John 3:1-2; I John 5:18-20). All saints are holy to approach God and royal to represent God (I Pet.2), and should walk worthy of that calling in communion with God (Col. 1:10; I Thess. 2:12).

God views His people as holy and exhorts us to it in our life (Eph.4:24; I Tim.4:8). We have two natures (the flesh or natural man, and the Holy Spirit) who indwell the saints. There is a constant struggle within Christians all their life. This is why we are exhorted to "fight the good fight of faith" (I Tim. 6:12).

19. Expecting the Lord's return momentarily to take His "bride"—the church, and thus maintaining a faithful pilgrim character "redeeming the time". Do you want Christ to come today and take you home to the Father's house, or is your heart settled and happy with this world? (see Col. 4:5; I Thess. 4:16-18; Heb. 10:37; Phil. 1:20-21; II Cor. 6:14-18; John 3:29; John 14:1-3; Heb. 11:13-16).

20. Watching that we lose not our crown (rewards) by allowing our feet to be turned out of the way and our testimony to dishonor our Lord (John 14:23; Acts 20:28-31; I Thess. 5:6; Heb. 12:13; I Pet. 4:7-8; Rev. 3:11). How much do we think about the Lord's honor?

21. Standing on the promises of God and being faithful..."Holding forth" (Phil.2:16); "Holding faith" (I Tim. 1:19); "Holding fast" (Rev. 2:25). Our Lord Jesus asks the question which ought to stir each one of us: "lovest thou Me"? (John 21:17).


These are some fundamentals to be understood if one desires to follow the Christian path. For sound ministry on any of the subjects herein, the reader might write to Bible Truth Publishers, P.O. Box 649, Addison, IL 60101 or We ought to "earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude 3).

- R. L. DeWitt, 1999: from

One will hear teaching and diverse ministry along our pathway from many sources . One should always test it by the Word of God (see John 5:39; Acts 17:11; II Tim.2:15; II Tim.3:16; Titus 1:9). Whether it is profitable often depends, too, on our state of soul. This paper is prepared with much care and prayer to be a help and honor the Lord. Comments and questions are welcome.

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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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Types Of Sin And Shame And A Remedy

In the Word of God, leprosy and leaven are both presented as types of sin and shame before God. We find leprosy as a picture of the sinful nature within all mankind, and leaven as a picture of sinful acts within God's testimony. We understand the origin of sin from the disobedience and fall in the book of Genesis (see also Rom.5), and God then shows us the effects of it in many ways.

Leprosy, by definition, is one of the oldest of diseases---open displayed sores, causing pain, deforming of the body, in the blood, incurable by man (though in recent history medicines can treat it). Spiritually it is a type of man's natural sinful condition from birth, which grows and produces much harm, and is a lamentable scourge ever with mankind. The spiritual child of God ("born again") is forgiven and thus set free from the condemnation and dominion of sin by the grace of God, and is given a new nature; but the flesh, as a remnant of sin (like incurable leprosy) remains in him while here in this world (Luke 5:12; Rom.7:19-20). It seeks to act and always to please self, and is ever a hindrance and obstacle for the true believer in Christ.

The new nature---new spiritual birth (John 3), gives a real believer the power of God to resist the sinful flesh; that is if that one will remain close to God and appropriate that power (Gal.5:16 & 25; 1 John 1:9) ; otherwise, the true believer will walk in the flesh, dishonor God, and trouble many. Certainly, it is important to see that these faithful saints of God who have received the Savior, are forgiven of sin and assured of Heaven, but they need to resist the flesh, honor God, and keep His Word to receive rewards in Heaven. The "old man" remains in all souls, as God shows, and there is no perfection in the flesh. We do not enter Heaven by our good works, but by the grace of God in the new birth.

In 2 Kings 5 of the Bible we see that Naaman needed to be healed and cleansed from his leprosy. When he was brought to the place of cleansing, his fleshly nature began to hinder him. Satan opposes God and ever works to stir up our flesh. Soon Naaman humbled himself, yielded to God's way and found the blessing; and "he was clean" from the ruin and dominion of the disease. It is so with the sinner today, who may be cleansed from "all unrighteousness" in the sight of God, but needs to "go and sin no more" and turn from the flesh, as told.

In Leviticus 13 and 14 we see the effects of leprosy and the remedy. In Numbers 12 we read of the curse of leprosy on Miriam (see also Deut. 24:8-9). If a soul allows sin and enjoys indulging self, it will take a hold of that one for great harm. The thought in Leviticus 14:34 seems to be a lesson for us about associating with sin. One needs to recognize the presence of "the plague", whether in a place we go or found in the assembly of saints. It needs to be identified and considered by responsible saints, and they all need to be humbled by it. If it has come into the assembly the saints together need to deal with it. If not, God may "break down the house" (v.45). It would be wrong for anyone to suppose leprosy (evil) in a person or a house, then draw conclusions and stir up others without the counsel of all.

The Scripture teaches us that though born in sin (Psa.51:5), a true believer always has a resource for recovery and restoration to happy fellowship with God when he sins, by confessing his sins (1 John 1:8-9). He doesn't lose salvation and a place in Heaven by sins, because it is secured by the work of Christ and the new life within the believer, but he can lose blessing by continuing in a carnal way. The Lord Jesus dealt with the curse and condemnation of sin for all who will believe on Him, but we must know our flesh remains and ever seeks to assert its ugly presence. One is not cured of sin, but one in Christ is forgiven and cleansed in the sight of God, and will have no more condemnation, and God will no more remember the sin. The true believer needs to then judge himself before God daily and walk in holiness by the power of God---not for salvation, but to honor God.

Leaven, by definition, is "a substance that permeates with altering or transforming affect" (dictionary). Spiritually it speaks of false and evil doctrines working among believers in a hidden way---a subtlety. It must be guarded against (1 Cor.5:6-8). It may be brought in by carnal Christians or apostates. The apostates will introduce leaven among believers, to draw away Christians after their religious ideas for personal gain, and to oppose the truth of God (Matt.16:6). One may not see it, but the faithful saints together must recognize it and together purge it from their midst.

In Matthew 13:33 Jesus speaks of the Kingdom of Heaven as having leaven (note differences of K. of Heaven and K. of God ). One must know this is speaking of treachery within the testimony with deceit to pollute that which is holy, and will defile many. Though a soul may be born anew of the Spirit of God and saved for heaven, that one needs to know and fear his own flesh, and also ever guard against the leaven of unfaithful men. - RLD, 9/03; rev. 02/15
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God of miracles.. He saved ME!
Jul 29, 2015
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Hi, I may have missed it not quite up to par today. What church is this? I tried clicking on a few of those sites but just got an error msg.. Sounds great from what read..didn't finish all yet. Wondered if one of your churches was near me in Gainesville Florida. Do you observe Saturday or Sunday?
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Oct 9, 2010
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Hello friend. The closest gathering I know to you would be at Port Orange. If you are interested in such a fellowship you can read more about it at the site:, and can ask questions there. This seeks to show ministry about what God intends for His testimony in the world ---Bible-only; and "all the counsel of God", and by "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" as the Apostle wrote. There is good ministry at Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, Il. and books on the history of this movement since circa 1800 AD.

I only check at this site once about once a week, but you can send a note by private Conversation on my profile. I am happy to talk with you if you wish to discuss the Word of God. Look up always, for God cares!

- Ever in Christ by grace alone, 1watchman
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