a little Chanukah humor anyone?


Nov 19, 2010
Did anyone see this movie, The Hebrew Hammer with Adam goldberg? Its a funny kind of spin off of the Grinch who stole Christmas, Jewish style, lol

in the movie Santa gets bumped off by his evil son Damian, he wants to take over his empire of toys and get as much money as possible. So the very next thing he tries to do in becoming the 'new Santa' is to get rid of Chanukah. He announces that "in 24 hours Chanukah will be NO MORE!"

so, that is where Adam Goldberg comes in. He is the hero of the movie, hired as an agent to stop the evil Damian from obliterating Chanukah. So as a 'master of disguise' lol, he dons a disguise of sorts, putting on one of those hats that have a christian fish logo on it, and a wig, so that he can get into the mall where Damian is now sitting at Santa's place, where the children go to get their picture taken.
so then he is in line for Santa, and when its his turn to see Santa, he suddenly whips off the disguise, he goes up to Santa and says "your the goy who stole Chanukah...." !!

this other part Damian tries to shake him off by telling all teh children waiting in line, he points to goldberg and says "children, this man wants to cancel Christmas!!" and all the kids yell "get him!" and start running after Goldberg.
its in k-mart, and you hear that announcer say "attention Kmart shoppers, there are Jews in aisle 12..."

anyways, you will have to watch it yourself to see whathappens to the goy who tries to steal Chanukah

This other part also is funny, Goldberg's girlfriend tells him "i want you to talk dirty to me" and his idea of talking dirty is he says "I will get a good paying stable job....we'll send our kids to private school..." and the girlfriend goes bananas yelling 'yes, you semitic stallion you!"

it is overall pretty clean cut, just a little holiday humor, I am trying to bring myself up bc I have been battling against depression so I try to find humor in stuff


Y'shua is His Name
Aug 24, 2007
United States
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Hi Rubygirl,

I'm sorry to hear you've been battling depression, it is a hard thing, especially this time of year.

I haven't seen the movie but am a little confused on the premiss. I don't see what Santa has to do with Hanukkah? Except that Hanukkah is somewhere in December each year, the same month that Christians and secular gentiles celebrate Christmas? But it sounds funny, especially the K-mart bit.

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Jul 20, 2009
United States
United States
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Hi Rubygirl,

I'm sorry to hear you've been battling depression, it is a hard thing, especially this time of year.

I haven't seen the movie but am a little confused on the premiss. I don't see what Santa has to do with Hanukkah? Except that Hanukkah is somewhere in December each year, the same month that Christians and secular gentiles celebrate Christmas? But it sounds funny, especially the K-mart bit.


It's just a funny movie, it doesn't necessarily make sense. ^_^ Andy Dick plays Santa's son who wants to ruin both Christmas and Chanukah.
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Nov 19, 2010
yea, your right santa doesnt have to do much with chanukah..sometimes Jewish people feel like the world sees Chanukah as the 'Jewish Christmas' it really isnt. Maybe in some way this movie pokes fun at that idea? anyway its just alot of fun and humor, Goldberg does a hilarious job of his role, his way in the movie is seamlessly funny, he doesnt even appear to be acting at all. Another part all these women are falling over themselves when they see him walk by, he is kind of a heartbreaker in this movie and he announces slickly "Shabbat Shalom, mama!"
i think ill watch it if I need a humor lift over the holidays
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