"Barack the Magic Negro," a Republican Song


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Sep 4, 2005
North Central,OH.U.S.A.
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(NOTE: This year-old song has gotten new packaging thanks to Chip Saltsman of the GOP.)

You know, when I made a comment that associated most republicans with racism I got a kind complaint from the moderator not to do it again. Of course, I felt badly that I offended some of my fellow posters then, last night, CNN reported on Saltsman's recent CD distribution and I'm right back there again! Click and listen to the "good humor" CD distributed to Republication Committee members by Chip Saltsman, who is being considered for the next RNC chairman:

YouTube - Barack Obama The Magic Negro

YouTube - Republican Leader - "Barack The Magic Negro"

Does Saltsman project himself as someone who will be "fair and equal" representation for all Americans? How about the repub leadership who enjoyed the CD he sent them? This is important, because republicans want to, again, be in charge of this country some day.

For those who say we should "lighten up" and that "Barack the Magic Negro" is funny, I say those in leadership don't have room for such stupidness, especially those who aspire to lead a people-group made to be the butt of their joke.

A country like America needs serious, sound-minded, mature and compassionate leaders. Saltsman doesn't appear to fit into any of these categories, but if he's what they want to put in charge of their party, I say "super choice!"

I've come to the conclusion that the GOP has pretty much conceded the African-American vote and are just trying to solidify their base even more. At this point, they don't care if they offend anybody except members of their loyal base. I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally throw stuff out that could be conscrued as racist, and when the "left" calls them on it, snicker and say they can't take a joke and accuse them of playing the "race card." The good ol boys and gals will have a good guffaw, and the loyal blacks in the GOP won't mind, cause they can take a joke and want to be accepted. And if the "left" continues to complain, all the GOP has to do is to remind everybody how evil, wicked, mean and nasty the "left" was to that poor, innocent white woman, Sarah Palin, and her sweet family.

Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself.

DITTO! :thumbsup:
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Classical liberal
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Aug 6, 2004
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Coming from the person who just saidbased on one democrat's comment in a smear thread blindly trying to paint many with the traits of the few.

Ignoring your Necromantic Arts of Thread Magery --The Official Platform of the Democratic Party is representative of the party, as it is the official platform, drafted and approved by the party. This is different from one guy somewhere making up a song, acting as an individual. That should be a no brainer. But perhaps the Thread Zombies have been eating our Thread Brains; explains why the thread was raised from the dead. Or something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Twin Cities, Whittier-hood
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Holy thread that had been dead since JAN 2009! Way to revive intrest in making fun of your dude.

In the intrest of including something from this year. . . . McChrystal for president!

They missed it the first time.

Holy thread that had been dead since JAN 2009! Way to revive intrest in making fun of your dude.

^_^Here I'll throw something else in from this year - Bidenisms

-- On June 25, 2010, Vice President Biden was visiting a custard shop outside Milwaukee when the shop manager told him his dessert would be on the house if he lowered taxes.
"Don't worry, it's on us," the manager said. "Lower our taxes and we'll call it even."
Biden replied: "Why don't you say something nice instead of being a smart(donkey) all the time?"

-- On May 6, 2010, Vice President Biden said in an address to the European Parliament in Belgium that Brussels could be the "capital of the free world."
The comment came at the top of a speech used to discuss the threats of nuclear proliferation, climate change and international terrorism.
"As you probably know, some American politicians and American journalists refer to Washington, D.C. as the 'capital of the free world,'" Biden said. "But it seems to me that in this great city, which boasts 1,000 years of history and which serves as the capital of Belgium, the home of the European Union, and the headquarters for NATO, this city has its own legitimate claim to that title."

-- On March 23, 2010, Biden stated the obvious when he told President Obama, "This is a big (insert word that wouldn't pass CF swear filters)deal," during the bill-signing ceremony for the health insurance overhaul. Biden apparently thought the exchange was private, but the television microphones picked it up. The president must have realized what happened -- Biden later said in an interview that Obama was "laughing like the devil" after the event.

-- On March 17, 2010, Biden used a St. Patrick's Day celebration at the White House to honor the memory of the Irish prime minister's mother -- though she was alive.
"God rest her soul," Biden said as he introduced Brian Cowen and Obama. Biden quickly corrected his mistake, noting that Cowen's father, not mother, was dead.
"Wait ... your mom's still, your mom is still alive. It was your dad (who) passed. God bless her soul. I gotta get this straight," Biden said.

Ahhh Necromancy, it is more fun when practiced among the living topics.
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Aug 29, 2005
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I dont think any of you guys can read timestamps. You see that little date in the top left hand corner of each post? That is the time the post was made. Next, you look at the first post in the year 2010, and you will notice the poster named RDJ brought this thread back to life, not me.

Ask that person why the thread was brought back.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Twin Cities, Whittier-hood
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Oh, you mean the guy with 17 posts who's join date is 22nd May 2010?

Sure is probable that he went digging in stuff from Jan '09 to practice thread-necromancy . . . .. .

. . . if he's a sock.

But hey, now we have a zombie thread on our hands and who's up for some zombie killing? :wave:
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Aug 29, 2005
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Yes. At least you now understand that it was not me.

Chip Saltsman was distributing a CD with this race bating song on it, and now he works on Chuck Fleischmann's Congressional campaign. This is his testimony on his campaign website.
Growing up we had very little. No handouts, no bailouts, no Obamacare. We just knew that we had to work as hard as we could to survive. And we did.

and now he pals around with Saltsman and Huchabee....''
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