Aborting Jesus Christ.


God is real, and I am not him.
Sep 7, 2022
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God created everyone in his image, certainly.
Everyone has been made by God whether they know him or not. St Augustine said that in each person there is a God shaped hole which only he can fill. An old Church Collect says "you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless til they find our rest in you".
I understand that "common grace" is something that God gives to everyone because he is their maker

But a person cannot become a child of God unless they believe in Jesus, John 1:12.
They cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven unless they are born again, John 3:3.
They have not been made new creations unless they have received Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:17.
It is the Holy Spirit who confirms that people are children of God, Romans 8:16-17, and by whom we can call God Abba.
No one can declare that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:3.
And a person cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit unless they are a believer - otherwise you are saying that God's Holy Spirit can live in a Muslim or an atheist.

I know, and yes I do.

No, and I didn't say that it would have been.
I only made the comment that abortion is not the ultimate sin - it can't be, because women can be forgiven for abortion.

Nowhere did I say that I was perfectly fine with murdering innocent babies.

I didn't even mention judging other humans - it is you who has questioned my faith.

Yes - so why ask if I know God and question my faith?
All I was saying was that we can't force God's commands and standards onto people who may not believe in God.

Look at it another way.
To a Hindu, the cow is a sacred animal - I doubt they would even think of eating it. If a Hindu saw one of us eating a beef burger or a roast beef dinner, they might well be horrified and consider that we are sinning. But they could not force us to abstain from beef - unless we were in a Hindu country. Why? Because we do not believe that a cow is a sacred animal, and we are permitted to eat beef.

I'm not comparing babies to cows and I'm not condoning abortion, in case you think that I am.
I am saying that people who do not share our beliefs in God and try to live holy lives as he is holy, will not have the same standards, goals, priorities and faith as we have.

Furthermore, a non believer will not go to hell because they have had an abortion - they will go to hell if they reject Jesus.

by the way, abortion is murder. So, I would think that any believer of God would respect that commandment for sure.
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Tropical Wilds

Little Lebowski Urban Achiever
Oct 2, 2009
New England
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I personally, can't see how anyone that is ok with abortion, especially for a party that is ok with abortion across the board in all of it's forms, no matter what terms, and no matter if it was past present or future, could believe in God.

I manage to do it just fine.

Especially, when Democrat Politicians would have been perfectly fine with Aborting Jesus.

Again, there is a huge gulf between “I am pro-choice” and “it’s ok if we about Jesus.” What you’re saying is basically like saying “you’re ok with eating meat so clearly you must be ok with the idea of killing and eating your next door neighbor, therefore you hate people and are a cannibal.”

I don't see how any so called "believer" in Christ would be ok with Aborting Christ? because logic and morality, would say that any true believer wouldn't be ok with that.

As of yet nobody has said such a thing.

Then again, when I was like 5 years old or around then, I busted open my head, and got 16 stiches in the side of my head, so maybe it's just me, and my horrible brain damage. lol.

Perhaps that is the culprit.
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Strong in Him

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Mar 4, 2005
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by the way, abortion is murder. So, I would think that any believer of God would respect that commandment for sure.

Who says that I don't?
Where have I ever promoted abortion?

All I said was that if someone does not believe in, or accept, God, then telling them they have to obey his laws won't have any effect. Just as telling me that I was disobeying Hindu law would not make any difference to me. The only time I would try to observe Hindu law was if I was living among, and trying to witness to, Hindus - out of respect for them. But that's not going to happen any time soon.

And any argument about aborting Jesus is pretty pointless - it didn't happen and would never have happened.
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Strong in Him

Great is thy faithfulness
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Mar 4, 2005
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staff edit.

I hope you can stop being patronising and judgemental before then.
I am a Christian, posting in a "Christians only" section of the forum. I made up my mind a long time ago and know whose side I am on.

I'm sorry if you can't answer, or don't understand, my posts and even sorrier if this leads you to dismiss me as an unbeliever.
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Jesus leads us to life
Oct 6, 2018
United Kingdom
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Aborting Jesus Christ. Democrat Politicians, believe that a woman's body is her own, and not the temple of Christ. Every Abortion is perfectly fine with them, because it's a woman's choice, in their eyes. So there is not exceptions to this rule.

So, Democrat Politicians, would have been perfectly fine, if Mary would have Aborted Jesus Christ, because they would have supported her choice.

Also, it's not an abortion, if the baby would kill the mother, in order to have it. It's simply protecting the mother's life. Huge difference, between that, and murdering an innocent child of God, and one of his creations, by having an abortion.

Hence, in conclusion, Abortion is the ultimate sin!

There is another way of looking at this.
A child is not an independent living person until it is born and surviving on its own terms.
A child is completely an extension of the mother and her body until that time. A childs life truly will only amount to something of real value if the mother is balanced, loving, caring and able to support the child in the environment they are born into.

Whether we like it or not, it is the mothers choice what she does, and if she is not coping, she will abort the child or finally kill herself. If we hold society has rights over women as soon as they get pregnant, how many mothers will truly openly get pregnant. For society it is far better to support mothers through this dangerous and perilous period as best we can. Until a baby is past 24 weeks, there is little point discussing things, as viability apart from the mother is impossible. And as a society we want kids born into loving caring homes, with good social situations, while often people arguing against any abortion tend to care little for the babies after they are born and their future prospects.

After spending many years in house groups and seen women with panic attacks, the problem is insecurity and the unknown, not fully coping individuals just exploiting society and its options. What is most difficult is to think of 20 year old women having a child, who are barely coping and a total emotional mess and transferring all this on to this young life who will often repeat the cycle all over again. My children are wondering if they will ever have children with the world in the mess it is in, and the unknowns going on, and they are bright, successful, stable people, but truly struggling with the issues we face and the serious lack of housing and schooling and general insecurity around.

Why is it families are falling apart, relationships are becoming more fractured and hurt and sexual boundaries falling away to a ridiculous degree. So I think abortion is the symtom of the failure not its cause, and certainly not the ultimate sin.

God bless you
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Aug 10, 2019
North Augusta
United States
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Aborting Jesus Christ. Democrat Politicians, believe that a woman's body is her own, and not the temple of Christ. Every Abortion is perfectly fine with them, because it's a woman's choice, in their eyes. So there is not exceptions to this rule.

So, Democrat Politicians, would have been perfectly fine, if Mary would have Aborted Jesus Christ, because they would have supported her choice.

Also, it's not an abortion, if the baby would kill the mother, in order to have it. It's simply protecting the mother's life. Huge difference, between that, and murdering an innocent child of God, and one of his creations, by having an abortion.

Hence, in conclusion, Abortion is the ultimate sin!
Matthew 25:40 “The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’
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Tropical Wilds

Little Lebowski Urban Achiever
Oct 2, 2009
New England
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When God comes back, sooner or later you'll have to chose a side my friend. you simply can't give a half butt answer. For your sake, I hope that you stop acting like a woman, and can make up your mind before then.

Fun ”women can’t make up their minds” stereotypes aside, most women have made up their mind about abortion and 61% of them are pro choice.

'Pro-Choice' or 'Pro-Life' Demographic Table
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