
  1. The Liturgist

    Beautiful churches, vestments, sacred music and liturgies

    There have been some unpleasant threads lately for those of us in the Traditional Theology community, and it occurred to me it might be quite nice to invite my friends who participate in this forum, who include but are not limited to @MarkRohfrietsch @public hermit @concretecamper @prodromos...
  2. The Liturgist

    Insurance for Vestments, Paraments, Relics, Chalices, Patens and Ecclesiastical Furniture

    Hey there, I was thinking about the high cost of good vestments and how according to sacred tradition these have to be burned if, for example, the chalice is spilled on them, and it occurred to me, ecclesiastical service items like the chalice and diskos or paten, relics, icons, paraments, and...
  3. The Liturgist

    Unceasing Worship

    The focus of this blog is the description of prayer, mystical theology, liturgy, and liturgical beauty, which is to say, the beauty of how we worship our Lord, and the expressions of that worship, whether through ritual, sacred music, iconography and other artwork, and architecture.
  4. Fish and Bread

    Timing of Chasuble Vestment

    At Roman Catholic masses, I've noticed that priests usually vest fully, including the use of a chasuble, in the sacristy prior to the opening procession. At Episcopalian Eucharists, I've noticed that the priest often processes in and proceeds through the Liturgy of the Word with simply an alb...
  5. Martinius

    Simplify Vestments and Bishops' Attire

    Speaking of Cardinal O'Malley, one of my wishes for our Church is that the attire of priests and bishops would be simplified. It seems, from my reading in the history of the Church, that the fancy and ornate vestments and attire were really borrowed from the Romans and other secular sources...