5 False Claims about Christian Marriages


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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Aww, marriage. It's great, isn't it? Can you hear the love birds cooing as you gaze into each other's eyes, clasp one another's hands, and smile fondly? The wind gently rustles in the sun-filtered treetops along a rugged mountainside that captures an awe-inspiring and breathtaking view. Then, it happens; you both lean in for that tender and oh-so-passionate kiss.

Screeech! Reality check. Friend, you and I both know that as lovely (and fairytale-like) as this image may be, marriage (even Christian marriages) isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Come to think of it, add a cranky toddler to that scene along with an immediate torrential downpour, and that might sound about right. Ugh! Real life can put a damper on things at times, am I right? It can feel deflating and even defeating, especially if you are a hopeless romantic.

Oh, but do take heart. Just because marriage isn't always easy and filled with whimsical moments that take your breath away, that doesn't mean it can't be rich in love. Yes, that means even in the dark and dismal moments.

Dear friends, we need to understand that there is a lot of information out there about marriage—especially Christian marriages. Sadly, the deceiver has his filthy hands in the middle of all of it and is stirring up so much misguided information. That's because anything joined together by God is meant for good and is something Satan has every intention and desire to break apart and condemn for evil.

So, how do we return to that beautiful image where we view this sacred relationship with our spouse the way God does? In essence, how do we stand up and fight for our marriages and ward off the evil and blatant attacks from the enemy that are so loud and easy to bend toward?

Let's start by calling out the false claims and things we believe we "should" have in a Christian marriage. Then let's allow God to shift our perspectives and not strive for a fairy-tale marriage or become jaded by a hard-hearted relationship but thrive and grow together through faith and devotion.

Continued below.