theistic evolution

  1. Job 33:6

    John Walton's Lost World of Adam and Eve

    In case anyone missed it, a lecture by John Walton on Adam and Eve. The video covers topics such as "who did Cain marry?" And "was Eve made of Adam's rib bone?".
  2. Job 33:6

    Biology, Belief, and God, Collins Dawkins Discussion

  3. Job 33:6

    More atheist discoveries. Saudi Arabian stone camels are older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge. Their research, published in the Journal of Archeological Science earlier this month, claims the sculptures...
  4. Job 33:6

    Evolutionary Link between Ediacaran and Early Cambrian Multicellular Animals

    Paleontologists Find Evolutionary Link between Ediacaran and Early Cambrian Multicellular Animals | Paleontology | I think that most of us who follow these things closely are already aware of a number of ediacaran-cambrian transitional species that have been uncovered in the past...
  5. Job 33:6

    Evolutionary Link between Ediacaran and Early Cambrian Multicellular Animals

    Paleontologists Find Evolutionary Link between Ediacaran and Early Cambrian Multicellular Animals | Paleontology | I think that most of us who follow these things closely are already aware of a number of ediacaran-cambrian transitional species that have been uncovered in the past...
  6. chadMiddleMan

    A Young Earth Friendly Old Earth Creationism

    Hi all! A decade ago I was a hard core Young Earth Creationist (YEC). I taught it with zeal at youth group services, evangelism classes, and apologetics seminars. I thought that the main two views of Genesis 1 were the Biblical view (literal), and the non-Biblical view (non-literal)...
  7. BobRyan

    ID (Intelligent Design) = common ground for both TEs and Bible Creationists

    Paul says this -- Rom 1 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the...
  8. S

    Only evolutionist Lutherans

    I'm posting here instead of posting on the forum "Creation and Theistic Evolution" because I want to hear an opinion from Lutherans who accept TOE.I don't know if this discussion will yield any answer, because it seems that there aren't many active Lutherans here in the CF who are Evolutionist...
  9. T

    Video: Timelapse of the Entire Universe

    (Please note: I am a Theistic Evolutionist - I believe God created the world via evolution) I have found a beautiful Youtube Video, showing the timelapse of the entire universe from big bang to humans. Watching this video, it really struck me just how big and amazing God is; his incredible...
  10. Everybodyknows

    Theistic Evolution and death

    This thread is for those who subscribe to some form of theistic evolution. When I was a child I was taught that God created a perfect world without death and then death entered the world through man's sin. Later my beliefs got more complex as I tried to reconcile the things I learned about...