• With the events that occured on July 13th, 2024, a reminder that posts wishing that the attempt was successful will not be tolerated. Regardless of political affiliation, at no point is any type of post wishing death on someone is allowed and will be actioned appropriately by CF Staff.

As a church we have to be devoted to teaching the truth


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Nov 14, 2004
We need christ for if we sin once a good example is neglecting the poor once we are guilty but for any sin we are guilty and have to pay we can not make up for it so our trust must be in what christ did who died to satisfy our debt so we will never be worthy but we are asked only to seek to obey what we can but without trusting in what christ did alone not in any of our deeds as though we can be worthy to be righteous after accepting christ for still obeying that any standard is acceptable but perfection for can never be righteous enough by a law so our hope must always be in what christ did and not our standards to think we are righteous by it that we have reached standard of worthiness which we never can do.

For we never make up for all sins and christ sees it though we must obey only what we can and even if we obey now though salvation is offered to all only needing to do what we can righteousness does not come alone by obedience but seeing we fall short of perfection our trust must be in christ alone in what He did and through Him and not by accepting a law of men to be basis of our righteousness to follow teachings of men after the apostles for no other man is mediator to be as though because of one merit that christ did not give merit to any apostle as paul said who are we but ministers through whom you believed for to be baptised by any and not a man because of a man made doctrine keeps the merit to christ.
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Nov 14, 2004
We want a strong church and it was mistake to not fast when other churches such as orthodox church fasts though we should not fast because we want the applause of men that is extra fasts not when church fasts bible teaches community fasting but we should other times it was part of the gospel message and pattern in paul epistles that it said at sometimes they the church fasted in special times to help them in their ministry. I believe it is not required for salvation but maybe because of progress to be saved on death but for help in moving obstacles and maybe benefits for other salvation as even jesus showed it was not required saying implying not to need to saying they can not fast while bridegroom is with them so that it is only for benefits for why do they not need to.
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Nov 14, 2004
I saw this just now on facebook that I think is helpful that I read most of it but not all of it to know if I agree but the point is you can not wait till you feel like it to just depend on others praying and fasting for you for they may just give more opportunities to be more persuasive though all still are responsible to consider to search to accept but one still must free themselves from their sins by walking according to Spirit to discipline self by any means one can.


Text: Isaiah 52:1-2

• 1 Awake, awake; put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city: for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.
• 2 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

Thank you our Governor, your excellency, thank you too, our beloved sister, your excellency, the wife of the Governor. Thank God that the No. One citizen of Edo State is here today to confirm with us, "Loose him and let him go!" All chains and shackles and everything that binds everyone, every family, our state, Edo State, and our country Nigeria, and all the people all over the world who are listening today, the power of the Lord has come to loose you, and let you go free!

The Lord has been talking to us about His power to lose and set free. He is talking to us today on our personal responsibility to loose ourselves and become free.

Isaiah 52:1-2. You cannot sit there waiting for something to happen, you can make something happen. Don't wait for anyone to lift you up, you need to lift yourself up. You have slept for too long, you have laid down, helpless and hopeless, opening your mouth and asking for help. The counsel is to awake and shake yourself from the dust. Rise and sit down, your time rest, restoration, and recovery has come.

"Loose thyself from the bands on your necks" did you hear what prophet Isaiah said? Many people are waiting for prophets to fast and pray for them, but now, it is in your hands, the ball is in your courts as they say, loose the bands around your necks, O captive daughters of Zion.

I'm talking to you today on AWAKE, LOOSE YOURSELF, LEST YOU ARE LOST IN CAPTIVITY. The open door is there, the power of God is there, our Emancipator is there, Jesus Christ the Lord, Saviour, Redeemer is here. Did you not hear what He said to the man with the withered hand when He was here? He told the man to stretch forth his hand, He didn't say bring your hand and let me stretch it for you. He told the paralyzed man whose friends brought him for healing to arise, He didn't lift him up. Once your Redeemer is there, your redemption has come. You are the one to loose yourself.

In this message, we are looking at three things:

All the signs and appearance of captivity, anything that has come into your life you must loose yourself from.

1. Shake Yourself from the Dirt of Captivity (Isaiah 52:1-2; Acts 2:40; James 1:27; 4:4,6-9)

Sleeping is a time of inactivity and low productivity. It is a time of no progress in which your brain and mind are inactive, you have an able body which can carry you from here to there, but the body is sleeping. A giant is sleeping and the Lord is saying that you cannot continue to sleep in idleness, in expectation, you need to get up and move forward and from today, you will be a goal-getter in Jesus name. This is why the call is coming to you to awake because your strength, power and God's provisions are waiting for you to use. You will never be the same in Jesus name.

Who are the uncircumcised? Goliath coming to Israel and the Lord is saying that He is blocking the way, and he will not come into your life or family anymore. You open the door to the Almighty and close the door to the uncircumcised and unclean. I want to tell you that lucifer, the devil is uncircumcised and he is unclean, and you lock the door and he will not come into your life anymore. The door is closed against all unclean and uncicumcized things which will hinder you from getting to the top in Jesus name.

vs 2. "Shake yourself from the dust..." If you put an item on the ground and you leave it there a day, a week, a month, by the time you come back and look at it, dust has gathered on it. Dust has gathered in some people's brains, thinking faculty and personality. But you need to shake yourself just as you do with a dirty cloth to make it clean. Shake off all the dirts that has gathered over your life. The Bible calls it sin, and defilement. You are not to just sit there, and be open for anyone to play with or mess up.

From now on, you will be in control of your life, today, you will rise and shake yourself from the dust, loose yourself, O captive daughter of Zion. All that have been bound in your life you will free yourself from. Who determines your freedom? Don't say enemies will not allow you to make progress. No one has power above God's. When you say No to that power and personality, and you are determined to be free, heaven will say No with you and you will be free. Everything that puts you in bondage in your spiritual, professional, in family life and every area, you are free by your own faith today in Jesus name.

2. Sold? Unsell Yourself from the Demons of Captivity (Isaiah 52:3-5; 1 Kings 21:20,27; Job 34:31-32; 2 Corinthians 7:1,11)

Some people don't put much value on themselves, on their existence, what they have, the gift of life and great possibilities of God. You must recall the person you sold your life, destiny, talent and future to. Call them back and recover what you have lost to them. From now on, be in possession of all the gifts and possibilities which God has bestowed upon your life in Jesus name.

vs 3. In life at times, we don't understand the proposal and intention of some people who come around us. Because they smile, you just throw the door open to them to come in. You give our hands, and lives to people who just walk into our lives, and sometimes, some of them are demons and don't mean well. Some people ignorantly sell themselves into the hands of the enemies, you are not careful enough about people you allow into your life. Some young people get to school and begin to make friends without asking necessary questions. They begin to tell everyone things they ought to keep to themselves, sacred facts that are best kept covered, just as Samson sold himself to Delilah. Ahab saw no other woman to marry in Israel. With the rolling of the eyes and much painting of the face, he was hooked and went after a stranger, demonic Jezebel who brought idol worship to Israel and destroyed the worship of the only true God. At the end of the day, both Samson and Ahab gained nothing from selling themselves cheap. Ahab gained nothing from selling Israel cheaply, just as you gained nothing from selling yourself cheap to the devil by taking alcohol, drugs, by becoming members of a gang, a secret society, etc.

Analyze this, what did you have before and no longer have after selling your mind, brain, life, and can no longer think about the outcome of your actions. But today, by the grace of God, you will unsell everything you have sold, and fully recover yourself without money by the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the Cross of Calvary. He will redeem and restore you and you will be as full as you used to be before the selling. A new life is coming to you today in Jesus name.

3. Strengthen Yourself Against the Captivity of Captors (Isaiah 52:1; 1 Kings 20:22; Psalm 27:14; Ephesians 6:10-18)

Don't wait for anything on anything from the outside, actually, nothing from the outside can strengthen you as what is inside of you. When God the Creator, Christ the Redeemer and the power of the Holy Ghost enter you, the strength is not coming from outside in form of drugs, Marijuana, alcohol, or smoking to strengthen or motivate you, the power of God from within you will work in your life without limitation in Jesus name.

Captors over the years, decades, centuries have developed methods by which they hold you down. They bring a lot of psychological, spiritual, and traditional things by which you will remain in captivity. As you are thinking you have overcome that, a new thing comes out, something you never thought of to keep you bound, but they will fail. Christ has come and He will set you free whether they like it or not. The result of all the manouvering of the captors are destroyed and they will never rise again. Your time has come to be totally free.

Ephesians 6:10. "Be strong in the Lord" because God is more powerful than everything outside there that may militate against you, because His voice is greater than every voice from strangers, His power will totally swallow every power against your life.

"Put on the whole armour of God." Every armour has its part - singing has its part, preaching, prayer, and orchestration has its part. Everything is important. Don't prefer one to the other. Your time has come to stand against the wiles of the devil.

"Take unto you the whole armour of God", not give unto others the whole armour of God. Some parents recommend the whole armour to their children, they talk to them about being born again, living right, but how far have they used the word for themselves. Same for Pastors who preach holiness to their congregation, but do they also live by what they preach? We all are to take unto us the whole armour of God. We also take the shield of faith to quench all the arrows of the wicked.

vs 18. "Praying always" doesn't have to be done in the kneeling position, and in every hour of the day. You can pray as you go about doing your work - Nehemiah just said "Lord, help me", when Peter was sinking, he cried to the Lord for help, in Jeremiah 17:14, he prayed save me, heal me and I shall be healed. Short prayers like that catches the attention of God. You can pray anywhere, anytime and He will hear you.

Beauty, glory is coming into your life and you must be very careful not to allow contamination to come in again.

If all we learn is what we have already, we will not go beyond where we are today. If all we learn is limited to the circle of our family, or limited to our primary school teacher's teaching, but you will not be able to move forward, rise, move on if you don't learn more and get to the point of beauty without contamination.

The beautiful tidings is that of the gospel which we share with others to get them saved. It is the beauty of heaven, of holiness, happiness all your life. You must learn beyond yourself. Many times, you look inside, you talk to yourself, and you remember all the regrets and disappointment of the past. Look away from yourself to Calvary and learn and that sinking feeling will disappear in Jesus name.

1. The Gospel of Salvation through His Name (Isaiah 52:6-8; Acts 4:12; Romans 10:9-10,13; 1:16-17)

The good news, the gospel of salvation through which you are saved you must receive and accept. It tells you to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, then He will reign in your life. You wake up in the morning and thank God because waking up is an opportunity for Christ to reign in your life. You go to the office and whatever they put on the seat will not reign in your life. In the market, all others make jest of you because you don't go with them, whatever they do against you will not work or reign in your life. The world, sickness, calamity, reoccurring accident will no longer reign in your life, but God will.

2. The Goodness of the Saviour for all Nations (Isaiah 52:9-10; Psalm 22:1,16,18,27; Luke 24:46-47; Romans 16:28)

Wherever you were born, wherever you are, the goodness of God will reach you. Some people feel nothing is here, and they run to other places. They think they are escaping, but when they get over there - a place they call the land of plenty and opportunities - they discover that to pay house rent, feed themselves, send their children to school and have a buoyant economy for themselves has become so difficult that they are looking for ways to come back home. You don't need to run anywhere, your prosperity and progress will come to you where you are.

For those watching online or from any platform throughout the world, the goodness of God will be upon you in any nation you are. The Lord has comforted His people, and stretched forth His holy arms of blessing, sustenance, deliverance, redemption, etc.

We have all the time been looking on destruction of the enemy and satan, and all negative things, but now, turn your eyes upon Jesus and you will see the salvation, redemption, healing and liberation of our God.

3. The Godliness of the Son now in our Nature (Isaiah 52:11-12; 2 Timothy 2:19; 2 Peter 1:3,4; 1 John 3:7-10)

Jesus left heaven to the earth, not to look for anything for Himself but because of you. He came to open your eyes to see the goodness of God made available in your life and all around you. He gives us His own Godliness in our nature.

We bear the vessel of the Lord - grace, goodness, Godliness, oil of joy, peace inside the vessel. Depart from all manner of uncleanness so that your life will not contaminate the content of the vessel you bear. So that your lifestyle, and practice will not contaminate the joy, peace and power that you have in the vessel.

All Pastors and Preachers of righteousness must ensure to keep themselves holy so as not to live contrary to their messages. You must not be seen to be corrupt, stealing church's money, thereby contaminating the vessel you bring. May the goodness of God be multiplied in your life in Jesus name.

vs 12. Some people are coming to minister but they forget to pray and read the word of God, and fully prepare in order to bless the people of God. It is important that you spend quality to prepare in order to give you rneft

As you go, all evil aparitions you used to see, all evil cobwebs will no longer be there, you will see them no more. All evil controllers of life and destiny are destroyed, the God of Israel will go before and behind you. Nothing will harm you. All stumbling stones, dangers and pebbles the Lord takes away in Jesus name.

My young sons and daughters, yesterday, we learned how to be unstoppable champions, and I believe you are champions and VIP already. As you go, Angels of heaven, bodyguards of heaven will protect you against all onslaught of the devil in Jesus name.

Whatever you have done, wherever you have gone, whatever territory you have covered, whatever progress you have made, you will go higher. I come to declare to you that you will be lifted above yourself by the bruises of Christ whose stripes heal and deliver us. What He suffered on Calvary has come to lift us up to the level we cannot lift ourselves. I am lifted from this day, mark it, write it down, you are lifted above yourself from wherever you have been.

In every area of your life, you are not going down but moving up. No one below you can lift you, only those above you can. Only Jesus who is lifted above all names will stretch His hand to lift you. You cannot go down, but you will only rise.

1. The Amazing Blessedness of the Supremacy of Christ (Isaiah 52:13; 11:2,3; Mark 2:9-12; Luke 9:43-44)

Christ died on the Cross, He was buried and rose the third day and God Almighty has highly exalted Him and at His name of Jesus, every knee must bow. He is exalted and extolled very high and He is the One who will lift you up into amazing blessedness and you will forget the dungeon and valley you used to be.

2. The Astonishing Bruises and Suffering of Christ (Isaiah 52:14; 53:1-6; Genesis 3:15; 1 Peter 3:18)

Isaiah 53:4-5 "Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." He will carry every sorrow in your life away. The suffering of Jesus on the Cross gave us astonishing blessings and benefits.

3. The Accomplished Boundlessness of Salvation in Christ (Isaiah 52:15; Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 1:4-5; Revelation 7:9-12)

When you come to the Lord, He washes you in the blood of the Lamb, and gives you countless blessings. Your life today, tomorrow, on earth and when you get to heaven is secure. Whether you are asleep or awake, your salvation is with you, and closer to you than any problem or perplexities of the world.

Revelation 7:9-12. Looking at this multitude that no one can number, you will find me there since I have salvation. You too will be there. I will rejoice with you when we get over there. My brother, sister, son, daughter there, I will find you there. We get salvation from our God and we still go back to Him afterwards to dwell with Him forever.

With all the suffering and persecution of the early Christians and all they went through, you will find them in heaven. Those things we go through will not blow us away, we will stand strong and firm. All shackles will be loosed and you are set free, and He puts springs under your feet and power in your heart and you are walking on the way of righteousness. You will enjoy all the boundlessness of your salvation in Jesus name.

The Lord has come by Himself to set us free, but we have duties to carry out. Any yoke there? Any idolatry there? Any secret cult or gang involvement there? Any hard drugs there? Anything you sold yourself to there? Give it up, come to Christ and whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, delivered, redeemed and set free. The Blood of the Lamb shall wash, and make you whiter than snow. When the roll is called up yonder, your name will be there.
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Nov 14, 2004
I am concerned about if below is saying to be child of God to be saved you are now new that you would be seeking to do good but does not have to if there is no time but their idea got me worried that am trusting in my works but I believe still they are wrong and harmful considering whole bible saying he who overcomes will inherit all things that is that they repent as he says he comes as thief to those not repenting and bible says do not be deceived the unrighteous will not inherit kingdom of God but He gives water of life freely that they must only repebt whil they can but if they dont He can come as thief when they are not seeking to repent

The below video came with a tract that I have that I got recently that came with jesus loves you tract i ordered thought to share that is something to think about though i believe as christian you still need to seek to help those you know need your help if one is still child of God to believe that and is different tract than jesus loves you that makes seeking to do is necessary but thought it might agree but it seems if you are trusting in your goodness God will judge one but i think one already knows by trusting in christ that his goodness is not good enough but makes me worried but still I believe person must be seeking to do good that that to be true child of God you would also. I am reminded of how in the book of revelations people were judged by the book of works in which they all failed unless they were in book of life but I believe also one who is saved will seek to live good life to remain in book of life.

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Nov 14, 2004
The tract I was talking about is below and it does not seem to suppose you dont have to live for christ that a child of God will but to be child of God must also receive christ as saviour but also Lord as below seems to show though I dont know if they think so but I believe is right from scriptures.


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Nov 14, 2004
We want a strong church and it was mistake to not fast when other churches such as orthodox church fasts though we should not fast because we want the applause of men that is extra fasts not when church fasts bible teaches community fasting but we should other times it was part of the gospel message and pattern in paul epistles that it said at sometimes they the church fasted in special times to help them in their ministry. I believe it is not required for salvation but maybe because of progress to be saved on death but for help in moving obstacles and maybe benefits for other salvation as even jesus showed it was not required saying implying not to need to saying they can not fast while bridegroom is with them so that it is only for benefits for why do they not need to.

I believe now is the time we should seek God before things are difficult that we will need to suffer. Jesus said pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape. While we have chance not in tribulation we should read bible to pray and fast incase there is escape or to help revival.
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Nov 14, 2004
Today following the hornet bible study plan is the parable of the wedding feast. I wonder if it is a message that God wants to send invitation to all

The wedding garment I believe is not just to be called a christian but to love Him truly which includes to repent from sins.

Mathew 22
The Parable of the Wedding Feast
(Luke 14:15–24)
1 And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said: 2 “The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, 3 and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come. 4 Again, he sent out other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, “See, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatted cattle are killed, and all things are ready. Come to the wedding.” ’ 5 But they made light of it and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business. 6 And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them. 7 But when the king heard about it, he was furious. And he sent out his armies, destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go into the highways, and as many as you find, invite to the wedding.’ 10 So those servants went out into the highways and gathered together all whom they found, both bad and good. And the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the servants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
14 “For many are called, but few are chosen.”
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Nov 14, 2004
When Jesus said many are called but few are chosen it does not mean not all can be saved and that there will not be many but there are more often sometimes who are not saved. For the bible said so in christ many will be made righteous.The wedding garment may also be that many are called to believe in jesus and just may attend a church for curiousity but never actually accept Jesus or might even want to identify as christian for other reasons but not actually accept Him.

And there are also those who are christian not following christ fully that we have to repent of all sin and do His will which is within our ability that we follow christ during the day as we dont know if we will die during the day to preach and help within our affordabilty many of the needy not too much and help those you know who are hungry naked sick in prison or stranger who specially need your help who you know to seek to while possible even at night.

That that may be enough but I dont know so should also try to do all works you have not done to others also in need you don’t know to visit sick or prisoners during day to always help in capacity you can and seek to work to be able to help more during day to keep seeking to do whether in day or night not to sleep unless you have done each of the matthew 25 works to one persons even if you dont end up being able to do but just to seek to that if you die while seeking to do one work you have not done if that is all you can do if you die is enough as you can only do one work at a time.
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Nov 14, 2004
People try to make the below verse about works salvation when it is just that you need to deny yourself approval with family if they are against it if you accept the gospel and you have to repent of sin always that all sins in gospel which is taught as wrong you must repent of or you are lukewarm that your life is not righteous to be with your preaching. For one is cold if not doing good works to put trust in it but he does not claim that he must do works but one is lukewarm if he does not preach the grace of God as salvation is a gift and does not repent of all sin whether he does much works or some or not as is not effective to reach others and one is hot if he repents of all sins and does many works and also preaches the gospel.

And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.Mark 8:34
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Nov 14, 2004

What is Justification?

A person can sin any sin and be forgiven that no one will be without sin but because it is process needs sanctification if one sins but it does not mean must not repent but sin is allowed that you dont lose justification but requires to confess and forsake sin because when you believe in christ for justification you acknowledge that it is sin that you are repenting of

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
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Nov 14, 2004
The article listed below says below. When it says we are forever in God family it means that when we sin God does not abandon us so that we dont have access to Him immediatedly or that we have to earn the right to be forgiven but we are forgiven the moment we ask forgiveness and must turn from sin for just as accepting christ condition of being in christ is just as beginning that we turned from christ so we must turn from sin.


True Repentance
In the process of turning to Christ – obviously we TURN FROM our sins. In the process of turning to Christ – unquestionably we REPENT of sins. An integral part of believing on the Lord Jesus must include scriptural repentance… a change of mind.. a change of attitude – a change of heart. An integral part of scriptural repentance must include believing on the Lord Jesus… salvation – a gift of God – by grace alone – through faith alone.
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Nov 14, 2004
If people preach you need to receive christ as saviour because one has sin and to be Lord and that if you have not will not be raptured it is not right to ignore and there is no excuse because all christians should be united for others to receive christ as Lord and saviour that it is right and can leave judgement of other christians to christ.

They are setting up the system for the mark of the beast and we should be saved before it is fully implemented. I share video just because it shows time is near but I dont agree if video suggests one is not saved if he believes christ must be Lord of all one life that He actually taught to be required as bible says that I believe christ understands to think need to seek to do works if there is a need as that seems what bible says.

They are setting up the system for the mark of the beast and we should be saved before it is fully implemented. I share video just because it shows time is near but I dont agree if video suggests one is not saved if he believes christ must be Lord of all one life that He actually taught to be required as bible says that I believe christ understands to think need to seek to do works if there is a need as that seems what bible says.

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Nov 14, 2004
I replied to the below picture this

This is very evil new thing people are promoting calling on the name of the Lord is sufficient if that is all one can do as He said in parable of the workers of the vineyard that people who came at last hour end of life have the same reward of entering heaven as those who came earlier just not of other heavenly rewards but you dont know if you will die in unrepentance and not following christ not seeking to do His will to confess Him before others and seek to keep all His commandments according to what is possible only such as to help others if there is a need if it may be possible but if die earlier before being able to can be saved but need to seek and if didnt die it would be done so should do earlier. Paul shows in romans 3:22 anyone who believes can be saved

Romans 3:21-28
21 But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,
22 even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.
Boasting Excluded
27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I should clear a misconception not to let my hurt cause me to teach falsely if a person repents of their sin truly such that if they were in the same position they would not judge others they will have same reward as Jesus looks at the heart as Jesus was saying He can do what He wants with His own things and there are last who will be first and there are first who will be last but they have to change truly from heart to be more charitable but some are not as virtuous to be charitable to people less but they can still be saved but have less reward but a person may not get opportunity to repent of his uncharitableness to certain people to have less reward so one always should be however one atleast needs to atleast seek to be charitable to others and it may be if you are a believer you would have once done good by accepting another believer as a reflection of your heart that you accept the Lord by accepting all believers to atleast wish salvation for them if they repent and likewise having good will for all to be saved and full gospel message from them is counted as done to the Lord and if you remain believing that was right you are accepted but I dont know it may be you must still seek to be charitable so that if there is a need you have to seek to do incase one dies when not seeking and if one does not die it will be done.
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