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Oct 9, 2010
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What God Intends For His Church

Viewing A Scriptural Assembly
[This is a general understanding of what some saints see as God's intention for His collective testimony in the world ---the Church as the "Bride" of Christ. When the disciples asked the Lord Jesus where He dwelt, He said: "Come and see". Let us do that. Further explanation of each aspect stated here is available by the writer at the web site: biblecounsel.homestead.com, where one can read of the revival of AD 1827 and recovery by God of Church Truth, and at such gatherings in the world; also at Bible Truth Publishers, Addison, IL. which has much literature of church history and sound ministry. - By R. L. DeWitt, 01/12]

- Church Teaching, Communion, Fellowship -
One might attend religious services at a church gathering and find it pleasant, and feel settled there, but if one desires to be in what God shows as a scriptural church assembly, there are some basic things this writer has seen that he believes God expects. It is not a commandment and ignorance is not judged, but let us consider what seems to be pleasing and in conformity to the mind of God, and for His Church testimony in the world, lest one should some day forfeit personal rewards in Heaven for rejecting "all the counsel of God" and the ground of the "Church of God" (Acts 20:27-30). If some do not want this, then they can simply go on the path of their own choosing with various sects, and we should not speak against any dear saints, but allow conscience ---though we ought to share what we have found for blessing to be "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" as given.

The first thing in coming to a scriptural assembly is to want to know God, be saved for all eternity, and be with Godly believers over the Word of God; rather than just find a popular religious place for fun, social activities, some doctrines and verses from the Bible, and to make the conscience feel good.
Does one want to be with a company of real believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, who are devoted to Him, bow to the Word of God fully as the only given authority for Christianity, by application of the Holy Spirit? The Spirit of God upholds and teaches the Word and never speaks contrariwise. If one is not a real "born again" believer in Jesus Christ as one's Savior and Lord of one's life, that one should read the Gospels in the Bible (note John 14), and can visit a Godly assembly and seek help to know the Lord.

B. One would do well to esteem the Bible as the inerrant Word of God (especially the venerable KJV Bible which has stood much study through the years and the purifying test of time; although one can read other versions personally for some clarification in comparison as they need). We should guard against minimizing or changing what God has given, for we will be held accountable for His counsel. Changes for simplicity may lead one astray, which pleases our enemy.
There is no perfection in any saints of God, but there is a pathway given by God for His saints to follow, and it is not left to the reasoning of man; and though man might fail often, the path is sure and dependable in the Bible and is God's Word. Any contrary thought will forfeit spiritual blessing.
One ought to appreciate a fellowship that holds fully to the Bible as the only authority for the Christian faith ---not the innovations of men; and recognize that there are no contradictions in it, so that any confusion is on our part and various modern versions.

C. Gathering into unity with faithful saints of God at the holiness of the Lord’s Table, which requires one to be a true believer, which is by real faith in Jesus Christ as a personal Savior and Lord of one's life; though visitors are always welcome to "come and see", as Jesus said.
It is important for the applicant for fellowship to also be baptized unto the Faith as shown in the Word; and to value the expression of "one body in Christ" in unity in the world (Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12; Eph. 4) ---not speaking of mergers, but our stand on Scripture locally and universally, rather than embracing the various ideas of men and denominated sects.

D. Teaching for the assembly function must be as given in Acts 2:41-42 with the beginning of the Church, and the Epistles; and again as "...rightly dividing the Word of Truth". One might wonder about various verses and beliefs, and by asking and attending Bible studies at the assembly one can find help in what the Word teaches.
We must not allow unscriptural practices, such as the man-made rituals, ceremonies, hierarchy, activities, etc.; and especially of the so-called emotional type religions in the world, who are occupied with visions, mystical experiences, voices, various religious reasoning, emotional highs, etc., rather than the pure Word of God and honor to Him.

E. Christians need to be of "like mind" and "one accord" (Phil. 2) worldwide for the essential truth in the Scripture. The Bible often speaks of unity of the church in the world as all the believers everywhere, and the church in a city speaks of all true believers locally. There is no such thing in the Bible as going to "the church of your choice" as some Christians say.

F. Conforming to the intent of God as in the early church (the ecclesia--universal assembly of God) should begin as in Acts 2:42 --"they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine (teaching) and fellowship, and in breaking of bread (the remembrance), and in prayers". Bible readers can also see how the church was from the beginning in the Epistles. The Apostles established the Church and set forth Elders in certain cities to maintain the testimony; and God gave gifts to all saints (not a hierarchy --note 1 Pet. 2 & 1Cor. 12). Christians then surely are wrong to invent and hold their innovations, programs, activities, rituals, entertainment, creeds, and leaders, etc. supposing that is keeping God's order and His call to "unity". It is a carnal and humanistic religious way.

G. The Church in the Word of God is presented in four ways: a) the "body of Christ" (unity); b) the "house of God" (conduct); c) the "bride" of Christ (hope); d) the "candlestick" (testimony). Christians are unable to justify by Scripture their sectarian traditions, practices, and gatherings in separation from their brethren in other places, who esteem the Word of God.

H. There seems to be several things which describe our place in the New Testament assembly order. One ought to decide if these are an important G.R.E.A.T.W.A.Y:
1) Gathering by God to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Matt.18:20), not to popular personalities, which usurp the Lord; nor to sectarian systems ---limiting other believers who want to hold to the Word of God;
2) Receiving "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), "rightly dividing the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15), not traditions, entertainment, creeds, rituals, and pledges; programs, religious ideas, emotional experiences, and unscriptural things which are for the flesh;
3) Expressing the oneness of the "body of Christ" in the world (Rom.12:5; I Cor. 12:25), not independency, nor mergers and unions, organizational systems (all "schisms") etc.; which is the deceit of Satan to divide the saints and compromise the truth;
4) Acknowledging the priesthood of believers (I Pet.2:5,9), not titles, offices, hierarchy, dominion over the saints with selected ministers to lead, preach, and manage ("nicolaitanism", Rev.2:6), etc., which denies liberty;
5) Trusting the Lord and His Word as the only way ---authority and path for the Christian faith, rather than man's preferences or reasoning, which will lead one astray;
6) Worshipping collectively as is pleasing to God, rather than preaching sermons or having entertaining choirs and bands, which is not worship; and not programs for the flesh which is pride and entertainment; and other innovations;
7) Appreciating the assembly and maintaining God's order and government, rather than the ideas and governmental ways of men, which is carnal;
8) Yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit as in the early church (2 Cor.3:17), not to
ceremonies, schedules, plans, arrangements quenching the Spirit (I Thess.5:19), which dishonors God.

I. The scriptural assembly will hold certain things as essential to the testimony God has shown:
1) Welcoming visitors to come and observe and seek counsel as to what the Word of God shows for the New Testament Church, before one decides about becoming associated with the universal fellowship;
2) All gatherings everywhere need to express "unity of the faith" as God shows by rejecting independency, and seeking "the unity of the Spirit" as God states; and this is helped and facilitated by appreciating that revival of Church Truth in circa 1800 known as "the brethren movement" ---viewed as a recovery by God; and together taking heed to the writings of esteemed Bible teachers and sound sources being of "one accord" down through history;
3) The proven gathering must avoid the hierarchy of men, innovations, ideas, traditions, rituals, entertainment, etc. that most of christendom prefers;
4) Baptism is not required for salvation, but is given by God for faithfulness, so an applicant for church fellowship needs to be baptized to the Lord before being received at the Lord's Table;
5) The gathering will earnestly seek to hold and follow "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), and by discerning the Scripture (as 2 Tim. 2:15); and one can inquire of elders about that;
6) Since the various denominated sects do not bow to the fullness of the Word of God, we must leave them to their choices and not mingle with those gatherings giving them credibility --- though we should love every child of God in the world;
7) The truth of "one body in Christ" (Rom. 12; I Cor. 12; Eph. 4) needs to be esteemed, so the gathered saints need to show and practice that worldwide with all gatherings that are known to be in conformity to the Word and seeking God's pathway for His saints;
8) Christians should be of "like mind" and "one accord" (Phil. 2) in the world and with each local assembly for essential truth in the Word of God, though there is room for conscience on non-essential truths;
9) The church in the Word of God is presented as God determines, so these truths need to be held by saints to be faithful;
10) It is not optional to express unity, and so we all need to appreciate God's calling together by His Word.

J. There is such a thing as a scriptural fellowship of believers in Christ today, which has continued at least over 180 years. They take no name by men, and have continued from that revival of church truth in 1827 AD in Ireland and England, after the tyranny of the Middle (dark) Ages ---circa 500-1500 AD. They hold only the Word of God and stand apart from all the divisions in sectarian christendom. Christians are unable to justify by Scripture their sectarian traditions, practices, and gatherings in separation from their brethren in other places, who esteem the Word of God; so it is not true to the Word to be sectarian and independent of the "one body of Christ" worldwide, and having "...schism in the body" (1 Cor. 12) as God warns against. Does one want to be part of such a testimony in the world where the Lord Jesus has the "preeminence" (Col. 1:18)? Maybe we can help. -RLD
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