A prayer Request

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Would you please pray for me. I need to sell my home, have another place purchased ( the Lord was the provider of the place for sure ) and the house is just not selling. I have been in this process for 14 months, and I am growing very weary of it all. Each step of the way I have prayed for God's wisdom, and every piece of the puzzle has come together, but the most important piece is still not there. I am trying to encourage my wife and family ( 3 children ) and it is getting harder to be the one who is always up & positive. I know the Lord has a plan, but it is getting harder and harder to wait patiently, without growing weary or discouraged. Please pray that the Lord will end this process soon. Please pray that he will provide the last piece of the puzzle very soon. PLease pray that he will help me encourage my wife & children as they grow increasingly weary of the process.


Mar 1, 2002
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Hi John,
I am praying for and with you on this. I pray that you may be surrounded by the light of patience during this time and I also pray specifically for your house to sell! There is a time and a purpose for everything and when it finally does happen then you will begin to see everything fall into place ;) you are so right, our events are often like puzzles! and I hope and pray for your "missing piece" to soon be found...Lots of Love, peace and blessings to you!
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