amateur/indie christian artists band network

Would you like to see a free Amateur Christian Artists/Songwriter's Matching Network?

  • Would you see a free Amateur Christian Singer/Songwriter Matching Network?

  • Would you like to see a free Amateur Christian Artists Style Matching Network?

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Sep 16, 2012
Marital Status
I'd love to see an AMATEUR CHRISTIAN ARTISTS/SONGWRITERS posting. I am frustrated with the wasted gifts floating around out there. I am a christian songwriter with a back-log of completed material that has some singer or band's name on it. My wife and I have some musical efforts currently into works, but at this point in or lives, will never see our total visions into fruition without connecting or teaming up with some other gifted artists with potential on the shelf. I'd like to see it narrowed down to a professional network that matches the writer's style to the aspiring singer/band. That way, the artists/writer's time is not wasted with force-fitting. [for example] I mostly write songs that would fit Twila Paris and Chris Rice type of vocalists, (occasionally, but not often, deviating outside of that style box). An organized network could save tons of time matching me with the best up and coming amateur singer/bands; we could also allow for info on where everyone is at on there musical trek: questionnaire to find out how far along they are with anything from whether they have or need studio musicians to how close they are to an actual record deal - and everything in between - some may be at the level of opening up for some local or abroad concerts - you name it - we can match it!! So please, prayerfully consider how something like this could work. I'd love to collaborate with some of you on it!! I have a burning passion to see good Jesus Music be rediscovered by being united with some unknown annointed musical stewards out there that have the gift and passion to represent it well! I thank the Lord for your heart and valuable time!! keep in touch....(bro. joe)
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