
  1. Romanian Monasteries, (Prahova Region)

    Romanian Monasteries, (Prahova Region)

  2. philadelphos

    Sydney Hike

    Anyone up for a day hike? And Scripture reading? A small group would be nice for exercise and fellowship. I could do with stretching my legs especially since the air is clean and the smoke haze has passed, hallelujah. Location. Open to suggestions. I know a few bush tracks and sites nearby...
  3. ExodusKamman

    My Homelessness WAS A Gift

    I spent a long time on the road SteamFunkers Station: How Traveling On Foot Made My Faith Stronger
  4. J

    Leaving for my brother's college

    Hey everyone, we're leaving for my brother's college, were going to help him move in next week, and I'd just like to ask for some prayers as we leave. I'm having a rough morning, my mother and brother just had an argument, and on top of that, I'm having a discussion on FishEaters and I'm hearing...